1,460 research outputs found

    Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa

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    Introduction. the student dropout at university level continues being a current problem that unleashes financial loss besides social and familiar ones, when academic formation goals are not achieved, which assures skillful workers for the current labor world. Objective. To analyze the permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students in the quality educative framework. Materials and methods. Population was composed by university students in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. The registry of 2015-1 term, a sample of 322 students, from which 195 were active and 127 on dropout was taken. The work was descriptive and transactional of non-experimental design. Data collection instrument was the General Self-sufficiency scale (GSS), supported by the institutional information system of the Admissions and Registration Department. Results. It was proved that there is not a significant correlation between self-efficiency and permanence, as neither between self-sufficiency or dropout; however, a significant finding was to prove that the average of dropout's self-sufficient students resulted greater than the one of students staying in the institution. Conclusions. It was obtained that there is not a significant correlation among self-efficiency, dropout, and permanence variables.Introducción. La deserción estudiantil a nivel universitario sigue siendo un problema vigente que desencadena pérdidas financieras además de tipo social y familiar, cuando no se alcanzan las metas de la formación académica que garantice trabajadores competentes para el mundo laboral actual. Objetivo. Analizar la permanencia y deserción versus la autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios en el marco de la calidad educativa. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo constituida por los estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla en Colombia. Se tomó, del registro para el período 2015- 1, una muestra de 322 estudiantes, de los cuales 195 estaban activos y 127 en deserción. El trabajo fue descriptivo y transaccional de diseño no experimental. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), apoyada por el sistema de información institucional del Departamento de Admisiones y Registro. Resultados. Se demostró que no existe una correlación significativa entre autoeficacia y permanencia, así como tampoco entre la autoeficacia y la deserción. Sin embargo, un hallazgo significativo fue demostrar que la media de autoeficacia en desertores resultó mayor que la de los estudiantes que permanecieron en la institución. Conclusiones. Se obtuvo que no se presenta una correlación significativa entre las variables autoeficacia, deserción y permanencia.Introdução. A deserção estudantil a nível universitário segue sendo um problema vigente que desencadeia perdas financeiras ademais de tipo social e familiar, quando não se alcançam as metas da formação acadêmica que garante trabalhadores competentes para o mundo laboral atual. Objetivo. Analisar a permanência e deserção versus a auto eficácia de estudantes universitários no marco da qualidade educativa. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída pelos estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de Barranquilla na Colômbia. Se tomou, do registro para o período 2015-1, uma amostra de 322 estudantes, dos quais 195 estavam ativos e 127 em deserção. O trabalho foi descritivo e transacional de desenho não experimental. O instrumento de recolhimento dos dados foi a Escala de Auto eficácia General (EAG), apoiada pelo sistema de informação institucional do Departamento de Admissões e Registro. Resultados. Se demostrou que não existe uma correlação significativa entre auto eficácia e permanência, assim como tampouco entre a auto eficácia e a deserção. Embora, um descobrimento significativo foi demostrar que a média de auto eficácia em desertores resultou maior que a dos estudantes que permaneceram na instituição. Conclusões. Se obteve que não se apresenta una correlação significativa entre as variáveis auto eficácia, deserção e permanência

    Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa

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    Introducción. La deserción estudiantil a nivel universitario sigue siendo un problema vigente que desencadena pérdidas financieras además de tipo social y familiar, cuando no se alcanzan las metas de la formación académica que garantice trabajadores competentes para el mundo laboral actual. Objetivo. Analizar la permanencia y deserción versus la autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios en el marco de la calidad educativa. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo constituida por los estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla en Colombia. Se tomó, del registro para el período 2015- 1, una muestra de 322 estudiantes, de los cuales 195 estaban activos y 127 en deserción. El trabajo fue descriptivo y transaccional de diseño no experimental. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), apoyada por el sistema de información institucional del Departamento de Admisiones y Registro. Resultados. Se demostró que no existe una correlación significativa entre autoeficacia y permanencia, así como tampoco entre la autoeficacia y la deserción. Sin embargo, un hallazgo significativo fue demostrar que la media de autoeficacia en desertores resultó mayor que la de los estudiantes que permanecieron en la institución. Conclusiones. Se obtuvo que no se presenta una correlación significativa entre las variables autoeficacia, deserción y permanencia.Introdução. A deserção estudantil a nível universitário segue sendo um problema vigente que desencadeia perdas financeiras ademais de tipo social e familiar, quando não se alcançam as metas da formação acadêmica que garante trabalhadores competentes para o mundo laboral atual. Objetivo. Analisar a permanência e deserção versus a auto eficácia de estudantes universitários no marco da qualidade educativa. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída pelos estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de Barranquilla na Colômbia. Se tomou, do registro para o período 2015-1, uma amostra de 322 estudantes, dos quais 195 estavam ativos e 127 em deserção. O trabalho foi descritivo e transacional de desenho não experimental. O instrumento de recolhimento dos dados foi a Escala de Auto eficácia General (EAG), apoiada pelo sistema de informação institucional do Departamento de Admissões e Registro. Resultados. Se demostrou que não existe uma correlação significativa entre auto eficácia e permanência, assim como tampouco entre a auto eficácia e a deserção. Embora, um descobrimento significativo foi demostrar que a média de auto eficácia em desertores resultou maior que a dos estudantes que permaneceram na instituição. Conclusões. Se obteve que não se apresenta una correlação significativa entre as variáveis auto eficácia, deserção e permanência.Introduction. the student dropout at university level continues being a current problem that unleashes financial loss besides social and familiar ones, when academic formation goals are not achieved, which assures skillful workers for the current labor world. Objective. To analyze the permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students in the quality educative framework. Materials and methods. Population was composed by university students in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. The registry of 2015-1 term, a sample of 322 students, from which 195 were active and 127 on dropout was taken. The work was descriptive and transactional of non-experimental design. Data collection instrument was the General Self-sufficiency scale (GSS), supported by the institutional information system of the Admissions and Registration Department. Results. It was proved that there is not a significant correlation between self-efficiency and permanence, as neither between self-sufficiency or dropout; however, a significant finding was to prove that the average of dropout's self-sufficient students resulted greater than the one of students staying in the institution. Conclusions. It was obtained that there is not a significant correlation among self-efficiency, dropout, and permanence variables

    Brote urbano de aguda adquirida por vía oral la enfermedad de Chagas en el estado Táchira, Venezuela

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    Aguda por vía oral adquirió la enfermedad de Chagas (AOACD) se ha convertido en una amenaza importante en algunos países de América del Sur [1,2]. Hasta marzo de 2013, al menos cuatro han reportado brotes de la enfermedad de Chagas aguda adquirida por vía oral, en concreto Brasil [3], Venezuela [4], Colombia [5] y Bolivia [6]. Los brotes también se están produciendo probablemente en Argentina y Ecuador, según algunos informes antiguos [2]. En Venezuela, ha habido por lo menos tres informes epidemiológicos conocidos de AOACD, la primera en 2007 en Caracas (Chacao) [4], el segundo en 2009 a Vargas [7] y la tercera en 2010 en Caracas (Antímano) [ 8]. Una característica común de estos brotes es que han afectado principalmente a los niños y han dado lugar a una alta tasa de mortalidad entre los casos confirmados. Los informes que describen la investigación de estos brotes son de gran importancia científica y epidemiológica, sin embargo, la información sólo en el primer brote se ha publicado [4]. Por estas razones, se reportan los resultados del cuarto brote de AOACD que ocurrió en Venezuela, en el estado de Táchira.Acute orally acquired Chagas disease (AOACD) has emerged as a significant threat in some countries of South America [1,2]. Until March 2013, at least four have reported outbreaks of acute orally acquired Chagas disease, specifically Brazil [3], Venezuela [4], Colombia [5] and Bolivia [6]. Outbreaks are also likely occurring in Argentina and Ecuador, according to some old reports [2]. In Venezuela, there have been at least three well-known epidemiological reports of AOACD, the first in 2007 at Caracas (Chacao) [4], the second in 2009 at Vargas [7] and the third in 2010 at Caracas (Antimano) [8]. A common feature of these outbreaks is that they have affected predominantly children and have led to a high fatality rate among confirmed cases. Reports describing the investigation of these outbreaks are of high scientific and epidemiological significance; however, information on only the first outbreak has been published [4]. For these reasons we report the findings of the fourth outbreak of AOACD that occurred in Venezuela, in Táchira state

    Idea de la Justicia a través de la iconografía de las Biblias medievales de Bolonia (Siglos XIII-XIV) localizadas en España

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    Analysis of the iconographic representation of the virtue of justice in the Book of Wisdom contained in the Bibles of Bologna (XIII and XIV centuries) located in Spain. The iconographic interpretation is supplemented by the historical context and the influence of the discipline of law in Europe and especially in Bologna.<br><br>Análisis de la representación iconográfica de la virtud de la Justicia en el Libro de la Sabiduría de las Biblias de Bolonia (siglos XIII y XIV) localizadas en España. La interpretación iconográfica se completa con el contexto histórico y la influencia de la disciplina del Derecho en Europa y, en especial, en Bolonia

    Intronic Binding Sites for hnRNP A/B and hnRNP F/H Proteins Stimulate Pre-mRNA Splicing

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    hnRNP A/B proteins modulate the alternative splicing of several mammalian and viral pre-mRNAs, and are typically viewed as proteins that enforce the activity of splicing silencers. Here we show that intronic hnRNP A/B–binding sites (ABS) can stimulate the in vitro splicing of pre-mRNAs containing artificially enlarged introns. Stimulation of in vitro splicing could also be obtained by providing intronic ABS in trans through the use of antisense oligonucleotides containing a non-hybridizing ABS-carrying tail. ABS-tailed oligonucleotides also improved the in vivo inclusion of an alternative exon flanked by an enlarged intron. Notably, binding sites for hnRNP F/H proteins (FBS) replicate the activity of ABS by improving the splicing of an enlarged intron and by modulating 5′ splice-site selection. One hypothesis formulated to explain these effects is that bound hnRNP proteins self-interact to bring in closer proximity the external pair of splice sites. Consistent with this model, positioning FBS or ABS at both ends of an intron was required to stimulate splicing of some pre-mRNAs. In addition, a computational analysis of the configuration of putative FBS and ABS located at the ends of introns supports the view that these motifs have evolved to support cooperative interactions. Our results document a positive role for the hnRNP A/B and hnRNP F/H proteins in generic splicing, and suggest that these proteins may modulate the conformation of mammalian pre-mRNAs

    Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data

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    We have searched for periodic variations of the electronic recoil event rate in the (2-6) keV energy range recorded between February 2011 and March 2012 with the XENON100 detector, adding up to 224.6 live days in total. Following a detailed study to establish the stability of the detector and its background contributions during this run, we performed an un-binned profile likelihood analysis to identify any periodicity up to 500 days. We find a global significance of less than 1 sigma for all periods suggesting no statistically significant modulation in the data. While the local significance for an annual modulation is 2.8 sigma, the analysis of a multiple-scatter control sample and the phase of the modulation disfavor a dark matter interpretation. The DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation interpreted as a dark matter signature with axial-vector coupling of WIMPs to electrons is excluded at 4.8 sigma.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The death of massive stars - I. Observational constraints on the progenitors of type II-P supernovae

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    We present the results of a 10.5 yr, volume limited (28 Mpc) search for supernova (SN) progenitor stars. We compile all SNe discovered within this volume (132, of which 27% are type Ia) and determine the relative rates of each sub-type from literature studies : II-P (59%), Ib/c (29%), IIb (5%), IIn (4%) and II-L (3%). Twenty II-P SNe have high quality optical or near-IR pre-explosion images that allow a meaningful search for the progenitor stars. In five cases they are clearly red supergiants, one case is unconstrained, two fall on compact coeval star clusters and the other twelve have no progenitor detected. We review and update all the available data for the host galaxies (distance, metallicity and extinction) and determine masses and upper mass estimates using the STARS stellar evolutionary code and a single consistent homogeneous method. A maximum likelihood calculation suggests that the minimum stellar mass for a type II-P to form is m(min)=8.5 +1/-1.5 Msol and the maximum mass for II-P progenitors is m(max)=16.5 +/- 1.5 Msol, assuming a Salpeter initial mass function (in the range Gamma = -1.35 +0.3/-0.7). The minimum mass is consistent with current estimates for white dwarf progenitor masses, but the maximum mass does not appear consistent with massive star populations. Red supergiants in the Local Group have masses up to 25Msol and the minimum mass to produce a Wolf-Rayet star in single star evolution (between solar and LMC metallicity) is similarly 25-30 Msol. We term this discrepancy the "red supergiant problem" and speculate that these stars could have core masses high enough to form black holes and SNe which are too faint to have been detected. Low luminosity SNe with low 56Ni production seem to arise from explosions of low mass progenitors near the mass threshold for core-collapse. (abridged).Comment: 37 pages, 9 figs, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bovine lymph nodes as a source of Escherichia coli contamination of the meat

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    Ground beef contamination with Escherichia coli is usually a result of carcass faecal contamination during the slaughter process. Carcasses are contaminated when they come into contact with soiled hides or intestinal leakage content during dressing and the evisceration processes. A more recent and compelling hypothesis is that, when lymph nodes are present in manufacturing beef trimmings, they can be a potential source of Enterobacteriaceae contamination of ground beef. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of E. coli in lymph nodes from beef carcasses used for ground meat production, in six slaughter plants situated in central Italy A total of 597 subiliac (precrural) lymph nodes were obtained from 597 cattle carcasses and screened for E. coli by culture. Furthermore, E. coli isolates (one per positive carcass) were tested for stx1, stx2 eaeA and hlyA genes that are commonly used to identify and characterise shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). In addition, the E. coli isolates were profiled for antimicrobial susceptibility. A proportion of 34.2% (204/597) carcasses were positive for E. coli. PCR revealed that 29% (59/204) of E. coli possessed stx1 or stx2 which corresponded to 9.9% of the cattle sampled. Moreover, a combination of stx1 or stx2 and eaeA was found in in 4 isolates (2% among E. coli positive samples and 1% among cattle sampled) and a combination of stx1 or stx2 and eaeA and hly in 1 isolate (0.5% and 0.2%). More than 95% of isolates were susceptible to gentamicin, ceftriaxone, cyprofloxacin and cefotaxime while high rates of resistance were recorded for cephalotin, ampicillin, tetracycline, tripe sulfa and streptomycin. The multivariate analysis identified “age” as the factor most closely related to E. coli positivity (either generic E. coli or STEC) in bovine lymph nodes. In conclusion, subiliac lymph nodes represent a source of E. coli for ground beef. These results are of major importance for risk assessment and improving good manufacturing practices during animal slaughter and ground meat production.Data for: Cross-sectional study to identify risk factors associated with the occurrence of Escherichia coli in bovine lymph nodes at slaughter. DOI: 10.17632/4v6dcg4j2d.1 available at https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/4v6dcg4j2d/1European Food Safety Authorityhttp://www.elsevier.com/ locate/ijfoodmicroParaclinical Science

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 6060^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law EγE^{-\gamma} with index γ=2.70±0.02(stat)±0.1(sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25(stat)1.2+1.0(sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO