16,747 research outputs found

    Media panic : the duo media - youth as problem for didactic and teaching plan

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    Relacja: młodzież i nowe media jest przedmiotem sprzecznych interpretacji, pełnych utopii lub wypełnionych niepokojami i lękami. Debaty o nowych mediach powodują rozgrzanie reakcji emocjonalnych. W tym przypadku mamy do czynienia z tym, co może być określane jako panika medialna. Panika przechodzi i jest zapominana, z wyjątkiem pamięci zbiorowej, innym razem powoduje zmiany o charakterze prawnym i społecznym. Moda na nowe media odsyła starsze media na drugi plan. K. Drotner twierdzi, że nowe media służą jako mentalne metafory do dyskutowania i debatowania o szeroko pojętych zagadnieniach społecznych. Autor podziela poglądy, że poprzez tworzenie sloganów określających konkretne pokolenie zwalniamy od odpowiedzialności wychowawców, nauczycieli i rodziców za dzieci i uczniów, w kwestii ich korzystania z nowych mediów. Jednocześnie firmy informatyczne bronią swoich pozycji w debacie publicznej.The relation between the modern media technologies and youth is extremely problematic because their debates are polarized. There is a view which emphasises benefits provided by new technologies and the genius of young digital natives; on the other hand, there is a point on the downside which is destructive and crumbles potentials. Therefore, youth and new media are subjects of contradictory representations full of utopia or full of anxieties and fears. In some cases, a debate of a new medium brings about heated, emotional reactions. In that case we have what may be defined as a media panic. The panic passes over and is forgotten, except in collective memory; at other times it has repercussions and might produce such change as those in legal and social policy. Like this the intense preoccupation with the latest media fad immediately relegates older media to the shadows of acceptance. K. Drotner argues that new media serve as mental metaphors for discussing and debating wider social concerns. We argue, with an approach close to S. Hall et al., that through the creation of slogans to indicate a specific generation, we give alibis to educators, teachers and parents not to feel their responsibilities for their children and students when they approach new media. At the same time, publishing and information technology companies are able to feed public debate about concerns or idealization inherent to new media, in order to defend their advantageous position

    Role of T-odd functions in high energy hadronic collisions

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    I propose a simple model for predicting the enegy behavior of T-odd, chiral odd function h1h_1^{\perp}. Furthermore I illustrate a method for extracting h1h_1^{\perp} and the transversity function from Drell-Yan. The method may be applied also to other reactions.Comment: Talk given at Brookhaven, Spin-200

    Transverse Spin Asymmetries in Drell-Yan Processes: ppμ+μX\mathbf p^{\uparrow} p \to \mu^+ \mu^- X}

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    We consider two different spin asymmetries in Drell-Yan processes generated by the collisions of an unpolarized proton beam on transversely polarized protons: the muon helicity asymmetry and the left-right asymmetry. We calculate the asymmetries in the framework of the QCD improved parton model, taking into account the parton transverse momentum and considering the first order QCD corrections. The muon helicity asymmetry is sensitive to the quark transversity distribution and is nonvanishing even at zero order. On the contrary the left-right asymmetry vanishes at zero order but not at first order in the QCD coupling constant, as a result of gluon contribution