79 research outputs found

    Effects of biometrics, location and persistent organic pollutants on blood clinical-chemical parameters in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard, Norway

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    Embargo until 31 May 2020.In the present study, blood clinical-chemical parameters (BCCPs) were analysed in 20 female and 18 male Svalbard polar bears (Ursus maritimus) captured in spring 2007. The aim was to study how age, body condition (BC), biometrics, plasma lipid content and geographical location may confound the relationship between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) including PCBs, HCB, chlordanes, DDTs, HCHs, mirex and OH-PCBs and the concentrations of 12 specific BCCPs (hematocrit [HCT], hemoglobin [HB], aspartate aminotransferase [ASAT], alanine aminotransferase [ALAT], γ-glutamyltransferase [GGT], creatine kinase [CK], triglycerides [TG], cholesterol [CHOL], high-density lipoprotein [HDL], creatinine (CREA], urea, potassium (K]), and to investigate if any of these BCCPs may be applied as potential biomarkers for POP exposure in polar bears. Initial PCA and O-PLS modelling showed that age, lipids, BC and geographical location (longitude and latitude) were important parameters explaining BCCPs in females. Following subsequent partial correlation analyses correcting for age and lipids, multiple POPs in females were still significantly correlated with HCT and HDL (all p < 0.05). In males, age, BM, BC and longitude were important parameters explaining BCCPs. Following partial correlation analyses correcting for age, biometrics, lipids and longitude in males, multiple POPs were significantly correlated with HCT, ASAT, GGT and CHOL (all p < 0.05). In conclusion, several confounding parameters has to be taken into account when studying the relations between BCCPs and POPs in polar bears. When correcting for these, in particular HCT may be used as a simple cost-efficient biomarker of POP exposure in polar bears. Furthermore, decreasing HDL concentrations and increasing CHOL concentration with increasing POP concentrations may indicate responses related to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We therefore suggest to further study POP exposure and lipidome response to increase knowledge of the risk of cardiometabolic syndrome in polar bears.acceptedVersio

    Effects of the sea lice bath treatment pharmaceuticals hydrogen peroxide, azamethiphos and deltamethrin on egg-carrying shrimp (Pandalus borealis)

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    This study investigated effects of sea lice pharmaceuticals on egg-bearing deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Both mortality and sub-lethal effects (behavior, embryo development, and reproductive output) were studied for each of three pharmaceuticals alone and in different sequential combinations. The most severe effect was observed for deltamethrin where 2 h exposure to 330 times diluted treatment dose (alone and in sequential application with hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos) induced almost 100% mortality within a few days after exposure. Similar effects were not observed for hydrogen peroxide or azamethiphos. However, sequential treatment of hydrogen peroxide and azamethiphos (2 h exposure to each pharmaceutical; 500 times dilution) resulted in >40% mortality during the first week following treatment. No sub-lethal effects or loss of eggs in female shrimp could be related to exposure to the bath treatments. Future studies should investigate potential sub-lethal effects at exposure concentrations close to the no-effect concentration

    A deep dive into fat: Investigating blubber lipidomic fingerprint of killer whales and humpback whales in northern Norway

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    In cetaceans, blubber is the primary and largest lipid body reservoir. Our current understanding about lipid stores and uses in cetaceans is still limited, and most studies only focused on a single narrow snapshot of the lipidome. We documented an extended lipidomic fingerprint in two cetacean species present in northern Norway during wintertime. We were able to detect 817 molecular lipid species in blubber of killer whales (Orcinus orca) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The profiles were largely dominated by triradylglycerols in both species and, to a lesser extent, by other constituents including glycerophosphocholines, phosphosphingolipids, glycerophosphoethanolamines, and diradylglycerols. Through a unique combination of traditional statistical approaches, together with a novel bioinformatic tool (LION/web), we showed contrasting fingerprint composition between species. The higher content of triradylglycerols in humpback whales is necessary to fuel their upcoming half a year fasting and energy-demanding migration between feeding and breeding grounds. In adipocytes, we assume that the intense feeding rate of humpback whales prior to migration translates into an important accumulation of triacylglycerol content in lipid droplets. Upstream, the endoplasmic reticulum is operating at full capacity to supply acute lipid storage, consistent with the reported enrichment of glycerophosphocholines in humpback whales, major components of the endoplasmic reticulum. There was also an enrichment of membrane components, which translates into higher sphingolipid content in the lipidome of killer whales, potentially as a structural adaptation for their higher hydrodynamic performance. Finally, the presence of both lipid-enriched and lipid-depleted individuals within the killer whale population in Norway suggests dietary specialization, consistent with significant differences in δ15N and δ13C isotopic ratios in skin between the two groups, with higher values and a wider niche for the lipid-enriched individuals. Results suggest the lipid-depleted killer whales were herring specialists, while the lipid-enriched individuals might feed on both herrings and seals

    Temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants in Barents Sea polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to changes in feeding habits and body condition

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    Temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs: PCBs, OH-PCBs, p,p′-DDE, HCB, β-HCH, oxychlordane, BDE-47, and 153) in relation to changes in feeding habits and body condition in adult female polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the Barents Sea subpopulation were examined over 20 years (1997–2017). All 306 samples were collected in the spring (April). Both stable isotope values of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) from red blood cells declined over time, with a steeper trend for δ13C between 2012 and 2017, indicating a decreasing intake of marine and high trophic level prey items. Body condition, based on morphometric measurements, had a nonsignificant decreasing tendency between 1997 and 2005, and increased significantly between 2005 and 2017. Plasma concentrations of BDE-153 and β-HCH did not significantly change over time, whereas concentrations of Σ4PCB, Σ5OH-PCB, BDE-47, and oxychlordane declined linearly. Concentrations of p,p′-DDE and HCB, however, declined until 2012 and 2009, respectively, and increased thereafter. Changes in feeding habits and body condition did not significantly affect POP trends. The study indicates that changes in diet and body condition were not the primary driver of POPs in polar bears, but were controlled in large part by primary and/or secondary emissions of POPs

    Occurrence of emerging brominated flame retardants and organophosphate esters in marine wildlife from the Norwegian Arctic

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    To understand the exposure and potential sources of emerging brominated flame retardants (EBFR) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) in marine wildlife from the Norwegian Arctic, we investigated concentrations of EBFRs in 157 tissue samples from nine species of marine vertebrates and OPEs in 34 samples from three whale species. The samples, collected from a wide range of species with contrasting areal use and diets, included blubber of blue whales, fin whales, humpback whales, white whales, killer whales, walruses and ringed seals and adipose tissue and plasma from polar bears, as well as adipose tissue from glaucous gulls. Tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP) and tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP) ranged from <0.61 to 164 and < 0.8–41 ng/g lipid weight, respectively, in blue whales and fin whales. All other EBRFs and OPEs were below the detection limit or detected only at low concentration. In addition to the baseline information on the occurrence of EBFRs and OPEs in marine wildlife from the Arctic, we provide an in-depth discussion regarding potential sources of the detected compounds. This information is important for future monitoring and management of EBFRs and OPEs

    Risk to human health related to the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances in food

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    Acknowledgements: The Panel wishes to thank the following for their support provided to this scientific output as Hearing experts: Klaus Abraham, Esben Budtz-Jørgensen, Tony Fletcher, Philippe Grandjean, Hans Mielke and Hans Rumke and EFSA staff members: Davide Arcella, Marco Binaglia, Petra Gergelova, Elena Rovesti and Marijke Schutte. The Panel wishes to acknowledge all European competent institutions, Member State bodies and other organisations that provided data for this scientific output. The Panel would also like to thank the following authors and co-authors for providing additional information in relation to their respective studies: Berit Granum, Margie M Peden-Adams, Thomas Webster.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the environment and humans: A review

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    Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are brominated aliphatic cyclic hydrocarbons used as flame retardants in thermal insulation building materials, upholstery textiles, and electronics. As a result of their widespread use and their physical and chemical properties, HBCDs are now ubiquitous contaminants in the environment and humans. This review summarizes HBCD concentrations in several environmental compartments and analyzes these data in terms of point sources versus diffuse sources, biomagnification potential, stereoisomer profiles, time trends, and global distribution. Generally, higher concentrations were measured in samples (air, sediment, and fish) collected near point sources (plants producing or processing HBCDs), while lower concentrations were recorded in samples from locations with no obvious sources of HBCDs. High concentrations were measured in top predators, such as marine mammals and birds of prey (up to 9600 and 19 200 ng/g lipid weight, respectively), suggesting a biomagnification potential for HBCDs. Relatively low HBCD concentrations were reported in the few human studies conducted to date (median values varied between 0.35 and 1.1 ng/g lipid weight). HBCD levels in biota are increasing slowly and seem to reflect the local market demand. One important observation is the shift from the high percentage of the gamma-HBCD stereoisomer in the technical products to a dominance of the alpha-HBCD stereoisomer in biological samples. A combination of factors such as variations in solubility, partitioning behavior, uptake, and, possibly, selective metabolism of individual isomers may explain the observed changes in stereoisomer patterns. Recommendations for further work include research on how HBCDs are transferred from products into the environment upon production, use, and disposal. Time trends need to be analyzed more in detail, including HBCD stereoisomers, and more data on terrestrial organisms are needed, especially for humans. Whenever possible, HBCDs should be analyzed as individual stereoisomers in order to address their fate and effects

    Organisering av kriminalitet : en komparativ analyse for Sør-Afrika

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    Problem: Spiller det noen rolle for nivået på kriminaliteten og forebyggingsstrategien hvordan kriminalitet er organisert? I denne oppgaven skal jeg utlede en komparativ analyse for Sør-Afrika hvor vi har to ulike måter kriminaliteten er organisert på. Den kriminelle sektoren kan være sammensatt av mange småkriminelle, hvor det er fri mobilitet inn og ut fra sektoren. Alternativt kan man se på en kriminell sektor som er hierarkisk oppbygget, hvor en mafia kontrollerer hele sektoren. En sentralkontrollert kriminell sektor kan sammenlignes med en monopolsituasjon, hvor det er en aktør som dominerer i markedet. Bakgrunn: Sør-Afrika er svært interessant å studere, da kriminalitet og vold er en av de største utfordringene landet står overfor. Det kriminelle nivået i Sør-Afrika er særdeles høyt og det krever flere innfallsvinkler og strategier for å forebygge et så gjennomtrengende problem. Sør-Afrikas beliggenhet og moderne infrastruktur gjør etablering av internasjonal kriminalitet lukrativt der. Det er i tillegg store områder rundt de største byene hvor forholdene er dårlige og myndigheter/politi er fraværende i forhold til i rikere i strøk. Dette kan gi mafiaorganisert kriminalitet bedre grobunn. Modell: Jeg ønsker å ta utgangspunkt i en migrasjonsmodell fra 1970-tallet. Bakgrunnen for dette er at konseptet om en uformell arbeidssektor ligger latent i modellen og det er nettopp den jeg vil komme med en rikere beskrivelse av i dette bidraget. Uformell sektor defineres som en sektor hvis arbeidstakere ikke kommer inn under formelle offentlige reguleringer og rettigheter. I denne oppgaven skal uformell sektor være sammensatt av kriminelle, lovlige og vektere som tilbyr bedrifter beskyttelse mot kriminalitet. At migrasjon kan være med på å skape et større nivå av sosial nød og fattigdom legitimerer inkluderingen av disse aspektene i modellen. Modellen forklarer imidlertid ikke hvorfor folk blir kriminelle, men den har altså en finere inndeling av den uformelle arbeidssektoren. Et av momentene i analysen er at kriminalitetsnivået avhenger av produksjon i den formelle sektoren i byen. Målet er at inkluderingen av de nye konseptene skal gi modellen mer forklaringskraft i forhold til Harris og Todaro sitt rammeverk for å forklare mangelfull økonomisk vekst. Metode: Mangel på tallmateriale fra blant annet den kriminelle sektoren gjør det umulig å teste denne modellen opp mot empirien helt nøyaktig ved hjelp av økonometriske metoder. Jeg ønsker derfor å benytte meg av et annet verktøy som gjør det mulig å teste modellen for ulike eksogene sjokk. Jeg benytter meg av en add-in i Excel som kalles Problemløseren (engelsk: Solver). Dette er en ligningsløser, som hjelper til med å optimalisere ikke-lineære og lineære ligningssystem. I numerisk metode kalles denne fremgangsmåten Gauss-Newton metoden og den dreier seg om å minimere en målfunksjon, som er en summert og kvadrert funksjon av alle ligningene i systemet, ved hjelp av en iterativ sekvens for å få den til å konvergere mot null. Konklusjon: Monopol fører som kjent til en markedsvikt, men her gir tilfellet med én aktør i markedet en gunstigere situasjon enn tilfellet med en flat organisering av kriminaliteten og frie etableringsmuligheter. I min statiske fremstilling gir en mafiaorganisert kriminell sektor, hvor mafiabossen søker å optimalisere sin profitt, en tvungen nedgang i antall kriminelle og lavere nivå på kriminalitet. Den viser seg imidlertid å være vanskeligere å trenge gjennom eller utrydde