10 research outputs found

    Developing an Entry Strategy to the Mediterranean Markets for NT Liftec Oy

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    Many companies attempt to grow and extend their business internationally to increase their sales and competitiveness. But this process is associated with many challenges and barrier and understanding the target market is one of the key steps to entre successfully. In this thesis, the author has described the concept of market entry and market entry modes including the internal and external factors that affect the decision of the choice of the entry mode. The targeted market is the Mediterranean market. It is huge and in order to develop an entry strategy for the case study company NT Liftec Oy to this region, the researcher chose three different markets from the targeted region. France as developed market, Turkey as advanced emerging market and Morocco as emerging market. In this context, the author has analysed the external macroeconomics and the social environment of the three markets thus has analysed the case company NT Liftec Oy internally to identify its resources and capabilities. The research method used in this study is the qualitative method based on qualitative data to understand deeply the markets which will help to answer the research problem. Based on the key findings, the export mode can be the suitable entry mode for the three market despite the deference between them. This choice is due to the size of NT Liftec Oy and its limited resources. The export mode allows the company to enter these markets cautiously and with low risks and costs. Thus, recommendations has been provided to NT Liftec Oy that may help to overcome the entry barriers to these markets. Three interviews has conducted with three persons from the three markets who had a part in the decision-making process to discover their needs, visions and their business cultures

    Dynamique des populations de

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    Introduction. Jusqu'à présent, les recherches entreprises en Algérie pour contrÎler P. citrella Stainton ou mineuse des agrumes, parasite responsable de nombreux dégùts sur agrumes, ont été trÚs limitées. Une étude sur la dynamique des populations du parasite et l'impact de son complexe parasitaire a été entreprise pendant trois années, dans l'Est de la Mitidja en Algérie. Matériel et méthodes. Des échantillonnages ont été effectués, de 1996 à 1998, deux fois par mois sur deux vergers, l'un de citronniers, l'autre d'orangers. Des dénombrements aléatoires ont été faits sur 500 feuilles par prélÚvement. Au laboratoire, les différents stades de développement de la mineuse et leur état (vivants, morts ou parasités) ont été notés par face foliaire et par orientation des rameaux échantillonnés. Résultats et discussion. Une forte contamination par P. citrella a été observée en été et au début de l'automne. Les pousses printaniÚres ont été partiellement contaminées en 1996 et 1997 et pratiquement indemnes en 1998. Le taux de mortalité des populations a été trÚs important en 1997 : 53 % sur orangers et 46,48 % sur citronniers. Quelle que soit l'année, le deuxiÚme stade larvaire a été le plus affecté. Les sex-ratios ont été de 0,12 (citronniers) et 0,11 (orangers). Trois parasitoïdes locaux ont été identifiés : Cirrospilus pictus, C. vittatus et Pnigalio mediterraneus. En 1996, ils ont donné lieu à des taux de parasitisme maximaux de 22 % à 29 % sur citronniers et 26 % et 30 % sur orangers. Ces taux ont augmenté en 1997 et 1998, du fait de l'introduction de Semielacher petiolatus. Conclusion. Pour renforcer l'activité des auxiliaires locaux, il faudrait tout d'abord procéder à des élevages et des lùchers importants de S. petiolatus, tenter à nouveau d'élever et de lùcher l'espÚce A. citricola, enfin d'introduire d'autres parasitoïdes performants

    Qualitative and quantitative study of the diet of Calliptamus barbarus (Costa 1836) (Orthoptera - Acrididae)

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    A qualitative study of the diet of C. barbarus (Costa, 1836) was conducted according to the classic method of analysis of feces. It was supplemented by a quantitative estimation of the amount of ingested plants by the so-called « window method » . On the basis of it, an attraction index was calculated for every plant species from the proportion of leaf surfaces ingested by each individual. It turns out that this index is not systematically related to the covering index of the plants present in the biotope, and th us the most eaten plants are not always the most attractive ones. The species Plantago serraria L., Crepis vesicaria L. and Vulpia myuros Gmel. are the most attractive for Calliptamus barbarus, and are characterized by an attraction index over 100Une Ă©tude qualitative du rĂ©gime alimentaire de C. barbarus (Costa, 1836) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e selon la mĂ©thode classique de l'analyse des fĂšces, et complĂ©tĂ©e par une estimation quantitative des plantes ingĂ©rĂ©es par la mĂ©thode dite de la « fenĂȘtre ». Sur la base de celle-ci, un indice d'appĂ©tence pour chaque espĂšce vĂ©gĂ©tale a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© Ă  partir des surfaces foliaires ingĂ©rĂ©es par chaque individu. Il s'avĂšre que cet indice n'est pas systĂ©matiquement en relation avec le recouvrement des plantes dans le biotope d'une part, et que d'autre part les espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales les plus consommĂ©es ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement les plus appĂ©tentes. Pour Calliptamus barbarus, les espĂšces botaniques Plantaga serraria L., Crepis vesicaria L. et Vulpia myuros Gmelin sont les plus appĂ©tentes et se caractĂ©risent par des indices supĂ©rieurs Ă  100

    Étude qualitative et quantitative de l’alimentation de Calliptamus barbarus (Costa 1 836) (Orthoptera -Acrididae)

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    A qualitative study of the diet of C. barbarus (Costa, 1836) was conducted according to the classic method of analysis of feces. It was supplemented by a quantitative estimation of the amount of ingested plants by the so-called «window method». On the basis of it, an attraction index was calculated for every plant species from the proportion of leaf surfaces ingested by each individual. It turns out that this index is not systematically related to the cov ering index of the plants present in the biotope, and thus the most eaten plants are not always the most attractive ones. The species Plantago serraria L., Crepis vesicaria L. and Vulpia myuros Gmel. are the most attractive for Calliptamus barbarus, and are characterized by an attraction index over 100.Une Ă©tude qualitative du rĂ©gime alimentaire de C. barbarus (Costa, 1836) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e selon la mĂ©thode classique de l’analyse des fĂšces, et complĂ©tĂ©e par une estimation quantitative des plantes ingĂ©rĂ©es par la mĂ©thode dite de la «fenĂȘtre». Sur la base de celle-ci, un indice d’appĂ©tence pour chaque espĂšce vĂ©gĂ©tale a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ© Ă  partir des surfaces foliaires ingĂ©rĂ©es par chaque individu. Il s’avĂšre que cet indice n’est pas systĂ©matiquement en relation avec le recouvrement des plantes dans le biotope d’une part, et que d’autre part les espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales les plus consommĂ©es ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement les plus appĂ©tentes. Pour Calliptamus barbarus, les espĂšces botaniques Plantago serraria L., Crepis vesicaria L. et Vulpia myuros Gmelin sont les plus appĂ©tentes et se caractĂ©risent par des indices supĂ©rieurs Ă  100.Benzara Abdelmadjid, Doumandji Salaheddine, Moar Rouibah, Voisin Jean-François. Étude qualitative et quantitative de l’alimentation de Calliptamus barbarus (Costa 1 836) (Orthoptera -Acrididae). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 58, n°2, 2003. pp. 187-196

    Analysis of the number of sensilla on the labrum and the diet of grasshoppers belonging to the family Pamphagidae (Orthoptera)

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    We studied the diet of 10 species of grasshopper belonging to the family Pamphagidae over a period of 3 years at 6 localities in North Eastern Algeria. The species of plants consumed by the grasshoppers was determined by comparing slide mounted specimens of the pieces of plant epidermis in their faeces with those in a reference collection of identified plants collected from the same localities. The percentages of occurrence of the different species of plants in the faeces of the grasshoppers were not related to the abundance of the plants at the sites studied. All the grasshoppers were polyphagous but differed in the percentage of Poaceae in their diets. The diet of Tmethis and Ocneridia contained a higher percentage of Poaceae than the other species and are considered to be ambivores. The three species in the Pamphagus gr. djelfensis complex differ in their diets but all tend to avoid consuming Poaceae and are categorized as forbivores. We also compared the frequency of occurrence of Fabaceae in the faeces and in the field and O. volxemii is the only species that avoided consuming this plant family. The number of sensilla on the labrum was also studied in both sexes of each species. Once one corrects for differences in the size of the labrum, the forbivores have higher numbers of sensilla in groups A1, A2 and A3 (but not A10) than the ambivores. The numbers of sensilla in the A10 group on the labrum of species of Pamphagidae is greater than on that of species of Acrididae, which are mainly graminivores and adapted to semi-arid conditions

    Synchrotron radiation studies of non-crystalline systems

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    Hematopoietic transcription regulators and the origins of leukemia

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