1,533 research outputs found

    Dense PGL-orbits in products of Grassmannians

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    In this paper, we find some necessary and sufficient conditions on the dimension vector dβ€Ύ=(d1,...,dk;n)\underline{\bf{d}} = (d_1,..., d_k; n) so that the diagonal action of PGL(n)\mathbb{P}GL(n) on ∏i=1kGr(di;n)\prod_{i=1}^k Gr(d_i;n) has a dense orbit. Consequently, we obtain some algorithms for finding dense and sparse dimension vectors and classify dense dimension vectors with small length or size. We also characterize the dense dimension vectors of the form (d,d,...,d;n)(d,d,..., d; n).Comment: 21 page

    The survey of removal of suspended solids from river at flooding period by plain sedimentation process

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    The most important of surface sources of water in the large city are rivers. The turbidity and flow rate of rivers is a constantly changing phenomenon in the seasons from year. During rainy period, the run off carries with it silt, clay and sand which make a severe increasing in turbidity to over 1000NTU. The increasing of turbidity causes which the water plant treatment receives the more solides.However; in order to protection of plant units must apply pretreatment processes. In this research, the effectiveness of settling process in order to removal of TSS from raw water was studied. The beginning of the work, lab-scale pilot designed which consisted of a raw water preparation container; the settling column was made of Plexiglas with 2m height, 20cm diameter and the six of sampling ports. The settling column filled with the raw water associated with sediments of river. At defined time steps (30-60-90-120-150-180 min) samples were taken out from the bottom of the column (180cm under water surface). The temperature of water was in the range of 15 to 18oC during experiments. The results showed that between the increasing of TSS removal and settling time, a direct and significant relative (p<0/01) was obtained by Pearson, s correlation coefficient. Also with increasing the depth, the removal efficiency of TSS and turbidity decreased. In the settling time of 30min, 2640mg/L of TSS concentration, the depths of 30 and 180cm, systematically, the TSS removal 92.42% and 80.47% was obtained. when the initial TSS concentration increase to 27640mg/L (the most concentration of TSS), with increasing SOR from 25m/d to 60m/d, the total removal efficiency decreased from 99.2% to 92.2%, and with the TSS of concentration equals to 2640mg/L, the rate of total removal efficiency decreased from 97.2% to 95.7%. The results showed that the rising of SOR and TSS concentration, decreased the total removal efficiency. Also, these are an opposite and significant relative (p<0/05) between the removal of TSS and initial concentration of TSS

    Kinerja Karyawan Berdasarkan Keterlibatan Kerja, Sikap Kerja Dan Komitmen Afektif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana kinerja pegawai Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara dalam kaitannya dengan keterlibatan kerja, sikap, dan komitmen afektif. 265 orang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Sampel purposive yang terdiri dari 84 orang digunakan sebagai strategi pengambilan sampel. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi survei, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan program Statistical Product Software Solution (SPSS) adalah metode analisis untuk penelitian ini. Temuan penelitian memberikan beberapa bukti bahwa kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan oleh keterlibatan kerja. Kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan oleh sikap kerja. Kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan oleh komitmen afektif. Kinerja pegawai Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara secara simultan dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keterlibatan mereka dalam bekerja, sikap dalam bekerja, dan komitmen afektif. Hasil pengujian melalui koefisien determinasi menghasilkan nilai (R Square) sebesar 0,613 (61,3%) yang artinya variabel dependen dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel independen. Kata kunci: Keterlibatan Kerja, Sikap Kerja, Komitmen Afektif, Kinerja Karyawa


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    Toilet training merupakan latihan menggunakan kamar mandi dengan baik dan benar. Adanya pengajaran toilet training akan banyak membantu bagi mereka yang belum menguasai keterampilan toilet training. peneletian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagiamana cara guru dalam mengajarkan toilet training yang diperuntukkan bagi siswa tunagrahita ringan. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Teknik pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi teknik. Analisa data yang dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan subjek mengalami kesulitan dalam mengajarkan toilet training. kesulitannya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor terutama faktor internal siswa. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan guru dalam proses pengajaran toilet training, salah satunya yaitu membuat program pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Kata Kunci : Toilet Training, Tunagrahita ringan
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