276 research outputs found

    У пошуках українського образу Одеси

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    У даній статті розглядається проблема українського образу Одеси на прикладі поезії Ю. Шевченка. Ключові слова: український образ міста, образ українського міста, поетичний образ міста, міський текст, тести про місто.В данной статье рассматривается проблема украинского образа Одессы на примере поэзии Ю. Шевченко. Ключевые слова: украинский образ города, образ украинского города, поэтический образ города, городской текст, тексты о городе.The problem of definition of the Ukrainian image of Odessa on an example of Y. Shevchenko’s poetry is considered in this article. Keywords: the Ukrainian image of city, an image of the Ukrainian city, a poetic image of city, the city text, texts about city

    De economische waarde en het investeringspotentieel van het biobased cluster in Zuid-Holland

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    De biobased economy kan in de komende jaren een belangrijke motor worden voor regionale economische groei in de Provincie Zuid-Holland. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat op dit moment al circa 900 mln. euro toegevoegde waarde per jaar wordt gerealiseerd en dat ondernemers een verdubbeling van deze waarde verwachten in 2016. De Zuidvleugelpartners in Zuid-Holland hebben in 2012 een ambitieuze beleidsagenda uitgewerkt, met een stevige groeiverwachting ten aanzien van de biobased economy. In het verlengde daarvan ontstond bij beleidsmakers de behoefte aan feiten en cijfers ten aanzien van de bedrijvigheid en het groeipotentieel in deze nieuwe sector. Deze studie biedt hiertoe - op basis van een overzicht van de huidige biobased bedrijven in de provincie - een inventarisatie van de huidige economische waarde en een beschrijving van het investeringspotentieel en beleidsaanbevelingen

    Native and Non-Native Plants Provide Similar Refuge to Invertebrate Prey, but Less than Artificial Plants

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    Non-native species introductions are widespread and can affect ecosystem functioning by altering the structure of food webs. Invading plants often modify habitat structure, which may affect the suitability of vegetation as refuge and could thus impact predator-prey dynamics. Yet little is known about how the replacement of native by non-native vegetation affects predator-prey dynamics. We hypothesize that plant refuge provisioning depends on (1) the plant’s native status, (2) plant structural complexity and morphology, (3) predator identity, and (4) prey identity, as well as that (5) structurally similar living and artificial plants provide similar refuge. We used aquatic communities as a model system and compared the refuge provided by plants to macroinvertebrates (Daphnia pulex, Gammarus pulex and damselfly larvae) in three short-term laboratory predation experiments. Plant refuge provisioning differed between plant species, but was generally similar for native (Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton perfoliatus) and non-native plants (Vallisneria spiralis, Myriophyllum heterophyllum, Cabomba caroliniana). However, plant refuge provisioning to macroinvertebrate prey depended primarily on predator (mirror carp: Cyprinus carpio carpio and dragonfly larvae: Anax imperator) and prey identity, while the effects of plant structural complexity were only minor. Contrary to living plants, artificial plant analogues did improve prey survival, particularly with increasing structural complexity and shoot density. As such, plant rigidity, which was high for artificial plants and one of the living plant species evaluated in this study (Ceratophyllum demersum), may interact with structural complexity to play a key role in refuge provisioning to specific prey (Gammarus pulex). Our results demonstrate that replacement of native by structurally similar non-native vegetation is unlikely to greatly affect predator-prey dynamics. We propose that modification of predator-prey interactions through plant invasions only occurs when invading plants radically differ in growth form, density and rigidity compared to native plants

    Anticiperen op de biobased economy : sluit groen onderwijs aan op de toekomstige praktijk?

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    Er is grote vraag bij bedrijven naar afgestudeerden mbo en hbo die zijn voorbereid op een biobased economy. Uit deze arbeidsmarktverkenning blijkt dat het bedrijfsleven geen behoefte heeft aan 'biobased specialisten', maar aan vakmensen die in staat zijn om samen te werken met andere specialisten. Opleidingen worden 'biobased proof' door competentieontwikkeling centraal te stellen

    Special relativity constraints on the effective constituent theory of hybrids

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    We consider a simplified constituent model for relativistic strong-interaction decays of hybrid mesons. The model is constructed using rules of renormalization group procedure for effective particles in light-front quantum field theory, which enables us to introduce low-energy phenomenological parameters. Boost covariance is kinematical and special relativity constraints are reduced to the requirements of rotational symmetry. For a hybrid meson decaying into two mesons through dissociation of a constituent gluon into a quark-anti-quark pair, the simplified constituent model leads to a rotationally symmetric decay amplitude if the hybrid meson state is made of a constituent gluon and a quark-anti-quark pair of size several times smaller than the distance between the gluon and the pair, as if the pair originated from one gluon in a gluonium state in the same effective theory.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Paleobiology of titanosaurs: reproduction, development, histology, pneumaticity, locomotion and neuroanatomy from the South American fossil record

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    Fil: García, Rodolfo A.. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino. Cipolletti; ArgentinaFil: Salgado, Leonardo. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. General Roca. Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Mariela. Inibioma-Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Bariloche. Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Cerda, Ignacio A.. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología. Museo Provincial Carlos Ameghino. Cipolletti; ArgentinaFil: Carabajal, Ariana Paulina. Museo Carmen Funes. Plaza Huincul. Neuquén; ArgentinaFil: Otero, Alejandro. Museo de La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Coria, Rodolfo A.. Instituto de Paleobiología y Geología. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Neuquén; ArgentinaFil: Fiorelli, Lucas E.. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica. Anillaco. La Rioja; Argentin

    Measurement of the cross section for isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    The dynamics of isolated-photon production in association with a jet in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using a dataset with an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1. Photons are required to have transverse energies above 125 GeV. Jets are identified using the anti- algorithm with radius parameter and required to have transverse momenta above 100 GeV. Measurements of isolated-photon plus jet cross sections are presented as functions of the leading-photon transverse energy, the leading-jet transverse momentum, the azimuthal angular separation between the photon and the jet, the photon–jet invariant mass and the scattering angle in the photon–jet centre-of-mass system. Tree-level plus parton-shower predictions from Sherpa and Pythia as well as next-to-leading-order QCD predictions from Jetphox and Sherpa are compared to the measurements