371 research outputs found

    Gravitational-wave astronomy: the high-frequency window

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    This contribution is divided in two parts. The first part provides a text-book level introduction to gravitational radiation. The key concepts required for a discussion of gravitational-wave physics are introduced. In particular, the quadrupole formula is applied to the anticipated ``bread-and-butter'' source for detectors like LIGO, GEO600, EGO and TAMA300: inspiralling compact binaries. The second part provides a brief review of high frequency gravitational waves. In the frequency range above (say) 100Hz, gravitational collapse, rotational instabilities and oscillations of the remnant compact objects are potentially important sources of gravitational waves. Significant and unique information concerning the various stages of collapse, the evolution of protoneutron stars and the details of the supranuclear equation of state of such objects can be drawn from careful study of the gravitational-wave signal. As the amount of exciting physics one may be able to study via the detections of gravitational waves from these sources is truly inspiring, there is strong motivation for the development of future generations of ground based detectors sensitive in the range from hundreds of Hz to several kHz.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, Lectures presented at the 2nd Aegean Summer School on the Early Universe, Syros, Greece, September 200

    Next-to-leading BFKL phenomenology of forward-jet cross sections at HERA

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    We show that the forward-jet measurements performed at HERA allow for a detailed study of corrections due to next-to-leading logarithms (NLL) in the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) approach. While the description of the d\sigma/dx data shows small sensitivity to NLL-BFKL corrections, these can be tested by the triple differential cross section d\sigma/dxdk_T^2dQ^2 recently measured. These data can be successfully described using a renormalization-group improved NLL kernel while the standard next-to-leading-order QCD or leading-logarithm BFKL approaches fail to describe the same data in the whole kinematic range. We present a detailed analysis of the NLL scheme and renormalization-scale dependences and also discuss the photon impact factors.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, new title, NLL-BFKL saddle-point approximation replaced by exact integratio

    Collisions of particles in locally AdS spacetimes I. Local description and global examples

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    We investigate 3-dimensional globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds containing "particles", i.e., cone singularities along a graph Γ\Gamma. We impose physically relevant conditions on the cone singularities, e.g. positivity of mass (angle less than 2π2\pi on time-like singular segments). We construct examples of such manifolds, describe the cone singularities that can arise and the way they can interact (the local geometry near the vertices of Γ\Gamma). We then adapt to this setting some notions like global hyperbolicity which are natural for Lorentz manifolds, and construct some examples of globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds with interacting particles.Comment: This is a rewritten version of the first part of arxiv:0905.1823. That preprint was too long and contained two types of results, so we sliced it in two. This is the first part. Some sections have been completely rewritten so as to be more readable, at the cost of slightly less general statements. Others parts have been notably improved to increase readabilit

    A large class of non constant mean curvature solutions of the Einstein constraint equations on an asymptotically hyperbolic manifold

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    We construct solutions of the constraint equation with non constant mean curvature on an asymptotically hyperbolic manifold by the conformal method. Our approach consists in decreasing a certain exponent appearing in the equations, constructing solutions of these sub-critical equations and then in letting the exponent tend to its true value. We prove that the solutions of the sub-critical equations remain bounded which yields solutions of the constraint equation unless a certain limit equation admits a non-trivial solution. Finally, we give conditions which ensure that the limit equation admits no non-trivial solution.Comment: remark on the equivalence between the existence of a solution to the Lichnerowicz equation and to the prescribed scalar curvature equation added, reference [BPB09] added, to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Jet color chemistry and anomalous baryon production in AAAA-collisions

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    We study anomalous high-pTp_T baryon production in AAAA-collisions due to formation of the two parton collinear gqgq system in the anti-sextet color state for quark jets and gggg system in the decuplet/anti-decuplet color states for gluon jets. Fragmentation of these states, which are absent for NNNN-collisions, after escaping from the quark-gluon plasma leads to baryon production. Our qualitative estimates show that this mechanism can be potentially important at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Eur.Phys.J. versio

    Asymptotic Expansions for Stationary Distributions of Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes

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    New algorithms for computing of asymptotic expansions for stationary distributions of nonlinearly perturbed semi-Markov processes are presented. The algorithms are based on special techniques of sequential phase space reduction, which can be applied to processes with asymptotically coupled and uncoupled finite phase spaces.Comment: 83 page

    Multimessenger astronomy with the Einstein Telescope

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) are expected to play a crucial role in the development of multimessenger astrophysics. The combination of GW observations with other astrophysical triggers, such as from gamma-ray and X-ray satellites, optical/radio telescopes, and neutrino detectors allows us to decipher science that would otherwise be inaccessible. In this paper, we provide a broad review from the multimessenger perspective of the science reach offered by the third generation interferometric GW detectors and by the Einstein Telescope (ET) in particular. We focus on cosmic transients, and base our estimates on the results obtained by ET's predecessors GEO, LIGO, and Virgo.Comment: 26 pages. 3 figures. Special issue of GRG on the Einstein Telescope. Minor corrections include

    Dyson-Schwinger Equations: Density, Temperature and Continuum Strong QCD

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    Continuum strong QCD is the application of models and continuum quantum field theory to the study of phenomena in hadronic physics, which includes; e.g., the spectrum of QCD bound states and their interactions; and the transition to, and properties of, a quark gluon plasma. We provide a contemporary perspective, couched primarily in terms of the Dyson-Schwinger equations but also making comparisons with other approaches and models. Our discourse provides a practitioners' guide to features of the Dyson-Schwinger equations [such as confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking] and canvasses phenomenological applications to light meson and baryon properties in cold, sparse QCD. These provide the foundation for an extension to hot, dense QCD, which is probed via the introduction of the intensive thermodynamic variables: chemical potential and temperature. We describe order parameters whose evolution signals deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration, and chronicle their use in demarcating the quark gluon plasma phase boundary and characterising the plasma's properties. Hadron traits change in an equilibrated plasma. We exemplify this and discuss putative signals of the effects. Finally, since plasma formation is not an equilibrium process, we discuss recent developments in kinetic theory and its application to describing the evolution from a relativistic heavy ion collision to an equilibrated quark gluon plasma.Comment: 103 Pages, LaTeX, epsfig. To appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 4

    Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

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    The beauty production cross section for deep inelastic scattering events with at least one hard jet in the Breit frame together with a muon has been measured, for photon virtualities Q^2 > 2 GeV^2, with the ZEUS detector at HERA using integrated luminosity of 72 pb^-1. The total visible cross section is sigma_b-bbar (ep -> e jet mu X) = 40.9 +- 5.7 (stat.) +6.0 -4.4 (syst.) pb. The next-to-leading order QCD prediction lies about 2.5 standard deviations below the data. The differential cross sections are in general consistent with the NLO QCD predictions; however at low values of Q^2, Bjorken x, and muon transverse momentum, and high values of jet transverse energy and muon pseudorapidity, the prediction is about two standard deviations below the data.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Forward jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering and low-x parton dynamics at HERA

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    Differential inclusive jet cross sections in neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering have been measured with the ZEUS detector. Three phase-space regions have been selected in order to study parton dynamics where the effects of BFKL evolution might be present. The measurements have been compared to the predictions of leading-logarithm parton shower Monte Carlo models and fixed-order perturbative QCD calculations. In the forward region, QCD calculations at order alpha_s^1 underestimate the data up to an order of magnitude at low x. An improved description of the data in this region is obtained by including QCD corrections at order alpha_s^2, which account for the lowest-order t-channel gluon-exchange diagrams, highlighting the importance of such terms in parton dynamics at low x.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure