2,199 research outputs found

    Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) technique for landslide characterization and monitoring

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    : The measurement of landslide superficial displacement often represents the most effective method for defining its behavior, allowing one to observe the relationship with triggering factors and to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) represents a powerful tool to measure landslide displacement, as it offers a synoptic view that can be repeated at different time intervals and at various scales. In many cases, PSI data are integrated with in situ monitoring instrumentation, since the joint use of satellite and ground-based data facilitates the geological interpretation of a landslide and allows a better understanding of landslide geometry and kinematics. In this work, PSI interferometry and conventional ground-based monitoring techniques have been used to characterize and to monitor the Santo Stefano d’Aveto landslide located in the Northern Apennines, Italy. This landslide can be defined as an earth rotational slide. PSI analysis has contributed to a more in-depth investigation of the phenomenon. In particular, PSI measurements have allowed better redefining of the boundaries of the landslide and the state of activity, while the time series analysis has permitted better understanding of the deformation pattern and its relation with the causes of the landslide itself. The integration of ground-based monitoring data and PSI data have provided sound results for landslide characterization. The punctual information deriving from inclinometers can help in defining the actual location of the sliding surface and the involved volumes, while the measuring of pore water pressure conditions or water table level can suggest a correlation between the deformation patterns and the triggering factors

    Mapping intra- and inter-annual dynamics in wetlands with multispectral, thermal and SAR time series

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    Kartierung der intra- und interannuellen Dynamik von Feuchtgebieten mit multispektralen, thermischen und SAR-Zeitreihen Die Analyse der aktuellen räumlichen Verbreitung und der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Feuchtgebieten stellt eine äußerst komplexe Aufgabe dar, welche durch die Saisonalität, die schwierige Zugänglichkeit und die besonderen Eigenschaften als Ökoton bedingt ist. Erdbeobachtungssysteme sind somit das am besten geeignete Werkzeug, um zeitliche und räumliche Muster von Feuchtgebieten auf globaler Ebene zu beobachten (saisonale Veränderungen und Langzeit-Trends) und um den Einfluss der menschlichen Aktivitäten auf ihre physischen und biologischen Eigenschaften zu untersuchen. Zur Kartierung von raum-zeitlichen Mustern wurden Zeitreihen von Radar- (Sentinel-1), Multispektral- (Sentinel-2) und Thermal-Satellitendaten (MODIS) in fünf Untersuchungsgebieten, mit für Feuchtgebiete unterschiedlichen typischen Charakteristika, untersucht. In Kapitel 1 werden die Problematik in Bezug auf die Definition von Feuchtgebieten erläutert und allgemeine Degradations-Trends beschrieben. Die Kapitel 2 und 3 behandeln einen Algorithmus, der Veränderungen mithilfe von SAR-Zeitreihen feststellt, sowie die Vorteile des Cloud-Computings für das operationelle Monitoring saisonaler Muster und die Erkennung kurzfristig auftretender Veränderungen. In den Kapiteln 4 und 5 werden die zwei Hauptursachen für den Verlust von Feuchtgebieten betrachtet: der Staudammbau und die Ausdehnung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen. In Kapitel 4 werden dichte Zeitreihen multispektraler (Sentinel-2) und SAR-Daten (Sentinel-1) verwendet, um die Feuchtgebiete Albaniens – eines Landes in dem konträre Pläne zum Ausbau seines Wasserkraftpotentials und dem Schutz intakter Flussökosysteme zu Spannungen führen – landesweit zu kartieren. Die synergetischen Vorteile, die sich durch die Fusionierung von multispektralen und SAR-Daten für die Klassifikation ergeben, werden dabei herausgestellt. Kapitel 5 veranschaulicht, dass die Kilombero-Überschwemmungsebene in Tansania ein großes und bedeutendes Feuchtgebiet ist, das in den vergangenen Jahren infolge der weitgehend unkontrollierten Ausbreitung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in seiner Ausdehnung und seiner Ökologie stark beeinträchtigt wurde. Um die Auswirkungen der Landnutzungsänderungen des Feuchtgebietes während der vergangenen 18 Jahre zu analysieren, wurden eine Zeitreihe (2000 bis 2017) thermaler Daten (MODIS) analysiert. Die drei für die Zeitreihenanalyse angewandten Modelle zeigen, wie landwirtschaftliche Praktiken die Landoberflächentemperatur in den landwirtschaftlich genutzten Gebieten sowie in den angrenzenden natürlichen Feuchtgebieten erhöht haben.Due to wetlands’ seasonality, their difficult access and ecotone character, determining their actual extension and trends over time is a complex task. Earth Observation systems are the most appropriate tool to monitor their spatio-temporal patterns (seasonal changes and long term trends) at global scales, and to study the effects that human activities have in their physical and biological properties. In this work I use time series of radar (Sentinel-1), multispectral (Sentinel-2) and thermal (MODIS) imagery to map the spatio-temporal patterns in 5 wetlands of different characteristics. First, I introduce in chapter 1 the problematic of wetlands’ definitions and their degradation trends. I continue with a brief introduction on remote sensing, time series analysis, and their applications on wetlands’ research and management. In chapters 2 and 3 I implement an algorithm for change detection of time series of Sentinel-1 images and demonstrate the advantages of cloud computation for operational monitoring. In chapters 4 and 5 I address two of the main causes of wetland degradation: dam building and agricultural expansion. In chapter 4 I use dense time series of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images map all the wetlands of Albania; a country struggling between developing its large hydropower potential or preserving its intact and valuable river ecosystems. I evaluate the synergic advantages of fusing multispectral and radar imagery in combination with knowledge-based rules to produce classification of higher thematic and spatial resolutions. In chapter 5 I present how the Kilombero Floodplain, in Tanzania, has been degraded during the last years due to uncontrolled farmland expansion. I use a time series of thermal imagery (MODIS) from 2000 until 2017 to analyze the effect of land use changes on the wetland. I compare three models for time series analysis and reveal how farming practices have increased the surface temperature of the farmed area, as well as in adjacent natural wetlands.Mapeo de las dinámicas inter- e intra-anuales en humedales con series temporales de imágenes multiespectrales, termales y de radar Debido a la estacionalidad de los humedales, su difícil acceso y sus características de ecotono, determinar su actual extensión y sus tendencias a lo largo del tiempo es una tarea compleja. Los sistemas de observación terrestres son la herramienta más apropiada para monitorear sus patrones espacio-temporales (estacionalidad y tendencias a largo plazo) a escalas globales, y para estudiar los efectos que las actividades humanas causan en sus propiedades físicas y biológicas. En esta tesis uso series temporales de imágenes radar (Sentinel-1), multiespectrales (Sentinel-2) y termales (MODIS) para mapear los patrones espacio-temporales de 5 humedales de diferentes características. En el capítulo 1 describo los retos que derivan de las diferentes definiciones que existen de los humedales. También presento las tendencias globales de degradación que la mayoría de los humedales continúan experimentando en los últimos años. Continúo con una breve introducción de los sistemas de teledetección remota, análisis de series temporales, y sus aplicaciones a la investigación y gestión de los humedales. En los capítulos 2 y 3 implemento un algoritmo de detección de cambios para series temporales de imágenes radar, y muestro las ventajas de usar sistemas de computación en la nube para monitorear cambios en la cobertura del suelo a corto plazo. En los capítulos 4 y 5 trato con dos de las causas más comunes de degradación de humedales: la construcción de presas y la expansión de la agricultura. En el capítulo 4 uso series temporales de imágenes multiespectrales (Sentinel-2) y radar (Sentinel-1) para mapear todos los humedales Albania; un país que se debate entre desarrollar su potencial hidroenergético o preservar sus valiosos e intactos ecosistemas de rivera. Mediante la fusión de imágenes radar y multiespectrales y el uso de reglas de decisión genero un mapa de suficiente resolución espacial y temática para que pueda ser usado por sectores interesados y gestores. En el capítulo 5 presento como las llanuras inundables de Kilombero, en Tanzania, han sido degradadas durante los últimos años debido a la expansión incontrolada de la agricultura. Usando series temporales de imágenes termales (MODIS) desde 2000 hasta 2017 y mapas de cambios de usos del suelo, determino los efectos que estos cambios han tenido en el humedal. Comparo 3 modelos diferentes de análisis de series temporales y muestro cómo la expansión de la agricultura ha incrementado la temperatura superficial terrestre, no solo de la zona cultivada, sino también de zonas adyacentes aún naturales

    Flood mapping from radar remote sensing using automated image classification techniques

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    A Bayesian Network for Flood Detection Combining SAR Imagery and Ancillary Data

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    Accurate flood mapping is important for both planning activities during emergencies and as a support for the successive assessment of damaged areas. A valuable information source for such a procedure can be remote sensing synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. However, flood scenarios are typical examples of complex situations in which different factors have to be considered to provide accurate and robust interpretation of the situation on the ground. For this reason, a data fusion approach of remote sensing data with ancillary information can be particularly useful. In this paper, a Bayesian network is proposed to integrate remotely sensed data, such as multitemporal SAR intensity images and interferometric-SAR coherence data, with geomorphic and other ground information. The methodology is tested on a case study regarding a flood that occurred in the Basilicata region (Italy) on December 2013, monitored using a time series of COSMO-SkyMed data. It is shown that the synergetic use of different information layers can help to detect more precisely the areas affected by the flood, reducing false alarms and missed identifications which may affect algorithms based on data from a single source. The produced flood maps are compared to data obtained independently from the analysis of optical images; the comparison indicates that the proposed methodology is able to reliably follow the temporal evolution of the phenomenon, assigning high probability to areas most likely to be flooded, in spite of their heterogeneous temporal SAR/InSAR signatures, reaching accuracies of up to 89%

    Satellite monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to protect the aquaculture industry

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can cause sudden and considerable losses to fish farms, for example 500,000 salmon during one bloom in Shetland, and also present a threat to human health. Early warning allows the industry to take protective measures. PML's satellite monitoring of HABs is now funded by the Scottish aquaculture industry. The service involves processing EO ocean colour data from NASA and ESA in near-real time, and applying novel techniques for discriminating certain harmful blooms from harmless algae. Within the AQUA-USERS project we are extending this capability to further HAB species within several European countries

    Applications of Satellite Earth Observations section - NEODAAS: Providing satellite data for efficient research

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    The NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) provides a central point of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data access and expertise for UK researchers. The service is tailored to individual users’ requirements to ensure that researchers can focus effort on their science, rather than struggling with correct use of unfamiliar satellite data

    The State of Remote Sensing Capabilities of Cascading Hazards Over High Mountain Asia

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    Cascading hazard processes refer to a primary trigger such as heavy rainfall, seismic activity, or snow melt, followed by a chain or web of consequences that can cause subsequent hazards influenced by a complex array of preconditions and vulnerabilities. These interact in multiple ways and can have tremendous impacts on populations proximate to or downstream of these initial triggers. High Mountain Asia (HMA) is extremely vulnerable to cascading hazard processes given the tectonic, geomorphologic, and climatic setting of the region, particularly as it relates to glacial lakes. Given the limitations of in situ surveys in steep and often inaccessible terrain, remote sensing data are a valuable resource for better understanding and quantifying these processes. The present work provides a survey of cascading hazard processes impacting HMA and how these can be characterized using remote sensing sources. We discuss how remote sensing products can be used to address these process chains, citing several examples of cascading hazard scenarios across HMA. This work also provides a perspective on the current gaps and challenges, community needs, and view forward toward improved characterization of evolving hazards and risk across HMA

    Evaluación de la degradación de la tierra usando la entropía de shannon sobre imágenes polarimétricas en desiertos costeros Patagónicos

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    En esta investigación se focalizó en la Entropía de Shannon (ES) para la caracterización de imágenes polarimétricas de apertura sintética. Este parámetro analiza la contribución de la información por pixeles individuales para toda la imagen en la evaluación de la degradación de la tierra en imágenes ALOS PALSAR. Escenas de polarización dual y cuádruple fueron adquiridas bajo el proyecto SAOCOM (Satélite Argentino de Observación con Microondas) en 2010 y 2011, del desierto costero noreste patagónico, Argentina. Los mapas fueron verificados con información de alta verosimilitud para la misma área de estudio. Los resultados muestran que la ES puede describir y precisar las características de las imágenes de manera obvia, de tal manera que representa un valor de referencia para la detección de la degradación de la tierra y la extracción de las características de los diferentes estados y transiciones.We focus on Shannon Entropy (SE) for the characterization of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) images. This approach analyzes the information contribution made by individual pixels to the whole image for assessment of land degradation in the information content of ALOS PALSAR images. Additionally, the performance of other polarization parameters, and polarization decomposition is illustrated and discussed. Dual-Pol and Quad-Pol scenes have been acquired under the SAOCOM (Satélite Argentino de Observación con Microondas, Spanish for Argentine Microwaves Observation Satellite) project in 2010 and 2011, from northeastern Patagonian coastal desert, Argentina. The accuracy of the SE map was assessed using a set of ground observations based on remotely sensed data that have higher accuracy. The results show that the SE can describe and determine the image features more obviously in the study area, so that it represents an important reference value for land degradation detection and land status characteristics extraction .Fil: del Valle, Hector Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagonico; ArgentinaFil: Hardtke, Leonardo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagonico; ArgentinaFil: Blanco, Paula Daniela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagonico; ArgentinaFil: Sione, Walter Fabian. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Fac de Ciencia y Tecnologia. Centro Regional de Geomatica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentin

    Joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based multitemporal InSAR measurements for volcano monitoring: The Stromboli volcano case study

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    Abstract We present a joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Multi Temporal (MT) InSAR measurements for investigating the Stromboli volcano (Italy) deformation phenomena. In particular, we focus our analysis on three periods: a) the time interval following the 2014 flank eruption, b) the July–August 2019 eruption and c) the following post-eruptive phase. To do this, we take advantage from an unprecedented set of space-borne and ground-based SAR data collected from April 2015 up to November 2019 along two (one ascending and one descending) Sentinel-1 (S-1) tracks, as well as, in the same period, by two ground-based systems installed along the Sciara del Fuoco northern rim. Such data availability permitted us to first characterize the volcano long-term 3D deformation behavior of the pre-eruptive period (April 2015–June 2019), by jointly inverting the space-borne and ground-based InSAR measurements. Then, the GB-SAR measurements allowed us to investigate the sin-eruptive time span (3rd July 2019 – 30th August 2019) which revealed rapid deformation episodes (e.g. more than 30 mm/h just 2 min before the 3rd July 2019 explosion) associated with the eruptive activity, that cannot be detected with the weekly S-1 temporal sampling. Finally, the S-1 measurements permitted to better constrain the post 2019 eruption deformations (31st August 2019 – 5th November 2019), which are mainly located outside the GB-SAR sensed area. The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint exploitation of the InSAR measurements obtained through satellite and terrestrial SAR systems, highlighting their strong complementarity to map and interpret the deformation phenomena affecting volcanic areas