14 research outputs found

    Photogrammetric monitoring of an artificially generated shallow landslide

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    An artificial rainfall event was applied to a forested slope in Ruedlingen, northern Switzerland. The experiment triggered a landslide which resulted in mobilising about 130m3 of debris. The event was monitored by a photogrammetric network of four cameras, operating at 5 to 8 frames per second, in order to quantify spatial and temporal changes by tracking tennis balls pegged into the ground. Image measurements were performed using automated image matching methods, implemented through a software package developed in-house. Three-dimensional coordinates of the target points were estimated by running a customised type of bundle adjustment, achieving a positioning precision of +/- 1 center dot 8cm.This research was funded by the Competence Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CCES) within the framework of the TRAMM project. Amin Askarinejad, Professor Dr Sarah M. Springman, Marco Sperl, Stefan Moser, Ernst Bleiker, Felix Wietlisbach and Peter Kienzler kindly contributed to the work. The author is grateful to the Gemeinde of Ruedlingen and their President, Mrs Katy Leutenegger, for giving permission to carry out this experiment on their land. The author gratefully thanks Professor Dr Armin Gruen for his help and valuable comments. The author also thanks the anonymous reviewers for their valuable criticism and suggestions that improved the quality of the paperPublisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Using drones and remote sensing for slope monitoring: a review

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    Los deslizamientos de tierra son uno de los peligros y riesgos más costoso y fatales para cualquier infraestructura vial, que frecuentemente amenazan e influyen en la situación socioeconómica, principalmente, de los países en vía de desarrollo. Frecuentemente, los estudios de deslizamiento se hacen de manera directa, in situ, siendo muchos de ellos costosos y un reto dada la dificultad que se pueden presentar al acceder a las zonas de estudio. Los datos de los sensores remotos se pueden usar en el monitoreo de deslizamientos de tierra, mapeo, simulación, predicción y evaluación de peligros y otras investigaciones. El presente artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica en estudios relacionados con el uso de drones y sensores remotos para el seguimiento y monitoreo de laderas, de una manera descriptiva y que permita por medio de la documentación incorporar información relevante para poder abordar futuros estudios más específicos que permitan tener en cuenta el monitoreo de deslizamientos de tierra, las técnicas de sensores remotos, drones y la aplicación global de este conjunto de nuevas tecnologías.Landslides are one of the most costly and fatal hazards and risks for any road infrastructure, often threatening and influencing the socio-economic situation mainly in developing countries. Landslide studies are often carried out directly on site, and many are costly and challenging given the difficulty of access to study areas. Remote sensing data can be used in landslide monitoring, mapping, simulation, hazard prediction and assessment, and other research. This article presents a literature review on studies related to the use of drones and remote sensing for slope tracking and monitoring, in a descriptive manner that allows through documentation to incorporate relevant information in order to address future more specific studies to take into account landslide monitoring, remote sensing techniques, drones and the global application of this set of new technologies.PregradoLandslides are one of the most costly and fatal hazards and risks for any road infrastructure, often threatening and influencing the socio-economic situation mainly in developing countries. Landslide studies are often carried out directly on site, and many are costly and challenging given the difficulty of access to study areas. Remote sensing data can be used in landslide monitoring, mapping, simulation, hazard prediction and assessment, and other research. This article presents a literature review on studies related to the use of drones and remote sensing for slope tracking and monitoring, in a descriptive manner that allows through documentation to incorporate relevant information in order to address future more specific studies to take into account landslide monitoring, remote sensing techniques, drones and the global application of this set of new technologies


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    Landslides represent great dangers that can cause fatalities and huge property damage. To prevent or reduce all possible consequences that landslides cause, it is necessary to know the kinematics of the surface and undersurface sliding masses. Geodetic surveying techniques can be used for landslide monitoring and creating a kinematic model of the landslide. One of the most used surveying techniques for landslide monitoring is the photogrammetric survey by Unmanned Aerial System. The results of the photogrammetric survey are dense point clouds, digital terrain models, and digital orthomosaic maps, where landslide displacements can be determined by comparing these results in two measurement epochs. This paper presents a new data processing method with a novel approach for calculating landslide displacements based on Unmanned Aerial System photogrammetric survey data. The main advantage of the new method is that it does not require the production of dense point clouds, digital terrain models, or digital orthomosaic maps to determine displacements. The applicability and accuracy of the new method were tested in a test field with simulated displacements of known values within the range of 20-40 cm in various directions. The new method successfully determined these displacements with a 3D accuracy of ±1.3 cm.Klizišta predstavljaju velike opasnosti koje mogu uzrokovati katastrofalne ljudske žrtve te nanijeti veliku materijalnu štetu. Da bi se spriječile ili umanjile sve moguće posljedice koje klizišta prouzročuju, važno je poznavati kinematiku kretanja površinskih i podzemnih kliznih masa klizišta. Geodetske tehnike izmjere mogu se koristiti za potrebe praćenja te za izradu kinematičkoga modela klizišta. U današnje vrijeme jedna od najčešće korištenih geodetskih tehnika za potrebe praćenja klizišta jest fotogrametrijsko snimanje pomoću bespilotnih zrakoplovnih sustava. Rezultati su takvih snimanja gusti oblaci točaka, digitalni modeli terena te digitalne ortomozaik karte, a na temelju usporedbe tih rezultata u dvjema mjernim epohama mogu se odrediti pomaci klizišta. Ovaj rad predstavlja novu metodu obrade podataka s novim pristupom za određivanje pomaka klizišta na temelju podataka fotogrametrijskoga snimanja bespilotnim zrakoplovnim sustavima. Glavna je prednost nove metode u tome što ne zahtijeva izradu gustih oblaka točaka, digitalnih modela terena ili digitalnih ortomozaik karata za određivanje pomaka. Primjenjivost i točnost nove metode ispitane su na testnome polju sa simuliranim pomacima poznatih vrijednosti čiji su se iznosi kretali u rasponu od 20 do 40 cm u različitim smjerovima. Nova metoda uspješno je odredila te pomake s 3D točnošću od ±1,3 cm

    The State of Remote Sensing Capabilities of Cascading Hazards Over High Mountain Asia

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    Cascading hazard processes refer to a primary trigger such as heavy rainfall, seismic activity, or snow melt, followed by a chain or web of consequences that can cause subsequent hazards influenced by a complex array of preconditions and vulnerabilities. These interact in multiple ways and can have tremendous impacts on populations proximate to or downstream of these initial triggers. High Mountain Asia (HMA) is extremely vulnerable to cascading hazard processes given the tectonic, geomorphologic, and climatic setting of the region, particularly as it relates to glacial lakes. Given the limitations of in situ surveys in steep and often inaccessible terrain, remote sensing data are a valuable resource for better understanding and quantifying these processes. The present work provides a survey of cascading hazard processes impacting HMA and how these can be characterized using remote sensing sources. We discuss how remote sensing products can be used to address these process chains, citing several examples of cascading hazard scenarios across HMA. This work also provides a perspective on the current gaps and challenges, community needs, and view forward toward improved characterization of evolving hazards and risk across HMA

    Elaboración de un inventario de movimientos en masa mediante técnicas geomáticas en el municpio de Villeta - Cundinamarca

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    104 páginas : gráficas, ilustracionesEl rápido desarrollo que las técnicas geomáticas han sufrido durante los últimos años ha permitido disponer de un amplio abanico de sensores con gran potencial para su uso en el estudio de los procesos naturales, en particular, en el caso de los deslizamientos del terreno, el cual es uno de los riesgos naturales cuyo poder de destrucción ha generado gran cantidad de víctimas y cuantiosos daños materiales en el planeta. La intención de este trabajo es generar un inventario de movimientos en masa a través de la identificación semiautomatica de superficies afectadas por movimientos en masa a escala municipal, en Villeta, Cundinamarca, soportado bajo la aplicación de técnicas geomáticas que involucran el uso de dos índices de reflectancia extraídos de las imágenes del satélite Sentinel 2, índice de vegetación normalizado (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), e índice de brillantez del suelo (Soil Brightness Index, SBI) y el valor de la pendiente calculada del MDT (modelo digitales de terreno). Esta investigación avanzó en un método semiautomatizado para la obtención de estos polígonos en el territorio, a partir de la identificación de características espectrales de la cobertura vegetal y cambios en diferentes momentos asociables con movimientos en masa; esto como un paso preliminar para determinar la susceptibilidad por movimientos en masa del municipio y generar planes de mitigación y prevención por movimientos en masa.PregradoIngeniero(a) Geógrafo y Ambienta


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    Commercially available unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and photogrammetry software have undergone rapid advancements in recent years. However, the use of UAS and photogrammetry techniques for monitoring surface landform deformation has not been adopted for the most part due to complicated workflows and complex UAS systems. This study demonstrates the ability to monitor landslides in near-real time with commercially available UAS and photogrammetry software using direct georeferencing and co- registration techniques. The results of this research were then assessed to develop an optimal workflow for the rapid assessment of surface deformations with direct georeferenced UAS obtained imagery and photogrammetry software

    Landslide volumetric analysis using cartosat-1 - derived DEMs

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    Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk

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    This paper presents recommended methodologies for the quantitative analysis of landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk at different spatial scales (site-specific, local, regional and national), as well as for the verification and validation of the results. The methodologies described focus on the evaluation of the probabilities of occurrence of different landslide types with certain characteristics. Methods used to determine the spatial distribution of landslide intensity, the characterisation of the elements at risk, the assessment of the potential degree of damage and the quantification of the vulnerability of the elements at risk, and those used to perform the quantitative risk analysis are also described. The paper is intended for use by scientists and practising engineers, geologists and other landslide experts.JRC.H.5-Land Resources Managemen

    Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of landslide risk

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    This paper presents recommended methodologies for the quantitative analysis of landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk at different spatial scales (site-specific, local, regional and national), as well as for the verification and validation of the results. The methodologies described focus on the evaluation of the probabilities of occurrence of different landslide types with certain characteristics. Methods used to determine the spatial distribution of landslide intensity, the characterisation of the elements at risk, the assessment of the potential degree of damage and the quantification of the vulnerability of the elements at risk, and those used to perform the quantitative risk analysis are also described. The paper is intended for use by scientists and practising engineers, geologists and other landslide experts