14 research outputs found


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    Anatto plant (Bixa orellana L.) is a plant that contains two types of pigments, namely bixin and norboxin. Bixin is the main pigment in kesumba fruit which is non-polar, while norbixin is polar. The utilization of anatto pigment have the potential to serve as a natural coloring agent for food. The physicochemical characteristics of annatto pigments are related to size, shape, boiling point, melting point, solubility, constituent compounds, bonds between atoms, polarity, and chemical reactions. Kesumba seeds can produce annatto pigments through an extraction process. Annatto extraction produces a yellowish orange color obtained from the outer layer of the seeds of the kesumba plant. The method used in the bixin extraction process is the maceration method by soaking the kesumba seeds in a mixture of organic solvents that match the polarity properties of bixin or norbixin pigments. Annatto seed powder has a greater attachment to oil than attachment to water, annatto seed powder has a relatively higher OHC than WHC. The melting point of bixin is 195°C and its boiling point is 280°C while the boiling point of norbixin ranges from 287-289°C and its melting point ranges from 169-170°C. The application of anatto pigment is used in commercial cheese products, cassava crackers, karag crackers, and pork patties. Besides functioning as a colorant, bixin extract can be to supply antioxidants due to its composition containing cartenoids

    Medicinal Plants of the Peruvian Amazon: Bioactive Phytochemicals, Mechanisms of Action, and Biosynthetic Pathways

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    The objective of this book chapter is to provide consolidated and updated scientific information about the medicinal plants of the Peruvian Amazon, which has a great richness of plants; many of these are used in folkloric medicine to treat several diseases. Recently, investigations have reported that these medicinal plants possess bioactive phytochemicals against several diseases such as diabetes, cancer, inflammation, infectious diseases, and several other health problems, thus corroborating some ethnopharmacological reports. The mechanism of action for selected bioactive phytochemicals was demonstrated at the molecular level as well as the metabolic pathways involved in their biosynthesis were described. Due to the large gap in scientific information revealed in this review, we formulated a series of strategies to close these scientific knowledge gaps and achieve a sustainable exploitation of medicinal plants in the Peruvian Amazon

    Ensaios de ecotoxicidade com Artemia salina, estudo fitoquímico e do potencial tóxico e antioxidante das cascas de Bixa orellana Linné (Bixaceae) e estudo do dotriacontane

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Marilis Dallarmi MiguelCoorientadoras: Profª Drª Cristiane da Silva Paula de Oliveira, Profª Drª Samanta Daliana Golin Pacheco e Profª Drª Josiane de Fátima Gaspari DiasTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/09/2021Inclui referências: p. 61-75Resumo: O presente trabalho compreende três pesquisas distintas. A primeira pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água marinha usando ensaios ecotoxicológicos com o microcrustáceo Artemia salina. Foram coletadas amostras de 12 praias de Florianópolis – Ilha de Santa Catarina, que após 48 horas em contato com A. salina foi verificado o índice de mortalidade dos microcrustáceos. De acordo com esse estudo, as amostras analisadas não apresentaram ecotoxicidade sobre a Artemia salina, o que indicaria por esse teste uma condição marinha favorável. Na segunda pesquisa, a espécie Bixa orellana conhecida como urucum, foi estudada. O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial tóxico e antioxidante das cascas de três cultivares visto ser um resíduo produzido, após a retirada das sementes. Os cultivares analisados foram verde (BOG), marrom (BOB) e vermelho (BOR) e foram realizados os testes de Artemia salina, para se avaliar o potencial ecotoxicológico e o teste de fosfomolibdênio para avaliar o potencial antioxidante. Os resultados demonstram que o único cultivar que apresentou letalidade significativa (p < 0,05) foi o cultivar BOG no teste de Artemia salina. No ensaio antioxidante do teste de fosfomolibdênio, a variedade vermelha, na fração acetato de etila e na fração bruta tiveram potencial antioxidante em relação a rutina. A terceira pesquisa apresenta uma investigação do potencial biológico do dotriacontane, um alcano de cadeia linear com 32 átomos de carbono, encontrado em diversos alimentos e plantas. Com o objetivo de se estudar possíveis ações desse composto, foi realizado um levantamento de artigos sobre o dotriacontane utilizando as bases de dados SciELO, Pubmed, Web of Science e Science Direct. Foi verificado que o dotriacontane é encontrado em diversas espécies vegetais apresentando efeito antimicrobiano e antioxidante. Com as três pesquisas pode-se concluir que a água marinha coletada não apresenta ecotoxicidade, que as cascas de Bixa orellana apresentam potencial antioxidante e que o dotriacontane apresenta potencial biológico.Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate comprises three distinct research. The first research aimed to evaluate a marine water quality using ecotoxicological tests with the microcrustacean Artemia salina. We collected samples collected from 12 beaches of Florianópolis - Isla of Santa Catarina, which after 48 hours in contact with Artemia salina, the mortality rate of microcrustaceans was verified. According to this study, the analyzed ones do not dissipate ecotoxicity on Artemia salina, which would indicate by this test a favorable marine condition. In the second research, a Bixa orellana species known as annatto was studied. The objective was to evaluate the toxic and antioxidant potential of the peels of three cultivars as it is a residual residue, after the removal of the seeds. Cultivars were green (BOG), brown (BOB) and red (BOR) and were performed on the testes of Artemia salina, to evaluate the ecotoxicological potential and the phosphomolybdenum test to evaluate the antioxidant potential. The results demonstrate that the only cultivar that presents decreased lethality (p <0.05) was the cultivar BOG in the Artemia salina test. On the antioxidant assay of the phosphomolybdenum test, a red variety, in the ethyl acetate fraction and in the crude fraction had antioxidant potential in relation to rutin. The third research presents an investigation of the biological potential of dotriacontane, a linear-chain alkane with 32 carbon atoms, found in various foods and plants. To study possible actions of this compound, a survey of articles on dotriacontane was carried out using the SciELO, Pubmed, Web of Science and Science Direct databases. It was found that dotriacontane is found in several plant species with an antimicrobial and antioxidant effect. With the three research, it is possible to wish that the collected marine water does not present ecotoxicity, that the Bixa orellana barks present antioxidant potential and that the dotriacontane presents biological potential

    The use of plants in the traditional management of diabetes in Nigeria: Pharmacological and toxicological considerations

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: The prevalence of diabetes is on a steady increase worldwide and it is now identified as one of the main threats to human health in the 21st century. In Nigeria, the use of herbal medicine alone or alongside prescription drugs for its management is quite common. We hereby carry out a review of medicinal plants traditionally used for diabetes management in Nigeria. Based on the available evidence on the species׳ pharmacology and safety, we highlight ways in which their therapeutic potential can be properly harnessed for possible integration into the country׳s healthcare system. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical information was obtained from a literature search of electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scopus up to 2013 for publications on medicinal plants used in diabetes management, in which the place of use and/or sample collection was identified as Nigeria. ‘Diabetes’ and ‘Nigeria’ were used as keywords for the primary searches; and then ‘Plant name – accepted or synonyms’, ‘Constituents’, ‘Drug interaction’ and/or ‘Toxicity’ for the secondary searches. Results: The hypoglycemic effect of over a hundred out of the 115 plants reviewed in this paper is backed by preclinical experimental evidence, either in vivo or in vitro. One-third of the plants have been studied for their mechanism of action, while isolation of the bioactive constituent(s) has been accomplished for twenty three plants. Some plants showed specific organ toxicity, mostly nephrotoxic or hepatotoxic, with direct effects on the levels of some liver function enzymes. Twenty eight plants have been identified as in vitro modulators of P-glycoprotein and/or one or more of the cytochrome P450 enzymes, while eleven plants altered the levels of phase 2 metabolic enzymes, chiefly glutathione, with the potential to alter the pharmacokinetics of co-administered drugs. Conclusion: This review, therefore, provides a useful resource to enable a thorough assessment of the profile of plants used in diabetes management so as to ensure a more rational use. By anticipating potential toxicities or possible herb–drug interactions, significant risks which would otherwise represent a burden on the country׳s healthcare system can be avoided

    Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenolic Plant Extracts

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    “Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenolic Plant Extracts” is a collection of scientific articles regarding polyphenols, that is, substances occurring naturally in plants and exhibiting many beneficial effects on human health. Among polyphenols’ interesting biological properties, their antioxidant activity is considered the most important. This book brings together experts from different research fields on topics related to polyphenols, such as their isolation and purification, assessment of their antioxidant activity, prevention from oxidative stress-induced diseases and use as food additives. The polyphenols used in the present studies are derived from a great variety of plants, ranging from well-known species to rare ones that are only found in specific regions. Moreover, some of the studies provide evidence that polyphenols may be used for the prevention and treatment of common diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Alzheimers’ disease, cardiovascular and intestinal diseases. Importantly, in several of the studies “green extraction methods” for the isolation of polyphenols were developed using modern technologies, where few or no organic solvents were used, in order to minimize environmental and health impacts

    1st Natural products application: health, cosmetic and food: book of abstracts

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    The Mountain Research Center is one of the research groups working within the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza, in Braganza Portugal. Since the foundation of this center in 2003, more than a thousand research items have been published throughout more than 40 international public funding’s, allowing the center to interact internationally with many research groups from the academy and also with the private sector. In all these years, we have had the commitment of disseminating science around the world, creating solid and robust bonds and partnerships with both, academia and industrial innovator, and we are always looking for more challenging collaborations. In this sense, the mountain research center gathers di erent ways to keep evolving our main mission of Science dissemination. In the present moment, where we all are involved in ghting against the current problem the world is facing, we have decided to join the scienti c community adopting the available resources in order to keep the owing communication of our works. Therefore, one of our responses was the creation of the rst edition of the Natural Product Applications Online Congress, which focuses on the dissemination of works involved in the cosmetic, food, and health industries. Thanks to all of you in less than a month the congress reached more than 450 registration from universities and important companies from di erent parts of the world. The NPA congress received and processed more than 200 communications, from which the scienti c committee has selected and referred each of them to their appropriate type for communication considering the limited time we will have ahead. All the submitted works were divided into three main categories, Oral, Pitch, and Poster communications which add them up to our 9 Keynote lectures, and one special oral communication. We could not thank you more for your participations, and we hope to see you next year on the second edition of the Natural Product Applications Congress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant properties of Subcritical Water Extracts Derived from Mushroom Inonotus obliquus

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    The medicinal mushroom Inonotus obliquus is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America. In many countries, since the 16 th century, it has traditionally been used to treat gastrointestinal cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes [1]. This study was designed to determine the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of subcritical water extracts obtained from fruiting bodies of I. obliquus originating from Mongolia (IM) and from the mountain Vlasina, Serbia (IS). Chemical analysis revealed the total content of proteins, carbohydrates and phenols. High carbohydrate content was found in both extracts, and glucose was the most dominant monosaccharide. In order to identify phenolic acids, the extracts were subjected to a qualitative chemical analysis, and the presence of chlorogenic acid, catechin, p-coumaric acid and cinnamic acid has been confirmed. Chlorogenic acid was detected in the highest concentration, compared to other phenolic acids. DPPH free radical scavenging activity assay was used to measure the antioxidant properties of extracts in vitro . Extracts concentrations from 0.156 to 10 mg/mL were tested and a maximum of 93% of scavenging ability was reached. The results indicated that antioxidant activity in both extracts can be achieved through hydrogen atom (HAT) and single electron transfer (SET) as dominant mechanisms [2]

    Estudio etnobotánico en comunidades kichwas amazónicas de Pastaza, Ecuador

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    Se ha realizado un catálogo florístico y un inventario etnobotánico de una zona inexplorada de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Se han identificado 250 taxa, de los que el 60 % son novedades corológicas. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo con una comunidad indígena canelo-kichwa apenas contactada de la Cuenca del Bobonaza, donde se han recogido 610 citaciones de conocimientos ancestrales pertenecientes a 66 subcategorías. Los resultados han revelado tener alto valor añadido. 22 taxones son nuevos para el Catálogo de Plantas Útiles de Ecuados. 130 plantas son empleadas para usos que eran desconocidos hasta fecha. Según la prospección bibliográfica realizada, (la mayoría de los casos a nivel preclínico), los recursos florísticos estudiados pueden ser la fuente de producción de 642 bioproductos innovadores, donde se incluyen no menos de 518 nuevos medicamentos. Se han propuesto líneas de investigación para el 21, 2 % de taxa del inventario. Se ha revisado la validación fitoquímica experimental del inventario, encontrando un 10.8 % de las plantas del catálogo con literatura de validación publicada a nivel de especie y un 14,8 % a nivel de género. Se han catalogado en la comunidad los conocimientos en riesgo de extinción y las buenas prácticas sustentables. Se ha cuantificado estadísticamente un declive en el conocimiento asociado a los varones. Se ha analizado la pérdida prácticas agrarias ancestrales (tachi, intercambio de semillas) y se ha cuantificado la pérdida de variedades locales. Se evidencia la necesidad de combinar la explotación de estos recursos naturales con un seguimiento de la Sostenibilidad y la Conservación. Nuestra propuesta final es aunar etnobotánica+innovación+bioética.A floristic catalog inventory has been made for the first an unexplored area of Amazonian Ecuador, where 250 taxa have been identified. 60 % are chorological novelties. The studied has been made with a canelo-kichwa original community from the Bobonaza Basin where we have documented 610 citations of ancestral knowledge uses, belonging to 66 subcategories. Results and discussion have shown high value. 22 taxa are new to the Catalogue of Useful Plants of Ecuador. 130 plants are employed for uses that had not been documented to date. Upon the bibliographic prospections (in most cases at preclinical level), the studied floristic resources can be the source of production of 642 innovative bioproducts including not less than 518 new drugs. Experimental phytochemical validation of the data provided by the community has been reviewed, finding 10.8% of validable cases with published literature at the species level and 14.8% at the genus level. Proposals for research lines for 21.2% of the species in the inventory have been enunciated by us. Knowledge of extinction risks and good sustainable practices have been catalogued. There has also been statistically quantified a decline in knowledge associated with males. Decrease in ancestral farming practices (tachy, seed exchange), and loss of local varieties were reported and analysed. With this work we have made evident the necessity to implement the exploitation of these natural resources monitoring Sustainability and Conservation. Our final settlement is to gather ethnobotany+ innovation+bioethics.Trabajo patrocinado por: Convenio de Colaboración Específico entre la Universidad de Extremadura (España) y la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador) para el Desarrollo de un Programa Integral de Docencia en Investigación, 2013 Junta de Extremadura. Programa de Apoyo a los Planes de Actuación de los Grupos de Investigación. FEDERGR1508