50 research outputs found

    Evaluación de lixiviado en la producción de fresas, acelgas y lechuga de bola bajo un sistema orgánico / Evaluation of lixiviate in the production of strawberries, chard and ball lettuce under an organic system

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    Tomando en consideración la provisión de nutrimentos requerida en cultivos hortícolas mediante la adición de materias orgánicas naturales, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un lixiviado a base de heces equinas sobre el crecimiento y producción de fresas, acelgas y lechuga de bola bajo un sistema orgánico. Se utilizó un diseño experimental en bloques al azar con dos tratamientos: T1 Testigo absoluto (TA) y T2 Lixiviado de heces equinas (LU) distribuidos en tres bloques con 50 repeticiones. En el cultivo de fresas se evaluó número de hojas, flores y frutos a los 83 días después del trasplante, mientras que en acelga y lechuga de bola se determinó altura de la planta, número de hojas y peso fresco. Los resultados obtenidos se valorizaron mediante la Prueba t para muestras independientes (distribución t de Student) con un nivel de significancia del 5% (α= 0.05). El análisis estadístico reveló diferencias altamente significativas (P≤0.001) para las variables evaluadas en el cultivo de fresa, siendo LU el mejor tratamiento para número de hojas, flores y frutos, con incrementos respectivos de 46.29 %, 32.75 % y 40.62 % en comparación con TA. Por otro lado, LU también incrementó la altura (45.00 %) y número de hojas (79.20 %) en acelga en comparación con TA, mientras que en lechuga de bola se observó la misma tendencia cuando no se aplicó este lixiviado: >64.47 % en altura y >40.59 % en peso fresco con respecto a TA (P≤0.05). Se concluye que el mejor tratamiento en estos cultivos hortícolas fue LU, siendo una alternativa elegible como abono orgánico en sustitución de los fertilizantes inorgánicos

    Economic profitability analysis of husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Hornem.) under different silicon dioxide concentrations

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    Objective: Evaluate doses of foliar and soil fertilization with silicon dioxide on the economic profitability of the cultivation of husk tomato cv. 'Querétaro' under plastic and macro-tunnel padding conditions. Design/Methodology/Approach: 10 treatments were evaluated under different concentrations of silicon dioxide soil and foliar application: T1: Treatment control (T), T2: Fertilization with silicon dioxide 20, 40, 60 g to the soil and 100, 150 and 200 ppm foliar (S20/100F), T3: S20/150F, T4: S20/200F, T5: S40/100F, T6: S40/150F, T7: S40/200F, T8: S60/100F, T9: S60/150F and T10: S60/200, distributed in random blocks. Economic profitability indicators such as Benefit | Cost Ratio (B/C), Net Present Value (VAN) and Internal Rate of Return (TIR) were determined. Results: The investigation established that S60/150F was the treatment with the highest economic profitability because it promoted the highest production per hectare, which was reflected in the VAN (336,932.97MN),theTIR(77.3 336,932.97 MN), the TIR (77.3 %) and a B/C of 1.16 MN. Also treatments S40/200F and S60/100F (where SiO2 was applied) presented positive cash flows unlike T. Limitations of the study/implications: With all research laboratories closed as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, no evidence related to the contribution of foliar and soil silicon bioassay has been verified. Findings/Conclusions: The use of SiO2 leads to an appreciable rebound in the financial aspect, being of vital importance to include economic studies to consummate an efficient management of the capital available to establish a crop whose productivity in the field is profitable for the producers.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different doses of foliar and soil silicon dioxide fertilization on the economic profitability of husk tomato (Physalis ixocarpa Brot. ex Hornem.) cv. 'Querétaro' cultivation under plastic paddings and macro-tunnel conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Ten treatments were evaluated at different concentrations of silicon dioxide fertilization on soil and foliar application: T1: Control treatment (T), T2: Fertilization with silicon dioxide 20, 40, 60 g on soil and 100, 150, and 200 ppm foliar (S20/100F), T3: S20/150F, T4: S20/200F, T5: S40/100F, T6: S40/150F, T7: S40/200F, T8: S60/100F, T9: S60/150F and T10: S60/200, distributed in random blocks. Economic profitability indicators such as Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were determined. Results: The research established that the S60/150F treatment was the one with the highest economic profitability because it promoted the highest production per hectare, which was reflected in the NPV (MX336,932.97pesos),theIRR(77.3 336,932.97 pesos), the IRR (77.3 %), and a B/C of MX 1.16 pesos. Also, treatments S40/200F and S60/100F (where SiO2 was applied) reported positive cash flow, unlike the T. Limitations of the study/implications: With all research facilities closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no evidence related to the contribution of foliar and soil silicon bioassay has been verified. Findings/conclusions: Using SiO2 leads to a financial appreciable rebound of vital importance to be included in economic studies to facilitate the efficient management of the available capital to establish a crop whose field productivity is profitable for the producers

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it


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