49 research outputs found

    Synergistic hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic effects of mixtures of Lactobacillus nagelii/betanin in a mouse model

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    Purpose: To determine the nutraceutical effect of mixtures containing Lactobacillus nagelii/betanin on the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of mice.Methods: Lactobacillus nagelii and betanin were isolated from the raw materials. These components were subsequently assessed for their anti-hyperglycemic and hypolipidemic activities, and administered individually or combined in normoglycemic and diabetic mice. These animals were subjected to a standard OGTT and given an atherogenic diet.Results: The combination of L. nagelii (2.0 × 109 CFU/mL) and betanin (30 mg/kg body weight) exerted a significant (p < 0.01) and prolonged reduction of postprandial blood glucose (30 - 120 min). Interestingly, a mixture of L. nagelii (1 ×107 CFU/mouse/day) with betanin (10 mg/kg body weight) administered for 30 days, produced favourable effects (p < 0.01) in the lipid profile of mice previously treated with an atherogenic diet. These mixtures significantly ameliorated (p < 0.01) hypoinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia and increased the levels of adiponectin.Conclusion: The simultaneous administration of L. nagelii and betanin in mice produced a beneficial change in blood glucose and lipids in mice, indicating a synergistic nutraceutical effect. However, there is a need to develop this therapy further for potential application in humans Keywords: Lactobacillus nagelii, Betanin, Anti-hyperglycemic, Hypolipidemi

    Perfil químico de los tricomas urticantes de Cnidoscolus multilobus (“mala mujer”) y su actividad antimicrobiana

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    Cnidoscolus multilobus (Euphorbiacaeae) is a stinging plant widely distributed in the south of Mexico. The main objective of this work was to reveal the inflammatory-inducing toxins contained in the prickles of Cnidoscolus multilobus and its possible ecological role as antimicrobials. The chemical characterization and quantification of the toxins was performed by GC-MS and HPLC-DAD. Simultaneously, the endogenous fluid and its most abundant compounds were individually tested against opportunistic phytophatogens. According to our results, the fluid contained histamine (17.3-28.4 µg mL-1), dimethylethylamine (1.7-3.6 µg mL-1), acetylcholine (0.6-1.3 µg mL-1), serotonin (24.6-45.8 µg mL-1), oxalic acid (2.2-9.6 µg mL-1) and formic acid (0.9-4.7 µg mL-1). The in vitro growth of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci TBR2004 (MIC, 122.2 µL mL-1), P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (MIC, 105.8 µL mL-1), Fusarium oxysporum ATCC 62506 (MIC, 97.4 µL mL-1) and Phytophthora capsici ATCC 15399 (MIC, 163.2 µL mL-1) was inhibited by the natural fluid whereas that of Clavibacter michiganensis AB299158 was not modified. The individual assessment of the main compounds dissolved in the fluid revealed histamine as an overlooked antimicrobial agent (145.1-219.5 µL mL-1). According to our results, the pain-inducing toxins from the prickles of C. multilobus are not only toxic for mammal species but also for some opportunistic phytopathogens.Cnidoscolus multilobus (Pax.) I.M. Johnst (Euphorbiaceae) es una planta con pelos urticantes ampliamente distribuida en el sur de México. En la actualidad, las propiedades químicas y biológicas del fluido endógeno de las espinas de C. multilobus se desconocen. De este modo, el objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los compuestos tóxicos presentes en el fluido de los tricomas de Cnidoscolus multilobus y su posible actividad antimicrobiana. La determinación y cuantificación de las sustancias toxicas se efectuó por GC-MS y HPLC-DAD.  Simultáneamente, el fluido endógeno y sus compuestos más abundantes (adquiridos comercialmente), fueron individualmente ensayados contra fitopatógenos oportunistas mediante el método de microdilución en caldo con rezasurina y el método XTT anti-fúngico. De acuerdo a nuestros resultados, el fluido contuvo histamina (17.3-28.4 µg mL-1), dimetiletilamina (1.7-3.6 µg mL-1), acetilcolina (0.6-1.3 µg mL-1), serotonina (24.6-45.8 µg mL-1), ácido oxálico (2.2-9.6 µg mL-1) y ácido fórmico (0.9-4.7 µg mL-1). El crecimiento in vitro de Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci TBR2004 (MIC, 122.2 µL mL-1), P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (MIC, 105.8 µL mL-1), Fusarium oxysporum ATCC 62506 (MIC, 97.4 µL mL-1) y Phytophthora capsici ATCC 15399 (MIC, 163.2 µL mL-1) fue inhibido por el fluido natural. Contrariamente, el fluido natural no tuvo efecto sobre el crecimiento in vitro de Clavibacter michiganensis AB299158. El ensayo individual de los principales compuestos disueltos en el fluido reveló que la histamina posee una actividad antimicrobiana sustancial (145.1-219.5 µL mL-1). De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, las toxinas productoras de dolor en las espinas de C. multilobus no son dañinas solamente para especies de mamíferos, estas también exhiben propiedades inhibitorias contra fitopatógenos oportunistas

    Zaluzania montagnifolia: essential oil composition and biological properties

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    The chemical composition of the seasonal essential oils (2015-2016) from the leaves and flowers of Zaluzania montagnifolia is presented. The chemical content of those oils showed quantitative and qualitative differences. Germacrene D (19.9-29.8%), camphor (12.4- 19.4%) and β-caryophyllene (13.7-18.5%) were the most abundant volatiles in the leaves. The essential oils from the flowers contained high amounts of camphor (32.7-37.2%) limonene (19.8-24.9%) and germacrene D (3.2-7.3%). All the seasonal essential oils showed a potent in vitro inhibition against HMG-CoA reductase. The essential oils from flowers (IC50, 40.5-55.1 μg mL-1) showed better inhibition properties than those of leaves (IC50, 84.4-123.5 μg mL-1). Camphor (IC50, 72.5 μg mL-1) and borneol (IC50, 84.4 μg mL-1) exerted a non-competitive inhibition on the enzyme. Additionally, the hydrodistillates exhibited antibacterial activity against the phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci TBR2004 (MIC, 62.7-76.5 μg mL-1) P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (MIC, 45.4-50.4 μg mL-1) and P. syringae pv.phaseolicola NPS3121 (MIC, 26.7-31.9 μg mL-1). Germacrene D (MIC, 35.4-66.2 μg mL-1) and β-caryophyllene (MIC, 36.5-54.2 μg mL-1) were the strongest anti-Pseudomonas syringae agents

    Alkaloid profile, antibacterial and allelopathic activities of Lupinus jaimehintoniana B.L. Turner (Fabaceae)

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    Herein we describe some aspects of the ethnobotanical use and the first alkaloid profile of Lupinus jaimehintoniana, the 5 to 8 m high arboreous lupine. Five quinolizidine alkaloids identified as sparteine, 5,6-dehydrolupanine, lupanine, nuttalline, and d-thermopsine, were characterized by the respective elution order according to their electronic impact spectra, lupanine being the most abundant in the four different tissues analyzed. Simultaneously, an antibacterial assessment of the four corresponding crude methanolic extracts, as well as the four semi-purified alkaloids was performed on specific Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. These experiments resulted in MIC ranges of 37-61 µg mL-1 and 130-146 µg mL-1, respectively. for both bacterial species. Finally, the allelopathic activity of these extracts on the germination of Lactuca sativa seeds was demonstrated to be in the range of 50-300 µg mL-1 for both semi-purified alkaloid and methanolic extracts


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    Los vibrios son característicamente indígenas de hábitats marinos, salobres y estuarinos, y aparecen en grandes concentraciones (blooms) cuando las aguas aumentan de temperatura (17- 20°C). A temperaturas bajas los vibrios permanecen en el sedimento de los fondos marinos y los recuentos arrojan normalmente cifras inferiores a las necesarias para producir infección. En los países templados los vibrios se encuentran presentes en el agua de mar durante todo el año, aunque su concentración experimenta un notable incremento en los meses cálidos a causa de las favorables condiciones ecológicas y del plancton aumentando su acumulación por moluscos filtradores y otros animales marinos. Determinar si los alimentos marinos crudos, marinados sin calor, parcialmente cocidos con calor y completamente cocidos con calor representan factores de riesgo por las especies Vibrio damsela, Vibrio fluvialis yVibrio furnissii para el desarrollo, respectivamente, de infección de herida; de gastroenteritis aguda; y de gastroenteritis aguda. Se obtuvo un listado de establecimientos especializados en la venta de alimentos marinos para consumo humano. El número de alimentos marinos en dichos establecimientos fue 390. Para la homogeneización y el enriquecimiento de cada muestra, así como para el aislamiento y la identificación de las especies se procedió según la metodología descrita en la octava edición del Bacteriological Analytical Manual (FDA). Por el método de Cornfield se construyeron intervalos de estimación al nivel de confianza del 95%. En 32 (8.21%), 10 (2.56%) y 23 (5.90%) muestras se aisló un número igual de cepas cuyas características bioquímicas correspondieron, respectivamente, a Vibrio damsela, Vibrio fluvialis y Vibrio furnissii. Las prevalencias globales obtenidas en alimentos marinos crudos, marinados sin calor, parcialmente cocidos con calor y completamente cocidos con calor fueron, respectivamente, 17.79%, 0.00%, 9.09% y 0.00%. Se concluye que los alimentos marinos crudos y los alimentos marinos parcialmente cocidos con calor representan factores de riesgo por tres de las 12 especies de importancia clínica. Abstract Indigenous vibrios are typically of marine, brackish and estuarine, and appear in high concentrations (blooms) when the water temperature increase (17-20°C). At low temperatures the vibrios remain in the sediment of the seabed and counts typically show levels below those required to produce infection. In temperate countries vibrios are present in sea water throughout the year, although its concentration has increased substantially in the warmer months due to favorable ecological conditions and plankton increase their accumulation by shellfish filter feeders and other marine animals.To determine whether raw, marinated without heat, partially cooked by heat and completely cooked by heat seafood are risk factors for the species Vibrio damsela, Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio furnissii for development, respectively, of wound infection; of acute gastroenteritis; and of acute gastroenteritis. We obtained a list of establishments specializing in the sale of seafood for human consumption. The number of seafood in these establishments was 390. For the standardization and enrichment of each sample and for the isolation and identification of species we proceeded according to the methodology described in the eighth edition of the Bacteriological Analytical Manual (FDA). By the method of Cornfield estimation intervals to the confidence level of 95% were constructed. In 32 (8.21%), 10 (2.56%) and 23 (5.90%) samples we isolated an equal number of strains whose biochemical characteristics corresponded, respectively, to Vibrio damsela, Vibrio fluvialis and Vibrio furnissii. The overall prevalences obtained in raw, marinated without heat, partially cooked by heat and completely cooked by heat seafood were, respectively, 17.79%, 0.00%, 9.09% y 0.00%. We concluded that raw and partially cooked by heat seafood are risk factors for three of the 12 species of clinical importance. Palabras clave: Vibrio, especies patógenas, alimentos marinos

    Entwicklung und Anwendung einer dynamischen Röntgenbeugungstheorie für Multischichten, Supergitter und gebogene Kristalle

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    Die dynamische Beugungstheorie der Röntgenwellen wurde für Multischichten und gebogene Kristalle beschrieben. In der Arbeit wurde eine Minimierung der Abbildungsfehler von gebogenen Kristallen in Johann-Geometrie vorgeschlagen. Es wurden verschiedene Methoden für die Rekonstruktion der Deformationsverteilung von Kristallgittern in epitaktischen Multischichten entwickelt. Gute Übereischtimmung zwischen der experimentellen Rockingkurven und Simulationen wurde erreicht

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the W boson polarisation in ttˉt\bar{t} events from pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS

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