142 research outputs found

    Interrelationship between contractility, protein synthesis and metabolism in mantle of juvenile cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis)

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    Young juvenile cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can grow at rates as high as 12% body weight per day. How the metabolic demands of such a massive growth rate impacts muscle performance that competes for ATP is unknown. Here, we integrate aspects of contractility, protein synthesis, and energy metabolism in mantle of specimens weighing 1.1 g to lend insight into the processes. Isolated mantle muscle preparations were electrically stimulated and isometric force development monitored. Preparations were forced to contract at 3 Hz for 30 s to simulate a jetting event. We then measured oxygen consumption, glucose uptake and protein synthesis in the hour following the stimulation. Protein synthesis was inhibited with cycloheximide and glycolysis was inhibited with iodoacetic acid in a subset of samples. Inhibition of protein synthesis impaired contractility and decreased oxygen consumption. An intact protein synthesis is required to maintain contractility possibly due to rapidly turning over proteins. At least, 41% of whole animal ṀO2 is used to support protein synthesis in mantle, while the cost of protein synthesis (50 μmol O2 mg protein-1) in mantle was in the range reported for other aquatic ectotherms. A single jetting challenge stimulated protein synthesis by approximately 25% (2.51-3.12% day-1) over a 1 h post contractile period, a similar response to that which occurs in mammalian skeletal muscle. Aerobic metabolism was not supported by extracellular glucose leading to the contention that at this life stage either glycogen or amino acids are catabolized. Regardless, an intact glycolysis is required to support contractile performance and protein synthesis in resting muscle. It is proposed that glycolysis is needed to maintain intracellular ionic gradients. Intracellular glucose at approximately 3 mmol L-1 was higher than the 1 mmol L-1 glucose in the bathing medium suggesting an active glucose transport mechanism. Octopine did not accumulate during a single physiologically relevant jetting challenge; however, octopine accumulation increased following a stress that is sufficient to lower Arg-P and increase free arginine.Agência financiadora Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) NSERC CPB section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) IF/00576/2014 Portuguese national funds from Programa Operacional Mar2020 (Portugal2020/FEAMP) - Project SEPIACUL 16-02-01-FMP-53 FCT through Plurennial UID/Multi/04326/2019 EMBRC. PT ALG-01-0145-FEDER-022121 Portuguese node of EMBRC-ERICinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Western English Channel contains a persistent microbial seed bank

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    Robust seasonal dynamics in microbial community composition have previously been observed in the English Channel L4 marine observatory. These could be explained either by seasonal changes in the taxa present at the L4 site, or by the continuous modulation of abundance of taxa within a persistent microbial community. To test these competing hypotheses, deep sequencing of 16S rRNA from one randomly selected time point to a depth of 10 729 927 reads was compared with an existing taxonomic survey data covering 6 years. When compared against the 6-year survey of 72 shallow sequenced time points, the deep sequenced time point maintained 95.4% of the combined shallow OTUs. Additionally, on average, 99.75%±0.06 (mean±s.d.) of the operational taxonomic units found in each shallow sequenced sample were also found in the single deep sequenced sample. This suggests that the vast majority of taxa identified in this ecosystem are always present, but just in different proportions that are predictable. Thus observed changes in community composition are actually variations in the relative abundance of taxa, not, as was previously believed, demonstrating extinction and recolonization of taxa in the ecosystem through time

    Enzymatic capacities of metabolic fuel use in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and responses to food deprivation: insight into the metabolic organization and starvation survival strategy of cephalopods

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    Food limitation is a common challenge for animals. Cephalopods are sensitive to starvation because of high metabolic rates and growth rates related to their "live fast, die young" life history. We investigated how enzymatic capacities of key metabolic pathways are modulated during starvation in the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) to gain insight into the metabolic organization of cephalopods and their strategies for coping with food limitation. In particular, lipids have traditionally been considered unimportant fuels in cephalopods, yet, puzzlingly, many species (including cuttlefish) mobilize the lipid stores in their digestive gland during starvation. Using a comprehensive multi-tissue assay of enzymatic capacities for energy metabolism, we show that, during long-term starvation (12 days), glycolytic capacity for glucose use is decreased in cuttlefish tissues, while capacities for use of lipid-based fuels (fatty acids and ketone bodies) and amino acid fuels are retained or increased. Specifically, the capacity to use the ketone body acetoacetate as fuel is widespread across tissues and gill has a previously unrecognized capacity for fatty acid catabolism, albeit at low rates. The capacity for de novo glucose synthesis (gluconeogenesis), important for glucose homeostasis, likely is restricted to the digestive gland, contrary to previous reports of widespread gluconeogenesis among cephalopod tissues. Short-term starvation (3-5 days) had few effects on enzymatic capacities. Similar to vertebrates, lipid-based fuels, putatively mobilized from fat stores in the digestive gland, appear to be important energy sources for cephalopods, especially during starvation when glycolytic capacity is decreased perhaps to conserve available glucose

    Exploring the embryonic development of upper beak in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797: New findings and implications for age estimation

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    The beak of cephalopods (in particular octopods, where statoliths are not suitable) is a useful tool for age estimation and the aging method provides essential information on cephalopod growth and life cycles. These parameters are valuable in the assessment of population dynamics and stock management. The embryonic development of cephalopod beaks is poorly known. The presence of pre-hatching increments on the reading areas (rostrum and lateral walls) is unclear and there are no data on temperature influence. In this study, egg clusters of Octopus vulgaris were reared at 16, 19, 21, 23, and 26 °C. The extracted upper jaws were observed in order to validate the age of first daily increment formation, assessing the accuracy of age inferred from the two reading areas. Jaw dimensions were also measured in order to explore the development at different temperature conditions. The growth rate was calculated for beaks of rearing condition 21 °C, and the overall dimensions were compared among all incubation temperatures. Three ad hoc developmental stages are proposed for the upper beak of O. vulgaris embryos. Increments on lateral walls appear during the second phase, whereas the first increment on the rostrum is visible only at hatching. Consequently, only the accuracy of age inferred from the rostrum surface is confirmed for the early stages. The growth rate of the rostrum region accounted for a drop in growth during the third phase. Conversely, the growth rate increased until hatching in lateral walls, suggesting that the heterogeneity of the growth rate could be due to the different role played by the beak areas. Temperature influenced beaks in terms of overall size, as embryos reared at a warm temperature (23 °C) were smaller than the others. These results confirm that the incubation environment could alter hatchling characteristics thus affecting the recruitment conditions.Postprint1,58

    Movements of marine fish and decapod crustaceans: Process, theory and application

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    Many marine species have a multi-phase ontogeny, with each phase usually associated with a spatially and temporally discrete set of movements. For many fish and decapod crustaceans that live inshore, a tri-phasic life cycle is widespread, involving: (1) the movement of planktonic eggs and larvae to nursery areas; (2) a range of routine shelter and foraging movements that maintain a home range; and (3) spawning migrations away from the home range to close the life cycle. Additional complexity is found in migrations that are not for the purpose of spawning and movements that result in a relocation of the home range of an individual that cannot be defined as an ontogenetic shift. Tracking and tagging studies confirm that life cycle movements occur across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This dynamic multi-scale complexity presents a significant problem in selecting appropriate scales for studying highly mobile marine animals. We address this problem by first comprehensively reviewing the movement patterns of fish and decapod crustaceans that use inshore areas and present a synthesis of life cycle strategies, together with five categories of movement. We then examine the scale-related limitations of traditional approaches to studies of animal-environment relationships. We demonstrate that studies of marine animals have rarely been undertaken at scales appropriate to the way animals use their environment and argue that future studies must incorporate animal movement into the design of sampling strategies. A major limitation of many studies is that they have focused on: (1) a single scale for animals that respond to their environment at multiple scales or (2) a single habitat type for animals that use multiple habitat types. We develop a hierarchical conceptual framework that deals with the problem of scale and environmental heterogeneity and we offer a new definition of 'habitat' from an organism-based perspective. To demonstrate that the conceptual framework can be applied, we explore the range of tools that are currently available for both measuring animal movement patterns and for mapping and quantifying marine environments at multiple scales. The application of a hierarchical approach, together with the coordinated integration of spatial technologies offers an unprecedented opportunity for researchers to tackle a range of animal-environment questions for highly mobile marine animals. Without scale-explicit information on animal movements many marine conservation and resource management strategies are less likely to achieve their primary objectives
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