5,406 research outputs found

    Il contributo degli italiani allo studio delle antichità cirenaiche tra ‘700 e ‘800: appunti su aspetti inediti o poco noti

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    Storia delle esplorazioni italiane a Cirene dalla metà del '700 agli inizi dell'800 con documenti di archivi

    Toxicity and residual activity of spinetoram to neonate larvae of Grapholita molesta (Busck) and Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae): Semi-field and laboratory trials

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    Spinetoram is a fermentation insecticide, derived from the actinomycete Saccharopolyspora spinosa. It works by disrupting the GABA-gated chloride channels and by causing persistent activation of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of spinetoram for control of neonate larvae of both oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta (Busck) and codling moth (CM) Cydia pomonella (L.) in semi-field and laboratory trials. OFM and CM neonate larvae responded similarly to spinetoram, which showed high efficacy on both species. In semi-field experiments, regression analysis of the percentage of damaged fruits as a function of days after treatment showed a better performance of the highest spinetoram dose (10 g a.i./hl) in comparison with the maximum recommended field dose of the reference product emamectin benzoate (2.85 g a.i./hl). Surface-treated diet assays revealed LC50 values of 6.59 and 8.44 ng a.i./cm2 for neonate larvae of OFM and CM larvae, respectively. High percentages of mortality were recorded on both species after 24-h exposure to treated diet. For these reasons spinetoram could be considered a valuable tool in IPM strategies for OFM and CM control

    Gamma Uranium Molybdenum Alloy: Its Hydride and Performance

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    The high density metastable gamma uranium molybdenum alloy (γ‐UMo) is being qualified as a nuclear fuel for the conversion of high enriched uranium (HEU) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuels in research nuclear reactors. γ‐UMo, with compositions between 7 and 10 wt.% molybdenum, has excellent properties to allocate fission gases but unacceptable behavior in contact with aluminum in the matrix of dispersed fuels. Development and processing alternatives are welcome to decide final working paths and new nuclear fuels design. A historical introduction on the development of materials testing reactors (MTR) nuclear fuels is presented to illustrate comings and goings to reach desired qualification objectives. Several studies performed on UMo probes, miniplates and full size plates are mentioned to contribute to the knowledge of fuel properties and to incorporate new process technologies. Focus is directed to the discovery of the gamma uranium molybdenum hydride and the hot rolling colamination of monolithic UMo with nonaluminum claddings. A scalable process of hydriding, milling and dehydriding (HMD) to comminute the ductile UMo was developed. Monolithic UMo miniplates with Zircaloy‐4 (Zry4) cladding was colaminated for the first time and under irradiation conditions showed excellent performance after high burn‐up

    Três teses histórico-críticas sobre o currículo escolar

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    The aim of this theoretical essay is to analyse school curricula from a historical-critical approach. We present the results of the first stage of our postdoctoral research, which, as a whole, addressed the problem of the nature and specificity of early childhood education curricula. The findings presented in this paper result from the effort of a theoretical and conceptual delimitation of the general conception of curricula in historical-critical pedagogy. These results are presented in the form of theses, which were identified, systematised and formulated based on conceptual and bibliographical investigations of selected works from the historical-critical theoretical field concerning the problem at hand. Three theses concerning the general conception of curricula are presented and supported, which highlight: 1) their political dimension and mediating nature, from the dialectic between objectives and means of education; 2) the defense of the classics, showing the clarification needed of this historical-critical principle in order to avoid a simplifying and abstract treatment; 3) the relationship between curriculum content and the problems posed by global social practice, based on the methodological concept of problematisation.O presente ensaio teórico toma como objeto o currículo escolar desde o enfoque históricocrítico. Apresentamos aqui os resultados da primeira etapa de nossa pesquisa de pósdoutoramento, que se voltou, em seu conjunto, ao problema da natureza e especificidade do currículo na educação infantil. Os achados aqui expostos resultam do esforço de delimitação teórico-conceitual da concepção geral de currículo na pedagogia históricocrítica. Tais resultados são expostos na forma de teses, as quais foram identificadas, sistematizadas e formuladas a partir de investigação conceitual-bibliográfica de obras selecionadas do campo teórico histórico-crítico que se dedicam ao problema em tela. São apresentadas e sustentadas três teses referentes à concepção geral de currículo, as quais colocam em destaque: 1) sua dimensão política e natureza mediadora, a partir da dialética entre objetivos e meios da educação; 2) a defesa dos clássicos, pontuando a necessária clarificação desse princípio histórico-crítico visando a evitar que se lhe dispense um tratamento simplificador e abstrato; 3) a relação entre os conteúdos do currículo e os problemas postos pela prática social global, a partir do conceito metodológico de problematização

    Use of in vivo phage display to engineer novel adenoviruses for targeted delivery to the cardiac vasculature

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    We performed in vivo phage display in the stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rat, a cardiovascular disease model, and the normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat to identify cardiac targeting peptides, and then assessed each in the context of viral gene delivery. We identified both common and strain-selective peptides, potentially indicating ubiquitous markers and those found selectively in dysfunctional microvasculature of the heart. We show the utility of the peptide, DDTRHWG, for targeted gene delivery in human cells and rats in vivo when cloned into the fiber protein of subgroup D adenovirus 19p. This study therefore identifies cardiac targeting peptides by in vivo phage display and the potential of a candidate peptide for vector targeting strategies

    L'incesto di Silano e il bosco di Diana (Tac. Ann. 12. 8. 1)

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    Analisi della notizia di Tacito sull'incesto di Giunio Silano e dei conseguenti riti di espiazioni condotti nel bosco di Diana Nemorens

    Fouilles de Toulon. Quartier de Besagne : périodes médiévale et moderne (Bouches-du-Rhône)

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    International audienceAbstract Emergency archaeological investigations carried out recently in Toulon (Besagne quarter), permit to state precisily its antique topography and habitation site on the one hand ; and on the other hand to provide new data concerning as the mediaeval Bourg Saint-Michel as the modern quarter. The fillings of several wells and pits delivered a batch ofceramics of the XVIth century. Thus, one could grasp, the supply of ceramics of the Bourg: supply from various horizons from rather long way off/for instance culinary cer amies from Uzège and eastern Provence. The abundance of ealeareous clay ware, originate from Fréjus, reflects perfectly the output of those local workshops, the productions and diffusion of which, all over the coast, are corroborated by documentary and archaeological testimonies. Résumé Les récentes interventions de sauvetage à Toulon (quartier Besagne) ont permis de préciser la topographie de l'agglomérationLes récentes interventions de sauvetage à Toulon (quartier Besagne) ont permis de préciser la topographie de l'agglomération antique et de donner quelques indications nouvelles sur le bourg médiéval Saint-Michel et le quartier moderne. Le comblement de plusieurs puits et fosses a livré des lots de céramiques du XVIe siècle. On peut ainsi cerner l'approvisionnement céramique de ce bourg : approvisionnement venant d'horizons divers et à plus ou moins longue distance comme la céramique culinaire originaire de l'Uzège et de Provence orientale. L'abondance de la vaisselle en pâte calcaire d'origine fréjusienne, reflète bien l'importance de ces ateliers régionaux dont les productions et la diffusion sur toute la côte sont attestés par les textes comme par l'archéologie

    Pointing out the false autonomy of Brazilian municipalities: the “quality of the Federation” drawn by the Rule of Law and its impact on promoting the common good

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    This paper addresses the problem of promoting the common good at the local governments. To demonstrate how Law should be seen primarily to a positive task (human flourishing), and to show how enaction and implementation of rights are strictly connected, it is presented the hypothesis in which the “quality of the Federation” (arrangement of competences, goods and incomes drawn in a Federal Rule of Law) is determinant in shaping a linear relation between the “ends elected” by a given community and the “means purposed” by the State administration to fulfill those ends. In this sense, the paper is divided in two sections, each one conducted from methodology of literary review and data analysis. The first section deals with the concept of common good and the perspective of using indicators to measure it. The second section takes the example of Brazilian Federation arrangement drawn in its Constitution to demonstrate the hypothesis. In the end, it is concluded that Brazil lives a false autonomy at the Municipalities level, and this false autonomy constitutionally designed can be a cause of genetic problems in achieving a dynamic of the common good

    Tissue location of resistance in apple to the rosy apple aphid established by electrical penetration graphs

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    A study of the constitutive resistance of the apple cultivar Florina, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), to the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Homoptera Aphididae), was performed for the first time by the electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) system, using the susceptible apple cultivar Smoothe as control. All experiments were conducted with apterous adult virginoparae. The results showed a constitutive resistance in Florina due to a much longer period before the first probe reflecting surface factors. Some weak indications were found for pre-phloem resistance and initiating phloem access was not affected as inferred from equal time to show phloem salivation. However, the complete absence of phloem ingestion indicates a major resistance factor in the phloem sieve elements, most likely in the sieve element sap. Surface factors could have affected tissue related variables and this should be studied further. Anyhow, the strong constitutive resistance in Florina, either on the surface alone or in the phloem as well, effectively prevented reliable experiments on induced resistance, previously detected by molecular methods