143 research outputs found

    Återvunnen mineralullsisolering som lösull i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader

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    Återvinningsföretaget Sydskånes avfallsaktiebolag (Sysav AB) har konstaterat att allt mindre mängder avfall deponeras och att mineralullsisolering har blivit en allt större andel av deponerade material. Producenterna av glasull och stenull tycks inte vara intresserade av att återvinna isoleringsmaterialet. Detta projekt har syftat till att studera teknik och ekonomi för återvunnen mineralullsisolering som lösull i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader. I projektet har man praktiskt utvärderat hur det går att tillverka lösfyllnadsisolering av återvunnen isolering samt testat metodiken för att tillföra återvunnen lösull till ett vindsbjälklag. I projektet har även möjligheterna att bygga upp en marknad för avsättning av återvunnen mineralullsisolering analyserats. Projektet har visat att konceptet med att återvinna mineralull som lösullsisolering i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader har en viss potential ur produktionsteknisk synpunkt. Marknaden för denna isolerprodukt i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader är emellertid relativt begränsad men den kan eventuellt bli en nischprodukt för gör-det-självare inom lantbruket

    Återvunnen mineralullsisolering som lösull i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader

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    Nationella krav på minskad mängd deponiavfall ökar succesivt. Som en konsekvens av detta har avfallshanteringsföretaget Sysav lagt märke till att mineralullsisolering har blivit en allt större andel av det deponerade materialet. Sysav startade 2009 ett projektarbete tillsammans med Malmö Återbyggdepå, Icopal Entreprenad AB och Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp. Projektets syfte var att utröna om det finns möjlighet att bygga upp en marknad för avsättning av återvunnen mineralullsisolering Syftet med denna rapport som ingår i det större projektet är att praktiskt beskriva och utvärdera hur det går till att producera lösfyllnadsisolering av återvunnen mineralullsisolering och att testa metodiken för att tillföra återvunnen lösull till ett vindsbjälklag. Följande frågeställningar skulle särskilt behandlas i examensarbetet: - Hur fungerar produktionsmetodiken för återvunnen mineralullsisolering praktiskt? - Medför det skillnader i lösullsinstallationen när man använder återvunnen mineralull jämfört med att använda isolering med homogen kvalitet? - Hur ser densitets- och tjockleksvariationer ut i den installerade isoleringen? - Påverkas stalluften med hänsyn till dammhalt under installationen? För att undersöka dessa frågor gjordes en teknisk studie i samband med ett fullskaleförsök på ett vindsbjälklag ovan ett slaktsvinstall. Metodiken för framställning av lösullsisolering samt installation av lösullsisoleringen studerades. Som kvalitetsparametrar har prover tagits på tjockleken och densiteten av det installerade isolermaterialet. Även luftprover med hänsyn till dammhalten har tagits i slaktsvinstallet innan, under och efter installationsarbetet. Innan fullskaleförsöket genomfördes bestämdes att isolerlagrets tjocklek skulle motsvara dagens standard, 400 mm plus sättningspåslag på 5 %, sammanlagt 420 mm. Tjocklekmätningen visar att isolerlagrets tjocklek varierade mellan 350 mm till 520 mm med ett medelvärde på 448 mm. Det finns alltså tillräcklig mängd isolering på vindsbjälklaget, däremot ligger det inte så jämt som vore önskvärt. Av luftprovsanalysen kan slutsatsen dras att det inte föreligger några risker, till följd av förhöjda luftföroreningar, för varken djur eller arbetande i djurstallet på grund av hanteringen av lösullsisoleringen på ovanvåningen, under förutsättning att bjälklaget förses med diffusionspärr. Konceptet med att återvinna mineralull som lösullsisolering i lantbrukets ekonomibyggnader kan ur produktionsteknisk synpunkt ha en viss potential. Det som behövs för ett riktigt bra resultat är erfarenhet, att hantera ett heterogent material, hos entreprenören.National requirements for the reduction of landfill waste are gradually increasing. As a consequence, the disposal company Sysav has noted that mineral wool insulation makes up an increasingly larger share of the deposited materials. The producers of glass wool and stone wool don’t seem to be interested in recovering the insulation materials. In 2009 Sysav initiated a project together with Malmö Återbyggsdepå (rebuild depot), Icopal Entreprenad AB and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp. The purpose of the project was to ascertain whether it is possible to develop a market for the sale of recycled mineral wool insulation. This report is part of the larger project and its purpose is to describe and evaluate the process of producing loose fill thermal insulation from recycled mineral wool insulation. In addition it will test the methodology for using recycled loose fill insulation in attic floor constructions. The following issues were specifically addressed in the thesis: - How does the production methodology for recycled mineral wool insulation work in practice? - Is it necessary to use a different installation technique when using recycled mineral wool as compared to using insulation of consistent quality? - Which are the density and thickness variations in the installed insulation? - How do dust levels during installation affect the air in the barn? In order to examine these issues a technical study has been completed, conducting a full-scale experiment in a pig-sty attic. The methodology for the production of loose fill insulation and its installation was studied. Samples were taken of the installed insulation material’s thickness and density, and were used as quality parameters. To measure the barn’s dust levels, air samples were taken before, during and after the installation. It was determined that the insulation thickness should correspond to today’s standard of 400 mm, plus a settling allowance of 5 %, in total 420 mm. Measurement readings show that the thickness ranged from 350 mm to 520 mm with an average of 448 mm. Thus the insulation quantity is sufficient, but its distribution not as even as desired. It can be concluded from the air sample analysis that, provided a vapour barrier is used, there is no health hazard involved, due to increased air pollution, for neither animals nor working staff because of the handling of loose fill material on the attic floor. The concept of using recovered mineral wool as loose fill insulation in farm outbuildings may have a certain potential from a production technical point of view. To ensure a high standard result, however, it is vital that the contractor has the skills necessary to work with a material of inconsistent quality

    HIV preventive interventions, sampling methods and sexual risk behaviour among men who have sex with men

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    Background: Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at high risk of HIV globally. HIV rates among MSM in Europe show increasing trends, in contrast to declining trends in the general population. During the last five years, an increase in reported HIV cases among foreign-born MSM have been observed in Sweden. Representative data about the MSM population is difficult to collect due to lack of a sampling frame. Respondent driven sampling has been developed to access hidden groups and achieve high response rates. Online sampling methods such as Web-based Respondent driven sampling and stratified sampling in a Web community are new and innovative ways of reaching MSM. Aims: To systematically gather and review evidence for HIV prevention interventions among men who have sex with men in the European Union/European Economic Area and to test and evaluate different sampling methods to study sexual risk behaviour among Men who have sex with Men. Methods: A systematic review of HIV preventive interventions among MSM applying the Highest Available Standard of Evidence grading framework was performed to inform European guidelines. Web-based respondent driven sampling was implemented to study sexual risk behaviour and Internet use among MSM. Stratified sampling in a Web community was performed to study HIV testing and prevention uptake among foreign-born MSM living in Sweden. Finally, the samples of MSM in Sweden achieved through Web-based respondent driven sampling, stratified sampling in a Web community, time location sampling and online banner survey sampling, were compared regarding sociodemographics and sexual risk behaviour for HIV. Results: In total, twenty-four interventions were reviewed and fifteen interventions were graded to be strongly, probably or possibly recommended. Condom use, peer outreach, peerled groups, and universal coverage of antiretroviral treatment were found to be strongly recommended. Web-based respondent driven sampling generated a sample of MSM whom all reported unprotected anal intercourse with at least one casual and one regular sex partner in the past twelve months. Stratified sampling in a Web community produced a sub-sample of foreign-born MSM of which 45% had tested for HIV during the past twelve months. A fifth of participants had never tested. Having talked with a prevention worker in the last year was associated with having tested for HIV in the same time frame. The four different sampling strategies used to study sexual risk behaviour among MSM in Sweden captured participant samples that differed regarding sociodemographic characteristic and reported sexual behaviour. Conclusions: Condom use, peer outreach, peer-led groups, and universal coverage of antiretroviral treatment are evidence-based corner stones of HIV preventive interventions for MSM. Web-based respondent driven sampling reached MSM engaging in sexual risk behaviour and holds promise for online interventions and referrals to prevention programmes. To achieve higher uptake of HIV testing among foreign-born MSM in Sweden outreach programmes could be scaled up and evaluated. Future studies could benefit from using different sampling methods to achieve comprehensive data and validate findings across samples of MSM

    Aspectos tributários e sociais dos incentivos fiscais do governo federal à cultura

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências ContábeisAs garantias constitucionais de acesso à cultura e a participação do Estado como agente responsável pela criação de canais de acesso dos indivíduos e entidades legalmente constituídas ao patrimônio e à diversidade cultural tem nos mecanismos de renúncia fiscal uma ferramenta para distribuir recursos de forma a fomentar a produção cultural e ainda conceder benefícios de ordem tributária a pessoas físicas e jurídicas, que, em certos casos, suplantam até mesmo o valor total do investimento no projeto cultural agraciado. Considerado esse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho é mostrar como funciona esse modelo de distribuição e seus reflexos tributários. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica verificou-se as opções de benefícios concedidos pelo governo federal disponíveis na legislação brasileira, algumas considerações sobre outros modelos de intervenção estatal e política cultural em outros países. Analisando a questão dos benefícios tributários obtidos pelas entidades, examinando com detalhes as formas de cálculo da economia tributária existentes, em alguns impostos, pode-se verificar que além do ganho tributário existe o marketing extremamente positivo que pode agregar valores a entidade. No contato com todo esse universo tem-se a oportunidade de refletir sobre uma questão social muito mais ampla: Nesse relacionamento entre o Estado, empresas e cidadãos, antes de qualquer beneficio tributário, a cultura deve ser posta em primeiro plano, pois, trata-se de um patrimônio comum a todos e de irrefutável valor

    The clinical effectiveness of individual behaviour change interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviour after a negative human immunodeficiency virus test in men who have sex with men: systematic and realist reviews and intervention development

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    Background: Men who have sex with men (MSM) experience significant inequalities in health and well-being. They are the group in the UK at the highest risk of acquiring a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Guidance relating to both HIV infection prevention, in general, and individual-level behaviour change interventions, in particular, is very limited. Objectives: To conduct an evidence synthesis of the clinical effectiveness of behaviour change interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviour among MSM after a negative HIV infection test. To identify effective components within interventions in reducing HIV risk-related behaviours and develop a candidate intervention. To host expert events addressing the implementation and optimisation of a candidate intervention. Data sources: All major electronic databases (British Education Index, BioMed Central, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, Educational Resource Index and Abstracts, Health and Medical Complete, MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, PubMed and Social Science Citation Index) were searched between January 2000 and December 2014. Review methods: A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of individual behaviour change interventions was conducted. Interventions were examined using the behaviour change technique (BCT) taxonomy, theory coding assessment, mode of delivery and proximity to HIV infection testing. Data were summarised in narrative review and, when appropriate, meta-analysis was carried out. Supplemental analyses for the development of the candidate intervention focused on post hoc realist review method, the assessment of the sequential delivery and content of intervention components, and the social and historical context of primary studies. Expert panels reviewed the candidate intervention for issues of implementation and optimisation. Results: Overall, trials included in this review (n = 10) demonstrated that individual-level behaviour change interventions are effective in reducing key HIV infection risk-related behaviours. However, there was considerable clinical and methodological heterogeneity among the trials. Exploratory meta-analysis showed a statistically significant reduction in behaviours associated with high risk of HIV transmission (risk ratio 0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.62 to 0.91). Additional stratified analyses suggested that effectiveness may be enhanced through face-to-face contact immediately after testing, and that theory-based content and BCTs drawn from ‘goals and planning’ and ‘identity’ groups are important. All evidence collated in the review was synthesised to develop a candidate intervention. Experts highlighted overall acceptability of the intervention and outlined key ways that the candidate intervention could be optimised to enhance UK implementation. Limitations: There was a limited number of primary studies. All were from outside the UK and were subject to considerable clinical, methodological and statistical heterogeneity. The findings of the meta-analysis must therefore be treated with caution. The lack of detailed intervention manuals limited the assessment of intervention content, delivery and fidelity. Conclusions: Evidence regarding the effectiveness of behaviour change interventions suggests that they are effective in changing behaviour associated with HIV transmission. Exploratory stratified meta-analyses suggested that interventions should be delivered face to face and immediately after testing. There are uncertainties around the generalisability of these findings to the UK setting. However, UK experts found the intervention acceptable and provided ways of optimising the candidate intervention. Future work: There is a need for well-designed, UK-based trials of individual behaviour change interventions that clearly articulate intervention content and demonstrate intervention fidelity

    Photostability of commercial sunscreens upon sun exposure and irradiation by ultraviolet lamps

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    BACKGROUND: Sunscreens are being widely used to reduce exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The fact that some sunscreens are photounstable has been known for many years. Since the UV-absorbing ingredients of sunscreens may be photounstable, especially in the long wavelength region, it is of great interest to determine their degradation during exposure to UV radiation. Our aim was to investigate the photostability of seven commercial sunscreen products after natural UV exposure (UVnat) and artificial UV exposure (UVart). METHODS: Seven commercial sunscreens were studied with absorption spectroscopy. Sunscreen product, 0.5 mg/cm(2), was placed between plates of silica. The area under the curve (AUC) in the spectrum was calculated for UVA (320–400 nm), UVA1 (340–400 nm), UVA2 (320–340 nm) and UVB (290–320 nm) before (AUC(before)) and after (AUC(after)) UVart (980 kJ/m(2 )UVA and 12 kJ/m(2 )of UVB) and before and after UVnat. If theAUC Index (AUCI), defined as AUCI = AUC(after)/AUC(before), was > 0.80, the sunscreen was considered photostable. RESULTS: Three sunscreens were unstable after 90 min of UVnat; in the UVA range the AUCI was between 0.41 and 0.76. In the UVB range one of these sunscreens was unstable with an AUCI of 0.75 after 90 min. Three sunscreens were photostable after 120 min of UVnat; in the UVA range the AUCI was between 0.85 and 0.99 and in the UVB range between 0.92 and 1.0. One sunscreen showed in the UVA range an AUCI of 0.87 after UVnat but an AUCI of 0.72 after UVart. Five of the sunscreens were stable in the UVB region. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that several sunscreens are photounstable in the UVA range after UVnat and UVart. There is a need for a standardized method to measure photostability, and the photostability should be marked on the sunscreen product


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    Smuggling – Innehållsförteckning: – Gästskribenten Sandra Bergqvist / Det unika måste få ett eget språk – Notiser – Tack! / Pia Prost och Cecilia Lundberg – Fakta om förbudstiden 1919–1932 / Pia Prost – Romantik och ryslighet / Fredrik Nilsson – En skärgård som gjord för smuggling / Liselott Nyström Forsén – ”Den bästa tiden var spiritiden” / Keth Strömdahl – Smugglingen blir permanent i Rönnäs / Thure Malmberg – Berättelser från förbudstiden blev en smuggelbok / Cecilia Lundberg – Fotoalbum berättar / Marianne Ström – Då människor och tidningar smugglades genom Åbolands skärgård / Pia Heikkilä – Öppen kritik i dagspressen – ålänningarnas syn på förbudstiden / Hanna Dahlbom – Vi hade svultit ihjäl om inte spriten kommit / Olof Öström – Smugglare och förbjuden sprit i Västnyland / Carolina Holmqvist – Smugglare och smuggelgods av dags dato / Pia Prost – En ar i taget / Mikko Jokinen, Jouko Lehtonen och RiittaLiisa Pettersson – Min ö Replot / Linda Ahlbäck – Skärinytt – Sista bilde

    Icehearts yhteistyössä sosiaalitoimen ja koulun kanssa - ei neuvota vaan kysytään neuvoa

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, mikä merkitys Icehearts- yhteistyöllä on Siltamäen ala-asteen sekä Pohjoisen Perhekeskuksen Tapulin toimipisteen työntekijöille. Samalla selvitettiin, miten yhteistyötä voitaisiin kehittää. Tämä opinnäytetyö on työelämälähtöinen ja noussut Iceheartsin tarpeesta saada tutkimustietoa toimintansa merkittävyydestä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa, jota Icehearts voi hyödyntää toimintansa kehittämisessä tulevaisuudessa sekä parhaimmillaan vahvistaa ja kehittää poikkihallinnollista yhteistyötä sosiaalitoimen ja koulujen kanssa. Teoreettisen taustan opinnäytetyölle tuovat moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja dialogisuus sekä julkinen ja kolmas sektori hyvinvointivaltiossa. Opinnäytetyömme on kvalitatiivinen. Aineiston keruumenetelmänä on käytetty haastattelua. Iceheartsin edustajat määrittelivät haastateltavat joiden katsoivat soveltuvan parhaiten tämän opinnäytetyön toteutukseen. Haastatteluun osallistui 2 henkilöä sosiaalitoimesta sekä 3 henkilöä koulutoimesta. Opinnäytetyön analysointimenetelmänä käytimme teemoittelua. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että yhteistyöllä on merkitystä yhteistyökumppaneille. Tulokset osoittavat, että tämänkaltaiselle kolmannen sektorin toiminnalle on tarvetta julkisella sektorilla. Moniammatillisen yhteistyön yhdeksi tärkeimmistä tehtävistä katsottiin tiedonkulku jonka avulla saavutetaan kaikkien osapuolten yhteinen tavoite; lasten kasvun ja yksilöllisten sosiaalisten tarpeiden huomioiminen. Iceheartsin katsottiin olevan linkkinä koulun, sosiaalitoimen ja perheiden välillä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että tiiviillä ja aktiivisella yhteistyöllä voidaan saavuttaa suurin mahdollinen hyöty tämänkaltaisesta moniammatillisesta yhteistyöstä. Haastattelujen perusteella merkittävä kehittämisehdotus on juuri yhteistyön tiivistämisessä. Voidaan myös päätellä, muuttuvan yhteiskunnan myötä Iceheartsin kaltaisten toimijoiden paikka on koulumaailmassa, jossa työtä voidaan tehdä moniammatillisesti lähellä lasta.The purpose of this final project was to examine how important the Icehearts organization’s operation was to the employees of the Siltamäki elementary school and the family center Tapuli. In addition, the development opportunities of the cooperation were studied. This final project was conducted on the initiative of the Icehearts organization and its need to examine the significance of its operation. The purpose of this final project was to produce information which the Icehearts could use for the development of their operation in the future and, furthermore, to reinforce and develop its crossfunctional cooperation with social services and schools. Multi professional cooperation and dialogue as well as the public and the third sector in a welfare state brought the theoretical background to this final project. This final project was based on gathering and processing qualitative information. The material necessary for the final project was collected via interviews of two chosen professionals from social services and three chosen professionals from school. The interviewees were chosen on the basis of opinions of the Icehearts representatives. The analyzing method used in this study was type-casting. According to the results, the cooperation was important to the partners of the Icehearts organization.The results showed that there was a need for this kind of third sector operation in the public sector.Communication between the partners was found to be one of the most important factors of the multi professional cooperation. This kind of communication helped to achieve the most important goal of all the partners involved, which was that the social needs of growing children were taken into account. The Icehearts was found to be a linkage between school, social services and families. As a conclusion, it can be said that the greatest advantages of this kind of multi-professional cooperation can be achieved with tight and active actions. Based on the interviews, the most important potentials lie in closer cooperation. It can also be noted that because of constantly changing society, the place for the operators like the Icehearts is within the school world where the work can be done near the children


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