86 research outputs found

    Synthesis of biologically active molecules by imprinting polymerisation

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    Highly cross-linked molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are synthetic materials with properties mimicking those of natural receptors. Here we describe an ability of MIP nanoparticles to manifest biological activity. Molecularly imprinted polymers were synthesised by co-polymerisation of urocanic acid, N,N’-bisacryloyl piperazine in the presence of herbicide binding D1 protein, ground and separated from the template by washing and ultrafiltration. It was demonstrated that MIP nanoparticles retained affinity to the template. Moreover, imprinted polymers were able to activate chloroplast photosystem II in in vitro experiments. This provides the first example of the use of imprinted polymers for the attenuation of a biological system and opens new possibilities for their application in pharmacology, biotechnology and medicine.Молекулярно-импринтированные полимеры (МИП) представ­ ляют собой сетчатые полимеры с высокой степенью сшива­ ния, имитирующие биологические рецепторы. В данной работе впервые продемонстрирована биологическая активность мат­ричних полимерных наночастиц. МИП получены вследствие сополимеризации урокановой кислоты и N,N'-бисакрилоил пиперазина в присутствии гербицид-связывающего белка Д1 как матричной молекулы. Далее их измельчали и с помощью ультрафильтрации выделяли фракцию матричных полимер­ных наночастиц. Показано, что такие частицы обладали аффинностью к матричным молекулам, а также способно­ стью активировать фотосистему II хлоропластов в экспери­ментах in vitro. Подобные свойства матричних полимерных наночастиц открывают широкие перспективы их использова­ ния в фармакологии, биотехнологии и медицине.Молекулярно-імпринтовані полімери (МІП) є сітчастими по­ лімерами з високим ступенем зиіивання, які імітують біо­логічні рецептори. В даній роботі вперше продемонстровано біологічну активність матричних полімерних наночастинок. МІП отримано внаслідок співполімеризації уроканової кислоти та NyN'-бісакрилоїлпіперазину за присутності гербіцид-зв'язувального білка Д1 як матричної молекули. Далі його под­ рібнювали і за допомогою ультрафільтрації виділяли фракцію матричних полімерних наночастинок. Показано, що такі час­ тинки мали афінність до матричних молекул, а також здатність активувати фотосистему II хлоропластів в експе­риментах in vitro. Подібні властивості матричних полімерних наночастинок відкривають широкі перспективі їхнього викори­стання в фармакології, біотехнології та медицині

    Standardized Outcome Measurement for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: Consensus From the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) outcomes consistently improve when they are routinely measured and provided back to physicians and hospitals. The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) established a Working Group to define a standard set of outcome measures and risk factors of CAD care. Members were drawn from 4 continents and 6 countries. Using a modified Delphi method, the Group defined who should be tracked, what should be measured, and when such measurements should be performed. Thirteen specific outcomes were chosen, including acute complications occurring within 30 days of acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, or percutaneous coronary intervention; and longitudinal outcomes for up to 5 years for patient‐reported health status (Seattle Angina Questionnaire [SAQ‐7], elements of Rose Dyspnea Score, and Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ‐2]), cardiovascular hospital admissions, cardiovascular procedures, renal failure, and mortality. Baseline demographic, cardiovascular disease, and comorbidity information is included to improve the interpretability of comparisons

    GPIHBP1 expression in gliomas promotes utilization of lipoprotein-derived nutrients

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    GPIHBP1, a GPI-anchored protein of capillary endothelial cells, binds lipoprotein lipase (LPL) within the subendothelial spaces and shuttles it to the capillary lumen. The GPIHBP1-bound LPL is essential for the margination of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs) along capillaries, allowing the lipolytic processing of TRLs to proceed. In peripheral tissues, the intravascular processing of TRLs by the GPIHBP1-LPL complex is crucial for generating lipid nutrients for adjacent parenchymal cells. GPIHBP1 is absent in capillaries of the brain, which uses glucose for fuel; however, GPIHBP1 is expressed in capillaries of mouse and human gliomas. Importantly, the GPIHBP1 in glioma capillaries captures locally produced LPL. We document, by NanoSIMS imaging, that TRLs marginate along glioma capillaries and that there is uptake of TRL-derived lipid nutrients by surrounding glioma cells. Thus, GPIHBP1 expression in gliomas facilitates TRL processing and provides a source of lipid nutrients for glioma cells

    Measurement of the cross section for isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    The dynamics of isolated-photon production in association with a jet in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using a dataset with an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1. Photons are required to have transverse energies above 125 GeV. Jets are identified using the anti- algorithm with radius parameter and required to have transverse momenta above 100 GeV. Measurements of isolated-photon plus jet cross sections are presented as functions of the leading-photon transverse energy, the leading-jet transverse momentum, the azimuthal angular separation between the photon and the jet, the photon–jet invariant mass and the scattering angle in the photon–jet centre-of-mass system. Tree-level plus parton-shower predictions from Sherpa and Pythia as well as next-to-leading-order QCD predictions from Jetphox and Sherpa are compared to the measurements

    A search for resonances decaying into a Higgs boson and a new particle X in the XH → qqbb final state with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for heavy resonances decaying into a Higgs boson (H) and a new particle (X) is reported, utilizing 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data at collected during 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The particle X is assumed to decay to a pair of light quarks, and the fully hadronic final state is analysed. The search considers the regime of high XH resonance masses, where the X and H bosons are both highly Lorentz-boosted and are each reconstructed using a single jet with large radius parameter. A two-dimensional phase space of XH mass versus X mass is scanned for evidence of a signal, over a range of XH resonance mass values between 1 TeV and 4 TeV, and for X particles with masses from 50 GeV to 1000 GeV. All search results are consistent with the expectations for the background due to Standard Model processes, and 95% CL upper limits are set, as a function of XH and X masses, on the production cross-section of the resonance

    Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in pp collisions at \sqrts = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    This letter presents a combination of searches for Higgs boson pair production using up to 36.1 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy root s = 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The combination is performed using six analyses searching for Higgs boson pairs decaying into the b (b) over barb (b) over bar, b (b) over barW(+)W(-), b (b) over bar tau(+)tau(-), W+W-W+W-, b (b) over bar gamma gamma and W+W-gamma gamma final states. Results are presented for non-resonant and resonant Higgs boson pair production modes. No statistically significant excess in data above the Standard Model predictions is found. The combined observed (expected) limit at 95% confidence level on the non-resonant Higgs boson pair production cross-section is 6.9 (10) times the predicted Standard Model cross-section. Limits are also set on the ratio (kappa(lambda)) of the Higgs boson self-coupling to its Standard Model value. This ratio is constrained at 95% confidence level in observation (expectation) to -5.0 &lt; kappa(lambda) &lt; 12.0 (-5.8 &lt; kappa(lambda) &lt; 12.0). In addition, limits are set on the production of narrow scalar resonances and spin-2 Kaluza-Klein Randall-Sundrum gravitons. Exclusion regions are also provided in the parameter space of the habemus Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and the Electroweak Singlet Model. For complete list of authors see http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135103</p