81 research outputs found

    The Frescoes of Pompeii & Herculaneum: A View of History, Excavation, & Preservation from Generation Z

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    This project focused on the history and preservation of Roman frescoes in domūs and villas in Pompeii and Herculaneum and is the result of an independent study with Dr. Diane Al Shihabi, in the Department of Interior Design, at Iowa State University. This research asked (1) What is the nature of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and what was the magnitude of the cataclysmic event that caused two communities to be covered with layers of ash and magma, (2) What are the circumstances that facilitated the preservation of frescoes prior to excavation, and (3) How did the Roman classical design influences spread to other parts of Italy? The research process included direct analysis and documentation of residential buildings in Pompeii and Herculaneum, using photography and videography, and the examination of historical literature and other documents at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, Italy and the Palazzo Massimo Museum in Rome, Italy. Evidence was synthesized in a written research paper and visually interpreted through a documentary film. Findings broaden knowledge of Roman frescoes in Pompeii and Herculaneum and add a Generation Z’s perspective to the scholarship of Roman classical ruins

    A study to develop customer service training for the reception staff at Advanced Healthcare

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    Pax Ecclesia: Globalization and Catholic Literary Modernism

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    The transnational turn in literary studies has brought new rubrics and critical vocabularies to the study of cultures experiencing the destabilizing effects of globalization. It gives special attention to the ways cultural forms, including literature, must be reformulated in the absence of the coherence of the nation-state. Often unremarked upon, however, is the role of religion in providing other channels of affinity around which to cohere. Many writers in the 20th century respond to the shocks of globalizing modernity by writing in light of particular faith traditions, especially the aesthetic strategies and thematic concerns that characterize the Catholic literary tradition. This project examines three authors who identify with this tradition but repurpose it for literary visions of the global future that arise from particular locations and interests. It argues for Graham Greene\u27s concern with expansive moral horizons in two novels from his early Catholic cycle, The Power and the Glory and The Heart of the Matter. It examines the ways global forces invade and transform Flannery O\u27Connor\u27s American South in ways that demand new vision. Finally, the project argues that the novels Silence and Deep River by Japanese author Shusaku Endo present visions of religious practice across cultural and national boundaries. The works examined here evince the principles that animate Catholic literary modernism while presenting sometimes competing, sometimes complementary visions of the responsibilities those principles demand in a globalizing era

    Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy after Endovascular Revascularization in a Patient with Diabetic Foot Syndrome Complicated by Sepsis

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    Pacjent lat 60, przyjęty do szpitala z powodu ostrego niedokrwienia kończyny dolnej prawej z martwiczymi zmianami po stronie grzbietowej i zewnętrznej stopy. Zmiany martwicze o szybko postępującym charakterze - owrzodzenia III/IV stopień według klasyfikacji Wagnera. Pacjent choruje na cukrzycę typu drugiego oraz na nadciśnienie tętnicze. Chory pali papierosy w ilości 1,5 paczki dziennie od 40 lat, prowadzi siedzący tryb życia. Leczenie zachowawcze polegało na miejscowym zastosowaniu maści z antybiotykiem o szerokim spektrum działania. Chorego poddano operacji rewaskularyzacyjnej i leczeniu opatrunkiem podciśnieniowym. Niewłaściwa pielęgnacja opatrunku V.A.C. i niekorzystne warunki zewnętrzne w oddziale chirurgicznym przyczyniły się prawdopodobnie do rozwoju zakażenia miejscowego i posocznicy co w konsekwencji było przyczyną amputacji kończyny

    Interventions for hyperhidrosis in secondary care : a systematic review and value-of-information analysis

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    Background: Hyperhidrosis is uncontrollable excessive sweating that occurs at rest, regardless of temperature. The symptoms of hyperhidrosis can significantly affect quality of life. The management of hyperhidrosis is uncertain and variable. Objective: To establish the expected value of undertaking additional research to determine the most effective interventions for the management of refractory primary hyperhidrosis in secondary care. Methods: A systematic review and economic model, including a value-of-information (VOI) analysis. Treatments to be prescribed by dermatologists and minor surgical treatments for hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet and axillae were reviewed; as endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is incontestably an end-of-line treatment, it was not reviewed further. Fifteen databases (e.g. CENTRAL, PubMed and PsycINFO), conference proceedings and trial registers were searched from inception to July 2016. Systematic review methods were followed. Pairwise meta-analyses were conducted for comparisons between botulinum toxin (BTX) injections and placebo for axillary hyperhidrosis, but otherwise, owing to evidence limitations, data were synthesised narratively. A decision-analytic model assessed the cost-effectiveness and VOI of five treatments (iontophoresis, medication, BTX, curettage, ETS) in 64 different sequences for axillary hyperhidrosis only. Results and conclusions: Fifty studies were included in the effectiveness review: 32 randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 17 non-RCTs and one large prospective case series. Most studies were small, rated as having a high risk of bias and poorly reported. The interventions assessed in the review were iontophoresis, BTX, anticholinergic medications, curettage and newer energy-based technologies that damage the sweat gland (e.g. laser, microwave). There is moderate-quality evidence of a large statistically significant effect of BTX on axillary hyperhidrosis symptoms, compared with placebo. There was weak but consistent evidence for iontophoresis for palmar hyperhidrosis. Evidence for other interventions was of low or very low quality. For axillary hyperhidrosis cost-effectiveness results indicated that iontophoresis, BTX, medication, curettage and ETS was the most cost-effective sequence (probability 0.8), with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of £9304 per quality-adjusted life-year. Uncertainty associated with study bias was not reflected in the economic results. Patients and clinicians attending an end-of-project workshop were satisfied with the sequence of treatments for axillary hyperhidrosis identified as being cost-effective. All patient advisors considered that the Hyperhidrosis Quality of Life Index was superior to other tools commonly used in hyperhidrosis research for assessing quality of life. Limitations: The evidence for the clinical effectiveness and safety of second-line treatments for primary hyperhidrosis is limited. This meant that there was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions for most interventions assessed and the cost-effectiveness analysis was restricted to hyperhidrosis of the axilla. Future work: Based on anecdotal evidence and inference from evidence for the axillae, participants agreed that a trial of BTX (with anaesthesia) compared with iontophoresis for palmar hyperhidrosis would be most useful. The VOI analysis indicates that further research into the effectiveness of existing medications might be worthwhile, but it is unclear that such trials are of clinical importance. Research that established a robust estimate of the annual incidence of axillary hyperhidrosis in the UK population would reduce the uncertainty in future VOI analyses
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