1,692 research outputs found

    713-4 Inhibition of Vascular Superoxide Production in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbit Aorta by L-Arginine Contributes to Restored Endothelium-dependent Relaxation

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    Chronic oral administration of L-arginine (L-ARG) has been shown to enhance endothelial function in cholesterol (CHOL)-fed rabbits and to reduce atherogenesis. We investigated whether modulation of endogenous NO production (as assessed by urinary NO3-excretion) by L-ARG and the inhibitor of NO synthesis, L-NAME, affects vascular superoxide (O2-) production in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA)-stimulated O2-production from isolated aortic rings was increased in rabbits given CHOL (+159±28%) or CHOL + L-NAME (+149±37%) as compared to controls (-22±7%), and endothelium-dependent relaxations by acetylcholine were diminished in both groups. In aortic rings from rabbits given CHOL + L-ARG, PMA-induced O2-production was restored to control levels (+14±17%; p<0.05), and endothelium-dependent cholinergic relaxations were also partly restored. Urinary NO3-excretion decreased in all animals fed a CHOL-enriched diet (p<0.01). As NO inactivated by O2-is also oxidized to NO3-, this indicates a decreased endothelial production of NO. NO3-excretion was further decreased by L-NAME (p<0.05 vs. CHOL), and partly restored by L-ARG (p<0.05). We conclude that both a decreased production of NO and an enhanced breakdown of NO by O2-contribute to the diminished biological activity of endothelial NO in hypercholesterolemia. L-ARG restores endothelial function by enhancing NO formation and by protecting NO from early breakdown by O2-

    Restoring vascular nitric oxide formation by l-arginine improves the symptoms of intermittent claudication in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease

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    AbstractBackground. Administration of l-arginine improves nitric oxide (NO) formation and endothelium-dependent vasodilation in atherosclerotic patients.Objectives. We investigated in this double-blind, controlled study whether prolonged intermittent infusion therapy with l-arginine improves the clinical symptoms of patients with intermittent claudication, as compared with the endothelium-independent vasodilator prostaglandin E1, and control patients.Methods. Thirty-nine patients with intermittent claudication were randomly assigned to receive 2 × 8 g l-arginine/day, or 2 × 40 μg prostaglandin E1(PGE1)/day or no hemodynamically active treatment, for 3 weeks. The pain-free and absolute walking distances were assessed on a walking treadmill at 3 km/h, 12% slope, and NO-mediated, flow-induced vasodilation of the femoral artery was assessed by ultrasonography at baseline, at 1, 2 and 3 weeks of therapy and 6 weeks after the end of treatment. Urinary nitrate and cyclic guanosine-3′, 5′-monophosphate (GMP) were assessed as indices of endogenous NO production.Results. l-Arginine improved the pain-free walking distance by 230 ± 63% and the absolute walking distance by 155 ± 48% (each p < 0.05). Prostaglandin E1improved both parameters by 209 ± 63% and 144 ± 28%, respectively (each p < 0.05), whereas control patients experienced no significant change. l-Arginine therapy also improved endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the femoral artery, whereas PGE1had no such effect. There was a significant linear correlation between the l-arginine/asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) ratio and the pain-free walking distance at baseline (r = 0.359, p < 0.03). l-Arginine treatment elevated the plasma l-arginine/ADMA ratio and increased urinary nitrate and cyclic GMP excretion rates, indicating normalized endogenous NO formation. Prostaglandin E1therapy had no significant effect on any of these parameters. Symptom scores assessed on a visual analog scale increased from 3.51 ± 0.18 to 8.3 ± 0.4 (l-arginine) and 7.0 ± 0.5 (PGE1; each p < 0.05), but did not significantly change in the control group (4.3 ± 0.4).Conclusions. Restoring NO formation and endothelium-dependent vasodilation by l-arginine improves the clinical symptoms of intermittent claudication in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease

    Super-resolution imaging and estimation of protein copy numbers at single synapses with DNA-PAINT

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    In the brain, the strength of each individual synapse is defined by the complement of proteins present or the "local proteome." Activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength are the result of changes in this local proteome and posttranslational protein modifications. Although most synaptic proteins have been identified, we still know little about protein copy numbers in individual synapses and variations between synapses. We use DNA-point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography as a single-molecule super-resolution imaging technique to visualize and quantify protein copy numbers in single synapses. The imaging technique provides near-molecular spatial resolution, is unaffected by photobleaching, enables imaging of large field of views, and provides quantitative molecular information. We demonstrate these benefits by accessing copy numbers of surface AMPA-type receptors at single synapses of rat hippocampal neurons along dendritic segments

    Einführung in das Kapitalstrukturmanagement

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    This paper gives an overview of the capital requirements for banks. Regulatory capital is analyzed, followed by the discussion of economic capital. These ideas are used to explain risk adjusted performance measures. --Regulatorisches Kapital,ökonomisches Kapital,RAROC,RORAC

    Atributos de calidad del aceite de café Arábica tostado extraído por prensado: composición, actividad antioxidante, factor de protección solar y otros parámetros físicos y químicos

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    This research reports a comprehensive characterization of the composition profile and physical and chemical characteristics of roasted Arabica coffee oil obtained by mechanical pressing. The oil presented a peroxide value of 3.21 meq·kg-1 and an acid value of 7.3 mg KOH·g-1. A higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (58%), predominantly linoleic (L) and palmitic (P) acids, was observed; PLL and PLP were estimated as the main triacylglycerols. The oil was characterized by high contents in diterpenes and tocopherols (3720 and 913 mg·100g-1, respectively), the presence of caffeine and chlorogenic acids, as well as a high sun protection factor (9.7) and ABTS free radical-scavenging capacity (12.5 mg Trolox·mL-1). Among the 35 volatile compounds studied, furfurythiol and pyrazines were the main components of the oil. These properties showed that roasted coffee oil has good potential for use in food and cosmetics.Esta investigación reporta una caracterización completa del perfil de composición y características físicas y químicas del aceite de café Arábica tostado obtenido por prensado mecánico. El aceite presentó un índice de peróxido de 3,21 meq·kg-1 y un índice de acidez de 7,3 mg de KOH·g-1. Se observó una mayor proporción de ácidos grasos insaturados (58%), ácido linoleico, (L) y palmítico (P); PLL y PLP se estimaron como los principales triacilgliceroles. El aceite se caracterizó por un alto contenido de diterpenos y tocoferoles (3720 y 913 mg·100g-1, respectivamente), la presencia de cafeína y ácidos clorogénicos, así como un alto factor de protección solar (9,7) y capacidad de captación de radicales libres ABTS (12,5 mg de Trolox·mL-1). Entre los 35 compuestos volátiles estudiados, el furfuritiol y las pirazinas fueron los componentes principales del aceite. Estas propiedades mostraron que el aceite de café tostado tiene un buen potencial para su uso en alimentos y cosméticos

    Sofrimento psíquico de profissionais paliativistas na assistência do processo morte e morrer

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Enfermagem.Introdução: Nos currículos de graduação, não há uma formação adequada para pensar a morte como um processo natural da vida. Devido à pandemia da COVID-19 estudos trazem que as medidas inseridas no contexto social fazem emergir a ansiedade, estresse e depressão, alterando a saúde mental das pessoas, famílias e dos profissionais da saúde. A abordagem dos cuidados paliativos faz emergir outra perspectiva do cuidado à morte. Com tudo isso em vista, procura-se entender de que maneira o trabalho pode afetar a saúde mental dos profissionais paliativistas. Objetivo geral: Conhecer a percepção da equipe multiprofissional de cuidados paliativos acerca do seu sofrimento psíquico. Objetivos específicos: caracterizar o perfil dos profissionais de cuidados paliativos; identificar fatores que influenciam a saúde mental dos profissionais paliativistas; analisar a relação entre sofrimento psíquico e a assistência no processo morte-morrer. Metodologia: estudo qualitativo, na modalidade exploratória descritiva sob base discursiva dos resultados a abordagem conceitual de Betty Neuman, que trabalha a reação das pessoas e comunidades aos estressores ambientais. Realizada em duas instituições de saúde que apresentam equipes de cuidados paliativos, em Florianópolis entre fevereiro e novembro de 2020. Participaram nove profissionais, sendo três médicos, três enfermeiras, duas técnicas de enfermagem e um capelão. A análise qualitativa foi por meio de análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin. Seguiram-se as etapas de pré-análise, exploração e tratamento dos dados. Da análise, emergiram duas categorias: 1. Percepção de si: sofrimento pessoal multiprofissional em cuidados paliativos; 2. Comunicação e sofrimento relacional em paliação num contexto de luto social frente à pandemia COVID-19. Resultados: a assistência paliativa foi retratada como fonte de satisfação e gratificação pelos profissionais que participaram da pesquisa. A relação intraequipe é boa e fonte de fortalecimento para o profissional. Um dos aspectos mais desafiadores no processo de trabalho é a comunicação com o paciente. A pandemia e o manejo inadequado da crise fizeram surgir sentimentos de frustração e dificultou o enfrentamento do processo de morte. A comunicação precisou ser adaptada devido ao distanciamento social, acarretando no advento do uso de estratégias comunicacionais, vídeochamadas e teleconsultas. Considerações finais: foi possível identificar que a principal fonte de estressores para os trabalhadores está relacionada ao processo de comunicação com paciente e familiares. Percebe-se, que a própria formação em cuidados paliativos fortalece o profissional da saúde e o protege contra estressores, prevenindo sofrimento psíquico. A filosofia dos cuidados paliativos propicia um novo olhar para a morte, fazendo com que o convívio com o sofrimento deixe de ser um processo penoso. Ainda assim, é possível identificar sentimentos de tristeza e frustração, especialmente relacionados à pandemia e às dificuldades geradas por ela. Reforça-se a necessidade de incluir os cuidados paliativos nos currículos dos cursos de graduação das diversas profissões da saúde. Mostraram-se como limitações do estudo a coleta de dados online e a participação de poucas categorias profissionais envolvidas nos cuidados paliativos e nesta pesquisa, com predominância da enfermagem e da medicina. O estudo traz importante contribuição para a literatura tendo em vista a escassa produção acadêmica, recente, acerca do fenômeno investigado

    Die Wirkung von Myco-Sin gegen den Apfelschorf in Abhängigkeit der Schwefelformulierung

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    Schlussfolgerungen: Zur Regulierung von Apfelschorf in kühlen Phasen im Frühjahr sollte Myco-Sin auf keinen Fall ohne Schwefelzusatz verwendet werden. Netzschwefel Stulln ist als Mischungspartner zu Myco-Sin besser geeignet als Thiovit. Netzschwefel Stulln ist per 2004 im Biolandbau zugelassen. Zahlreiche Versuche zeigen, dass die Schorfwirkung von Tonerde + Schwefel besser ist als von Netzschwefel alleine

    Subjekt und Eigenaktivität im Handeln: Aspekte einer Theorie der subjektiven Handlungsstrukturierung bei der Synchronisation von Ereignissen

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    In sportwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass nicht bewusste antizipative Prozesse, auf deren Grundlage die Sportler handeln, schon vor Beginn der Bewegungsausführung vom Sportler subjektiv strukturiert werden. In diesem Vorgang findet ein Austausch von wahrgenommenen Aspekten der eigenen Bewegung und Aspekten der Umwelt statt, der sich im Erleben der Sportler wiederum auf die Bewegungsausführung auswirkt. Dieser Gedanke wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit mit den Tappingexperimenten der Synchronisationsforschung in Zusammenhang gebracht. Bei der Synchronisation von zwei Ereignissen entsteht das Phänomen der negativen Asynchronie, wie die Differenz zwischen dem Click eines Metronoms und dem Tap einer Versuchsperson genannt wird. Dieses Phänomen stellt eine bisher noch nicht geschlossene Lücke in der Kenntnis der Wahrnehmungsvorgänge innerhalb des Handelns dar. Die Forschungsfrage in dieser Arbeit verfolgt den Aspekt, dass sich die eigene Handlungsausführung auf die wahrgenommene Welt innerhalb des phänomenalen Erlebens der handelnden Person handlungsleitend auswirkt. In Synchronisationsexperimenten (Kapitel 1) wird die zeitliche Steuerung von Handlungen analysiert. Erklärungsansätze zum Phänomen der negativen Asynchronie beziehen sich auf Modellannahmen der Neurophysiologie und der Kognitionsforschung. Damit geht einher, dass Bezüge zur Subjektivität in Handlungs- und Wahrnehmungsvorgängen aus den forschungsleitenden Fragen herausgenommen werden. Die Ebene des Erlebens während der Handlungsausführung wird in dieser Arbeit als ein leitendes Kriterium in Wahrnehmungs- und Handlungsvorgängen verstanden. In Kapitel 2 liegt der Fokus auf sportwissenschaftlichen Konzepten. Unter dem intentionsorientierten Ansatz subsumieren sich der handlungstheoretische, der phänomenologische und der gestalttheoretische Ansatz. In den sportpädagogischen Lehr-Lerntheorien, in denen sie Anwendung finden, interessiert die Entwicklung einer subjektiven Handlungsstruktur auf der Basis des phänomenalen Erlebens während der Bewegungsausführung, die sich innerhalb des Lernvorgangs ausbildet. In Bezug auf diese Konzepte wird ein subjektorientierter Zugang zum Phänomen der negativen Asynchronie entwickelt. In Kapitel 3 und Kapitel 4 wird über die Differenzierung von Wahrnehmungsinhalten im Handlungsvorgang Aufschluss geben. U.a. wird mit dem Reafferenzprinzip, auf Unvereinbarkeiten zwischen physikalischer und psychologischer Welt hingewiesen. Anzunehmen ist, dass der subjektive Eindruck der eigenen Bewegung, der sich mit der Bewegungsausführung einstellt u.a. über die Bewegung beeinflusst wird und letztlich darüber wiederum die Bewegung zu beeinflussen ist. Kapitel 5 diskutiert auf der Basis der lehr-lerntheoretischen Konzepte des phänomenorientierten Ansatzes der Sportpädagogik, die Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme der metaphorischen Instruktion auf die Bewegungsausführung. Bezüge zu philosophischen Theorien, die sich mit dem Aspekt des Bewusstseins innerhalb des phänomenalen Erlebens beschäftigen, verdichten die Annahme der subjektiv beeinflussbaren Handlungsvorbereitung. Aus dieser Kenntnis heraus wird ein Experimentaldesign entwickelt (Kapitel 6), das den Fokus auf Prozesse innerhalb des Subjekts und nicht auf das Resultat legt. Angenommen wird, dass die Differenz zwischen Click und Tap eine notwendige Lücke darstellt und innerhalb der Grenzen der negativen Asynchronie, die den Vpn im übrigen während des Handelns nicht bewusst ist, der Zeitraum zu finden ist, indem sich das phänomenale Erleben der Vp und die dazugehörigen handlungsvorbereitenden Prozesse entwickeln Diese Annahmen werden in der Untersuchung mit zwei Hypothesen überprüft. In einem Fazit (Kapitel 7) wird geschlussfolgert, dass in Anlehnung an die philosophische Anthropologie und gegenwärtige Theorien der Bewusstseinsphilosophie die Differenz auf Mechanismen beruht, die innerhalb des Subjekts liegen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse legen die Vermutung nahe, dass die Vpn den Metronomclick zwar als Umweltinput für ihr Handeln nutzen, ihn jedoch auf einer subjektiven Handlungsebene verarbeiten. Was innerhalb des Handelns als gleichzeitig erkannt wird, zeigt sich außerhalb des Handelns als ungleichzeitig. Aus einem auf das Subjekt gerichteten Blick ist anzunehmen, dass die subjektive Wahrnehmung innerhalb der Bewegungsausführung eine andere Gewichtung erfährt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass wir auf der Basis der Interpretation unserer eigenen Wahrnehmung handeln.Tests in sport science have demonstrated that non-conscious anticipative processes, which are the basis for the action of the athletes before the beginning of action execution, are structured subjectively by these athletes. In this process, an exchange between perceptual aspects of their own movement and aspects of the environment takes place, which influences the experience of the athletes as well as the movement execution. In this dissertation, this thought will be connected to the tapping experiments in synchronization research. During synchronization of two events the so called phenomenon of negative asynchrony arises, the difference between a click of a metronome and a tap of a test person. This phenomenon describes a gap in the knowledge of perception processes during action. The aim of this approach is based on the assumption, that action execution of the acting person directs the action itself by influencing the perceived world during phenomenal experience. Synchronization experiments are used to analyse the temporal control of action (Chapter 1). The theories which explain the phenomenon of negative asynchrony refer to models of neurophysiology and cognition research, which neglect subjectivity of perception and action. However, in this approach the level of experience during action execution is understood as a criterion within action and perception. In chapter 2, the focus lies on sport scientific concepts. This intentionality oriented approach contains action theory, phenomenology and gestalt theory. In sport pedagogical theories of teaching and learning, where they were used, the focus is on the development of a subjective action structure on the basis of phenomenal experience during movement execution, which develops during the learning process. The reflection on these concepts prepares a subjectively oriented explanation of the phenomenon of negative asynchrony. Chapter 3 and 4 differentiate between different kinds of perceptual content during action execution. E. g. the “Reafferenzprinzip” is used to show incompatibilities between the physical and the psychological world. The assumption is that the subjective impression of one’s own movement, which arises from the action execution, can be influenced by the action and therefore the action is affected by action execution. Chapter 5 discusses possibilities of influencing action execution by metaphorical instruction using concepts of learning and teaching of the phenomenon oriented approach of sport pedagogy. Philosophical theories, which deal with the aspect of consciousness in phenomenal experience, strengthen the assumption of subjectively influenced action preparation. Thus an experimental design is developed, focussing on the subjective conditions of the person and not on the results (chapter 6). The difference between click and tap is supposed to be a necessary gap, which is non-conscious to the acting person. Within the limits of negative asynchrony a time space is to be found which encompasses the phenomenal experience and activities preparatory to the action. These assumptions are proved in an experiment testing two hypotheses. Using theories of anthropological philosophy and present theories of the philosophy of consciousness, the last chapter (chapter 7) concludes that the difference is created by mechanisms within the person. The obtained results show that the test persons use the metronome click as an environmental input for their action, but on a subjective level of action. Synchrony within action equals asynchrony outside action. Within a subject oriented view I conclude that the subjective perception during action execution demonstrate that we are acting on our own interpretation of perception