684 research outputs found

    Correlating low energy impact damage with changes in modal parameters: a preliminary study on composite beams

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    This paper is an experimental study of the effects of multi-site damage on the vibration response of a composite beam damaged by low energy impact. The variation of the modal parameters with different levels of impact energy and density of impact is studied. Specimens are impacted symmetrically in order to induce a global rate of damage. A damage detection tool Damage Index is introduced in order to verify the estimation of damping ratios. Design of Experiments is used to establish the sensitivity of both energy of impact and density of damage. The DOE analysis results (using natural frequency only) indicate that impact energy for 2nd, 3rd and 4th bending modes is the most significant factor contributing to the changes in the modal parameters for this kind of symmetrical dynamic test

    Are genes faster than crabs? Mitochondrial introgression exceeds larval dispersal during population expansion of the invasive crab Carcinus maenas

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    Biological invasions offer unique opportunities to investigate evolutionary dynamics at the peripheries of expanding populations. Here, we examine genetic patterns associated with admixture between two distinct invasive lineages of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas L., independently introduced to the northwest Atlantic. Previous investigations based on mitochondrial DNA sequences demonstrated that larval dispersal driven by advective currents could explain observed southward displacement of an admixture zone between the two invasions. Comparison of published mitochondrial results with new nuclear data from nine microsatellite loci, however, reveals striking discordance in their introgression patterns. Specifically, introgression of mitochondrial genomes relative to nuclear background suggests that demographic processes such as sex-biased reproductive dynamics and population size imbalances—and not solely larval dispersal—play an important role in driving the evolution of the genetic cline. In particular, the unpredicted introgression of mitochondrial alleles against the direction of mean larval dispersal in the region is consistent with recent models invoking similar demographic processes to explain movements of genes into invading populations. These observations have important implications for understanding historical shifts in C. maenas range limits, and more generally for inferences of larval dispersal based on genetic data

    Mechanically coupled laminates with balanced plain weave

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    Definitive listings of laminate stacking sequences are derived for balanced plain weave laminated materials, assuming each layer is composed of the same material with constant thickness throughout and that standard ply angle orientations 0, 90, and ±45° are adopted; consistent with industrial design practice. A single layer of balanced plain weave material is shown to be immune to thermal distortion following a standard high temperature manufacturing process, which implies that all laminates constructed of this material possess what is commonly referred to as the hygro-thermally curvature-stable or warp-free condition, irrespective of the individual ply orientations used or the laminate stacking sequence definition. A single uncoupled parent laminate class is shown to contain sub-groups with extensionally isotropic and fully isotropic properties that are invariant with off-axis orientation of the principal material axes with respect to the system or structural axes. By contrast a single mechanically coupled parent laminate class is shown to give rise to seven unique forms of coupled laminate through judicious off-axis orientation. Invariant off-axis properties are also identified in coupled laminate designs. Finally, example calculations, abridged stacking sequence listings and design data are presented

    YamSat: the First Picosatellite being Developed in Taiwan

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    This paper describes the current planning and design of the YamSat, the first picosatellite being developed in Taiwan. The design, analysis, manufacture, integration, test and operation of the YamSat will be performed by the National Space Program Office (NSPO), Taiwan, R.O.C, in cooperation with other domestic organizations and companies. It is a member of the CubeSat [1], 10cm x 10cm x 10cm size and within 1kg mass. The major objective of the YamSat is to qualify in space the components and technology developed in Taiwan, including a micro-spectrometer payload using Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. The YamSat will be ready for flight in the middle of 2002

    The relative efficacy of different strain combinations of lactic acid bacteria in the reduction of populations of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium in the livers and spleens of mice

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    Multispecies probiotics have been reported to be more effective than monostrain probiotics in health promoting for the host. In this study, 12 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were selected based on the level of induction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. Their adherence to Caco-2 cells and inhibitory effects on Salmonella invasion of Caco-2 cells were compared. Strains with different probiotic properties were then combined and BALB/c mice were fed with LAB strains for 63 days; then the mice were challenged with Salmonella on day 64. For Salmonella-unchallenged mice that received a multistrain combination of LAB strains that have greater TNF-alpha production in macrophages, greater adherence and inhibit Salmonella invasion of Caco-2 cells to a greater extent, their peritoneal macrophages had greater phagocytic activity. For Salmonella-challenged mice, a significant reduction of Salmonella cells in the livers and spleens of the mice was observed 8 days post challenge. The addition of 12% skim milk powder together with LAB strain combinations significantly enhanced the reduction of Salmonella cells in the mice livers and spleens. In conclusion, we have shown that LAB strain combinations with particular probiotic properties when fed to mice can inhibit Salmonella invasion of the liver and spleen

    A CSF-1R-blocking antibody/IL-10 fusion protein increases anti-tumor immunity by effectuating tumor-resident CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells.

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    Strategies to increase intratumoral concentrations of an anticancer agent are desirable to optimize its therapeutic potential when said agent is efficacious primarily within a tumor but also have significant systemic side effects. Here, we generate a bifunctional protein by fusing interleukin-10 (IL-10) to a colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R)-blocking antibody. The fusion protein demonstrates significant antitumor activity in multiple cancer models, especially head and neck cancer. Moreover, this bifunctional protein not only leads to the anticipated reduction in tumor-associated macrophages but also triggers proliferation, activation, and metabolic reprogramming of CD8 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; T cells. Furthermore, it extends the clonotype diversity of tumor-infiltrated T cells and shifts the tumor microenvironment (TME) to an immune-active state. This study suggests an efficient strategy for designing immunotherapeutic agents by fusing a potent immunostimulatory molecule to an antibody targeting TME-enriched factors

    From early markers to neuro-developmental mechanisms of autism

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    A fast growing field, the study of infants at risk because of having an older sibling with autism (i.e. infant sibs) aims to identify the earliest signs of this disorder, which would allow for earlier diagnosis and intervention. More importantly, we argue, these studies offer the opportunity to validate existing neuro-developmental models of autism against experimental evidence. Although autism is mainly seen as a disorder of social interaction and communication, emerging early markers do not exclusively reflect impairments of the “social brain”. Evidence for atypical development of sensory and attentional systems highlight the need to move away from localized deficits to models suggesting brain-wide involvement in autism pathology. We discuss the implications infant sibs findings have for future work into the biology of autism and the development of interventions

    Measurement of the Nucleon Structure Function F2 in the Nuclear Medium and Evaluation of its Moments

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    We report on the measurement of inclusive electron scattering off a carbon target performed with CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory. A combination of three different beam energies 1.161, 2.261 and 4.461 GeV allowed us to reach an invariant mass of the final-state hadronic system W~2.4 GeV with four-momentum transfers Q2 ranging from 0.2 to 5 GeV2. These data, together with previous measurements of the inclusive electron scattering off proton and deuteron, which cover a similar continuous two-dimensional region of Q2 and Bjorken variable x, permit the study of nuclear modifications of the nucleon structure. By using these, as well as other world data, we evaluated the F2 structure function and its moments. Using an OPE-based twist expansion, we studied the Q2-evolution of the moments, obtaining a separation of the leading-twist and the total higher-twist terms. The carbon-to-deuteron ratio of the leading-twist contributions to the F2 moments exhibits the well known EMC effect, compatible with that discovered previously in x-space. The total higher-twist term in the carbon nucleus appears, although with large systematic uncertainites, to be smaller with respect to the deuteron case for n<7, suggesting partial parton deconfinement in nuclear matter. We speculate that the spatial extension of the nucleon is changed when it is immersed in the nuclear medium.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figure

    SuRVoS: Super-Region Volume Segmentation workbench

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    Segmentation of biological volumes is a crucial step needed to fully analyse their scientific content. Not having access to convenient tools with which to segment or annotate the data means many biological volumes remain under-utilised. Automatic segmentation of biological volumes is still a very challenging research field, and current methods usually require a large amount of manually-produced training data to deliver a high-quality segmentation. However, the complex appearance of cellular features and the high variance from one sample to another, along with the time-consuming work of manually labelling complete volumes, makes the required training data very scarce or non-existent. Thus, fully automatic approaches are often infeasible for many practical applications. With the aim of unifying the segmentation power of automatic approaches with the user expertise and ability to manually annotate biological samples, we present a new workbench named SuRVoS (Super-Region Volume Segmentation). Within this software, a volume to be segmented is first partitioned into hierarchical segmentation layers (named Super-Regions) and is then interactively segmented with the user's knowledge input in the form of training annotations. SuRVoS first learns from and then extends user inputs to the rest of the volume, while using Super-Regions for quicker and easier segmentation than when using a voxel grid. These benefits are especially noticeable on noisy, low-dose, biological datasets