942 research outputs found

    Oxygenation inhibits the physiological tissue-protecting mechanism and thereby exacerbates acute inflammatory lung injury

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) usually requires symptomatic supportive therapy by intubation and mechanical ventilation with the supplemental use of high oxygen concentrations. Although oxygen therapy represents a life-saving measure, the recent discovery of a critical tissue-protecting mechanism predicts that administration of oxygen to ARDS patients with uncontrolled pulmonary inflammation also may have dangerous side effects. Oxygenation may weaken the local tissue hypoxia-driven and adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR)-mediated anti-inflammatory mechanism and thereby further exacerbate lung injury. Here we report experiments with wild-type and adenosine A2AR-deficient mice that confirm the predicted effects of oxygen. These results also suggest the possibility of iatrogenic exacerbation of acute lung injury upon oxygen administration due to the oxygenation-associated elimination of A2AR-mediated lung tissue-protecting pathway. We show that this potential complication of clinically widely used oxygenation procedures could be completely prevented by intratracheal injection of a selective A2AR agonist to compensate for the oxygenation-related loss of the lung tissue-protecting endogenous adenosine. The identification of a major iatrogenic complication of oxygen therapy in conditions of acute lung inflammation attracts attention to the need for clinical and epidemiological studies of ARDS patients who require oxygen therapy. It is proposed that oxygen therapy in patients with ARDS and other causes of lung inflammation should be combined with anti-inflammatory measures, e.g., with inhalative application of A2AR agonists. The reported observations may also answer the long-standing question as to why the lungs are the most susceptible to inflammatory injury and why lung failure usually precedes multiple organ failure

    Trisomy 21 induces pericentrosomal crowding delaying primary ciliogenesis and mouse cerebellar development.

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    Trisomy 21, the genetic cause of Down syndrome, disrupts primary cilia formation and function, in part through elevated Pericentrin, a centrosome protein encoded on chromosome 21. Yet how trisomy 21 and elevated Pericentrin disrupt cilia-related molecules and pathways, and the in vivo phenotypic relevance remain unclear. Utilizing ciliogenesis time course experiments combined with light microscopy and electron tomography, we reveal that chromosome 21 polyploidy elevates Pericentrin and microtubules away from the centrosome that corral MyosinVA and EHD1, delaying ciliary membrane delivery and mother centriole uncapping essential for ciliogenesis. If given enough time, trisomy 21 cells eventually ciliate, but these ciliated cells demonstrate persistent trafficking defects that reduce transition zone protein localization and decrease sonic hedgehog signaling in direct anticorrelation with Pericentrin levels. Consistent with cultured trisomy 21 cells, a mouse model of Down syndrome with elevated Pericentrin has fewer primary cilia in cerebellar granule neuron progenitors and thinner external granular layers at P4. Our work reveals that elevated Pericentrin from trisomy 21 disrupts multiple early steps of ciliogenesis and creates persistent trafficking defects in ciliated cells. This pericentrosomal crowding mechanism results in signaling deficiencies consistent with the neurological phenotypes found in individuals with Down syndrome

    Identifying the causes and consequences of assembly gaps using a multiplatform genome assembly of a bird-of-paradise

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    Genome assemblies are currently being produced at an impressive rate by consortia and individual laboratories. The low costs and increasing efficiency of sequencing technologies now enable assembling genomes at unprecedented quality and contiguity. However, the difficulty in assembling repeat-rich and GC-rich regions (genomic “dark matter”) limits insights into the evolution of genome structure and regulatory networks. Here, we compare the efficiency of currently available sequencing technologies (short/linked/long reads and proximity ligation maps) and combinations thereof in assembling genomic dark matter. By adopting different de novo assembly strategies, we compare individual draft assemblies to a curated multiplatform reference assembly and identify the genomic features that cause gaps within each assembly. We show that a multiplatform assembly implementing long-read, linked-read and proximity sequencing technologies performs best at recovering transposable elements, multicopy MHC genes, GC-rich microchromosomes and the repeat-rich W chromosome. Telomere-to-telomere assemblies are not a reality yet for most organisms, but by leveraging technology choice it is now possible to minimize genome assembly gaps for downstream analysis. We provide a roadmap to tailor sequencing projects for optimized completeness of both the coding and noncoding parts of nonmodel genomes

    Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: II. Electron and antimatter interactions

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    We publish three Roadmaps on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics in order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the ICPEAC conference. In Roadmap II we focus on electron and antimatter interactions. Modern theoretical and experimental approaches provide detailed insight into the many body quantum dynamics of leptonic collisions with targets of varying complexity ranging from neutral and charged atoms to large biomolecules and clusters. These developments have been driven by technological progress and by the needs of adjacent areas of science such as astrophysics, plasma physics and radiation biophysics. This Roadmap aims at looking back along the road, explaining the evolution of the field, and looking forward, collecting contributions from eighteen leading groups from the field

    All's well that begins Wells: Celebrating 60 years of Animal Behaviour and 36 years of research on anuran social behaviour

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    The scientific study of frogs and toads as important systems in behavioural ecology traces its roots to an influential review published in this journal 36 years ago (Wells 1977a, ‘The social behaviour of anuran amphibians’, Animal Behaviour, 25, 666–693). In just 28 pages, Wells summarized the state of knowledge on important behaviours associated with anuran breeding and introduced an evolutionary framework ‘for understanding the relationship between social behaviour and ecology’ (page 666) that was largely lacking in earlier treatments of this group. Not only is Wells's review one of the most cited papers ever published in Animal Behaviour, it is also responsible for setting broad research agendas and shaping much of our current thinking on social behaviour in an entire order of vertebrates. As such, it is entirely appropriate that we honour Wells's review and its contributions to the study of animal behaviour in this inaugural essay celebrating 12 papers selected by the community as the most influential papers published in the 60-year history of Animal Behaviour. In our essay, we place Wells's review in historical context at the dawn of behavioural ecology, highlight the field's progress in answering some major research questions outlined in the review, and provide our own prospectus for future research on the social behaviour of anuran amphibians. Highlights ► This essay celebrates Kent Wells's (1977, Animal Behaviour, 25, 666–693) paper, ‘The social behaviour of anuran amphibians’. ► We place the article in historical context and outline its major contributions. ► We discuss progress on anuran social behaviour since its publication in 1977. ► We provide our own prospectus on the future of anuran behavioural ecology

    Hermeneutics and Nature

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    This paper contributes to the on-going research into the ways in which the humanities transformed the natural sciences in the late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries. By investigating the relationship between hermeneutics -- as developed by Herder -- and natural history, it shows how the methods used for the study of literary and artistic works played a crucial role in the emergence of key natural-scientific fields, including geography and ecology

    Vascular endothelial growth factor prevents G93A-SOD1-induced motor neuron degeneration

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by selective loss of motor neurons (MNs). Twenty percent of familial ALS cases are associated with mutations in Cu 2+ /Zn 2+ superoxide dismutase (SOD1). To specifically understand the cellular mechanisms underlying mutant SOD1 toxicity, we have established an in vitro model of ALS using rat primary MN cultures transfected with an adenoviral vector encoding a mutant SOD1, G93A-SOD1. Transfected cells undergo axonal degeneration and alterations in biochemical responses characteristic of cell death such as activation of caspase-3. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic and neuroprotective growth factor that can increase axonal outgrowth, block neuronal apoptosis, and promote neurogenesis. Decreased VEGF gene expression in mice results in a phenotype similar to that seen in patients with ALS, thus linking loss of VEGF to the pathogenesis of MN degeneration. Decreased neurotrophic signals prior to and during disease progression may increase MN susceptibility to mutant SOD1-induced toxicity. In this study, we demonstrate a decrease in VEGF and VEGFR2 levels in the spinal cord of G93A-SOD1 ALS mice. Furthermore, in isolated MN cultures, VEGF alleviates the effects of G93A-SOD1 toxicity and neuroprotection involves phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/Akt) signaling. Overall, these studies validate the usefulness of VEGF as a potential therapeutic factor for the treatment of ALS and give valuable insight into the responsible signaling pathways and mechanisms involved. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64297/1/20747_ftp.pd

    Gender Differences in Aspirin use Among Adults With Coronary Heart Disease in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Aspirin reduces mortality for men and women with coronary heart disease (CHD). Previous research suggests women with acute coronary syndromes receive less aggressive care, including less frequent early administration of aspirin. The presence of gender differences in aspirin use for secondary prevention is less clear. OBJECTIVE: To determine if a gender difference exists in the use of aspirin for secondary prevention among individuals with CHD. DESIGN: We analyzed data from the nationally representative 2000–2002 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys to determine the prevalence of regular aspirin use among men and women with CHD. PARTICIPANTS: Participants, 1,869, 40 years and older who reported CHD or prior myocardial infarction. RESULTS: Women were less likely than men to use aspirin regularly (62.4% vs 75.6%, p < .001) even after adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic and clinical characteristics (adjusted OR = 0.62, 95% CI, 0.48–0.79). This difference narrowed but remained significant when the analysis was limited to those without self-reported contraindications to aspirin (79.8% vs 86.4%, P = .002, adjusted OR = 0.68, 95% CI, 0.48–0.97). Women were more likely than men to report contraindications (20.5% vs 12.5%, P < .001). Differences in aspirin use were greater between women and men with private health insurance (61.8% vs 79.0%, P < .001, adjusted OR = 0.48, 95% CI, 0.35–0.67) than among those with public coverage (62.5% vs 70.7%, P = .04, adjusted OR = 0.74, 95% CI, 0.50–1.11) (P < .001 for gender–insurance interaction). CONCLUSION: We found a gender difference in aspirin use among patients with CHD not fully explained by differences in patient characteristics or reported contraindications. These findings suggest a need for improved secondary prevention of cardiovascular events for women with CHD