106 research outputs found

    Bedeutung der Familienpflege im Leben des Menschen mit frühkindlichem Autismus

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    Da Autismus in der Gesellschaft noch immer zu wenig bekannt ist, ist es mir wichtig zu zeigen, was Autismus ist und was es für Familien bedeutet, mit einem Kind zu leben, das den frühkindlichen Autismus aufweist. Meine Arbeit ist eine Literaturarbeit und eine systematische Literaturübersichtsarbeit. Die verwendeten Studien konzent-rieren sich auf Menschen mit dem frühkindlichen Autismus – Menschen mit dem As-perger Syndrom sind ausgeschlossen. Vor allem die Pflege spielt im Familienleben und auch für die AutistInnen selbst eine große Rolle. Die Eltern leiden häufig unter der Isolation. Sie sind mit der Pflege ihres Kindes oft überfordert und fühlen sich da-bei auch von ÄrztInnen, PsychologInnen und Pflegepersonen mit ihren Sorgen und Ängsten alleine gelassen. Zu dieser Isolation kommt es, weil sich in der Bevölkerung kaum jemand mit dem Thema Autismus auskennt. Da man AutistInnen ihre Störung nicht ansieht, kommt es zu Stigmatisierung aufgrund des ungewöhnlichen Verhaltens des autistischen Kindes. Diese Kinder wirken auf die Umwelt abwesend, so als ob sie in einer anderen Welt leben würden. Außenstehende wissen häufig auch einfach nicht, wie sie mit AutistInnen umgehen sollen. Sogar für die Eltern ist der Umgang mit ihrem Kind nicht leicht. Frühkindliche AutistInnen können sich nicht selbst pflegen und brauchen viel Unter-stützung. Die Eltern sind sehr darum bemüht, dass ihr Kind möglichst selbstständig wird. Sie dürfen ihr Kind aber auf keinen Fall zu einer Übung drängen oder gar dazu zwingen. Es muss wirklich besonders darauf geachtet werden, dass die AutistInnen die Hilfe auch annehmen und von ihren Fähigkeiten her bereit sind, diese Handlun-gen auch auszuführen. Ich werde daher in meiner Arbeit Übungen vorstellen, wie man diese Kinder bei der Selbstpflege fördern und unterstützen kann. Ich ziehe aus meiner Arbeit u.a. den Schluss, dass es für die Eltern in allen relevan-ten Bereichen kompetente Stellen geben müsste, sodass sie sich nur an eine einzige Einrichtung wenden müssen, wenn sie Fragen haben oder Unterstützung brauchen. Aus den Medien sollte man außerdem mehr zu dem Thema Autismus erfahren. Das würde ebenfalls dazu beitragen, die Isolation der Eltern zu verhindern. Vor allem PsychologInnen und Pflegepersonen müssten sich mit dem Thema Autismus besser auskennen und sollten sich daher entsprechend fort- und weiterbilden.Since there is still insufficient knowledge about autism in today’s society so I find it important to explain what autism actually is and what living with a child who suffers from infantile autism means for the families. My paper is a literary research and a systematic review. The surveys used focus on people with autism – people with As-perger syndrome are excluded. Especially the care plays a major role in family life and for the autists themselves. Parents often suffer from isolation and are frequently overextended with taking care of their child and are feeling left alone with their ensuing sorrows and fears by doc-tors, psychologists and nursing staff. This isolation is the result of a widespread lack of knowledge about autism among people in general. As autistic children cannot be identified straight away as such stigmatisation occurs due to the unusual behaviour of the autistic child. These children seem to be absent-minded and give the impres-sion of living in a world apart. Often outsiders simply don’t know how to approach children suffering from autism. Even for the parents it is a challenge to deal with their autistic child. Children who suffer from infantile autism are not able to take care of themselves and need a lot of support and help from others. The parents put al lot of effort into ena-bling their child to become as independent as possible. However, they definitely mustn’t pressurize of even force their child into carrying out any exercises. They have to make sure at any stage that the autistic child is both willing and sufficiently pre-pared to perform these exercises and to accept help. In my thesis I will therefore also present exercises that aim at supporting children in taking care of themselves autonomously. From my research on this topic I have concluded that for these parents institutions need to be created which cover all relevant aspects so that they can turn to one place only for advice or support. Moreover the media should more information on the topic of autism so as to inform the general public. This would contribute to preventing parents´ isolation. It is particularly important that psychologists and nursing staff have good knowledge of autism and that they keep receiving appropriate training and further education on this subject

    A molecular toolkit for the functionalization of titanium-based biomaterials that selectively control integrin-mediated cell adhesion

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    We present a click chemistry- based molecular toolkit for the bio- functionalization of materials to selec- tively control integrin-mediated cell ad- hesion. To this end, a 5 b 1-selective RGD peptidomimetics were covalently immobilized on Ti-based materials, and the capacity to promote the selective binding of a 5 b 1 was evaluated using a solid-phase integrin binding assay. This functionalization strategy yielded surfa- ces with a nine-fold increased affinity for a 5 b 1, in comparison to control samples, and total selectivity against the binding of the closely related integ- rin a v b 3. Moreover, our methodology allowed the screening of several phos- phonic acid containing anchoring units to find the best spacer–anchor moiety required for establishing an efficient binding to titanium and to promote se- lective integrin binding. The integrin subtype specificity of these biofunc- tionalized surfaces was further exam- ined in vitro by inducing selective ad- hesion of genetically modified fibro- blasts, which express exclusively the a 5 b 1 integrin. The versatility of our molecular toolkit was proven by shift- ing the cellular specificity of the mate- rials from a 5 b 1- to a v b 3-expressing fi- broblasts by using an a v b 3-selective peptidomimetic as coating molecule. The results shown here represent the first functionalization of Ti-based mate- rials with a 5 b 1- or a v b 3-selective pep- tidomimetics that allow an unprece- dented control to discriminate between a 5 b 1- and a v b 3-mediated adhesions. The role of these two integrins in dif- ferent biological events is still a matter of debate and is frequently discussed in literature. Thus, such bioactive titanium surfaces will be of great relevance for the study of integrin-mediated cell ad- hesion and the development of new bi- omaterials targeting specific cell typesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A comprehensive evaluation of the activity and selectivity profile of ligands for RGD-binding integrins

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    Integrins, a diverse class of heterodimeric cell surface receptors, are key regulators of cell structure and behaviour, affecting cell morphology, proliferation, survival and differentiation. Consequently, mutations in specific integrins, or their deregulated expression, are associated with a variety of diseases. In the last decades, many integrin-specific ligands have been developed and used for modulation of integrin function in medical as well as biophysical studies. The IC50-values reported for these ligands strongly vary and are measured using different cell-based and cell-free systems. A systematic comparison of these values is of high importance for selecting the optimal ligands for given applications. In this study, we evaluate a wide range of ligands for their binding affinity towards the RGD-binding integrins avß3, avß5, avß6, avß8, a5ß1, aIIbß3, using homogenous ELISA-like solid phase binding assay.Postprint (published version

    Substrate engagement of integrins α5 β1 and αv β3 is necessary, but not sufficient, for high directional persistence in migration on fibronectin

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    The interplay between specific integrin-mediated matrix adhesion and directional persistence in cell migration is not well understood. Here, we characterized fibroblast adhesion and migration on the extracellular matrix glycoproteins fibronectin and vitronectin, focusing on the role of α5 β1 and αv β3 integrins. Fibroblasts manifested high directional persistence in migration on fibronectin-, but not vitronectin-coated substrates, in a ligand density-dependent manner. Fibronectin stimulated α5 β1-dependent organization of the actin cytoskeleton into oriented, ventral stress fibers, and assembly of dynamic, polarized protrusions, characterized as regions free of stress fibers and rich in nascent adhesions at their edge. Such protrusions correlated with persistent, local leading edge advancement, but were not sufficient, nor necessary for directional migration over longer times. Selective blocking of αv β3 or α5 β1 integrins using small molecule integrin antagonists reduced directional persistence on fibronectin, indicating integrin cooperativity in maintaining directionality. On the other hand, patterned substrates, designed to selectively engage either integrin, or their combination, were not sufficient to establish directional migration. Overall, our study demonstrates adhesive coating-dependent regulation of directional persistence in fibroblast migration and challenges the generality of the previously suggested role of β1 and β3 integrins in directional migration.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y AplicadasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Substrate engagement of integrins α5 β1 and αv β3 is necessary, but not sufficient, for high directional persistence in migration on fibronectin

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    The interplay between specific integrin-mediated matrix adhesion and directional persistence in cell migration is not well understood. Here, we characterized fibroblast adhesion and migration on the extracellular matrix glycoproteins fibronectin and vitronectin, focusing on the role of α5 β1 and αv β3 integrins. Fibroblasts manifested high directional persistence in migration on fibronectin-, but not vitronectin-coated substrates, in a ligand density-dependent manner. Fibronectin stimulated α5 β1-dependent organization of the actin cytoskeleton into oriented, ventral stress fibers, and assembly of dynamic, polarized protrusions, characterized as regions free of stress fibers and rich in nascent adhesions at their edge. Such protrusions correlated with persistent, local leading edge advancement, but were not sufficient, nor necessary for directional migration over longer times. Selective blocking of αv β3 or α5 β1 integrins using small molecule integrin antagonists reduced directional persistence on fibronectin, indicating integrin cooperativity in maintaining directionality. On the other hand, patterned substrates, designed to selectively engage either integrin, or their combination, were not sufficient to establish directional migration. Overall, our study demonstrates adhesive coating-dependent regulation of directional persistence in fibroblast migration and challenges the generality of the previously suggested role of β1 and β3 integrins in directional migration.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y AplicadasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Functionalizing avß3- or a5ß1-selective integrin antagonists for surface coating: A new tool to discriminate integrin subtypes in vitro

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    Thumbnail image of graphical abstract Stuck with the right choice: avß3- or a5ß1-selective integrin ligands were functionalized for surface coating without losing activity and selectivity. The coating of nanostructured gold surfaces with these compounds stimulated subtype-selective cell adhesion of genetically modified avß3- or a5ß1-expressing fibroblasts in vitro.Postprint (published version

    MolluscaBase – announcing a World Register of all Molluscs

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    Resumen de comunicación oral en congresoThe Mollusca, second largest phylum on Earth, lack a global listing of valid names or even precise figures for the number of Recent species. The launching of MolluscaBase is intended to fill this gap, expanding the contents of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) to include all marine, freshwater and terrestrial molluscs, recent and fossil. The WoRMS database, hosted at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) at Oostende, had more than 1,000,000 unique visitors in 2013 and provides the taxonomic backbone for initiatives such as Encyclopedia of Life, Catalogue of Life, and others. It currently contains more than 44,000 valid species names of Recent marine Mollusca, which are estimated to represent approximately 95% of all valid species. There is no similar global list of the freshwater and terrestrial Mollusca. It is estimated that there are about 23,000 species of land snails/slugs and about 5,000 freshwater gastropods and bivalves. The number of named fossil Mollusca is not known, but is in the same order of magnitude as that of Recent species. MolluscaBase is intended as an authoritative taxonomic database, relying only on published sources and built by taxonomic editors who are active malacologists and respond to feedback from users. Like in WoRMS, the contents should include Taxonomic hierarchy, Current name and synonymy, Literature sources, Distributions (using countries as the basic unit for land-based distributions), Fossil range (expressed in terms of the international chronostratigraphic chart) and other taxon attributes. This initiative is supported by LifeWatch, the E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research. In a first move, MolluscaBase should build on the existing WoRMS contents incorporating the contents of existing initiatives like CLEMAM (Checklist of European MArine Molusca), FreshGEN (Freshwater Gastropods of the European Neogene) and Fauna Europaea. The long term goal of filling the gaps in non-marine and fossil components of MolluscaBase needs your support! If you are a taxonomist, specializing in any group of non-marine or extinct molluscs, and wish to become a contributor to MolluscaBase, please let us know and contact the WoRMS team at [email protected], or the corresponding author, to find your possible role in MolluscaBase!Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    E-Book : Research findings from the digital factory

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    Digitale Lesezeichen, Volltextsuche und Multimedia-Inhalte – die Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts durch das Internet ausgelöste Medienrevolution ließ auch das Buch nicht unberührt. Die Verbreitung des World Wide Webs parallel zur rasanten Entwicklung der Computertechnologie ermöglichte die Digitalisierung des Buches und bildete das E-Book als neue Publikationsform heraus. Seit etwa zehn Jahren können Bücher nicht mehr nur gedruckt, sondern auch elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt werden, was für die Buchbranche und den Leser einige Veränderungen bedeutet. Moderne Lesegeräte, auch E-Reader genannt, erlauben die Speicherung einer ganzen Bibliothek auf einem einzigen mobilen Endgerät. Dabei steht das einzelne E-Book dem gedruckten Buch in seiner Lesequalität in nichts nach und ermöglicht zudem das Einfügen elektronischer Notizen und Lesezeichen, die Volltextsuche nach bestimmten Wörtern und die Verbindung von Text mit Bild, Ton und Video. Dennoch kann das E-Book seit seinem Aufkommen in Deutschland noch keine Erfolgsgeschichte schreiben. Insbesondere hohe Preise für die Lesegeräte halten immer noch viele Leser vom Nutzen der E-Books ab. Zu sehr ist das gedruckte Buch für zahlreiche Menschen noch fester Bestandteil ihres alltäglichen Lebens, als das sie es bereits durch das E-Book austauschen würden. Eine Situation, die einige Fragen aufwirft: Wird sich das EBook als Medium durchsetzen und das gedruckte Buch langfristig ablösen? Kann das EBook neben Zeitung, Radio, Fernsehen und Buch überhaupt als ein neues Medium verstanden werden? Und welche Veränderungen würde die massenhafte Verbreitung elektronischer Bücher mit sich bringen

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements