University of Malaga

Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Málaga
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    28102 research outputs found

    A theoretical investigation of the diradical character and cyclophane formation in π-conjugated diradicals.

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    π-Conjugated diradical compounds which feature unpaired electrons in the ground state are essential for understanding the nature of chemical bonds and have potential applications in material science1. In fact, an important research effort by our group has been directed towards carbazole-based diradicaloids2, aiming to explore how external stimuli impacts on supramolecular organization, and thus on the resulting optical and electronic properties. Thanks to this research, we have demonstrated that these materials are potential building blocks for dynamic covalent chemistry (DCC)3. In our present work, we wanted to explore beyond carbazole-based diradicals and analyse what would be the diradical character after modification of the chemical structure of the carbazole skeleton. For this purpose, we will analyse the structural and electronic properties of carbazole-based diradicals after the following chemical modifications: (i) heteroatom substitution, (ii) core elongation and (iii) insertion of donor/acceptor groups. In addition, the effect of the heteroatom substitution on the dynamic interconversion between the monomer and cyclophane aggregates will be also investigated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Measuring engagement on Twitter using a composite index: An application to social media influencers.

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    Engagement on social media networks is a complex concept involving numerous interconnected and challenging-to-evaluate elements. We propose a composite index as a tool to quantify the engagement on the social network Twitter, recently converted on X, and we use this composite index for evaluating a group of Social Media Influencers (SMI). Due to the multicriteria nature of the engagement, we calculate the synthetic indicator using the multicriteria method TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). We consider two approach for measuring the engagement: the production approach, the follower. Consequently, we obtain three rankings, one for each approach and a third, which is global. A comparison of these three rankings shows the suitability and pertinence of the three approach. This represents a recent finding when contrasted with previous research, which solely focused on either one of the approaches (Harrigan, et al.2021, Veale et al. 2015Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A re-examination of the Menu Planning Problem from a Multiobjective Optimization perspective: The SHARP approach

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    En este trabajo se resuelve el problema de planificación de menús desde una perspectiva multicriterio aplicando técnicas metaheurísticas. Se trabaja en el enfoque SHARP, siglas en inglés de sostenibilidad, salud, asequibilidad, fiabilidad y palatabilidad. Se inicia con un análisis de la dieta española que nos permite definir el contexto del problema. Posteriormente se define el modelo base como un problema de factibilidad, en el que se usa una función de Tchebycheff ampliada como métrica de distancia a la región factible y se optimiza utilizando un algoritmo GRASP+ILS. Una vez alcanzada la región factible, se incluyen en el problema los objetivos de coste y palatabilidad, definiendo una función innovadora para este último apartado, y se resuelve este problema bi-objetivo para consumidores específicos utilizando un algoritmo Path Relinking. Por último, se incorporan objetivos de sostenibilidad que nos permiten trabajar con un problema multiobjetivo en el que exploramos distintas regiones de la frontera eficiente utilizando una función de logro de Wierzbicki ampliada, que optimizamos con un algoritmo GRASP

    Short-term effects of light quality, nutrient concentrations and emersion on the photosynthesis and accumulation of bioactive compounds in Pyropia leucosticta (Rhodophyta)

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    Intertidal macroalgae have developed adaptation and acclimation strategies protecting against stressful environments. The red algae, Porphyra sensu lato are well known for their use as human food, but they also present potential applications in cosmeceutics. In order to enhance the content of interested bioactive compounds, this study evaluated the effects of three different stress factors, through two bi-factorial experiments, the combination of PAR and PAR supplemented by UV-A, Violet and Blue radiation (PARUVAViBl+) with three nutrient concentrations or emersion/immersion conditions. Interactive effects of PARUVAViBl+ and nutrient concentrations on the daily integrated electron transport rate (ETRint) was observed. This suggests a photoprotective effect of nitrate against the possible damage by UV-A radiation. The emersion produced a decreased in the in situ ETR, followed by a recovery during re-hydration. The energy dissipation rate (EDR), firstly described in this work, increased under nutrient limitation and under PARUVAViBl+ radiation, as a photoprotection mechanism. At morphological level, the surface/volume (S/V) ratio of the cells increased under nutrient limitation favoring the nitrogen assimilation, although it could be a risk of photodamage under UV-A radiation. Biliproteins and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) increased under high nutrient availability as it was expected due to both are N-compounds. Polyphenols were higher under PARUVAViBl+ at day 2, indicating a photoprotective mechanism whereas this effect disappeared at day 7 of culture. Emersion seems to induce MAAs accumulation under PARUVAViBl+ radiation. Antioxidant capacity determined by ABTS assay was positively correlated to antioxidant substances as biliproteins, polyphenols and MAAs. The application of short-term stress conditions (2–7 days) during culture, can be a strategy to increase the content of interesting compounds due to both UV screen properties and antioxidant capacity.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    The influence of social bonds, emotions and personality on punishment attitudes.

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    From an evolutionary point of view, different emotions such as jealousy and attitudes of trust seem to have influenced close and affective bonds, and cooperative behaviors respectively, both of them key pillars that contribute to guaranteeing, at different levels, the maintenance of the social bonds that form human groups. However, although punishment attitudes have been widely used in the analysis of the evolution of cooperation, they does not seem very relevant to explain cooperation and, therefore, the motivations that induce punishment attitudes remains unclear. In this study, carried out on 174 participants, questionnaires and economic games were combined, the former to try to know aspects of the participants’ personality that may affect their interpersonal relationships, and the latter to try to induce different emotions and punishment behaviors, which allow us to advance to know more about the factors that promote these punishing attitudes. The results of the study provide different information about the emotions that are generated when presenting an unfavorable situation for the individual in different types of relationships, about how these induced emotions are related to each other and to different types of personality, and about what effect all these combinations may have to cause punishing attitudes. We try to test the hypothesis that punishment will depend on the type of relationship, which generates different emotional levels that, together with individuals' personality, will explain the different levels of punishment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El valor de una flora y de su riqueza en endemismos.

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    La Flora es una herramienta que permite conocer la diversidad vegetal de un territorio. Por lo general, es una obra que contempla todos los taxones conocidos con indicación de su nombre correcto y acompañados a menudo de descripciones o diagnosis morfológicas, así como de información al menos sobre sus apetencias ecológicas y distribución, y que se acompaña de una clave dicotómica que permita su identificación. Su elaboración exige de una prospección en profundidad de la diversidad existente, actividad que en el caso de la península ibérica comenzó de manera científica en el siglo XVI. Este conocimiento acumulado es el que ha hecho posible la publicación de Flora iberica, obra elaborada a lo largo de 40 años (desde 1980 a 2021) y materializada en 21 volúmenes, en los que se han compendiado más de 6.176 especies, de las que casi el 20% son endémicas. La península ibérica es una de las más ricas del continente europeo y, dentro de ella, Andalucía destaca por tener la mayor diversidad nacional (más de 4.000 especies), con un alto índice de endemicidad (unos 395 taxones estrictamente endémicos), lo que refleja una compleja historia paleo-biogeográfica y una diversidad de condiciones bioclimáticas y de hábitats, entre otros factores que han propiciado los mecanismos de especiación.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    E-health web application for physician

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    Aplicación orientada a los profesionales de la salud con el fin de buscar otra vía de atención al paciente de forma telemática, eficaz y sencilla. En esta solución sanitaria, el enfermo podrá aportar un resumen de sus dolencias, así como documentar lo que padece con imágenes y vídeos, quitando la barrera que tendríamos en una aplicación web, haciendo la experiencia lo más similar posible a lo que sería presencialmente. Para empezar, el flujo es el siguiente; Posterior al registro en E-health como usuario, eres asignado con un médico que recibirá tus consultas y éste podrá derivarte a un especialista o pedir más pruebas si es necesario. El proceso terminará con su correspondiente tratamiento, y medicación en caso de precisarla. Por otro lado, será de vital importancia la figura del administrador, que revisa el número de colegiado de los médicos que soliciten registrarse en la aplicación, además de consultar información de los pacientes y cualquier trabajador del entorno

    Dataset_EI_Age in Unemployed.

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    The main goal of this study was to examine the moderating role of age in the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and mental health indicators among unemployed individuals. A sample of 401 unemployed participants were evaluated in EI, depressive symptoms, happiness. Moderation analyses showed that age moderated the relationship between EI and depressive symptoms, after controlling gender and length of unemployment, showing a stronger association among younger participants with lower EI abilities. However, this pattern was not found for happiness. These findings address knowledge gaps regarding age-EI interactions within mental health contexts and age's moderating effect in unemployment stage. Also, it is highlighted the importance of developing targeted EI training interventions to mitigate the negative mental health effects of unemployment, especially among vulnerable demographic groups like young unemployed individuals.This research was supported by PAIDI Group CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-117006RB-I00), and Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU21/02323)

    Relationship between quadriceps femoris echotexture biomarkers and muscle strength and physical function in older adults with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Background: Muscle wasting is pronounced in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The quadriceps femoris echotexture biomarkers assessed by ultrasound (US) have not been studied in these patients. Objective: To describe echotexture biomarkers assessed by the US and to assess their relationship with sex, age, body mass index (BMI), self-reported outcomes, muscle strength and physical function in older adults with HFpEF. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Patients 70 years and older with HFpEF were included. The sex, age, BMI, and self-reported outcomes were collected. The US assessed muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue contrast, correlation, energy, homogeneity, and entropy at rest and maximal voluntary isometrical contraction (MVIC). The six-minute walk test (6MWT), the short physical performance battery (SPPB), the timed up and go test (TUG), the usual pace gait speed test (UGS), and the fast pace gait speed test (FGS) were used to assess physical function. The five-repetitions sit-to-stand test (5-STS) was performed to assess muscle strength. Bivariant Pearson correlations and subsequent multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted. Results: Seventy-two older adults with HFpEF [81.06 years, 29.13 BMI, and 55.60% females] were recruited. In women, relaxed and MVIC muscle energy and entropy explained 35.40% of the TUG variance; relaxed muscle entropy and MVIC muscle energy shared 24.00% of the UGS variance; relaxed and MVIC muscle entropy, MVIC muscle contrast and MVIC muscle energy explained 32.60% of the FGS variance, adjusted all the models by age and BMI.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de málaga /CBU

    Aprender sobre sostenibilidad diseñando y evaluando itinerarios didácticos en contextos urbanos: red temática.

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    El diseño de itinerarios educativos es una herramienta poderosa para evaluar problemáticas socioambientales de nuestras ciudades. El objetivo de la Red Temática que se propone es capacitar al estudiantado universitario para diseñar itinerarios didácticos como recurso de aprendizaje para evaluar la sostenibilidad urbana mediante un proceso de investigación-acción. Las personas participantes observan, analizan, reflexionan y diseñan itinerarios adecuados a distintos destinatarios; y durante el diseño del mismo, el estudiantado se forma de manera participativa en sostenibilidad. Para comprobar la eficacia del diseño de los itinerarios se ha elaborado un programa que será evaluado según un diseño mixto de investigación. El programa incluye una formación inicial en sostenibilidad urbana, una práctica de campo para la recogida de datos, el trabajo cooperativo en grupos reducidos para el diseño de los itinerarios, una puesta en común, y la evaluación del programa. Para ello, las personas participantes disponen de varios instrumentos para la realización de tareas colaborativas: a) hoja de registro de trabajo de campo, donde ir anotando hitos del recorrido, datos socioambientales, posibles recursos didácticos y valoraciones sobre la sostenibilidad; b) plantilla de diseño para realizar el esbozo de itinerario y establecer diversas subtemáticas del itinerario relacionadas con la sostenibilidad que se pueden abordar en las paradas seleccionadas en el itinerario para la realización de actividades; c) plantilla de evaluación, para reflexionar sobre el trabajo realizado y establecer propuestas de mejora sobre el diseño del programa y para transformar el campus universitario en un lugar más habitable, saludable e inclusivo. Los jóvenes que evalúan la sostenibilidad urbana de manera activa y participativa, a través de los itinerarios didácticos, pueden contribuir a transformar el campus universitario en un espacio más sostenible.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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