2,003 research outputs found

    Local and regional ecological morphology of dung beetle assemblages across four biogeographic regions

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    Aim Niche partitioning within species assemblages is thought to influence species packing and/or total niche space occupied. The evolution of dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) is likely to have been strongly influenced by inter-specific competition, leading to niche partitioning. We consider whether local-scale processes leave a signature in regional patterns of functional diversity in dung beetle assemblages, and investigate the correlation between total exploited ecomorphological space and density of species packing with increased species richness. We test whether ecomorphological space occupied by local assemblages reflects that of their regional species pool, and the extent to which ecomorphological space is convergent or divergent within functional groups across regional pools. Location Neotropics, Africa, Australia and Madagascar. Methods Dung beetle assemblages were collected in a standardized manner from four biogeographic regions. Ecomorphological similarity among the assemblages was assessed by multivariate analysis of 19 linear measurements for 300 species and three functional nesting types (roller, tunneller or dweller), firstly on a local level within the Neotropics and Afrotropics, and then between the regional species pools. Results Key body measurements, in particular the hind tibia, separated rollers and tunnellers into largely non-overlapping entities along the first three axes of the shape analysis. Three Neotropical assemblages, which vary widely in species numbers, each harboured a similar amount of morphometric variation, resulting in increasingly dense species packing with greater species richness. Similar findings were obtained in two South African assemblages. Assemblages in the four biogeographic regions showed largely similar distributions of ecomorphological variation, including the separation of rollers and tunnellers, despite their distant phylogenetic relationships. Ecomorphological similarity among regions was particularly high in tunnellers, whilst the rollers exhibited greater regional differentiation. Main conclusions Local assemblages evidently represent the full diversity of functional groups available in the regional pool, even in species-poor assemblages. There is a strong trend towards convergence in morphology separating tunnellers and rollers in phylogenetically independent lineages. The ecomorphological similarity of regional assemblages suggests that morphological convergence is the result of common selective forces active within the assemblages themselves. This lends support to the widely hypothesized effect of inter-specific interactions and niche partitioning in determining assemblage composition and lineage evolution in the Scarabaeinae. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Aplinkos įtaka duoninių (Triticum aestivum L.) ir kietųjų (Triticum durum Desf.) kviečių albuminų kiekiui

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    Albumins or water soluble proteins (wsp) in wheat are important as nutrients containing high content of essential amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan, methionine, and also asparagine, glutamine, arginine, and proline in comparison to storage proteins-glutenins and gliadins. Fifteen bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 15 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were evaluated across six different environments for two years to determine the content of albumins in grains. The purpose of this research was to determine the variability of the albumins content of the tested bread wheat and durum wheat genotypes, effects of environment, genotype and their interaction (GEI) on the trait of interest, heritability in a broad sense, stability, and also to interpret GEI by climatic factors modelling. The statistical procedure included analysis of variance, sites regression and factorial regression. The mean content of albumins was 20.23 g kg-1 in bread wheat and 23.12 g kg-1 in durum wheat. Environment followed by GEI was the most important in determining albumins content. The heritability in a broad sense was low, i.e. 31.3% for bread wheat and only 2.4% for durum wheat. GEI for the albumins content was explained with the efficacy of 94.7% and 94.2% of sum of squares, for bread wheat and durum wheat, respectively, by the following models: mean temperature in May, winter moisture reserves, minimum temperature in April and March for bread wheat; and precipitation sum in April, sunshine hours sum in March, maximum temperature in May, and winter moisture reserves for durum wheat. The simultaneous selection for high albumins content and good stability proved to be possible for bread wheat genotypes, but less for durum wheat genotypes due to unsatisfactory stability

    Climate, zooplankton and pelagic fish growth in the Central Baltic Sea

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    Oceanographic conditions in the brackish central Baltic Sea are strongly linked to atmospheric forcing and the unusual period of persistently strong westerlies that, since the late 1980s, have resulted in an increase in average water temperatures and decreasing salinity. These changes in temperature and salinity resulted in a change in the dominance of the mesozooplankton community from Pseudocalanus sp. to Temora longicornis and Acartia spp. Similar to the copepod community, the central Baltic fish community shifted from cod ( Gadus morhua ), dominant during the 1980s, to sprat ( Sprattus sprattus ), dominant during the 1990s. Further, the commercially important pelagic fish species herring ( Clupea harengus ) and sprat exhibited reductions in growth. Using Principal Component and Correlation Analyses we investigated the temporal variability in the importance of the food supply as well as competition on condition of central Baltic pelagic fish species. Our results indicate that herring condition results from a combined effect of changes in the food environment and increased competition with sprat, while sprat condition appeared to be primarily determined by intra-specific competition

    Leaf diversity influences in-stream litter decomposition through effects on shredders

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    1. The functioning of many aquatic ecosystems is controlled by surrounding terrestrial ecosystems. In a view of growing interest in linking biodiversity to ecosystem-level processes, we examined whether and how leaf diversity influences litter decomposition and consumers in streams. 2. We tested experimentally the hypothesis that the effects of leaf diversity on decomposition are determined by the responses of leaf consumers to resource–habitat heterogeneity. Leaves from three common riparian trees, beech (Fagus sylvatica), hazel (Corylus avellana) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior), were exposed alone and in all possible mixtures of two and three species in a stream. We analysed individual leaf species for decomposition rate, microbial respiration and mycelial biomass, and we determined the species composition, abundance and biomass of shredders in leaf bags. 3. We found that the decomposition of the fastest decomposing leaves (hazel and ash) was substantially stimulated (up to twofold higher than single species leaf packs) in mixtures containing beech leaves, which are refractory. In contrast, the decomposition of beech leaves was not affected by leaf mixing. Such species-specific behaviour of leaves in species mixtures has been overlooked in previous studies that examined the overall decompo- sition of litter mixtures. 4. The effects of leaf diversity on decomposition varied with the abundance and biomass of shredders but not with microbial parameters. Beech leaves alone were less attractive to shredders than leaf packs made of hazel, ash or any mixture of species. Moreover, the presence of beech leaves in mixtures led to higher shredder abundance and biomass than we had expected from data from single species exposed alone. Lastly, we found that early instars of the caddisfly Potamophylax (the dominant shredder in terms of biomass) almost exclusively used the toughest material (i.e. beech leaves) to construct their cases. 5. Leaf pack heterogeneity may have altered shredder-mediated decomposition. Shredders colonising diverse leaf packs benefited from the stable substratum provided by beech leaves, whereas ash and hazel leaves were primarily used as food. Thus, our findings provide strong evidence for an intimate linkage between the diversity of riparian vegetation and aquatic communities

    The effect of fruit cultivar/origin and storage time on sorbets quality

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    Fruit quality is one of the main factors that influence the sorbets’ quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two different cultivars of five fruits (mandarin, lemon, melon and mango) or origin (strawberries) on the overall quality of sorbets, right after being produced and after being preserved for 21 days at 18 C. Total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and firmness were used to characterize the fruits. Colour, pH, antioxidant capacity (AC) and total phenolic content (TPC), as well as sensory attributes, were evaluated on fruits and respective sorbets. Fruit processing led to a loss of TPC and AC. Nevertheless, no significant changes were observed on sorbets over storage time. In spite of chemical, physical and sensorial differences registered among fruits from different cultivars or origin, the sensory profiles of sorbets from the same pair of studied fruits are very similar. Multivariate analysis clearly shows that the sorbets produced maintain the same sensorial quality regardless of the cultivar or the origin of the fruitsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age and growth of redfish (Sebastes marinus, S. mentella, and S. fasciatus) on the Flemish Cap (Northwest Atlantic)

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    12 pages, 5 figures.-- Presented at the NAFO Deep-Sea Fisheries Symposium (Varadero, Cuba, Sep 12-14, 2001).Age determination of redfish is difficult. In this paper, the ages of Sebastes mentella on the Flemish Cap are validated by following year classes from 1991 to 2000. The criteria used for S. mentella are consistent and coherent. The growth of different year classes is described and compared, and density-dependence is demonstrated to influence the growth rate of the strong 1990 year class, growth of that year class being the slowest of those followed. The slow rate of growth prevented that year class from maturing at the anticipated age. Growth is also compared between sexes, of S. mentella, S. marinus, and S. fasciatus, revealing that females grow faster than males. Finally, growth rate is compared among species. S. marinus grows fastest and S. mentella slowest, although the influence of density-dependent growth in S. mentella needs to be taken into consideration.The study was supported by the European Commission through several research projects.Peer reviewe

    Removal of the pesticide tebuconazole in constructed wetlands: design comparison, influencing factors and modelling

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    Constructed wetlands (CWs) are a promising technology to treat pesticide contaminated water, but its implementation is impeded by lack of data to optimize designs and operating factors. Unsaturated and saturated CW designs were used to compare the removal of triazole pesticide, tebuconazole, in unplanted mesocosms and mesocosms planted with five different plant species: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, Juncus effusus and Berula erecta. Tebuconazole removal efficiencies were significantly higher in unsaturated CWs than saturated CWs, showing for the first time the potential of unsaturated CWs to treat tebuconazole contaminated water. An artificial neural network model was demonstrated to provide more accurate predictions of tebuconazole removal than the traditional linear regression model. Also, tebuconazole removal could be fitted an area-based first order kinetics model in both CW designs. The removal rate constants were consistently higher in unsaturated CWs (range of 2.6–10.9 cm d−1) than in saturated CWs (range of 1.7–7.9 cm d−1) and higher in planted CWs (range of 3.1–10.9 cm d−1) than in unplanted CWs (range of 1.7–2.6 cm d−1) for both designs. The low levels of sorption of tebuconazole to the substrate (0.7–2.1%) and plant phytoaccumulation (2.5–12.1%) indicate that the major removal pathways were biodegradation and metabolization inside the plants after plant uptake. The main factors influencing tebuconazole removal in the studied systems were system design, hydraulic loading rate and plant presence. Moreover, tebuconazole removal was positively correlated to dissolved oxygen and all nutrients removal

    Using survival regression to study patterns of expansion of invasive species: will the common waxbill expand with global warming ?

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    Different approaches can be used to model the spread of invasive species. Here we demonstrate the use of survival regression, an approach that can be used to study a variety of events, not just death, to model the time to colonization. The advantage of survival regression to study colonisation of new areas is that information on those areas that have not been invaded by the end of a study can be included in the analysis, thus potentially increasing the accuracy of parameter estimation. We use proportional hazards regression (PHR; a type of survival regression) to model the spread of the common waxbill Estrilda astrild in Portugal. The species invaded Portugal in two peaks of invasion between 1964 and 1999. We built a PHR model with the information available up to the first invasion peak, then used this model to predict the pattern of invasion in the second peak. PHR had useful forecasting capabilities: areas that were actually colonised by 1999 had significantly higher hazards of colonization based on information from the first wave of invasion than areas that were not colonised. We then built a final model of expansion of the common waxbill that combined all available data up to 1999. Among climate variables, the most important predictor of colonization was temperature, followed by relative humidity. We used this model to estimate the invasion potential of the species under climate change scenarios, observing that an increase of 18C in mean annual temperature increased the risk of a new invasion by 47%. Our analyses suggest that survival regression may be a useful tool for studying the geographical spread of invasive species. However, PHR was conceived as a descriptive technique rather than as a predictive tool, and thus further research is needed to empirically test the predictive capabilities of PHR