4,715 research outputs found

    Electrophilic Aromatic Nitrosation. Isolation and X-ray Crystallography of the Metastable NO\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e Complex With Nitrosoarene

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    Isolation of the unstable 1∶1 complex of 4-nitrosoanisole with NO+PF6− allows its precise X-ray structural characterization. The charge-transfer crystal is formed via strong N⋯N coordination [the distance of 1.938(5) Å corresponding to a σ-bond order of ≈0.2] in the mean plane of the planar 4-nitrosoanisole donor. Thorough analysis of its molecular geometry in terms of valence resonance and MO schemes reveals a strong charge polarization with a local negative charge localized on the nitroso group and a local positive charge distributed over the adjacent p-methoxybenzyl moiety. Such a charge distribution accommodates the well-known passivation of nitrosoarenes to multiple nitrosation and explains the ease of demethylation of the complex. Comparison of a variety of nitroso- and nitroarene structures has shown that the nitrosoarene experiences a much stronger quinoidal distortion of the aromatic ring as compared with the latter. This indicates a stronger electron-withdrawing effect of the nitroso group relative to that of the nitro group. The weakened aromatic resonance in the nitrosoarenes could be responsible for the observed slower rate and the measurable isotope effect in electrophilic nitrosation as opposed to nitration

    The Charge-Transfer Motif in Crystal Engineering. Self-Assembly of Acentric (Diamondoid) Networks from Halide Salts and Carbon Tetrabromide as Electron-Donor/Acceptor Synthons

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    Unusual strength and directionality for the charge-transfer motif (established in solution) are shown to carry over into the solid state by the facile synthesis of a series of robust crystals of the [1:1] donor/acceptor complexes of carbon tetrabromide with the electron-rich halide anions (chloride, bromide, and iodide). X-ray crystallographic analyses identify the consistent formation of diamondoid networks, the dimensionality of which is dictated by the size of the tetraalkylammonium counterion. For the tetraethylammonium bromide/carbon tetrabromide dyad, the three-dimensional (diamondoid) network consists of donor (bromide) and acceptor (CBr4) nodes alternately populated to result in the effective annihilation of centers of symmetry in agreement with the sphaleroid structural subclass. Such inherently acentric networks exhibit intensive nonlinear optical properties in which the second harmonics generation in the extended charge-transfer system is augmented by the effective electronic (HOMO−LUMO) coupling between contiguous CBr4/halide centers

    Charge-Transfer Probes for Molecular Recognition \u3cem\u3evia\u3c/em\u3e Steric Hindrance in Donor-Acceptor Pairs

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    Molecular association of various aromatic hydrocarbons (D, including sterically hindered donors) with a representative group of diverse acceptors (A = quinone, trinitrobenzene, tetracyanoethylene, tropylium, tetranitromethane, and nitrosonium) is visually apparent in solution by the spontaneous appearance of distinctive colors. Spectral (UV−vis) analyses of the colored solutions reveal their charge-transfer origin (λCT), and they provide quantitative information of the intermolecular association in the form of the KDA and ΔCT values for the formation and visualization, respectively, of different [D,A] complexes. Importantly, such measurements establish charge-transfer absorption to be a sensitive analytical tool for evaluating the steric inhibition of donor−acceptor association. For example, the steric differences among various hindered aromatic donors in their association with quinone are readily dramatized in their distinctive charge-transfer (color) absorptions and verified by X-ray crystallography of the charge-transfer crystals and/or QUANTA molecular modeling calculations of optimum intermolecular separations allowed by van der Waals contacts

    Dynamical simplices and Fra\"iss\'e theory

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    We simplify a criterion (due to Ibarluc\'ia and the author) which characterizes dynamical simplices, that is, sets KK of probability measures on a Cantor space XX for which there exists a minimal homeomorphism of XX whose set of invariant measures coincides with KK. We then point out that this criterion is related to Fra\"iss\'e theory, and use that connection to provide a new proof of Downarowicz' theorem stating that any Choquet simplex is affinely homeomorphic to a dynamical simplex. The construction enables us to prove that there exist minimal homeomorphisms of a Cantor space which are speedup equivalent but not orbit equivalent, answering a question of D. Ash

    Silver(I) Complexation of (Poly)aromatic Ligands. Structural Criteria for Depth Penetration into \u3cem\u3ecis\u3c/em\u3e-Stilbenoid Cavities

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    Silver(I) complexes with aromatic donors are thoroughly analyzed (with aid of the Cambridge Crystallographic Database) to identify the basic structural factors inherent to the bonding of an arene ligand. Most strikingly, the distance parameter d (which simply measures the normal separation of Ag from the mean aromatic plane) is singularly invariant at d = 2.41 ± 0.05 Å for all silver/arene complexes, independent of the hapticity (η1 or η2), hybridization, or multiple coordination. As such, a systematic series of stilbenoid ligands has been successfully designed to precisely modulate the penetration of silver(I) into the ligand cleft, and a multicentered poly(arene) ligand (X) designed to form a one-dimensional assembly of Ag/arene units. Simply stated, the depth penetration of silver(I) into the aromatic cavities of various cis-stilbenoid donors can be precisely predicted with a single parameter Îł that measures the separation of the two cofacial aryl groups comprising the cleft. This simple geometric consideration must be taken into account in any successful design of novel (poly)aromatic ligands for silver(I) complexation to constitute new molecular architectures


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    In this paper, we develop a political economy model with a voting equilibrium to analyze the impact of remittances in the governmentÂĄÂŻs redistributive policy. Remittances affect the distribution of income and the householdsÂĄÂŻ demand for public redistribution. In this paper we consider the impact of remittances on two types of redistributive programs: a universal and a targeted transfer program. For an economy with targeted public transfers, we identify conditions in which an increase in remittances crowds out the social transfers of the government. If the redistributive program is universal then an increase in remittances actually increases the size of the governmentÂĄÂŻs transfers.Redistribution, Performance of Government, Electoral Competition, Political Economy, Remittances

    X-ray Crystal Structures and the Facile Oxidative (Au−C) Cleavage of the Dimethylaurate(I) and Tetramethylaurate(III) Homologues

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    Dimethylaurate(I) has been prepared as the crystalline tetrabutylammonium salt for comparison with the known tetramethylaurate(III) analogue. The linear structure of dimethylaurate(I) and the square-planar structure of tetramethylaurate(III) have both been confirmed by X-ray crystallography. One-electron oxidation of dimethylaurate(I) by either ferrocenium or arenediazonium cations produces the metastable dimethylgold(II) intermediate, which can be trapped as the paramagnetic 9,10-phenanthrenequinone (PQ) adduct. Otherwise, dimethylgold(II) is subject to rapid reductive elimination of ethane and affords metallic gold (mirror). The analogous oxidation of tetramethylaurate(III) by ferrocenium, arenediazonium, or nitrosonium cations also proceeds via electron transfer to generate the putative tetramethylgold(IV) intermediate. The highly unstable (CH3)4AuIV spontaneously undergoes homolytic cleavage to produce methyl radical and the coordinately unsaturated trimethylgold(III), which can be intercepted by added triphenylphosphine to afford Me3AuIIIPPh3

    Molecular Structures of the Metastable Charge-Transfer Complexes of Benzene (and Toluene) With Bromine as the Pre-Reactive Intermediates in Electrophilic Aromatic Bromination

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    Successful crystallization and X-ray crystallographic analyses of the highly metastable (1∶1) complexes of bromine with benzene and toluene establish the unique (localized) structure B that differs in notable ways from the long-accepted (delocalized) structure A. Furthermore, we demonstrate the (highly structured) charge-transfer complexes [C6H6,Br2] and [CH3C6H5,Br2] to be the pre-reactive intermediates that are converted (via an overall Br+ transfer) to the Wheland intermediates in electrophilic aromatic bromination. The role of the dative ion pairs [C6H6˙+ Br2˙−] and [CH3C6H5˙+ Br2˙−] in the rate-limiting activation processes is underscored
