22 research outputs found

    Proyecto de Innovación Docente “MarWatching”

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    Hay a disposición una serie de videos públicos que complementan el tutorial de MyOcean del Capítulo 4 (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd7A9IeroEZgAnLudkqbXRAA8bxJrPXJe).El presente documento, financiado por el Programa de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad 2021-22 (Xarxa 5543) tiene el objetivo de facilitar el uso de una serie de herramientas que permitan el estudio y análisis del cambio climático en el ámbito universitario de forma transversal. La base de datos de Copernicus, Programa de Observación de la Tierra de la Unión Europea, en su sección marina (Copernicus Marine Service; https://marine.copernicus.eu/) alberga una infinidad de datos que pueden ser difíciles de manejar por docentes y estudiantes. En concreto, se pretende facilitar el empleo de la herramienta MyOcean de Copernicus (https://marine.copernicus.eu/access-data/ocean-visualisation-tools) a través de este manual y de un curso Moodle y Mooc que estarán disponibles en la web de la UA.REDES DE CALIDAD, INNOVACIÓN E INVESTIGACIÓN EN DOCENCIA UNIVERSITARIA. CONVOCATORIA 2021-22 Vicerrectorat de Transformació Digital. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació

    COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak

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    This N = 173,426 social science dataset was collected through the collaborative COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey - an open science effort to improve understanding of the human experiences of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic between 30th March and 30th May, 2020. The dataset allows a cross-cultural study of psychological and behavioural responses to the Coronavirus pandemic and associated government measures like cancellation of public functions and stay at home orders implemented in many countries. The dataset contains demographic background variables as well as measures of Asian Disease Problem, perceived stress (PSS-10), availability of social provisions (SPS-10), trust in various authorities, trust in governmental measures to contain the virus (OECD trust), personality traits (BFF-15), information behaviours, agreement with the level of government intervention, and compliance with preventive measures, along with a rich pool of exploratory variables and written experiences. A global consortium from 39 countries and regions worked together to build and translate a survey with variables of shared interests, and recruited participants in 47 languages and dialects. Raw plus cleaned data and dynamic visualizations are available.Measurement(s) psychological measurement center dot anxiety-related behavior trait center dot Stress center dot response to center dot Isolation center dot loneliness measurement center dot Emotional Distress Technology Type(s) Survey Factor Type(s) geographic location center dot language center dot age of participant center dot responses to the Coronavirus pandemic Sample Characteristic - Organism Homo sapiens Sample Characteristic - Location global Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data:Peer reviewe

    Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic : relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey

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    The COVIDiSTRESS global survey collects data on early human responses to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic from 173 429 respondents in 48 countries. The open science study was co-designed by an international consortium of researchers to investigate how psychological responses differ across countries and cultures, and how this has impacted behaviour, coping and trust in government efforts to slow the spread of the virus. Starting in March 2020, COVIDiSTRESS leveraged the convenience of unpaid online recruitment to generate public data. The objective of the present analysis is to understand relationships between psychological responses in the early months of global coronavirus restrictions and help understand how different government measures succeed or fail in changing public behaviour. There were variations between and within countries. Although Western Europeans registered as more concerned over COVID-19, more stressed, and having slightly more trust in the governments' efforts, there was no clear geographical pattern in compliance with behavioural measures. Detailed plots illustrating between-countries differences are provided. Using both traditional and Bayesian analyses, we found that individuals who worried about getting sick worked harder to protect themselves and others. However, concern about the coronavirus itself did not account for all of the variances in experienced stress during the early months of COVID-19 restrictions. More alarmingly, such stress was associated with less compliance. Further, those most concerned over the coronavirus trusted in government measures primarily where policies were strict. While concern over a disease is a source of mental distress, other factors including strictness of protective measures, social support and personal lockdown conditions must also be taken into consideration to fully appreciate the psychological impact of COVID-19 and to understand why some people fail to follow behavioural guidelines intended to protect themselves and others from infection. The Stage 1 manuscript associated with this submission received in-principle acceptance (IPA) on 18 May 2020. Following IPA, the accepted Stage 1 version of the manuscript was preregistered on the Open Science Framework at https://osf.io/g2t3b. This preregistration was performed prior to data analysis.Peer reviewe

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world's importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth's microbial diversity.Peer reviewe

    A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity

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    Our growing awareness of the microbial world’s importance and diversity contrasts starkly with our limited understanding of its fundamental structure. Despite recent advances in DNA sequencing, a lack of standardized protocols and common analytical frameworks impedes comparisons among studies, hindering the development of global inferences about microbial life on Earth. Here we present a meta-analysis of microbial community samples collected by hundreds of researchers for the Earth Microbiome Project. Coordinated protocols and new analytical methods, particularly the use of exact sequences instead of clustered operational taxonomic units, enable bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA gene sequences to be followed across multiple studies and allow us to explore patterns of diversity at an unprecedented scale. The result is both a reference database giving global context to DNA sequence data and a framework for incorporating data from future studies, fostering increasingly complete characterization of Earth’s microbial diversity

    La UNED en Castilla y León: un estudio desde la perspectiva de género

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    The presence of women in the academic field and their next integration to a more demanding work world, are the central axis of this qualitative study carried out in the context of Castilla y León. In the mentioned study, the following aspects have been tackled: Approach to the socio-demographic and educational profile of both male and female students in Castilla y León; differences in the job expectations attending to the nature of the university of study – face to face or at a distance-(UNED); knowledge of the strategies developed by women in order to search an employment search; consequences of the social stereotype impact on the university women’s attitudes towards the labour market. In conclusion, it is remarkable the important role that the UNED plays in the environment of Castilla y León concerning the training for the labour insertion of women.La presencia de la mujer en el contexto académico y su posterior integración en un mercado laboral cada día más exigente, constituyen los ejes centrales del estudio cualitativo que realizamos en el ámbito de Castilla y León. En dicho estudio, se han abordado los siguientes temas: Aproximación al perfil sociodemográfico y formativo de las alumnas y alumnos universitarias en Castilla y León; diferencias en las expectativas de empleo motivadas por el estudio en una universidad presencial o a distancia (UNED); conocimiento de las estrategias de búsqueda de empleo de las universitarias; consecuencias del estereotipo social sobre las actitudes de las mujeres universitarias de Castilla y León frente al mercado de trabajo. En conclusión, se puede destacar el importante papel que cumple la UNED en Castilla y León en cuanto a la formación para la inserción laboral de las mujeres

    Clinical validation of a novel quantitative assay for the detection of MGMT methylation in glioblastoma patients

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    Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliationsBackground The promoter hypermethylation of the methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase gene is a frequently used biomarker in daily clinical practice as it is associated with a favorable prognosis in glioblastoma patients treated with temozolamide. Due to the absence of adequately standardized techniques, international harmonization of the MGMT methylation biomarker is still an unmet clinical need for the diagnosis and treatment of glioblastoma patients. Results In this study we carried out a clinical validation of a quantitative assay for MGMT methylation detection by comparing a novel quantitative MSP using double-probe (dp_qMSP) with the conventional MSP in 100 FFPE glioblastoma samples. We performed both technologies and established the best cutoff for the identification of positive-methylated samples using the quantitative data obtained from dp_qMSP. Kaplan–Meier curves and ROC time dependent curves were employed for the comparison of both methodologies. Conclusions We obtained similar results using both assays in the same cohort of patients, in terms of progression free survival and overall survival according to Kaplan–Meier curves. In addition, the results of ROC(t) curves showed that dp_qMSP increases the area under curve time-dependent in comparison with MSP for predicting progression free survival and overall survival over time. We concluded that dp_qMSP is an alternative methodology compatible with the results obtained with the conventional MSP. Our assay will improve the therapeutic management of glioblastoma patients, being a more sensitive and competitive alternative methodology that ensures the standardization of the MGMT-biomarker making it reliable and suitable for clinical useThis study was supported by the “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Instituto de Salud Carlos III” PI18/00050, DTS20/00029 and the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund FIS FEDER/FSE, Una Manera de Hacer Europ

    Observación y análisis de los cambios en el medio marino desde el aula mediante tecnología de teledetección (Xarxa 5543)

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    El cambio climático está causando el calentamiento de los océanos, la acidificación del medio marino y alteraciones en la pluviosidad y en los temporales extremos. Esta combinación de factores suele agravar los efectos de otras presiones humanas sobre el mar, que acarrean la pérdida de biodiversidad marina y de los servicios de los ecosistemas. Para conseguir frenar estos efectos adversos, la educación, la formación y la participación pública en todo el proceso de lucha contra el cambio climático es fundamental. El presente estudio, financiado por el Programa de Xarxes 2021-22 de la Universidad de Alicante (Xarxa 5543) tiene el objetivo de analizar cuál es la presencia del estudio y análisis del cambio climático en la docencia universitaria en los niveles de grado y máster de manera transversal o específica, teniendo en cuenta el área de conocimiento, nivel formativo y herramientas empleadas para la consecución de los objetivos formativos. En concreto se analiza el uso de la herramienta de Copernicus, Programa de Observación de la Tierra de la Unión Europea. Los servicios de información proporcionados son de acceso gratuito y abierto para sus usuarios y ofrece información basada en datos de observación de los océanos por satélite, entre otros. Se ponen a disposición de los usuarios enormes cantidades de datos globales procedentes de satélites y sistemas de medición terrestres, aéreos y marítimos para proporcionar información que ayude a analizar cambios en los procesos físicos, químicos y biológicos. Estos datos pueden ser empleados por docentes y estudiantes universitarios para el estudio del cambio climático en los océanos y mejorar la sensibilización y las capacidades profesionales de los egresados. Para ello se ha realizado una encuesta en las universidades de la Comunidad Valenciana tanto a nivel del alumnado como del profesorado analizando. Se pretende dar respuesta a qué se está haciendo en la actualidad para formar al alumnado con respecto al cambio climático y cuál debe ser el papel de los formadores universitarios en este proceso de aprendizaje, así como analizar a cuáles son los retos tecnológicos a los que se enfrentan. Por otra parte, se analizará las necesidades del alumnado en diferentes áreas de conocimiento ligadas al cambio climático, y la capacidad de las universidades para generar un curriculum académico integrado sobre el cambio climático, definiendo la necesidad de recursos educativos útiles y prácticos como puede ser la plataforma Copernicus. Como herramienta final se ha generado un curso gratuito en la plataforma Moodle de la Universidad de Alicante que permite a docentes y estudiantes analizar los problemas derivados del cambio climático utilizando la herramienta de My Ocean de Copernicus (https://marine.copernicus.eu/access-data/ocean-visualisation-tools)

    Quantitative use-wear analysis of stone tools: Measuring how the intensity of use affects the identification of the worked material

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    International audienceThe identification of the use of stone tools through use-wear analysis was one the major methodological advances in Prehistoric Archaeology during the second half of the 20 th century. Studies of use-wear analysis have decisively contributed to a better understanding of the cognitive capacities and the socio-economic organization of Prehistoric societies. Among use-wear traces, microwear polish is the most relevant evidence, as it allows the identification of the worked materials (i.e. wood, antler, hide, bone, stone…). This identification is currently carried out through the qualitative and visual comparison of experimental and archaeological tools. During the last decade, confocal microscopy is allowing the quantitative identification of the worked material through the texture analysis of microwear polish. Previous tests have accounted for the variability of use-wear traces as caused by different types of worked material. However, how the intensity of use, which is widely recognized as an important factor conditioning microwear polish characteristics, affects our capacity to identify the worked materials is poorly understood. This research addresses the dynamic nature of microwear polish through confocal microscopy and texture analysis. This research shows that use-wear polishing is a dynamic process and surface texture evolves continuously during the working time. The evolution fits a logarithmic function, so most texture modification takes place during the first phases of work. The way in which polish texture evolves through time differs from one contact material to the other. We demonstrate that, despite the dynamic nature of use-wear polish, different worked materials can be discriminated. However, some overlapping between used and unused surfaces and between worked materials occurs in the first stages of use. Moreover, polishes of similar characteristics (i.e. bone and antler) can show similar texture at advanced stages of use. These problems in identification can be in good measure overcome by creating dynamic models of polish texture in which not only the worked material but also the time of use is considered