12 research outputs found

    Euphémisme et/ou violence verbale féminine. Sur le comportement langagier de jeunes filles cairotes

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    Si la « violence verbale » est une transgression des tabous langagiers, « l’euphémisme » est un moyen de les contourner. L’étude de ces deux concepts dans ce qu’on appelle « le langage des jeunes » est intéressante dans la mesure où elle pose la question de son « caractère masculin ». J’aborde la question des pratiques langagières des jeunes de ce nouvel angle qu’est le sexe en mettant à l'épreuve l'hypothèse de la politesse du langage des femmes auprès de groupes de jeunes filles cairotes. J’ai cherché mes réponses à travers un guide d’entretien semi-directif formé à la lumière de données collectées sur le journal du Facebook de certains internautes. Un questionnaire copiant ce guide d'entretien sous forme de questions fermées a facilité le traitement statistique des données

    Studies on Arabic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics

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    This volume contains over fifty articles related to various fields of modern Arabic dialectology. All the articles are revised and enhanced versions of papers read on the 12th Conference of the Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe (AIDA) held in Marseille in June 2017. Since its first conference in Paris in 1993, AIDA members gather every two years in different country. The collection of the AIDA proceedings offer an updated insight of the development of the field. During the past few decadesthe the study of Arabic dialects has become an important branch of research covering a wide range of subjects from phonological analyses, morphosyntax, semantics to pragmatics, sociolinguistics, folk linguistics, studies on literacy and writings, cultural and artistic practices, etc. As many articles of this volume illustrate, the study of Arabic dialects explores different aspects of the languages and cultures of the contemporary Arab world. A remarkable feature is the growing and constant participation of young scholars from all around the globe

    Dynamically Adaptive Data Clustering Using Intelligent Swarm-like Agents

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    Abstract ⎯ Inspired by the self-organized behaviour of bird flocks, a new dynamic clustering approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization is proposed. This paper introduces a novel clustering method, the PSDC, a new Particle Swarm-like agents approach for Dynamically Adaptive data clustering. Unlike other partition clustering algorithms, this technique does not require initial partitioned seeds and it can dynamically adapt to the changes in the global shape or size of the clusters. In this technique, the agents have lots of useful features such as sensing, thinking, making decisions, parallelism and moving freely in the solution space. The moving swarm-like agents are guided to move according to a specific proposed navigation rules. These rules help every agent to find its new position in its navigation process and the clustering results emerge from the collective and cooperative behaviour of these swarm agents. If the swarm performance showed gradual improvements during a predefined number of cycles, then the current population could pass useful information to the next population in order to help further generations in reaching better solutions faster and enable the learning process to be reinforced. The distributed, adaptive and cooperative behaviour of these agents was so powerful to explore the solution space effectively. Through the cooperative behaviour, the generations of agents were able to build knowledge and the whole population could pass information to the next generation. Numerous experiments have been conducted using both synthetic and real datasets to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed model. Cluster validity approaches are used to quantitatively evaluate the results of the clustering algorithm. Experimental results showed that the proposed particle swarm-like clustering algorithm reaches good clustering solutions and achieves superior performance compared to others

    Histamine and Schizophrenia

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    Histaminergic Modulation of Recognition Memory

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    Neuropharmacology of Histamine in Brain

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