590 research outputs found

    Imaging instantaneous electron flow with ultrafast resonant x-ray scattering

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    We propose a novel way to image dynamical properties of nonstationary electron systems using ultrafast resonant x-ray scattering. Employing a rigorous theoretical analysis within the framework of quantum electrodynamics, we demonstrate that a single scattering pattern from a nonstationary electron system encodes the instantaneous interatomic electron current in addition to the structural information usually obtained by resonant x-ray scattering from stationary systems. Thus, inelastic contributions that are indistinguishable from elastic processes induced by a broadband probe pulse, instead of being a concern, serve as an advantage for time-resolved resonant x-ray scattering. Thereby, we propose an approach combining elastic and inelastic resonant x-ray scattering for imaging dynamics of nonstationary electron systems in both real space and real time. In order to illustrate its power, we show how it can be applied to image the electron hole current in an ionized diatomic molecule

    Theory of x-ray scattering from laser-driven electronic systems

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    We describe, within the framework of quantum electrodynamics, an interaction between a non-resonant hard x-ray pulse and an electronic system in the presence of a temporally periodic laser field driving electron dynamics in this system. We apply Floquet theory to describe the laser-driven electronic system, and then obtain the scattering probability of an arbitrary nonresonant x-ray pulse from such a system employing the density-matrix formalism. We show that the scattering probability can be connected to the time-dependent electron density of the driven electronic system only under certain conditions, in particular, if the bandwidth of the probe x-ray pulse is sufficiently narrow to spectroscopically resolve transitions to different final states. A special focus is laid on application of the theory to laser-driven crystals in a strongly nonperturbative regime. We show how the time-dependent electron density of a crystal can be reconstructed from energy-resolved scattering patterns. This is illustrated by a calculation of a diffraction signal from a driven MgO crystal.Comment: accepted to Phys Rev

    The characteristic of histogenetic processes in the human heart during early cardiogenesis.

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    The purpose of the research was to study the processes of tissue and celluar transformation of the myocardium on early stage of human cardiogenesis. The hearts of the human embryos and fetuses were used. The standard methods of fixation, making of histological slides and staining by hematoxilin-eosin and metylene blue-azur II-fuxin were used. The two different types of distribution of apoptotic cells in the myocardium of the ventricles were revealed. The dominance of multifocal distribution of apoptotic cells in subepicardial layer of myocardium was observed during 5-6 weeks of the embryonic development. The diffuse type of distribution of apoptotic cells in other areas of the ventricles was determined. The fast reduction of quantity of apoptotic cells was noted on the 8 week. The only diffuse type of distribution of apoptotic cells in the ventricle myocardium was observed at the end of embryonic and at the beginning of fetal period. The single apoptotic cells were distributed in trabe-cular and compact myocardium of the both ventricles. The stages of formation of the hemomircocirculatory vessels in the subepicardial zone of the compact myocardium and in trabecular myocardium were determined

    Imaging Electron Dynamics with Ultrashort Light Pulses: A Theory Perspective

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    A wide range of ultrafast phenomena in various atomic, molecular and condense matter systems is governed by electron dynamics. Therefore, the ability to image electronic motion in real space and real time would provide a deeper understanding of such processes and guide developments of tools to control them. Ultrashort light pulses, which can provide unprecedented time resolution approaching subfemtosecond time scale, are perspective to achieve real-time imaging of electron dynamics. This task is challenging not only from an experimental view, but also from a theory perspective, since standard theories describing light-matter interaction in a stationary regime can provide erroneous results in an ultrafast case as demonstrated by several theoretical studies. We review the theoretical framework based on quantum electrodynamics, which has been shown to be necessary for an accurate description of time-resolved imaging of electron dynamics with ultrashort light pulses. We compare the results of theoretical studies of time-resolved nonresonant and resonant X-ray scattering, and time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and show that the corresponding time-resolved signals encode analogous information about electron dynamics. Thereby, the information about an electronic system provided by these time-resolved techniques is different from the information provided by their time-independent analogues

    Quantifying texture evolution during hot rolling of AZ31 Twin Roll Cast strip

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    Multi-pass rolling experiments with an AZ31 Twin Roll Cast (TRC) alloy were performed on an industrial scaled four-high rolling mill. Within the rolling with an intermediate annealing the evolution of texture was investigated. To quantify the extent of preferred crystallographic orientation experimental X-ray pole figures were measured after different process steps and analyzed using the free and open Matlab® toolbox MTEX for texture analysis. The development of the fiber texture was observed and analyzed in dependence on rolling conditions. In the initial state the specimen exhibits a texture composed of a weak basal texture and a cast texture with {0001}-planes oriented across the rolling direction. During the following rolling process a fiber texture was developed. The expected strength increment of the fiber texture was quantitatively confirmed in terms of volume portions of the orientation density function around the fiber and in terms of the canonical parameters of fitted pseudo Bingham distributions. On the results of this work a model for prediction of the texture evolution during the strip rolling of magnesium in the examined parameter range was developed

    Отказ в возмещении ущерба, нанесенного лицу органами досудебного расследования, прокуратуры и суда

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    Мають місце в Україні непоодинокі випадки порушень прав громадян органами досудового слідства, прокуратури та суду, що завдали значної шкоди здоров’ю, честі, діловій репутації особи, але вдало вклались в межі норм, що позбавляють особу права на компенсацію. Метою роботи є дослідження природи самообмови як підстави, що позбавляє особу права на відшкодування шкоди в кримінальному судочинстві, а також запропонувати зміни до діючого законодавства з урахуванням норм міжнародного права. Відмова у відшкодуванні шкоди внаслідок самообмови виявляється вимогою невідповідною щодо справедливості, компенсації шкоди і в залежності від справи та характеру дій особи, що відносяться до самообмови, можливі на розсуд суду такі дії: компенсація, реституція або соціальна допомога. Встановлюючи самообмову підставою, що позбавляє особу права на відшкодування шкоди, держава не створила надійного та діючого механізму захисту людини від існуючого беззаконня. Тому доцільно виключити ч.4 ст.1176 Цивільного кодексу України, що визначає самообмову підставою, яка позбавляє права особи на відшкодування завданої їй шкоди в кримінальному судочинстві.Take place in Ukraine unsingle cases of violations of rights for citizens by the organs of pre-trial investigation, office of public prosecutor and court, that inflicted considerable harm a health, honour, business reputation of person, but successfully laid in limits norms which deprive the face of right on indemnification. The purpose of work is research of nature of self-incrimination, as foundation which deprives the face of right on the compensation of harm in the criminal legal proceeding, and also to offer changes to the current legislation taking into account the norms of international law. A refuse in the compensation of harm as a result of self-incrimination appears a requirement incongruous in relation to justice, indemnifications of harm and depending on business and character of actions of person, which behave to self-incrimination, possible at discretion of court such actions: indemnification, restituciya or social help. Setting self-incrimination foundation which deprives the face of right on the compensation of harm, the state did not create the reliable and operating mechanism of defence of man from existent lawlessness. It is Therefore expedient to eliminate ch.4 st.1176 of the Civil code of Ukraine, which determines self-incrimination foundation which disentitles personality on the compensation of the harm inflicted it in the criminal legal proceeding.Имеют место в Украине неодиночные случаи нарушений прав граждан органами досудебного следствия, прокуратуры и суда, что нанесли значительный вред здоровью, чести, деловой репутации лица, но удачно уложились в пределы норм, которые лишают лицо права на компенсацию. Целью работы является исследование природы самооговора как основания, которое лишает лицо права на возмещение вреда в криминальном судопроизводстве, а также предложить изменения к действующему законодательству с учетом норм международного права. Отказ в возмещении вреда в результате самооговора оказывается требованием несоответствующим относительно справедливости, компенсации вреда и в зависимости от дела и характера действий лица, которые относятся к самооговору, возможные на усмотрение суда такие действия: компенсация, реституция или социальная помощь. Устанавливая самооговор основанием, которое лишает лицо права на возмещение вреда, государство не создало надежный и действующий механизм защиты человека от существующего беззакония. Поэтому целесообразно исключить ч.4 ст.1176 Гражданского кодекса Украины, которая определяет самооговор основанием, которое лишает права личности на возмещение нанесенного ей вреда в криминальном судопроизводстве

    Attosecond imaging of photo-induced dynamics in molecules using time-resolved photoelectron momentum microscopy

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    We explore the novel capabilities offered by attosecond extreme ultraviolet and x-ray pulses that can be now generated by free-electron lasers and high-harmonics generation sources for probing photon-induced electron dynamics in molecules. We theoretically analyze how spatial and temporal dependence of charge migration in a pentacene molecule can be followed by means of time-resolved photoelectron microscopy on the attosecond time scale. Performing the analysis, we accurately take into account that an attosecond probe pulse leads to considerable spectral broadening. We demonstrate that the excited-state dynamics of a neutral pentacene molecule in the real space map onto unique features of photoelectron momentum maps.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    BRICS Countries Education Export: Challenges and Forecasts

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    The purpose of this research is to study how the BRICS countries can ensure the active involvement of foreign citizens from partner countries, taking into account the territorial and sectoral segments of the world market. The work relies on expert panels, aimed at reducing initially differing points of view of experts from different countries to more consistent provisions. This method allowed us to record changes in the observed values, characteristics, to study the dynamics of the development of processes in the field of education export. Export of education allows an increasing the number of foreign citizens to study in higher education institutions in BRICS states. Based on the factor analysis of the national education systems of the BRICS countries in terms of tasks and forecasts, a matrix of requests from scientific fields is compiled and recommendations are made. Keywords: national education systems, export educatio


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    Defined qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the economic environment. We consider the macro and microeconomic factors influencing decisions on capital investment companies. Are considered and systematized criteria for the selection of investment proposals