1,005 research outputs found

    Le rÎle de la biopsie virtuelle du placenta dans la prédiction du retard de croissance intra-utérin au premier trimestre de la grossesse

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    Le retard de croissance intra-utĂ©rin (RCIU) se dĂ©finit comme Ă©tant un Ă©chec dans la croissance du fƓtus Ă  atteindre son potentiel de croissance gĂ©nĂ©tiquement dĂ©terminĂ©. Il touche entre 7 Ă  10 % des grossesses. Alors que le dĂ©pistage commence seulement Ă  partir de la vingtiĂšme semaine de grossesse, cette complication pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ©tectable dĂšs le premier trimestre. Un dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce des femmes Ă  risque Ă©levĂ© permettrait de dĂ©buter un traitement prĂ©ventif. L’échographie 3D Doppler de puissance a dĂ©montrĂ© des rĂ©sultats encourageants pour le dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce de la prĂ©-Ă©clampsie. La biopsie virtuelle du placenta et ses indices de vascularisation pourraient possiblement permettre la dĂ©tection prĂ©coce de cas de RCIU dĂšs le premier trimestre. Les objectifs de l’étude Ă©taient d’évaluer la valeur de la biopsie virtuelle, du volume placentaire et des indices de vascularisation placentaires au 1er trimestre dans la prĂ©diction du RCIU stratifiĂ© selon la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ©. Nous avons observĂ© que le volume placentaire est un bon prĂ©dicteur du RCIU. Cependant, la biopsie virtuelle du placenta et les indices de vascularisation placentaire ne prĂ©disent pas bien le RCIU. En conclusion, la biopsie placentaire et sa vascularisation dĂ©terminĂ©es par Ă©chographie 3D Doppler de puissance ne sont pas des modalitĂ©s utiles en clinique pour le dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce du RCIU au premier trimestre de la grossesse.Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a pathological process defined as the failure of the fetus to reach its biologically determined growth potential. It affects 7 to 10% pregnancies. Screening for FGR begins only at the 20th weeks of pregnancy but this complication could be detectable during the first-trimester of gestation. Early detection of high-risk pregnancies could allow to start a preventive treatment as soon as possible. Threedimensional Power Doppler ultrasound has shown some encouraging results for early identification of women at high risk of preeclampsia. Placental volume and ultrasonographic sphere biopsy (USSB) with their vascularization indices could possibly detect FGR fetuses during the first-trimester. Our objective was to estimate the performance of the whole placental volume and USSB vascularization in the prediction of severe and non-severe FGR fetuses in the first-trimester. Our results showed that placental volume was a good predictor of severe and non-severe FGR. However, USSB displayed a poor predictive ability. Therefore, first-trimester USSB and its vascularization indices are not good modalities for clinical practice for the early screening of FGR pregnancies

    Quantitative surveillance of shiga toxins 1 and 2, Escherichia coli O178 and O157 in feces of western-Canadian slaughter cattle enumerated by droplet digital PCR with a focus on seasonality and slaughterhouse location

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    Open access; distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution LicenseOften Escherichia coli are harmless and/or beneficial bacteria inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of livestock and humans. However, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) have been linked to human disease. Cattle are the primary reservoir for STEC and STEC “super-shedders” are considered to be a major contributor in animal to animal transmission. Among STEC, O157:H7 is the most recognized serotype, but in recent years, non-O157 STEC have been increasingly linked to human disease. In Argentina and Germany, O178 is considered an emerging pathogen. Our objective was to compare populations of E. coli O178, O157, shiga toxin 1 and 2 in western Canadian cattle feces from a sampling pool of ~80,000 beef cattle collected at two slaughterhouses. Conventional PCR was utilized to screen 1,773 samples for presence/absence of E. coli O178. A subset of samples (n = 168) was enumerated using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and proportions of O178, O157 and shiga toxins 1 & 2 specific-fragments were calculated as a proportion of generic E. coli (GEC) specific-fragments. Distribution of stx1 and stx2 was determined by comparing stx1, stx2 and O157 enumerations. Conventional PCR detected the presence of O178 in 873 of 1,773 samples and ddPCR found the average proportion of O178, O157, stx1 and stx2 in the samples 2.8%, 0.6%, 1.4% and 0.5%, respectively. Quantification of stx1 and stx2 revealed more virulence genes than could be exclusively attributed to O157. Our results confirmed the presence of E. coli O178 in western Canadian cattle and ddPCR revealed O178 as a greater proportion of GEC than was O157. Our results suggests: I) O178 may be an emerging subgroup in Canada and II) monitoring virulence genes may be a more relevant target for food-safety STEC surveillance compared to current serogroup screening.Ye


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    ABSTRACT Geometric models are used to simplify the complex, threedimensional geometry of metal foams for calculations of effective thermal conductivity. The first is based on a conventional three-dimensional cubic lattice and the second is a tetrakaidecahedronal model. The models consist of interconnecting ligaments with a spherical node at their intersections. The geometry of the foam is determined based on two dimensionless parameters: 1) the porosity and 2) the product of the specific surface area of the foam and the length of the interconnecting ligaments. A free parameter represents the size of the lumps at the ligament interconnections. It is shown that the remaining unknown geometric parameters of the models can be obtained as a solution of a cubic equation that has only one acceptable solution. From the cubic lattice model, a one-dimensional heat conduction analytical model is used to find the effective thermal conductivity of fully saturated metal foam. A three-dimensional finite element calculation of the effective thermal conductivity for the cubic lattice is then compared to the one-dimensional model. In the case of the tetrakaidecahedronal model, a similar three-dimensional finite element calculation is performed to find the effective thermal conductivity. Anisotropy of the models is explored. The results of the models are compared with experimental results from this study and the literature to substantiate their accuracy. The experimental results are reported for fully saturated aluminum metal foam in air, water, and oil. Results show that both the cubic lattice model, which is less complex, and the tetrakaidecahedronal model can both be used to represent onedimensional effective thermal conductivity. Finally, the dimensionless surface areas for each geometric model are compared. The models produce significantly different surface areas, and therefore do not both represent the density and specific surface area of foam accurately

    Analysis of alpha Centauri AB including seismic constraints

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    Detailed models of alpha Cen A and B based on new seismological data for alpha Cen B by Carrier & Bourban (2003) have been computed using the Geneva evolution code including atomic diffusion. Taking into account the numerous observational constraints now available for the alpha Cen system, we find a stellar model which is in good agreement with the astrometric, photometric, spectroscopic and asteroseismic data. The global parameters of the alpha Cen system are now firmly constrained to an age of t=6.52+-0.30 Gyr, an initial helium mass fraction Y_i=0.275+-0.010 and an initial metallicity (Z/X)_i=0.0434+-0.0020. Thanks to these numerous observational constraints, we confirm that the mixing-length parameter alpha of the B component is larger than the one of the A component, as already suggested by many authors (Noels et al. 1991, Fernandes & Neuforge 1995 and Guenther & Demarque 2000): alpha_B is about 8% larger than alpha_A (alpha_A=1.83+-0.10 and alpha_B=1.97+-0.10). Moreover, we show that asteroseismic measurements enable to determine the radii of both stars with a very high precision (errors smaller than 0.3%). The radii deduced from seismological data are compatible with the new interferometric results of Kervella et al. (2003) even if they are slightly larger than the interferometric radii (differences smaller than 1%).Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    High Electromechanical Response of Ionic Polymer Actuators with Controlled-Morphology Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Nafion Nanocomposite Electrodes

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    Author Manuscript 2011 October 8Recent advances in fabricating controlled-morphology vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VA-CNTs) with ultrahigh volume fraction create unique opportunities for markedly improving the electromechanical performance of ionic polymer conductor network composite (IPCNC) actuators. Continuous paths through inter-VA-CNT channels allow fast ion transport, and high electrical conduction of the aligned CNTs in the composite electrodes lead to fast device actuation speed (>10% strain/second). One critical issue in developing advanced actuator materials is how to suppress the strain that does not contribute to the actuation (unwanted strain) thereby reducing actuation efficiency. Here, experiments demonstrate that the VA-CNTs give an anisotropic elastic response in the composite electrodes, which suppresses the unwanted strain and markedly enhances the actuation strain (>8% strain under 4 V). The results reported here suggest pathways for optimizing the electrode morphology in IPCNCs using ultrahigh volume fraction VA-CNTs to further enhanced performance.United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-07-1-0452)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-EY018387-02)United States. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiativ

    Catalytic Asymmetric Crotylation of Aldehydes: Application in Total Synthesis of (−)-Elisabethadione

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: O'HORA, P. ... et al, 2015. Catalytic asymmetric crotylation of aldehydes: application in total synthesis of (- )-elisabethadione. Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(12), pp.4551-4555, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.201500176. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.A new, highly efficient Lewis base catalyst for a practical enantio- and diastereoselective crotylation of unsaturated aldehydes with E- and Z-crotyltrichlorosilanes has been developed. The method was employed as a key step in a novel asymmetric synthesis of bioactive serrulatane diterpene (À)-elisabethadione. Other strategic reactions for setting up the stereogenic centers included anionic oxy-Cope rearrangement and cationic cyclization. The synthetic route relies on simple, high yielding reactions and avoids use of protecting groups or chiral auxiliaries

    Visualization of the effect of additives on the nanostructures of individual bio-inspired calcite crystals

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    Soluble additives provide a versatile strategy for controlling crystallization processes, enabling selection of properties including crystal sizes, morphologies, and structures. The additive species can also be incorporated within the crystal lattice, leading for example to enhanced mechanical properties. However, while many techniques are available for analyzing particle shape and structure, it remains challenging to characterize the structural inhomogeneities and defects introduced into individual crystals by these additives, where these govern many important material properties. Here, we exploit Bragg coherent diffraction imaging to visualize the effects of soluble additives on the internal structures of individual crystals on the nanoscale. Investigation of bio-inspired calcite crystals grown in the presence of lysine or magnesium ions reveals that while a single dislocation is observed in calcite crystals grown in the presence of lysine, magnesium ions generate complex strain patterns. Indeed, in addition to the expected homogeneous solid solution of Mg ions in the calcite lattice, we observe two zones comprising alternating lattice contractions and relaxation, where comparable alternating layers of high magnesium calcite have been observed in many magnesium calcite biominerals. Such insight into the structures of nanocomposite crystals will ultimately enable us to understand and control their properties
