87 research outputs found

    Plädoyer für eine kontaktualistische Philosophie der Politik

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    Der handlungstheoretische Zutritt zur Normenlogik

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    Georges Kalinowski und G. H. von Wright haben die Epoche der deontischen Logik eingeleitet. Heute geht es darum, eine neue Basis für eine echte Normenlogik zu schaffen. Ausgangspunkt ist die informationstheoretisch fundierte Handlungstheorie

    Pneumococcal Antibody Concentrations and Carriage of Pneumococci more than 3 Years after Infant Immunization with a Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

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    BACKGROUND: A 9-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-9), given in a 3-dose schedule, protected Gambian children against pneumococcal disease and reduced nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci of vaccine serotypes. We have studied the effect of a booster or delayed primary dose of 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) on antibody and nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci 3-4 years after primary vaccination. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We recruited a subsample of children who had received 3 doses of either PCV-9 or placebo (controls) into this follow-up study. Pre- and post- PCV-7 pneumococcal antibody concentrations to the 9 serotypes in PCV-9 and nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci were determined before and at intervals up to 18 months post-PCV-7. We enrolled 282 children at a median age of 45 months (range, 38-52 months); 138 had received 3 doses of PCV-9 in infancy and 144 were controls. Before receiving PCV-7, a high proportion of children had antibody concentrations >0.35 µg/mL to most of the serotypes in PCV-9 (average of 75% in the PCV-9 and 66% in the control group respectively). The geometric mean antibody concentrations in the vaccinated group were significantly higher compared to controls for serotypes 6B, 14, and 23F. Antibody concentrations were significantly increased to serotypes in the PCV-7 vaccine both 6-8 weeks and 16-18 months after PCV-7. Antibodies to serotypes 6B, 9V and 23F were higher in the PCV-9 group than in the control group 6-8 weeks after PCV-7, but only the 6B difference was sustained at 16-18 months. There was no significant difference in nasopharyngeal carriage between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Pneumococcal antibody concentrations in Gambian children were high 34-48 months after a 3-dose primary infant vaccination series of PCV-9 for serotypes other than serotypes 1 and 18C, and were significantly higher than in control children for 3 of the 9 serotypes. Antibody concentrations increased after PCV-7 and remained raised for at least 18 months

    Adaptive Evolution of the Venom-Targeted vWF Protein in Opossums that Eat Pitvipers

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    The rapid evolution of venom toxin genes is often explained as the result of a biochemical arms race between venomous animals and their prey. However, it is not clear that an arms race analogy is appropriate in this context because there is no published evidence for rapid evolution in genes that might confer toxin resistance among routinely envenomed species. Here we report such evidence from an unusual predator-prey relationship between opossums (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) and pitvipers (Serpentes: Crotalinae). In particular, we found high ratios of replacement to silent substitutions in the gene encoding von Willebrand Factor (vWF), a venom-targeted hemostatic blood protein, in a clade of opossums known to eat pitvipers and to be resistant to their hemorrhagic venom. Observed amino-acid substitutions in venom-resistant opossums include changes in net charge and hydrophobicity that are hypothesized to weaken the bond between vWF and one of its toxic snake-venom ligands, the C-type lectin-like protein botrocetin. Our results provide the first example of rapid adaptive evolution in any venom-targeted molecule, and they support the notion that an evolutionary arms race might be driving the rapid evolution of snake venoms. However, in the arms race implied by our results, venomous snakes are prey, and their venom has a correspondingly defensive function in addition to its usual trophic role

    Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia has a heritability of 60-80%1, much of which is attributable to common risk alleles. Here, in a two-stage genome-wide association study of up to 76,755 individuals with schizophrenia and 243,649 control individuals, we report common variant associations at 287 distinct genomic loci. Associations were concentrated in genes that are expressed in excitatory and inhibitory neurons of the central nervous system, but not in other tissues or cell types. Using fine-mapping and functional genomic data, we identify 120 genes (106 protein-coding) that are likely to underpin associations at some of these loci, including 16 genes with credible causal non-synonymous or untranslated region variation. We also implicate fundamental processes related to neuronal function, including synaptic organization, differentiation and transmission. Fine-mapped candidates were enriched for genes associated with rare disruptive coding variants in people with schizophrenia, including the glutamate receptor subunit GRIN2A and transcription factor SP4, and were also enriched for genes implicated by such variants in neurodevelopmental disorders. We identify biological processes relevant to schizophrenia pathophysiology; show convergence of common and rare variant associations in schizophrenia and neurodevelopmental disorders; and provide a resource of prioritized genes and variants to advance mechanistic studies

    Early galaxy formation and its large-scale effects

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    Galaxy formation is at the heart of our understanding of cosmic evolution. Although there is a consensus that galaxies emerged from the expanding matter background by gravitational instability of primordial fluctuations, a number of additional physical processes must be understood and implemented in theoretical models before these can be reliably used to interpret observations. In parallel, the astonishing recent progresses made in detecting galaxies that formed only a few hundreds of million years after the Big Bang is pushing the quest for more sophisticated and detailed studies of early structures. In this review, we combine the information gleaned from different theoretical models/studies to build a coherent picture of the Universe in its early stages which includes the physics of galaxy formation along with the impact that early structures had on large-scale processes as cosmic reionization and metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium

    La existencia institucional del Derecho

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    Following the voice of intellectual conscience

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    Podnětem k sepsání této vědecké autobiografie by­ly moje osmdesáté narozeniny. Důvodem toho, že tuto zpětnou sebereflexi provádím s jistým potěšením a zá­jmem, není představa, že můj osobní život je důležitý a že by mohl být pro čtenáře zajímavý, nýbrž důvo­dem je pokus porozumět sobě samému, a být tudíž pochopitelnější i pro jiné. Chci rovněž geneticky vy­ložit své ideje, postoje a koncepce tím, že ukáži ty rozhodující kroky v mém životě, které utvořily rámec mého myšlení a bádání. Mé myšlenky byly přiroze­ně determinovány - jak tomu vždy je - směsí vněj­ších okolností i osobními zvláštnostmi mého charak­teru a ducha, směsí, kterou je obtížné rozplést. Roli přitom hrály nejen pozitivní vlastnosti, především dvě z nich (a) schopnost vidět problémy a (b) značná vy­trvalost při hledání odpovědí, nýbrž také mé slabiny, jako je nepříliš dobrá paměť, nedostatek nadání pro ja­zyky a schopností rétoricko-žurnalistických

    Wahrer Glaube, Agnostizismus und Logik der theologischen Argumentation

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    Ota Weinberger versucht, die logische Analyse für die theologische Argumentation nutzbar zu machen und Forderungen für eine Moral des friedfertigen Diskurses aufzustellen.Hierzu bestimmt er zunächst eine logische und methodologische Charakteristik des Glaubensoperators der Religionen. Nach einer Diskussion des Begriffes der möglichen Welten wird das Theodizeeproblem skeptisch beleuchtet. Zur Konstitution der Willensfreiheit ist weder die Existenz der ontologischen noch des moralischen Bösen erforderlich. Auch ist die Notwendigkeit des Bösen zum Nutzen der Geschöpfe nicht beweisbar. Es gehört jedoch zur Sichtweise der Theologen, daß moralische Momente als Determinanten der Glückseligkeit angesehen werden.Der Autor stellt der Konzeption des Weltethos eine Theorie gegenüber, derzufolge das politische Geschehen durch das Aufeinanderprallen verschiedener Zivilisationen bestimmt ist. Weinberger setzt der gängigen Moral, die den Einsatz für die eigene Gemeinschaft fordert, eine Moral entgegen, die Wege der diskursiven Brücken zwischen divergierenden Welthaltungen sucht. Am Ende diskutiert er Methoden der friedlichen Koexistenz und Kooperation - trotz unterschiedlicher Einstellungen

    On the sense of qualifying sentences

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    Kvalifikující výroky jsou zejména věty těchto typů: "předmět a je dobrý", "předmět a je špatný", "předmět a je lepší než předmět b", "předmět a je stejné dobrý jako předmět b". Tvrdím, že pravý smysl takových vět je určen okol­nostmi, které nebývají explicitně vysloveny. Určením těchto determinant a jejich možných variací získáváme teorii kvalifikujících vět, teorii rozhodování a lidského jednání