227 research outputs found

    Intergalactic Transmission and its Impact on the Ly{\alpha} Line

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    We study the intergalactic transmission of radiation in the vicinity of the Ly{\alpha} wavelength. Simulating sightlines through the intergalactic medium (IGM) in detailed cosmological hydrosimulations, the impact of the IGM on the shape of the line profile from Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies at redshifts 2.5 to 6.5 is investigated. In particular we show that taking into account the correlation of the density and velocity fields of the IGM with the galaxies, the blue part of the spectrum may be appreciably reduced, even at relatively low redshifts. This may in some cases provide an alternative to the often-invoked outflow scenario, although it is concluded that this model is still a plausible explanation of the many asymmetric Ly{\alpha} profiles observed. Applying the calculated wavelength dependent transmission to simulated spectra from Ly{\alpha} emitting galaxies, we derive the fraction of photons that are lost in the IGM, in addition to what is absorbed internally in the galaxies due to dust. Moreover, by comparing the calculated transmission of radiation blueward of the Ly{\alpha} line, the total optical depth to Thomson scattering of cosmic microwave background, with corresponding observations, we are able to constrain the epoch when the Universe was reionized to z <~ 8.5.Comment: Substantially extended, ~30 references added, 1.5 page extra (article style) in particular on the impact of the IGM at z~5.8 and z~6.5, 2 extra figures, unnecessary fluff cut out, accepted for publication in Ap

    Modeling Lyman continuum emission from young galaxies

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    Based on cosmological simulations, we model Lyman continuum emission from a sample of 11 high-redshift star forming galaxies spanning a mass range of a factor 20. Each of the 11 galaxies has been simulated both with a Salpeter and a Kroupa initial mass function (IMF). We find that the Lyman continuum (LyC) luminosity of an average star forming galaxy in our sample declines from z=3.6 to 2.4 due to the steady gas infall and higher gas clumping at lower redshifts, increasingly hampering the escape of ionizing radiation. The galaxy-to-galaxy variation of apparent LyC emission at a fixed redshift is caused in approximately equal parts by the intrinsic variations in the LyC emission and by orientation effects. The combined scatter of an order of magnitude can explain the variance in the far-UV spectra of high-redshift galaxies detected by Shapley et al. (2006). Our results imply that the cosmic galactic ionizing UV luminosity would be monotonically decreasing from z=3.6 to 2.4, curiously anti-correlated with the star formation rate in the smaller galaxies, which on average rises during this redshift interval.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Escape of ionizing radiation from star forming regions in young galaxies

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    Using results from high-resolution galaxy formation simulations in a standard Lambda-CDM cosmology and a fully conservative multi-resolution radiative transfer code around point sources, we compute the energy-dependent escape fraction of ionizing photons from a large number of star forming regions in two galaxies at five different redshifts from z=3.8 to 2.39. All escape fractions show a monotonic decline with time, from (at the Lyman-limit) ~6-10% at z=3.6 to ~1-2% at z=2.39, due to higher gas clumping at lower redshifts. It appears that increased feedback can lead to higher f_esc at z>3.4 via evacuation of gas from the vicinity of star forming regions and to lower f_esc at z<2.39 through accumulation of swept-up shells in denser environments. Our results agree well with the observational findings of \citet{inoue..06} on redshift evolution of f_esc in the redshift interval z=2-3.6.Comment: four pages, four figures, submitted to ApJ

    The Long Term: Six-dimensional Core-collapse Supernova Models

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    The computational difficulty of six-dimensional neutrino radiation hydrodynamics has spawned a variety of approximations, provoking a long history of uncertainty in the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism. Under the auspices of the Terascale Supernova Initiative, we are honoring the physical complexity of supernovae by meeting the computational challenge head-on, undertaking the development of a new adaptive mesh refinement code for self-gravitating, six-dimensional neutrino radiation magnetohydrodynamics. This code--called {\em GenASiS}, for {\em Gen}eral {\em A}strophysical {\em Si}mulation {\em S}ystem--is designed for modularity and extensibility of the physics. Presently in use or under development are capabilities for Newtonian self-gravity, Newtonian and special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (with `realistic' equation of state), and special relativistic energy- and angle-dependent neutrino transport--including full treatment of the energy and angle dependence of scattering and pair interactions.Comment: 23 pages. Proceedings of Open Issues in Understanding Core Collapse Supernovae, National Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, 22-24 June 2004, World Scientific, in pres

    Can gravitational infall energy lead to the observed velocity dispersion in DLAs?

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    The median observed velocity width v_90 of low-ionization species in damped Ly-alpha systems is close to 90 km/s, with approximately 10% of all systems showing v_90 > 210 km/s at z=3. We show that a relative shortage of such high-velocity neutral gas absorbers in state-of-the-art galaxy formation models is a fundamental problem, present both in grid-based and particle-based numerical simulations. Using a series of numerical simulations of varying resolution and box size to cover a wide range of halo masses, we demonstrate that energy from gravitational infall alone is insufficient to produce the velocity dispersion observed in damped Ly-alpha systems, nor does this dispersion arise from an implementation of star formation and feedback in our highest resolution (~ 45 pc) models, if we do not put any galactic winds into our models by hand. We argue that these numerical experiments highlight the need to separate dynamics of different components of the multiphase interstellar medium at z=3.Comment: 12 Pages, 9 Figures, accepted to ApJ, printing in colour recommende

    Multi--dimensional Cosmological Radiative Transfer with a Variable Eddington Tensor Formalism

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    We present a new approach to numerically model continuum radiative transfer based on the Optically Thin Variable Eddington Tensor (OTVET) approximation. Our method insures the exact conservation of the photon number and flux (in the explicit formulation) and automatically switches from the optically thick to the optically thin regime. It scales as N logN with the number of hydrodynamic resolution elements and is independent of the number of sources of ionizing radiation (i.e. works equally fast for an arbitrary source function). We also describe an implementation of the algorithm in a Soften Lagrangian Hydrodynamic code (SLH) and a multi--frequency approach appropriate for hydrogen and helium continuum opacities. We present extensive tests of our method for single and multiple sources in homogeneous and inhomogeneous density distributions, as well as a realistic simulation of cosmological reionization.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy. Color GIF versions of figures 6, 7, 8, and 11 are available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~gnedin/PAPERPAGES/rt.htm
