17 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018.

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    Over the past decade, the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) has formulated guidelines for the definition and interpretation of cell death from morphological, biochemical, and functional perspectives. Since the field continues to expand and novel mechanisms that orchestrate multiple cell death pathways are unveiled, we propose an updated classification of cell death subroutines focusing on mechanistic and essential (as opposed to correlative and dispensable) aspects of the process. As we provide molecularly oriented definitions of terms including intrinsic apoptosis, extrinsic apoptosis, mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT)-driven necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, entotic cell death, NETotic cell death, lysosome-dependent cell death, autophagy-dependent cell death, immunogenic cell death, cellular senescence, and mitotic catastrophe, we discuss the utility of neologisms that refer to highly specialized instances of these processes. The mission of the NCCD is to provide a widely accepted nomenclature on cell death in support of the continued development of the field

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants.

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. METHODS: We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30-79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. FINDINGS: The number of people aged 30-79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306-359) million women and 317 (292-344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584-668) million women and 652 (604-698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55-62) of women and 49% (46-52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43-51) of women and 38% (35-41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20-27) for women and 18% (16-21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. INTERPRETATION: Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings. FUNDING: WHO

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants

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    Background Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30-79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. Findings The number of people aged 30-79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306-359) million women and 317 (292-344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584-668) million women and 652 (604-698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55-62) of women and 49% (46-52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43-51) of women and 38% (35-41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20-27) for women and 18% (16-21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. Interpretation Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings. Copyright (C) 2021 World Health Organization; licensee Elsevier

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants

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    Background Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30–79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. Findings The number of people aged 30–79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306–359) million women and 317 (292–344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584–668) million women and 652 (604–698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55–62) of women and 49% (46–52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43–51) of women and 38% (35–41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20–27) for women and 18% (16–21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. Interpretation Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings

    Stratégies thérapeutiques de la dépression

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    À ce jour, aucune molécule antidépressive n'a apporté la preuve d'une efficacité supérieure à celle d'une autre molécule. Le prescripteur en est réduit à espérer des critères de choix qui, pour l'heure, n'existent guère. Et pourtant une codification de la stratégie thérapeutique est susceptible d'améliorer le résultat des traitements. Les antidépresseurs ont une indication commune : épisode dépressif majeur. D'autres indications appartiennent à certaines molécules : elles peuvent guider le prescripteur. Diverses recherches ont tenté d'identifier des critères de prédiction de la réponse aux antidépresseurs. Les critères cliniques sont : endogénéité, réponse précoce, importance et durée de la dépression, traits pathologiques de personnalité, qualité de l'entourage, pathologie organique associée. Des indices paracliniques ont également été utilisés : taux circulants de monoamines ou de leurs catabolites, paramètres neuro-endocriniens, activités enzymatiques, polysomnographie, imagerie cérébrale. Plusieurs séries de recommandations ont été avancées pour guider la stratégie thérapeutique à la phase aiguë et au-delà. Parmi les items pouvant guider la prescription, trois d'entre eux sont régulièrement cités : risque d'effets indésirables, attente du patient, niveau de preuve d'efficacité de la molécule. Un problème délicat est posé par les épisodes dépressifs de faible intensité. L'action psychothérapique peut-elle être une alternative à la chimiothérapie antidépressive

    Étude du mécanisme d'action du lithium sur le récepteur 5-HT1B (implication clinique de l'association lithium-clomipramine dans la dépression unipolaire)

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cognition spatiale et stratégies visuo-spatiales comme marqueurs cognitifs dans la psychose

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    Les atteintes du fonctionnement cognitif sont au cœur de la clinique de la schizophrénie. Ce travail présente un modèle basé sur la littérature scientifique qui vise à mettre en évidence un déficit de l expérience personnelle dans la schizophrénie. Vingt-quatre schizophrènes stabilisés et 25 témoins appariés ont été testés à l aide de trois paradigmes visuo-spatiaux. L enregistrement des mouvements oculaires a permis d identifier les stratégies d acquisition de l information. Les référentiels visuospatiaux et la capacité d adaptation d un référentiel à un autre ( switch ) étaient explorés.Les patients montraient un dysfonctionnement des stratégies de scanning visuel. Les patients ne parvenaient pas à adapter la durée de fixation de leur regard au niveau élevé de difficulté des tâches cognitives. Ils utilisaient moins souvent la stratégie la plus efficace ( Constructive Matching ) en comparaison aux témoignes.Lors de l exploration des Référentiels visuospatiaux, les patients montraient des performances préservées dans la condition egocentrique. En revanche les patients schizophrènes avaient une atteinte de la perspective allocentrique. Le switch entre egocentrique et la condition allocentrique distale était atteinte chez les patients. Ces résultats apportent des arguments en faveur d un modèle d une perturbation de l expérience subjective qui dépende d une modulation inefficiente de l exploration visuelle dans la schizophrénie. Cette compréhension des mécanismes de traitement visuel et des atteints cognitives qui en résultent peut être considérée comme une cible pour des recherches ultérieurs et des interventions thérapeutique en remédiation cognitive.PARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceGermanyFRD

    Adherence to medication is associated with non-planning impulsivity in euthymic bipolar disorder patients

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    International audienceBackground: Adherence to medication is a major issue in bipolar disorder. defined as a lack of future orientation, has been demonstrated to be the main impulsivity domain altered during euthymia in bipolar disorder patients. It was associated with comorbidities. Methods: To investigate relationship between adherence to medication and non-planning impulsivity, we included 260 euthymic bipolar patients. Adherence to medication was evaluated by Medication Adherence Rating Scale and non-planning impulsivity by Barrat Impulsiveness Scale. Univariate analyses and linear regression were used. We conducted also a path analysis to examine whether non-planning impulsivity had direct or indirect effect on adherence, mediated by comorbidities. Results: Adherence to medication was correlated with non-planning impulsivity, even after controlling for potential confounding factors in linear regression analysis (Beta standardized coefficient¼ 0.156; p¼ 0.015). Path analysis demonstrated only a direct effect of non-planning impulsivity on adherence to medication, and none indirect effect via substance use disorders and anxiety disorders. Limitations: Our study is limited by its cross-sectional design and adherence to medication was assessed only by self-questionnaire

    Contribution of common and rare damaging variants in familial forms of bipolar disorder and phenotypic outcome

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    International audienceGenome-wide association studies on bipolar disorders (BD) have revealed an additive polygenic contribution of common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However, these SNPs explain only 25% of the overall genetic variance and suggest a role of rare variants in BD vulnerability. Here, we combined high-throughput genotyping data and whole-exome sequencing in cohorts of individuals with BD as well as in multiplex families with a high density of affected individuals in order to determine the contribution of both common and rare variants to BD genetic vulnerability. Using polygenic risk scores (PRS), we showed a strong contribution of common polymorphisms previously associated with BD and schizophrenia (SZ) and noticed that those specifically associated with SZ contributed more in familial forms of BD than in non-familial ones. The analysis of rare damaging variants shared by affected individuals in multiplex families with BD revealed a single interaction network enriched in neuronal and developmental biological pathways, as well as in the regulation of gene expression. We identified four genes with a higher mutation rate in individuals with BD than in the general population and showed that mutations in two of them were associated with specific clinical manifestations. In addition, we showed a significant negative correlation between PRS and the number of rare damaging variants specifically in unaffected individuals of multiplex families. Altogether, our results suggest that common and rare genetic variants both contribute to the familial aggregation of BD and this genetic architecture may explain the heterogeneity of clinical manifestations in multiplex families