130 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of instructor personalized and formative feedback provided by instructor in an online setting: some unresolved issues

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    Formative feedback has great potential for teaching and learning in online undergraduate programmes. There is a large number of courses where the main source of feedback is provided by the instructor. This is particularly seen in subjects where assessments are designed based on specific activities which are the same for all students, and where the assessment is performed by the instructor, not by a peer. Additionally, in introductory or basically procedural courses, there is often a need for instructor feedback, as opposed to peer-feedback, as it demands high quality feedback both in the content and in the process in order not to mislead students. Therefore personalized feedback provided by instructor is an academic demand in the current educational models that have positioned the student at the center of the learning process. However in the present context of high student-staff ratio, it is not easy to extend the use of individual comments delivered by instructors among the academic community. This article focuses on the virtual higher education environment given its present and future potential as well as the amount of queries currently surrounding it. Literature on formative feedback in higher education has been reviewed for the period 2000 to 2014, in order to find answers as to which aspects are relevant to efficiently implement personalized feedback prepared by the teacher.Findings show that effective personalized feedback in an virtual environment requires a threedimensional analysis: from the student perspective, from the instructor one and from the media perspective (written text, video recording or audio recording) , in order to find shared aspects that contribute to the enhancement in the use of personalized feedback performed by facultyPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Intraparotid Kimura disease

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    SummaryIntroductionIntraparotid locations are extremely rare in Kimura disease, especially in Europe.Case reportA 31-year-old man presented with intraparotid Kimura disease, managed by parotidectomy.Discussion/conclusionThe case was analyzed in the light of a review of the literature, focusing on the diagnostic and anatomopathologic problems encountered, and the physiopathology and treatment of this pathology. Any parotid mass found in a patient of Far-Eastern origin showing hypereosinophilia should suggest a diagnosis of intraparotid Kimura disease

    Experience of good practice in an occupational accident mutual insurance society, based on the voice of patients and professionals

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    Atenció centrada en el pacient; Satisfacció del pacient; Mútues asseguradoresPatient-centered care; Patient satisfaction; Mutual insurance societiesAtención centrada en el paciente; Satisfacción del paciente; Mutuas aseguradorasIn Spain, the protection of workers’ health is organized through what are known as occupational accident mutual insurance societies. While health protection is a fundamental issue within a mutual society, dimensions, such as patient quality and safety, are measured in the same way as in the conventional healthcare sector. However, in mutual societies, it is traditionally acknowledged that experiences of medical evaluation systems of healthcare provision and quality improvement are less frequent. The following is an example of how a Quality Plan has been structured within an organization with these characteristics, and instruments and measures have been developed to capture information in decision making from the perspective of patients and professionals. The Quality Plan represents the ongoing commitment of this organization to achieve patient-centered care. These changes revolve around these measures and, therefore, it is defined as a good practice

    A diabetic milieu increases ACE2 expression and cellular susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infections in human kidney organoids and patient cells

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    Altres ajuts: European Research Council (ERC); EIT Health under grant ID 20366 (R2U-Tox-Assay); IBEC Faster Future program (A por la COVID-19); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Empresarial (AGATA 0011-1411-2020-000011, DIANA 0011-1411-2017-000029); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO); IBEC International PhD Programme "La Caixa" Severo Ochoa fellowships (LCF/BQ/SO16/52270019); start-up funds from the College of Medicine at the University of Florida, Gainesville; T. von Zastrow Foundation; the FWF Wittgenstein award (Z 271-B19); the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program (F18-01336); the Canadian Institutes of Health Research COVID-19 (F20-02343, F20-02015); Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship (P400PM_194473/1); Swedish Research Council (2018-05766); the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU 101005026); Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica SARS-CoV-2 y COVID-19 through the project "Identifying SARS-CoV-2-host cell interactions exploiting CRISPR-Cas9-engineered human organoids: through the development of specific therapies against COVID19"; Fundació la Marató de TV3 (201910-31 and 202125-3).It is not well understood why diabetic individuals are more prone to develop severe COVID-19. To this, we here established a human kidney organoid model promoting early hallmarks of diabetic kidney disease development. Upon SARS-CoV-2 infection, diabetic-like kidney organoids exhibited higher viral loads compared with their control counterparts. Genetic deletion of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in kidney organoids under control or diabetic-like conditions prevented viral detection. Moreover, cells isolated from kidney biopsies from diabetic patients exhibited altered mitochondrial respiration and enhanced glycolysis, resulting in higher SARS-CoV-2 infections compared with non-diabetic cells. Conversely, the exposure of patient cells to dichloroacetate (DCA), an inhibitor of aerobic glycolysis, resulted in reduced SARS-CoV-2 infections. Our results provide insights into the identification of diabetic-induced metabolic programming in the kidney as a critical event increasing SARS-CoV-2 infection susceptibility, opening the door to the identification of new interventions in COVID-19 pathogenesis targeting energy metabolism

    Post-Franco Theatre

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    In the multiple realms and layers that comprise the contemporary Spanish theatrical landscape, “crisis” would seem to be the word that most often lingers in the air, as though it were a common mantra, ready to roll off the tongue of so many theatre professionals with such enormous ease, and even enthusiasm, that one is prompted to wonder whether it might indeed be a miracle that the contemporary technological revolution – coupled with perpetual quandaries concerning public and private funding for the arts – had not by now brought an end to the evolution of the oldest of live arts, or, at the very least, an end to drama as we know it

    Medidas para reducir la exposición de los ciclistas a los principales contaminantes atmosféricos urbanos

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    Recoge los principales resultados generados durante la realización del proyecto LIFE+RESPIRA, llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Pamplona (Navarra, España) por un equipo interdisciplinar constituido por más de 30 investigadores pertenecientes a la Universidad de Navarra, el Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) y Gestión Ambiental de Navarra (GAN-NIK). El libro, que se ha publicado en castellano y en inglés, se ha dividido en 7 capítulos: 1. ¿Ciudades sostenibles? 2. Exposición de los ciudadanos a la contaminación atmosférica 3. Papel de la vegetación urbana en la calidad del aire 4. Modelos de alta resolución para evaluar la calidad del aire 5. Impactos de la contaminación urbana 6. Movilidad y sostenibilidad urbanas 7. Comunicación y educación ambiental. Este libro pretende ser una guía de utilidad para científicos, gestores y ciudadanos, aportando un conjunto de herramientas que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestras ciudades. Además, quiere rendir un homenaje a todos los voluntarios ciclistas que han participado en dicho proyecto y que son los verdaderos artífices del mismo, ya que gracias a su dedicación incondicional durante más de dos años, han proporcionado una cantidad ingente de datos sobre la calidad del aire de la ciudad de Pamplona