University of Navarra

Dadun, University of Navarra
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    54840 research outputs found

    De la fenomenología de la voluntad al primado de la persona en la acción. A. Pfänder y L. Polo

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    Tanto Pfänder como Polo han hecho unos estudios dignos de mención en lo que a la ética se refiere. Queremos rescatar en este breve trabajo lo mejor de estos pensadores que desde perspectivas y métodos muy dispares abordan temas y resuelven problemas de modos muy distintos llevándonos, cada uno a su manera, al puerto seguro del ser personal. Dichos pensadores nos muestran que, tanto con el método de la fenomenología realista como con el método poliano del abandono de la presencia, se puede entrever e incluso fundamentar el primado del ser personal en la acción humana.Pfänder and Polo both have carried out studies that are worth mentioning with regard to ethics. In this brief work we would like to rescue what is best in these two thinkers who, from rather disparate perspectives and methods, confront topics and resolve problems in rather distinct ways to carry us to the safe port of personal being, each in his own manner. These two thinkers show us that it is possible to entertain and even support the primacy of personal being in human action, using the method of realistic phenomenology or the polianic abandonment of presence

    Novel classification method to predict the accuracy of UWB ranging estimates

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    Real time location systems (RTLSs) are becoming more relevant in a more data driven economy and society due to their wide range of application cases. When the location of an object needs to be tracked with high accuracy, ultra wideband (UWB) technology is usually the best option. Nevertheless, UWB ranging estimates are not completely immune to some sources of error such as non line of sight (NLOS) or multipath conditions. Thus, this paper proposes a real-time classification model based on machine learning (ML) to predict if received ranging estimates are in line of sight (LOS) or NLOS conditions and discard those in NLOS. However, it is also shown that classifying measurements as LOS or NLOS does not guarantee detecting inaccurate ranging estimates, since LOS measurements can also yield large errors. As an example, the ranging root mean square error (RMSE) of the data labelled as LOS in a UWB based localization system database in the literature is of 0.714 m, significantly higher than the theoretical accuracy of a UWB system. Thus, a novel ML-based classification model is proposed to predict the magnitude of the ranging error. After applying the proposed classification model in the same data, the ranging RMSE of those ranging samples classified as most accurate is of only 0.183 m, significantly lower than the best RMSE we can obtain on the classical LOS/NLOS classification approach

    Towards Transparent Decision-Making Processes Within Museums: Case Study of Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC)

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    Understanding that good decision-making is paramount for the success of an organization and recognizing that strategic decision-making inside museums is a topic that has been over-passed by researchers, this paper intends to contribute to the relevance of the subject through the implementation of an innovative tool. Decision-making in museums is normally focused on the intuition, subjectivity, and experience of the curator, who brings all his knowledge to the exhibition programming. However, museums’ management and environment are constantly changing, thus the application of this tool would aim to make decisions in a more democratic, transparent, inclusive, and accurate manner. Besides, it will be easier to understand how distinct subjects can work together, demonstrating successful results to improve the decision-making process when programming and measuring temporary exhibition seasons in museums. This paper describes the design and implementation of the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) for the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC). It also analyzes and evaluates the decision-making process when scheduling exhibitions for a season

    Clinical management of plant food allergy in patients sensitized to lipid transfer proteins is heterogeneous: identifying the gaps

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    Background and objective: Patients sensitized to lipid transfer protein (LTP) present a wide clinical variability. The lack of practical diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines complicate their management. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical approach of Spanish allergists to this pathology using a survey designed by PICO method and subsequent Delphi approach validation. Methods: Designed survey was answered by 224 allergists (75% women; 57.1% with >20 years of professional experience). Homogeneity regarding clinical practice on the main points of LTP allergy diagnosis was observed, except for patients with suspected NSAID hypersensitivity (44.6% frequently include LTP skin testing). Oral food challenges were not frequently performed (63.6% occasionally to never), and they were generally (75.5%) used to confirm tolerance. It was common to recommend fruit skins avoidance (77.2%) and maintaining consumption of foods to which patients are sensitised but tolerant (99.1%). Results: There was heterogeneity on other dietary indications, modifications due to co-factors, or traces avoidance. Peach sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) was considered very/quite effective by 55.9% of allergists. The majority (79.5%) consider SLIT indicated in <25% of LTP allergic patients, based on severity (95.2%), frequency of reactions (99.4%), allergy to multiple food families (97.4%), and the quality of life/nutrition impairment (91.5%). There was different practice on SLIT prescription based on co-factor involvement. Conclusion: These data suggest that there is a need to increase evidence to reduce the clinical practice heterogeneity in the management of LTP allergy

    Methylene blue for surgical excision of digital myxoid cysts after sonography: Addressing the challenge of identifying the drainage tract

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    Digital mucous cysts are benign pseudocysts that frequently present as solitary lesions on the proximal nail folds, arising from the joint capsule and typically containing clear fluid. Although several therapeutic options exist for digital mucous cysts, the recurrence rate is high, and surgical excision remains the most effective choice1. Nevertheless, the use of ultrasound could assist in the identification of the drainage tract of the cyst within the join

    Impact of applying the global lung initiative criteria for airway obstruction in GOLD defined COPD cohorts: the BODE and CHAIN experience

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    Introduction: The Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) has proposed new criteria for airflow limitation (AL) and recommends using these to interpret spirometry. The objective of this study was to explore the impact of the application of the AL GLI criteria in two well characterized GOLD-defined COPD cohorts. Methods: COPD patients from the BODE (n=360) and the COPD History Assessment In SpaiN (CHAIN) cohorts (n=722) were enrolled and followed. Age, gender, pack-years history, BMI, dyspnea, lung function measurements, exercise capacity, BODE index, history of exacerbations and survival were recorded. CT-detected comorbidities were registered in the BODE cohort. The proportion of subjects without AL by GLI criteria was determined in each cohort. The clinical, CT-detected comorbidity, and overall survival of these patients were evaluated. Results: In total, 18% of the BODE and 15% of the CHAIN cohort did not meet GLI AL criteria. In the BODE and CHAIN cohorts respectively, these patients had a high clinical burden (BODE≥3: 9% and 20%; mMRC≥2: 16% and 45%; exacerbations in the previous year: 31% and 9%; 6MWD<350m: 15% and 19%, respectively), and a similar prevalence of CT-diagnosed comorbidities compared with those with GLI AL. They also had a higher rate of long-term mortality - 33% and 22% respectively. Conclusions: An important proportion of patients from 2 GOLD-defined COPD cohorts did not meet GLI AL criteria at enrolment, although they had a significant burden of disease. Caution must be taken when applying the GLI AL criteria in clinical practice

    Grupos de trabajo internacionales para facilitar una perspectiva reflexiva sobre el papel de la empresa para un mundo más sostenible. Una experiencia “COIL” para integrar el aprendizaje de los ODS en la formación de empresa

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    El proyecto se enfocó en facilitar a los alumnos la oportunidad de colaborar en equipos distribuidos, compuestos por miembros de universidades de diferentes países. Estos equipos llevaron a cabo un análisis de casos reales de empresas que destacan en sostenibilidad económica, social y medioambiental, reflexionando sobre el papel de la empresa en la sociedad. A través de un proyecto de aprendizaje colaborativo internacional (COIL), estudiantes de la Universidad de Navarra trabajaron en equipos mixtos con sus pares de las universidades de Guelph (Ontario, Canadá), IPMI (Jakarta, Indonesia) y Dominican University (River Forest, EEUU)


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