924 research outputs found

    Hormônios sexuais influenciam a resposta ao trauma e à sepsis: possíveis soluções terapêuticas

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    Uma série de estudos clínicos e experimentais demonstram a existência de dimorfismo sexual das respostas imunológicas e orgânicas, bem como da suscetibilidade e morbidade em relação ao choque, ao trauma e à sepse. Respostas imunes celularmente mediadas apresentam-se deprimidas em machos em resposta ao binômio trauma-hemorragia, mas conservados/enaltecidos em fêmeas em proestro. Adicionalmente demonstra-se que os hormônios sexuais são responsáveis por esta dicomotomia de resposta sexualmente específica, em condições cardiovasculares adversas. Estudos específicos indicam que os andrógenos produzem imunodepressão pós-trauma hemorragia em machos. Em contraste, esteróides sexuais femininos parecem exibir propriedades imunoprotetoras após episódios de trauma com ou sem perda importante de sangue. No terreno dos mecanismos subjacentes, foram identificados receptores para hormônios sexuais em várias células do sistema imunológico, sugerindo a existência de efeitos diretos destes hormônios sobre tais células. Alternativamente, observam efeitos indiretos de hormônios sexuais tais como modulação das respostas cardiovasculares das enzimas sintetizadores de andrógeno e estrógeno, que podem contribuir para as estas respostas sexualmente diferenciadas. Estudos recentes indicam que os hormônios sexuais, como por exemplo a dehidroepiandrosterona também modulam a função de células mononucleares da série branca em pacientes cirúrgicos. Assim, as propriedades imunomodulatórias de hormônios sexuais/antagonistas de receptores/enzimas sintetizadores de esteróides após a ocorrência de trauma ou de hemorragia sugerem o caminho para novas estratégias terapêuticas para o tratamento de imunodepressão em pacientes cirúrgicos.Several clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated gender dimorphism in immune and organ responsiveness and in the susceptibility to and morbidity from shock, trauma, and sepsis. In this respect, cell-mediated immune responses have been shown to be depressed in males following trauma-hemorrhage, whereas they were aintained/enhanced in proestrus females. Furthermore, sex hormones have been shown to be responsible for this gender-specific immune response following adverse circulatory conditions. More specifically, studies indicate that androgens produce immunodepression following trauma-hemorrhage in males. In contrast, female sex steroids appear to exhibit immunoprotective properties following trauma and severe blood loss. With regard to the underlying mechanisms, receptors for sex hormones have been identified on various immune cells suggesting direct effects of these hormones on the immune cells. Alternatively, indirect effects of sex hormones, ie, modulation of cardiovascular responses or androgen- and estrogen-synthesizing enzymes, might contribute to gender-specific immune responses. Recent studies indicate that sex hormones, eg, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), also modulate the function of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in surgical patients. Thus, the immunomodulatory properties of sex hormones/receptor antagonists/sex steroid synthesizing enzymes following trauma-hemorrhage suggests novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of immunodepression in surgical patients

    A detailed TEM and SEM study of Ni-base alloys oxide scales formed in primary conditions of pressurized water reactor

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    International audiencehe oxide film formed on nickel-based alloys in pressurized water reactors (PWR) primary coolant conditions (325 °C, aqueous media) is very thin, in the range of 1–100 nm thick, depending on the surface state and on the corrosion test duration. The nature and the structure of this scale have been investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). TEM observations revealed an oxide layer divided in two parts. The internal layer was mainly composed of a continuous spinel layer, identified as a mixed iron and nickel chromite (Ni(1−x)FexCr2O4). Moreover, nodules of Cr2O3, with a size about 5 nm, were present at the interface between this spinel and the alloy. No chromium depletion was observed in the alloy, at the alloy/oxide interface. The external layer is composed of large crystallites corresponding to a spinel structure rich in iron (Ni(1−z)Fe(2+z)O4) resulting from precipitation phenomena. SEM and TEM observations showed a link between the nucleation and/or the growth of crystallites of nickel ferrite and the crystallographic orientation of the substrate. A link between the presence of surface defects and the nucleation of the crystallites was also underlined by SEM observations. Partially hydrated nickel hydroxide, was also observed by TEM in the external scale. Based on these results, some considerations about the mechanism of formation of this oxide layer are discussed

    Entropic effects on the structure of Lennard-Jones clusters

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    We examine in detail the causes of the structural transitions that occur for those small Lennard-Jones clusters that have a non-icosahedral global minima. Based on the principles learned from these examples we develop a method to construct structural phase diagrams that show in a coarse-grained manner how the equilibrium structure of large clusters depends on both size and temperature. The method can be augmented to account for anharmonicity and quantum effects. Our results illustrate that the vibrational entropy can play a crucial role in determining the equilibrium structure of a cluster.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    The adaptors Grb10 and Grb14 are calmodulin-binding proteins

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    We identified the Grb7 family members, Grb10 and Grb14, as Ca2+-dependent CaM-binding proteins using Ca2+-dependent CaM-affinity chromatography as we previously did with Grb7. The potential CaM-binding sites were identified and experimentally tested using fluorescent-labeled peptides corresponding to these sites. The apparent affinity constant of these peptides for CaM, and the minimum number of calcium ions bound to CaM that are required for effective binding to these peptides were also determined. We prepared deletion mutants of the three adaptor proteins lacking the identified sites and determined that they lost or strongly diminished their CaM-binding capacity following the sequence Grb7 > > Grb14 > Grb10. More than one CaM-binding site and/or accessory CaM-binding sites appear to exist in Grb10 and Grb14, as compared to a single one present in Grb7.Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación SAF2011-23494, SAF2014-52048-

    Stimulation of Na<sup>+</sup>/H<sup>+</sup> Exchanger Isoform 1 Promotes Microglial Migration

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    Regulation of microglial migration is not well understood. In this study, we proposed that Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) is important in microglial migration. NHE-1 protein was co-localized with cytoskeletal protein ezrin in lamellipodia of microglia and maintained its more alkaline intracellular pH (pHi). Chemoattractant bradykinin (BK) stimulated microglial migration by increasing lamellipodial area and protrusion rate, but reducing lamellipodial persistence time. Interestingly, blocking NHE-1 activity with its potent inhibitor HOE 642 not only acidified microglia, abolished the BK-triggered dynamic changes of lamellipodia, but also reduced microglial motility and microchemotaxis in response to BK. In addition, NHE-1 activation resulted in intracellular Na+ loading as well as intracellular Ca2+ elevation mediated by stimulating reverse mode operation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCXrev). Taken together, our study shows that NHE-1 protein is abundantly expressed in microglial lamellipodia and maintains alkaline pHi in response to BK stimulation. In addition, NHE-1 and NCXrev play a concerted role in BK-induced microglial migration via Na+ and Ca2+ signaling. © 2013 Shi et al

    Estimating relative risk of within-lake aquatic plant invasion using combined measures of recreational boater movement and habitat suitability

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    Effective monitoring, prevention and impact mitigation of nonindigenous aquatic species relies upon the ability to predict dispersal pathways and receiving habitats with the greatest risk of establishment. To examine mechanisms affecting species establishment within a large lake, we combined observations of recreational boater movements with empirical measurements of habitat suitability represented by nearshore wave energy to assess the relative risk of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) establishment. The model was evaluated using information from a 17 year (1995–2012) sequence of M. spicatum presence and absence monitoring. M. spicatum presence was not specifically correlated with recreational boater movements; however its establishment appears to be limited by wave action in Lake Tahoe. Of the sites in the “High” establishment risk category (n = 37), 54% had current or historical infestations, which included 8 of the 10 sites with the highest relative risk. Of the 11 sites in the “Medium” establishment risk category, 5 had current or historical M. spicatum populations. Most (76%) of the sites in the “Low” establishment risk category were observed in locations with higher wave action. Four sites that received zero boater visits from infested locations were occupied by M. spicatum. This suggests that the boater survey either represents incomplete coverage of boater movement, or other processes, such as the movement of propagules by surface currents or introductions from external sources are important to the establishment of this species. This study showed the combination of habitat specific and dispersal data in a relative risk framework can potentially reduce uncertainty in estimates of invasion risk

    Inhibition of AP-1 signaling by JDP2 overexpression protects cardiomyocytes against hypertrophy and apoptosis induction

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    AimsExpression and activity of the transcription factor AP-1 are enhanced during cardiac remodelling and heart failure progression. In order to test if AP-1 inhibition may limit processes contributing to cardiac remodelling, ventricular cardiomyocytes of mice with cardiac overexpression of the AP-1 inhibitor JDP2 were analysed under stimulation of hypertrophy, apoptosis, or contractile function.Methods and resultsThree models of JDP2 overexpressing mice were analysed: JDP2 was overexpressed either life-long, for 7 weeks, or 1 week. Then cardiomyocytes were isolated and stimulated with β-adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline (ISO, 50 nM). This enhanced cross-sectional area and the rate of protein synthesis in WT but not in JDP2 overexpressing cardiomyocytes. To induce apoptosis, cardiomyocytes were stimulated with 3 ng/mL TGFβ1. Again, JDP2 overexpression prevented apoptosis induction compared with WT cells. Determination of contractile function under electrical stimulation at 2 Hz revealed enhancement of cell shortening, and contraction and relaxation velocities under increasing ISO concentrations (0.3-30 nM) in WT cells. This inotropic effect was abrogated in JDP2 overexpression cells. Responsiveness to increased extracellular calcium concentrations was also impaired in JDP2 overexpressing cardiomyocytes. Simultaneously, a reduction of SERCA expression was found in JDP2 mice.ConclusionA central role of AP-1 in the induction of hypertrophy and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes is demonstrated. Besides these protective effects of AP-1 inhibition on factors of cardiac remodelling, AP-1-inhibition impairs contractile function. Therefore, AP-1 acts as a double-edged sword that mediates mal-adaptive cardiac remodelling, but is required for maintaining a proper contractile function of cardiomyocytes. © 2013 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2013

    Intake and metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids: nutritional implications for cardiometabolic diseases

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    Prospective observational studies support the use of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; however, randomised controlled trials, have often reported neutral findings. There is a long history of debate about the potential harmful effects of a high intake of omega-6 PUFAs, although this idea is not supported by prospective observational studies or randomised controlled trials. Health effects of PUFAs might be influenced by Δ-5 and Δ-6 desaturases, the key enzymes in the metabolism of PUFAs. The activity of these enzymes and modulation by variants in encoding genes (FADS1-2-3 gene cluster) are linked to several cardiometabolic traits. This Review will further consider non-genetic determinants of desaturase activity, which have the potential to modify the availability of PUFAs to tissues. Finally, we discuss the consequences of altered desaturase activity in the context of PUFA intake, that is, gene–diet interactions and their clinical and public health implications