50 research outputs found

    Dinamičke simulacije solarnih kombi-sustava sa sezonskim sorpcijskim spremnikom topline: Utjecaj konfiguracije kombi-sustava.

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    This paper focuses on the sizing of solar combisystems with adsorption seasonal storage to target autonomous solar space heating. Two main configurations of the combisystem are simulated, including one or two tanks. The influence of the seasonal storage on the sizing of the tanks is also discussed. The analysis is conducted in simulation using the TRNSYS program. Results show that performances of the system with two tanks are better (2 to 4 % with seasonal storage) but some improvements should be possible for the single tank configuration. The sizing of the sensible storage is nearly independent of the solar collector area if there is a seasonal storage. The sensible storage size increases with the collectors’ area without adsorption storage.Ovaj članak je fokusiran na dimenzioniranje solarnog kombi-sustava sa sezonskim adsorpcijskim spremnikom topline sa ciljem autonomnog solarnog grijanja prostora. Dvije konfiguracije kombi-sustava su simulirane, uključujući jedan ili dva toplinska spremnika. Utjecaj sezonskog skladištenja energije na dimenzioniranje spremnika je također diskutirano. Analiza je vršena simulacijom u programu TRNSYS. Rezultati analize pokazuju da je performansa sustava sa dva spremnika bolja (2 do 4% sa sezonskim skladištenjem), ali i neka poboljšanja su moguća za konfiguraciju sa jednim toplinski spremnikom. Dimenzioniranje spremnika osjetne topline je gotovo neovisno od površine solarnih kolektora ako postoji sezonski spremnik. U slučaju bez adsorpcijskog spremnika, veličina spremnika osjetne topline se povećava sa povećanjem površine kolektora

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter

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    There is almost universal agreement among astronomers that most of the mass in the Universe and most of the mass in the Galactic halo is dark. Many lines of reasoning suggest that the dark matter consists of some new, as yet undiscovered, weakly-interacting massive particle (WIMP). There is now a vast experimental effort being surmounted to detect WIMPS in the halo. The most promising techniques involve direct detection in low-background laboratory detectors and indirect detection through observation of energetic neutrinos from annihilation of WIMPs that have accumulated in the Sun and/or the Earth. Of the many WIMP candidates, perhaps the best motivated and certainly the most theoretically developed is the neutralino, the lightest superpartner in many supersymmetric theories. We review the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model and discuss prospects for detection of neutralino dark matter. We review in detail how to calculate the cosmological abundance of the neutralino and the event rates for both direct- and indirect-detection schemes, and we discuss astrophysical and laboratory constraints on supersymmetric models. We isolate and clarify the uncertainties from particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics that enter at each step in the calculation. We briefly review other related dark-matter candidates and detection techniques.Comment: The complete postscript file is available at ftp://ftp.npac.syr.edu/pub/users/jungman/susyreview/susyreview.ps.Z The TeX source and figures (plain TeX; macros included) are at ftp://ftp.npac.syr.edu/pub/users/jungman/susyreview/susyreview.tar.Z Full paper NOT submitted to lanl archive: table of contents only. To appear in Physics Report

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    Engagements actuels, actualité des engagements

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    In dubious battle: bleeding versus ischemic events

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    International audienc

    L'économie solidaire à l'épreuve de la pratique (contribution à une grammaire sociologique des dispositifs argumentaires)

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    Ce travail consiste en une analyse des positions idéologiques dans l'économie solidaire en France. Il vise à répondre à la question suivante : l'économie solidaire est-elle susceptible d'aider à résorber la crise des sociétés contemporaines ? Pour répondre, nous avons d'abord entrepris de déterminer la cohérence idéologique de l'économie solidaire depuis sa naissance au 19e s. Un imaginaire associatif et solidaire naît alors au sein des premières coopératives. Il s'est effacé ensuite pour renaître sous la dénomination d'économie alternative puis sous celle d'économie solidaire. Après avoir étudié dans une seconde partie les formes modernes de cet imaginaire, nous montrons dans une 3ème partie que cette cohérence idéologique est percluse d'oppositions qui répartissent les associations sous 4 topiques opposées. Parce que les associations n'ont pas encore trouvé de compromis entre ces topiques argumentaires, l'espoir que représente l'économie solidaire face à la crise doit être modéré.This work represents an analysis of ideological positions in solidary economy. It attempts to answer the following question : could the solidarity economy resolve the crisis of modern societies ? To answer, we tried to establish the idealogical consistency of the solidary economy since his birth in the 19th century. A solidarity and associative imaginary was born at this time in the first cooperatives. It disapeared during a century before being revived firstly in the alternative economy and secondly in the solidary economy. After having studied contemporary forms of this imaginary in a second part, we show in a third part that this ideological coherence is pervaded by oppositions wich divide associations according to four topics of argumentation. Because these associations have not found adequate compremises between these argumentative topics, the hope that the solidary economy might help solving the modern crisis remains moderate.PARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocPARIS-Fondation MSH (751062301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    In dubious battle: bleeding versus ischemic events

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    International audienc

    Etude du transport et de la régulation de la mésentéricine Y105

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    POITIERS-BU Sciences (861942102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Intra-amoeba multiplication induces chemotaxis and biofilm colonization and formation for Legionella.

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    Legionella pneumophila, a facultative intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of legionellosis. In the environment this pathogenic bacterium colonizes the biofilms as well as amoebae, which provide a rich environment for the replication of Legionella. When seeded on pre-formed biofilms, L. pneumophila was able to establish and survive and was only found at the surface of the biofilms. Different phenotypes were observed when the L. pneumophila, used to implement pre-formed biofilms or to form mono-species biofilms, were cultivated in a laboratory culture broth or had grown intracellulary within the amoeba. Indeed, the bacteria, which developed within the amoeba, formed clusters when deposited on a solid surface. Moreover, our results demonstrate that multiplication inside the amoeba increased the capacity of L. pneumophila to produce polysaccharides and therefore enhanced its capacity to establish biofilms. Finally, it was shown that the clusters formed by L. pneumophila were probably related to the secretion of a chemotaxis molecular agent