31 research outputs found

    Thermal Conduction in Simulated Galaxy Clusters

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    We study the formation of clusters of galaxies using high-resolution hydrodynamic cosmological simulations that include the effect of thermal conduction with an effective isotropic conductivity of 1/3 the classical Spitzer value. We find that, both for a hot (Tew12T_{\rm ew}\simeq 12 keV) and several cold (Tew2T_{\rm ew}\simeq 2 keV) galaxy clusters, the baryonic fraction converted into stars does not change significantly when thermal conduction is included. However, the temperature profiles are modified, particularly in our simulated hot system, where an extended isothermal core is readily formed. As a consequence of heat flowing from the inner regions of the cluster both to its outer parts and into its innermost resolved regions, the entropy profile is altered as well. This effect is almost negligible for the cold cluster, as expected based on the strong temperature dependence of the conductivity. Our results demonstrate that while thermal conduction can have a significant influence on the properties of the intra--cluster medium of rich galaxy clusters, it appears unlikely to provide by itself a solution for the overcooling problem in clusters, or to explain the current discrepancies between the observed and simulated properties of the intra--cluster medium.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, Submitted to ApJ-Letter

    The importance of the merging activity for the kinetic polarization of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signal from galaxy clusters

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    The polarization sensitivity of the upcoming millimetric observatories will open new possibilities for studying the properties of galaxy clusters and for using them as powerful cosmological probes. For this reason it is necessary to investigate in detail the characteristics of the polarization signals produced by their highly ionized intra-cluster medium (ICM). This work is focussed on the polarization effect induced by the ICM bulk motions, the so-called kpSZ signal, which has an amplitude proportional to the optical depth and to the square of the tangential velocity. In particular we study how this polarization signal is affected by the internal dynamics of galaxy clusters and what is its dependence on the physical modelling adopted to describe the baryonic component. This is done by producing realistic kpSZ maps starting from the outputs of two different sets of high-resolution hydrodynamical N-body simulations. The first set (17 objects) follows only non-radiative hydrodynamics, while for each of 9 objects of the second set we implement four different kinds of physical processes. Our results shows that the kpSZ signal turns out to be a very sensitive probe of the dynamical status of galaxy clusters. We find that major merger events can amplify the signal up to one order of magnitude with respect to relaxed clusters, reaching amplitude up to about 100 nuK. This result implies that the internal ICM dynamics must be taken into account when evaluating this signal because simplicistic models, based on spherical rigid bodies, may provide wrong estimates. Finally we find that the dependence on the physical modelling of the baryonic component is relevant only in the very inner regions of clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&

    Galactic winds driven by cosmic-ray streaming

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    Galactic winds are observed in many spiral galaxies with sizes from dwarfs up to the Milky Way, and they sometimes carry a mass in excess of that of newly formed stars by up to a factor of ten. Multiple driving processes of such winds have been proposed, including thermal pressure due to supernova-heating, UV radiation pressure on dust grains, or cosmic ray (CR) pressure. We here study wind formation due to CR physics using a numerical model that accounts for CR acceleration by supernovae, CR thermalization, and advective CR transport. In addition, we introduce a novel implementation of CR streaming relative to the rest frame of the gas. We find that CR streaming drives powerful and sustained winds in galaxies with virial masses M_200 < 10^{11} Msun. In dwarf galaxies (M_200 ~ 10^9 Msun) the winds reach a mass loading factor of ~5, expel ~60 per cent of the initial baryonic mass contained inside the halo's virial radius and suppress the star formation rate by a factor of ~5. In dwarfs, the winds are spherically symmetric while in larger galaxies the outflows transition to bi-conical morphologies that are aligned with the disc's angular momentum axis. We show that damping of Alfven waves excited by streaming CRs provides a means of heating the outflows to temperatures that scale with the square of the escape speed. In larger haloes (M_200 > 10^{11} Msun), CR streaming is able to drive fountain flows that excite turbulence. For halo masses M_200 > 10^{10} Msun, we predict an observable level of H-alpha and X-ray emission from the heated halo gas. We conclude that CR-driven winds should be crucial in suppressing and regulating the first epoch of galaxy formation, expelling a large fraction of baryons, and - by extension - aid in shaping the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function. They should then also be responsible for much of the metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified scheme for radio halos and relics with predictions of the gamma-ray emission

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    The thermal plasma of galaxy clusters lost most of its information on how structure formation proceeded as a result of dissipative processes. In contrast, non-equilibrium distributions of cosmic rays (CR) preserve the information about their injection and transport processes and provide thus a unique window of current and past structure formation processes. This information can be unveiled by observations of non-thermal radiative processes, including radio synchrotron, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission. To explore this, we use high-resolution simulations of a sample of galaxy clusters spanning a mass range of about two orders of magnitudes, and follow self-consistent CR physics on top of the radiative hydrodynamics. We model CR electrons that are accelerated at cosmological structure formation shocks and those that are produced in hadronic interactions of CRs with ambient gas protons. We find that CR protons trace the time integrated non-equilibrium activities of clusters while shock-accelerated CR electrons probe current accretion and merging shock waves. The resulting inhomogeneous synchrotron emission matches the properties of observed radio relics. We propose a unified model for the generation of radio halos. Giant radio halos are dominated in the centre by secondary synchrotron emission with a transition to the synchrotron radiation emitted from shock-accelerated electrons in the cluster periphery. This model is able to explain the observed correlation of mergers with radio halos, the larger peripheral variation of the spectral index, and the large scatter in the scaling relation between cluster mass and synchrotron emission. Future low-frequency radio telescopes (LOFAR, GMRT, MWA, LWA) are expected to probe the accretion shocks of clusters. [abridged]Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, small changes to match the version to be published by MNRAS, full resolution version available at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pfrommer/Publications/CRs_non-thermal.pd

    Detecting the orientation of magnetic fields in galaxy clusters

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    Clusters of galaxies, filled with hot magnetized plasma, are the largest bound objects in existence and an important touchstone in understanding the formation of structures in our Universe. In such clusters, thermal conduction follows field lines, so magnetic fields strongly shape the cluster's thermal history; that some have not since cooled and collapsed is a mystery. In a seemingly unrelated puzzle, recent observations of Virgo cluster spiral galaxies imply ridges of strong, coherent magnetic fields offset from their centre. Here we demonstrate, using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations, that such ridges are easily explained by galaxies sweeping up field lines as they orbit inside the cluster. This magnetic drape is then lit up with cosmic rays from the galaxies' stars, generating coherent polarized emission at the galaxies' leading edges. This immediately presents a technique for probing local orientations and characteristic length scales of cluster magnetic fields. The first application of this technique, mapping the field of the Virgo cluster, gives a startling result: outside a central region, the magnetic field is preferentially oriented radially as predicted by the magnetothermal instability. Our results strongly suggest a mechanism for maintaining some clusters in a 'non-cooling-core' state.Comment: 48 pages, 21 figures, revised version to match published article in Nature Physics, high-resolution version available at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pfrommer/Publications/pfrommer-dursi.pd

    The impact of gas physics on strong cluster lensing

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    Previous studies of strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters neglected the potential impact of the intracluster gas. Here, we compare simulations of strong cluster lensing including gas physics at increasing levels of complexity, i.e. with adiabatic, cooling, star-forming, feedback-receiving, and thermally conducting gas, and with different implementations of the artificial viscosity in the SPH simulations. Each cluster was simulated starting from the same initial conditions such as to allow directly comparing the simulated clusters. We compare the clusters' shapes, dynamics and density profiles and study their strong-lensing cross sections computed by means of ray-tracing simulations. We find that the impact of adiabatic gas depends on the amount of turbulence that builds up, which means that the artificial viscosity plays an important role. With the common viscosity implementation, adiabatic gas has little effect on strong cluster lensing, while lower viscosity allows stronger turbulence, thus higher non-thermal pressure and a generally broader gas distribution which tends to lower lensing cross sections. Conversely, cooling and star formation steepen the core density profiles and can thus increase the strong-lensing efficiency considerably.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, revised version published in A&A, added discussion of artificial viscosit

    Exceptional AGN-driven turbulence inhibits star formation in the 3C 326N radio galaxy

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    We detect bright [CII]158μm line emission from the radio galaxy 3C 326N at z=0.09, which shows weak star formation (SFR⊙~yr−1) despite having strong H2 line emission and 2×109M⊙ of molecular gas. The [CII] line is twice as strong as the 0-0S(1) 17μm H2 line, and both lines are much in excess what is expected from UV heating. We combine infrared Spitzer and Herschel data with gas and dust modeling to infer the gas physical conditions. The [CII] line traces 30 to 50% of the molecular gas mass, which is warm (70−3. The [CII] line is broad with a blue-shifted wing, and likely to be shaped by a combination of rotation, outflowing gas, and turbulence. It matches the near-infrared H2 and the Na D optical absorption lines. If the wing is interpreted as an outflow, the mass loss rate would be larger than 20M⊙/yr, and the depletion timescale shorter than the orbital timescale (108yr). These outflow rates may be over-estimated because the stochastic injection of turbulence on galactic scales can contribute to the skewness of the line profile and mimic outflowing gas. We argue that the dissipation of turbulence is the main heating process of this gas. Cosmic rays can also contribute to the heating but they require an average gas density larger than the observational constraints. We show that strong turbulent support maintains a high gas vertical scale height (0.3-4kpc) in the disk and can inhibit the formation of gravitationally-bound structures at all scales, offering a natural explanation for the weakness of star formation in 3C 326N. To conclude, the bright [CII] line indicates that strong AGN jet-driven turbulence may play a key role in enhancing the amount of molecular gas (positive feedback) but yet can prevent star formation on galactic scales (negative feedback)

    A robust lower limit on the amplitude of matter fluctuations in the universe from cluster abundance and weak lensing

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    Cluster abundance measurements are among the most sensitive probes of the amplitude of matter fluctuations in the universe, which in turn can help constrain other cosmological parameters, like the dark energy equation of state or neutrino mass. However, difficulties in calibrating the relation between the cluster observable and halo mass, and the lack of completeness information, make this technique particularly susceptible to systematic errors. Here we argue that a cluster abundance analysis using statistical weak lensing on the stacked clusters leads to a robust lower limit on the amplitude of fluctuations. The method compares the average weak lensing signal measured around the whole cluster sample to a theoretical prediction, assuming that the clusters occupy the centers of all of the most massive halos above some minimum mass threshold. If the amplitude of fluctuations is below a certain limiting value, there are too few massive clusters in this model and the theoretical prediction falls below the observations. Since any effects that modify the model assumptions can only decrease the theoretical prediction, the limiting amplitude becomes a robust lower limit. Here, we apply it to a volume limited sample of 16,000 group/cluster candidates identified from isolated luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find σ8(Ωm/0.25)0.5>0.62\sigma_8 (\Omega_m/0.25)^{0.5}>0.62 at the 95% c.l. after taking into account observational errors in the lensing analysis. While this is a relatively weak constraint, both the scatter in the LRG luminosity-halo mass relation and the lensing errors are large; the constraints could improve considerably in the future with more sophisticated cluster identification algorithms and smaller errors in the lensing analysis. [Abridged]Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; new version has only very minor revisions to match published versio

    Simulation techniques for cosmological simulations

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    Modern cosmological observations allow us to study in great detail the evolution and history of the large scale structure hierarchy. The fundamental problem of accurate constraints on the cosmological parameters, within a given cosmological model, requires precise modelling of the observed structure. In this paper we briefly review the current most effective techniques of large scale structure simulations, emphasising both their advantages and shortcomings. Starting with basics of the direct N-body simulations appropriate to modelling cold dark matter evolution, we then discuss the direct-sum technique GRAPE, particle-mesh (PM) and hybrid methods, combining the PM and the tree algorithms. Simulations of baryonic matter in the Universe often use hydrodynamic codes based on both particle methods that discretise mass, and grid-based methods. We briefly describe Eulerian grid methods, and also some variants of Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) methods.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 12; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Galactic star formation and accretion histories from matching galaxies to dark matter haloes

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    We present a new statistical method to determine the relationship between the stellar masses of galaxies and the masses of their host dark matter haloes over the entire cosmic history from z~4 to the present. This multi-epoch abundance matching (MEAM) model self-consistently takes into account that satellite galaxies first become satellites at times earlier than they are observed. We employ a redshift-dependent parameterization of the stellar-to-halo mass relation to populate haloes and subhaloes in the Millennium simulations with galaxies, requiring that the observed stellar mass functions at several redshifts be reproduced simultaneously. Using merger trees extracted from the dark matter simulations in combination with MEAM, we predict the average assembly histories of galaxies, separating into star formation within the galaxies (in-situ) and accretion of stars (ex-situ). The peak star formation efficiency decreases with redshift from 23% at z=0 to 9% at z=4 while the corresponding halo mass increases from 10^11.8M\odot to 10^12.5M\odot. The star formation rate of central galaxies peaks at a redshift which depends on halo mass; for massive haloes this peak is at early cosmic times while for low-mass galaxies the peak has not been reached yet. In haloes similar to that of the Milky-Way about half of the central stellar mass is assembled after z=0.7. In low-mass haloes, the accretion of satellites contributes little to the assembly of their central galaxies, while in massive haloes more than half of the central stellar mass is formed ex-situ with significant accretion of satellites at z<2. We find that our method implies a cosmic star formation history and an evolution of specific star formation rates which are consistent with those inferred directly. We present convenient fitting functions for stellar masses, star formation rates, and accretion rates as functions of halo mass and redshift.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRA