264 research outputs found

    Impact of an additional grinding step before apple cooking on environmental, nutritional and sensory qualities of puree: a case study for organic apple

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    Organic food processors are guided by the European Council (EC) legislation for developing their products. However, the choice of processing technology remains relatively large. To help processors choosing a technology in line with organic principles, the partners involved in the European project ProOrg have designed an assessment framework which has been tested in real conditions on the processing of organic apples in purees at a pilot scale. The assessment concerned the addition of a grinding step before heating. The effect of grinding was then evaluated on environmental, nutritional and sensory criteria. Sixteen indicators were selected to assess these three aspects and rated on a 5-points scale from much worse to much better. Nine of them obtained a higher score with the grinding step added, meaning that the quality was better. The overall score of the puree with grinding was higher than the reference (without grinding) for the three performed trials. The assessment framework was successfully applied to this case study but some mprovements were proposed in order to enhance its robustness and to facilitate its comprehension and application. The assessment framework should be an interesting tool for organic food processors

    Revisiting the chemistry of apple pomace polyphenols

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    Hot water is an easily implementable process for polyphenols extraction. To evaluate the effect of this process on apple pomace, the overall polyphenolic composition was assessed before and after hot water extraction, followed by extractions with aqueous/organic solutions. As determined by UHPLC-DAD, flavan-3-ols were the main apple native polyphenols. Their amount decreased 50% after hot water extraction, while the other classes remained unchanged. Dihydrochalcones and hydroxycinnamic acid oxidation products, were also observed, alongside with non-extractable oxidised procyanidins that represented more than 4-fold the amount of native apple polyphenols in the pomace. Microwave superheated-water extraction of the insoluble cell wall material in water/acetone solutions and the high amounts of polyphenols that were insoluble in water/ethanol solutions suggested that oxidised procyanidins could be covalently linked to polysaccharides. These complexes represented up to 40% of the available polyphenols from apple pomace, potentially relevant for agro-food waste valuation.publishe

    Effect of long-term deficit irrigation on tomato and goji berry quality: from fruit composition to in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids

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    Drought is a persistent challenge for horticulture, affecting various aspects of fruit development and ultimately fruit quality, but the effect on nutritional value has been under-investigated. Here, fruit quality was studied on six tomato genotypes and one goji cultivar under deficit irrigation (DI), from fruit composition to in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids. For both species, DI concentrated most health-related metabolites in fresh fruit. On a dry mass basis, DI increased total phenolic and sugar concentration, but had a negative or insignificant impact on fruit ascorbic acid, organic acid, and alcohol-insoluble matter contents. DI also reduced total carotenoids content in tomato (−18.7% on average), especially β-carotene (−32%), but not in goji berry DW (+15.5% and +19.6%, respectively). DI reduced the overall in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoids to varying degrees depending on the compound and plant species. Consequently, mixed micelles produced by digestion of fruits subjected to DI contained either the same or lesser quantities of carotenoids, even though fresh fruits could contain similar or higher quantities. Thus, DI effects on fruit composition were species and genotype dependent, but an increase in the metabolite concentration did not necessarily translate into greater bioaccessibility potentially due to interactions with the fruit matri

    Soluble polysaccharides reduce binding and inhibitory activity of tea polyphenols against porcine pancreatic α-amylase

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    The effects of three soluble polysaccharides on the inhibitory activity of tea polyphenols against porcine pancreatic α-amylase (PPA) were studied through PPA inhibition, half inhibition concentration (IC50), inhibition kinetics and fluorescence quenching. The results show that citrus pectin, wheat arabinoxylan and oat β-glucan could each increase the IC50 values and competitive inhibition constants (Kic), and decrease the fluorescence quenching constants (KFQ) of tea polyphenols interacting with PPA. The data show a competitive interaction equilibrium among polysaccharides, polyphenols and PPA. For individual polyphenols, there were negative linear correlations between both the values of 1/Kic and KFQ and that of IC50 with and without polysaccharides, indicating that the decreased inhibitory activity of polyphenols induced by the polysaccharides was caused by the reduced binding of polyphenols with PPA. Additionally, the slopes of the linear relationship between IC50 and Kic and that between KFQ and 1/Kic remained stable with and without polysaccharides, suggesting that these constants may be combined to characterize the effects of soluble polysaccharides on the PPA inhibition by polyphenols

    Quercetin and Epigallocatechin Gallate Induce in Vitro a Dose-Dependent Stiffening and Hyperpolarizing Effect on the Cell Membrane of Human Mononuclear Blood Cells

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    The bioactivity of polyphenols is closely linked to their ability to interact with biological membranes. The study evaluates the in vitro effect of quercetin and epigallocatechin on the membrane anisotropy and transmembrane potential of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from 26 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients compared to 25 age matched controls. The in vitro assays were analyzed in correlation with the biochemical and inflammatory profile of the subjects and with insulin resistance parameters (HOMA-IR, plasma resistin) as well. For type 2 diabetes patients, the increase of HOMA-IR and resistin concentration was associated with a significant decrease of the PBMCs membrane anisotropy. The two tested polyphenols induced a dose-dependent hyperpolarizing effect and stiffening of the cell membranes for all tested subjects. Physiological levels of quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate had the tendency to normalize the PBMCs membrane anisotropy of the cells isolated from diabetes patients, bringing it to the level of cells isolated from normoglycemic ones. Epigallocatechin gallate induced higher effects compared to quercetin on the membranes isolated from subjects with higher cardiovascular risk. The decrease of membrane fluidity and the hyperpolarizing effect could explain the cardiovascular protective action of the tested compounds

    Interactions between wine phenolic compounds and human saliva in astringency perception

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    [EN] Astringency is a complex perceptual phenomenon involving several sensations that are perceived simultaneously. The mechanism leading to these sensations has been thoroughly and controversially discussed in the literature and it is still not well understood since there are many contributing factors. Although we are still far from elucidating the mechanisms whereby astringency develops, the interaction between phenolic compounds and proteins (from saliva, oral mucosa or cells) seems to be most important. This review summarizes the recent trends in the protein–phenol interaction, focusing on the effect of the structure of the phenolic compound on the interaction with salivary proteins and on methodologies based on these interactions to determine astringency

    In Vitro Models for Studying Secondary Plant Metabolite Digestion and Bioaccessibility

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    There is an increased interest in secondary plant metabolites, such as polyphenols and carotenoids, due to their proposed health benefits. Much attention has focused on their bioavailability, a prerequisite for further physiological functions. As human studies are time consuming, costly, and restricted by ethical concerns, in vitro models for investigating the effects of digestion on these compounds have been developed and employed to predict their release from the food matrix, bioaccessibility, and assess changes in their profiles prior to absorption. Most typically, models simulate digestion in the oral cavity, the stomach, the small intestine, and, occasionally, the large intestine. A plethora of models have been reported, the choice mostly driven by the type of phytochemical studied, whether the purpose is screening or studying under close physiological conditions, and the availability of the model systems. Unfortunately, the diversity of model conditions has hampered the ability to compare results across different studies. For example, there is substantial variability in the time of digestion, concentrations of salts, enzymes, and bile acids used, pH, the inclusion of various digestion stages; and whether chosen conditions are static (with fixed concentrations of enzymes, bile salts, digesta, and so on) or dynamic (varying concentrations of these constituents). This review presents an overview of models that have been employed to study the digestion of both lipophilic and hydrophilic phytochemicals, comparing digestive conditions in vitro and in vivo and, finally, suggests a set of parameters for static models that resemble physiological conditions
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