277 research outputs found
The effect of cryopreservation on the genome of fish reproductive cells
A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of LutonCryopreservation has been extensively used in human reproductive medicine, aquaculture and conservation programs for endangered species. Many studies have been devoted to the mechanisms of cryodamage. However, in spite of growing successes of cryopreservation, post-thaw recovery of reproductive and embryonic cells often remains poor. It is known that cryopreservation causes extensive damage to membrane, results in decreased metabolism of cells, and disturbs the bioenergetical processes of cells by damage to mitochondria. Nonetheless, it has not yet been identified clearly if cryopreservation causes some disruption in the genetic integrity of reproductive cells and the safety of this approach still needs to be confirmed.
The present study was undertaken on the spermatozoa of weather loach (Misgurnus tassilis) and blastomeres cells of zebrafish (Danio rerio). It was shown that survival was decreased for embryos derived from sperm after cryoprotectant treatment or cryopreservation. Some evidence has emerged that this decrease is more likely to reflect some genetic instability caused by cryopreservation of sperm. The present study showed for the first time that the DNA repair system of oocytes was activated after fertilisation with cryopreserved sperm. The effect of DNA repair system was also studied. It was found that incubation of fertilised eggs in caffeine could reverse the detrimental effects of cryopreservation of loach sperm on subsequent embryo development. On the other hand incubation of fertilised eggs with 3-aminobenzamide - inhibitor of the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)- brought further decrease in the survival of embryos derived from cryopreserved sperm. The effect of individual donors of sperm and eggs on overall embryo survival was also studied and these investigations revealed significant differences between different donors.
Effect of cryopreservation on zebrafish blastomeres was studied at the DNA molecular level. Mitochondrial DNA was sequenced after cryopreservation and increased level of frequency of the mutation was observed. This finding showed that cryopreservation might potentially increase the instability of mtDNA genome. The significance of these changes on the subsequent function of the cells is to be elucidated. Meanwhile this study suggests that it is important to be cautious in making judgements on the safety of cryopreservation techniques in reproduction
Cryopreservation of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio L., 1758 sperm: First results and associated problems
We present our attempts to adapt the established cryopreservation techniques for sturgeon sperm to Acipenser sturio L., 1758, using the sperm of a wild male which matured in vivo. The sperm, from a ripe male caught in the Gironde estuary in 1996 and obtained 4 h after its catch and transport, was diluted 1:1 with media containing 56.0-76.0% tris-HCl-buffer (49.5 mM tris(oxymethyl)aminomethane) (pH 8.0), 14.4-24.0% dimethylsulfoxide and 9.6-20.0% egg yolk. The suspension was poured into 1.5 ml tubes, sealed and frozen in -196 °C liquid nitrogen vapour in a three-stage programme. Thawing took place in a 40 °C water bath. The motility of thawed sperm was 10-15%, whereas the motility in native sperm before cryopreservation was 50 %. After one month storage time in liquid nitrogen, sperm was thawed and used for fertilization of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758 eggs with the help of two activator media. After fertilization in a medium containing 3.1 mM tris(oxymethyl)aminomethane, 5.3 mM NaCl and 58.3 mM sucrose, 38.3% of the embryos were developing on the second day, compared with 23.2% when activator without sucrose was used. In the control group, fertilization of sterlet eggs with fresh sterlet sperm resulted in 43 % developing embryos.Presentamos nuestros intentos de adaptar las técnicas establecidas de criopreservación al esperma de Acipenser sturio L., 1758, usando el esperma de un macho silvestre madurado in vivo. El esperma, procedente de un macho maduro capturado en el estuario del Gironda en 1996 y obtenido cuatro horas después de su captura y transporte, fue diluido 1:1 en un medio que contenía 56.0-76.0% tris-HCl-buffer (49.5 mM tris(oximetil)aminometano) (pH 8.0), 14.4-24.0% dimetilsulfóxido y 9.6-20.0% yema de huevo. La suspensión fue vertida en tubos de 1.5 ml, sellada y congelada en nitrógeno líquido a -196 °C en un programa de tres fases. La descongelación tuvo lugar en un baño de agua a 40 °C. La movilidad del esperma descongelado fue del 10-15%, mientras que la movilidad del esperma nativo antes de la criopreservación fue del 50 %. Después de un mes de almacenamiento en nitrógeno líquido, el esperma fue descongelado y empleado para la fertilización de huevos de esterlete Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758 con la ayuda de dos medios activadores. Después de la fertilización en un medio conteniendo 3.1 mM tris(oximetil)aminometano, 5.3 mM NaCl y 58.3 mM sacarosa, el 38.3% de los embriones se desarrollaron al segundo día, frente al 23.2% obtenido cuando se usó un activador sin sacarosa. En el grupo control, la fertilización de huevos de esterlete con esperma fresco de esterlete produjo un 43 % de embriones desarrollados.Instituto Español de Oceanografí
Non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence and optical signal propagation
International audienceIn the present review, we make an attempt to attract attention to the effect of non-Kolmogorov behavior of turbulence in various scales on the characteristics of electromagnetic waves propagation through a turbulent atmosphere on the example of certain atmospheric experiments. We discuss the interpretation of experimental data based on the model of spectral behavior of a passive scalar field within a broad range of scales, which has been developed recently
Non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence and optical signal propagation
International audience(CJCE 4 oct. 2007, aff. C-429/05, Franfinance, D. 2008. Jur. 458, note H. Claret ; JCP E 2008. 1114, note M. Ho-Dac
Terahertz (THz) Algılama Uygulamaları için Oda Sıcaklığında Çalışan Deşarj Lambalarının Karekterizasyonu
TÜBİTAK MFAG Proje01.03.2016İlk olarak 1970’lerde araştırılmaya başlayan bir konu olan deşarj lambaları kullanarak THz/milimetre dalga boyu algılama yöntemi günümüzde THz tekniklerine olan ilgi ile tekrar gündeme gelmiştir ve yakın zamanda kendi yaptığımız çalışmalar ile uluslararası alanda yoğun ilgi görmektedir. Yüksek basınçta bir gaz içinde oluşan deşarj sonucu ışıma yapan bu lambalar, oluşan plazma sayesinde ışıma yaparken THz dalga boylarına hassasiyet göstermektedir. Bu çalışmalar ilk olarak Prof. Dr. Natan Kopeika (Ben Gurion Üniversitesi, Nagev, Israil) tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kendi grubumuzda yaptığımız çalışmalar da bunu desteklemektedir, dahası kurduğumuz zamana dayalı THz ölçüm sistemleri ile yapısı ile ilintili özel THz frekanslarında bu yapıların rezonant etki gösterdiğini tespit eden ilk araştırma grubuyuz. MM dalga boyu/THz algılama için kullanılan bu tip lambaların ucuz olmaları, gerek oda sıcaklığında çalışırken THz dalga boylarını yüksek hassasiyetle tespit edebilmeleri, gerekse de plazmadan geçerken bazı THz frekansların kontrol edilerek filtreleyebilmesi bu tip yapıların farklı sivil ve savunma uygulamalarında kullanabileceklerini göstermektedir. Proje kapsamında yaptığımız çalışmalarda, deşarj lambalarında görülen bu rezonant etkilerin THz algılamadaki rolünü belirleyebilmek için ticari olarak satılan farklı lambaları hem zamana dayalı THz ölçüm sistemlerimiz ile hem de proje kapsamında geliştirdiğimiz sürekli ışıma yapan yüksek frekans THz ölçüm sistemleri ile karekterize ettik. İki türlü ışık kaynağı geliştirildi: 80-125GHz arası ışıma yapan, bu frekans tayfında 1GHz’lik dilimlerde 20mW ortalama güç üreten mm-dalga boyu ışın kaynağı ve 260-380GHz arası ışıma yapan, bu frekans tayfında 1GHz’lik dilimlerde 1mW ortalam güç üreten THz ışın kaynağı. Bu ışın kaynakların temelinde Schottky-diyot temeline dayalı çarpan yapıları süren frekans ayarlanbilir bir YIG osilatör mikrodalga kaynağı kullanılmıştır. MM dalga boyu kaynağı için 9-14GHz arası frekansı ayarlanabilen YIG osilatör kaynağını x9 toplam çarpan Schottky diyot temmelli RF bileşenler kullanıldı. THz frekanslarına ulaşmak için aynı kaynağa x3 çarpan bir Schottky temeline dayalı pasif çarpan bir diyot yapısı kullanıldı. İki sistem için frekansları hava boşluğuna taşımak için ayrı horn antenler kullanıldı. MM dalga boyu ışın kaynağı için konik bir horn anten yapısı kullanılırken, THz ışın kaynağı için piarmit horn anten yapısı kullanıldı. Dağılan ışın kaynağın Gaussiyen ışın dağılımı görünüşünü plano-konveks mercekler kullanarak topladık ve deşarj lamba yapısına odakladık. Deneylerin bir sürümünde deşarj lamba yapısını detektör olarak kullandık, diğer bir sürümünde ise içinden geçen frekansların şiddetlerini bir Golay Cell detetktör yardımıyla ölçtük. 2 THz üretici ve deşarj lamba kullanan alıcı sistemleri geliştirdik, sonra zamana dayalı THz ölçüm sistemlerin deşarj lambalarını daha iyi karekterize edebilmeleri için optimize ettik ve THz dalga boylarının deşarj ortamındaki plazma ile etkileşimini anlamak için benzetim çalışmaları geliştirdik. Bu çalışmalar sonucu rezonant etkilerin THz algılamadaki rolünü belirleyerek bu tip yapıların THz uygulamalarında nasıl ve nerede kullanabileceklerini daha iyi anladık. Deşarj lambaları ışın algılama için kullanıldığında literatürde “Glow Discharge Detector (GDD)” olarak adlandırılmaktadır. GDD lambaları ile bu ölçümlerde şu sonuçları elde ettik: GDD lambaları detektör olarak hem mm dalga boyları hem de THz frekansları için ışının kutuplaşma yönüne hassas (anot-katot arası elektrik alan yönü ışın elektrik alanına paralel ya da anti pararlel olduğu durumlarda algıladığı sinyal maksimum, dikay olduğu durumlarda algıladığın sinyal minimum) GDD lambaları hem optik eksene paralel hem de optik eksene dik konumda mm dalga boyu/THz ışınlarını algılayabiliyor GDD lamba detektör hassasiyeti iki frekans aralığı için neredeyse Golay Cell cihazına eşit (nW/Hz-1/2) GDD lambaları detektör olarak kullanıldığında ışın kaynağına genlik modülasyon uygulamak gerekiyor (“Amplitude Modulation (AM)”); 90kHz modülasyon frekansı için algıladığı sinyal en büyük olarak ölçüldü. Ekipmanların limitasyonları nedeniyle daha yüksek modülasyon frekansları araştırılamadı, bu frekansın MHz civarı olduğunu tahmin ediyoruz Optimize edilen zamana dayalı THz ölçüm sistemleri ve kurulan sürekli THz ışın kaynağı sistemleri ile yaptığımız ölçümlerde anot-katot arası mesafenin belli frekansların yapıdan geçişini etkilediğini gözlemledik. Genel olarak ticari olarak satın alınabilen deşarj lambaların anot-katot arası mesafesinin yaklaşık olarak 1mm olması ile etkileştiği rezonant frekans tayfın 250- 350GHz arası frekanslara denk düşmesi şu sonucu destekliyor: ışın ile plazmanın etkileşiminı arttırmak için anot-katot arası mesafesi dalga boyu ile orantılı olmalı. CST Microwave Studio programını kullanarak yaptığımız ilk benzetim çalışmalarında anot-katot arası mesafeye bağlı olarak plazmanın dielektrik fonsiyonu deşarj sırasında belli frekans aralıkları için minimum geçiş gösterdi. Bu çalışmaların üzerinde yoğunlaşarak anot-katot geometrisini optimize etmeyi hedefliyoruz. Yukarıda alınan sonuçların bir kısmı uluslararası konferansta tam makale bildiri olarak yayınlandı, diğer bir kısmı ise uluslararası (SCI-E) hakemli bir dergide yayınlandı. Projede 3 yapılan çalışmalar bir yüksek lisans öğrencisinin tez çalışmalarını destekledi diğer lisans, doktora düzeydeki öğrencilerin de araştırmalarını destekledi. Dünyada son zamanlarda yoğun ilgi ile araştırılan bariyer arkası görüntüleme sektörü için ucuz, oda sıcaklığında yüksek hassasiyetle çalışan THz detektör teknolojilerin geliştirilmesi eşi benzeri olmayan bir katkı sağlayacağına inanmaktayız. Ülkemizde terör olayları ve benzeri negatif unsurlar karşısında savunma ağırlıklı tespit ve imha teknolojileri kapsamında bu tip detektörlerin önemli bir katkı sağlayacağı ortak görüşündeyiz.First started in the 1970s, which was to use glow discharge lamps to detect THz and millimeter waves has become relevant again in the international arena due to the high interest in developing THz technologies and our recent work in this area. By forming the discharge in a gas kept at high pressure between two leads the lamp generates light, meanwhile the plasma formed drives the device to be sensitive to detection of THz and/or millimeter waves. These investigations were first carried out by Prof. Dr. Natan Kopeika (Ben Gurion University, Nagev, Israel) and his team. Our investigations not only support this, but we were also the first research group to see resonant effects due to the structure of the glow discharge lamp in the THz frequency range. Their low cost coupled with the ability to detect THz waves with high sensitivity at room temperature, or the resonant effects which may point to their potential use as controllable filters shows that these devices can be used in a variety of civilian and defense applications. In this project we investigated using both THz time-domain spectroscopy systems and continuous wave THz systems the role of resonant effects in the detection of THz waves by glow discharge lamps was ınvestigated. Two type of sources were developed: A source emitting in the 80-125GHz spectral region with at least 20mW output power per each 1GHz band and a source emitting in the 260-280GHz spectral range with at least 1mW output power per each 1GHz band in the emission. These sources are based on Schottky-diode based multipliers driven by a frequency tunable YIG oscillator. In the mm-wave source the 9-14GHz tunable YIG oscillator was multiplied (x9) using Schottky diode based RF multipliers. The same source was multiplied by x3 passive multiplier to reach THz frequencies. In both systems horn antennas were used to carry the emission into free space. A conical horn was used for the mm-wave source and a pyramid horn was used for the THz source. The emitted beam had a Gaussian beam profile which was collimated and focused on to the discharge lamp using plano convex lenses. In one embodiment of the experiments the discharge lamp was used as a detector and in one other the transmitted waves through the lamps structure was measured using a Golay Cell. In summary, THz emitter and detector systems based on discharge lamps were constructed and then time-domain THz systems were optimized to characterize these lamps. Furthermore to better understand the THz-wave plasma interaction simulations were performed. These investigations allowed us to better understand how the lamp detects THz waves and also helped us understand where and how to better use such devices. İn the 5 literature discharge lamps when used for light detection are typically called Glow Discharge Detectors (GDD). Using GDD lamps these results were obtained: The GDD lamps when used for detection of THz and mm-waves were found to be sensitive to the direction of the impinging E-Field polarization. (When the anodecathode electric field was parallel or antiparallel the detected signal was maximized, when perpendicular the detected signal was minimized). GDD lamps were able to detect mm-wave/THz radiation for when the structure was parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis. The GDD lamp sensitivity in direct detection was almost equal to a Golay Cell (nW/Hz-1/2) When using GDD lamps as detectors one needs to modulate the source (“Amplitude Modulation (AM)”); the signal response was maximized for a modulation frequency of 90 kHz. Due to the limitations in the detection electronics the response is thought to maximize at higher modulation (MHz) Using optimized THz time-domain spectroscopy systems and CW THz systems we showed that the anode-cathode separation plays a role in the transmission of certain mm-wave/THz frequencies. Since the anode-cathode separation of commercially available discharge lamps are on the order of 1mm, the resonant frequency measured upon transmission fell into the 250-350GHz frequency range which suggests that to increase the interaction of the plasma with the far infrared light one needs to tune the separation on the order of the incoming wavelength Using the commercially available software CST Microwave Studio our first simulation attempts have shown that the transmission of the field decreases for certain frequencies dependent on the anode-cathode separation as well as the dielectric properties of the plasma. We hope to improve these simulations thereby allowing us to better design the anode-cathode geometry to optimize detectivity The results as outlined above have resulted in the publication of one international conference proceeding and one international journal article (SCI-E). The research undertaken in this project directly contributed to the Masters’ thesis of one student and the studies of other doctoral, masters’ and undergraduate students. We believe that cost effective, room temperature THz detectors will have a great impact on the development of behind the barrier (see-through) imaging systems in the world. The 6 development of these technologies will be most beneficial to in Turkey, who has a vested interest in developing detection and threat elimination systems with the ever continuing threat of terror related incidents in our country
Use of methanol as cryoprotectant and its effect on sox genes and proteins in chilled zebrafish embryos
Methanol is a widely used cryoprotectant (CPA) in cryopreservation of fish embryos, however little is known about its effect at the molecular level. This study investigated the effect of methanol on sox gene and protein expression in zebrafish embryos (50% epiboly) when they were chilled for 3. h and subsequently warmed and cultured to the hatching stages. Initial experiments were carried out to evaluate the chilling tolerance of 50% epiboly embryos which showed no significant differences in hatching rates for up to 6. h chilling in methanol (0.2-, 0.5- and 1. M). Subsequent experiments in embryos that had been chilled for 3. h in 1. M methanol and warmed and cultured up to the hatching stages found that sox2 and sox3 gene expression were increased significantly in hatched embryos that had been chilled compared to non-chilled controls. Sox19a gene expression also remained above control levels in the chilled embryos at all developmental stages tested. Whilst stable sox2 protein expression was observed between non-chilled controls and embryos chilled for 3. h with or without MeOH, a surge in sox19a protein expression was observed in embryos chilled for 3. h in the presence of 1. M MeOH compared to non-chilled controls and then returned to control levels by the hatching stage. The protective effect of MeOH was increased with increasing concentrations. Effect of methanol at molecular level during chilling was reported here first time which could add new parameter in selection of cryoprotectant while designing cryopreservation protocol
Genotoxic damage in polychaetes: a study of species and cell-type sensitivities.
addresses: School of Biosciences, Hatherley Laboratories, University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter EX4 4PS, UK. [email protected]: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright © 2008 Elsevier. NOTICE: This is the author’s version of a work accepted for publication by Elsevier. Changes resulting from the publishing process, including peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting and other quality control mechanisms, may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2008, Vol. 654, Issue 1, pp. 69 – 75 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mrgentox.2008.05.008The marine environment is becoming increasingly contaminated by environmental pollutants with the potential to damage DNA, with marine sediments acting as a sink for many of these contaminants. Understanding genotoxic responses in sediment-dwelling marine organisms, such as polychaetes, is therefore of increasing importance. This study is an exploration of species-specific and cell-specific differences in cell sensitivities to DNA-damaging agents in polychaete worms, aimed at increasing fundamental knowledge of their responses to genotoxic damage. The sensitivities of coelomocytes from three polychaetes species of high ecological relevance, i.e. the lugworm Arenicola marina, the harbour ragworm Nereis diversicolor and the king ragworm Nereis virens to genotoxic damage are compared, and differences in sensitivities of their different coelomic cell types determined by use of the comet assay. A. marina was found to be the most sensitive to genotoxic damage induced by the direct-acting mutagen methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), and showed dose-dependent responses to MMS and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo(a)pyrene. Significant differences in sensitivity were also measured for the different types of coelomocyte. Eleocytes were more sensitive to induction of DNA damage than amoebocytes in both N. virens and N. diversicolor. Spermatozoa from A. marina showed significant DNA damage following in vitro exposure to MMS, but were less sensitive to DNA damage than coelomocytes. This investigation has clearly demonstrated that different cell types within the same species and different species within the polychaetes show significantly different responses to genotoxic insult. These findings are discussed in terms of the relationship between cell function and sensitivity and their implications for the use of polychaetes in environmental genotoxicity studies
Protocol for developing a core outcome set for male infertility research:an international consensus development study
Abstract STUDY QUESTION We aim to develop, disseminate and implement a minimum data set, known as a core outcome set, for future male infertility research. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Research into male infertility can be challenging to design, conduct and report. Evidence from randomized trials can be difficult to interpret and of limited ability to inform clinical practice for numerous reasons. These may include complex issues, such as variation in outcome measures and outcome reporting bias, as well as failure to consider the perspectives of men and their partners with lived experience of fertility problems. Previously, the Core Outcome Measure for Infertility Trials (COMMIT) initiative, an international consortium of researchers, healthcare professionals and people with fertility problems, has developed a core outcome set for general infertility research. Now, a bespoke core outcome set for male infertility is required to address the unique challenges pertinent to male infertility research. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION Stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, allied healthcare professionals, scientists, researchers and people with fertility problems, will be invited to participate. Formal consensus science methods will be used, including the modified Delphi method, modified Nominal Group Technique and the National Institutes of Health’s consensus development conference. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS An international steering group, including the relevant stakeholders outlined above, has been established to guide the development of this core outcome set. Possible core outcomes will be identified by undertaking a systematic review of randomized controlled trials evaluating potential treatments for male factor infertility. These outcomes will be entered into a modified Delphi method. Repeated reflection and re-scoring should promote convergence towards consensus outcomes, which will be prioritized during a consensus development meeting to identify a final core outcome set. We will establish standardized definitions and recommend high-quality measurement instruments for individual core outcomes. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) This work has been supported by the Urology Foundation small project award, 2021. C.L.R.B. is the recipient of a BMGF grant and received consultancy fees from Exscentia and Exceed sperm testing, paid to the University of Dundee and speaking fees or honoraria paid personally by Ferring, Copper Surgical and RBMO. S.B. received royalties from Cambridge University Press, Speaker honoraria for Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Singapore, Merk SMART Masterclass and Merk FERRING Forum, paid to the University of Aberdeen. Payment for leadership roles within NHS Grampian, previously paid to self, now paid to University of Aberdeen. An Honorarium is received as Editor in Chief of Human Reproduction Open. M.L.E. is an advisor to the companies Hannah and Ro. B.W.M. received an investigator grant from the NHMRC, No: GNT1176437 is a paid consultant for ObsEva and has received research funding from Ferring and Merck. R.R.H. received royalties from Elsevier for a book, consultancy fees from Glyciome, and presentation fees from GryNumber Health and Aytu Bioscience. Aytu Bioscience also funded MiOXYS systems and sensors. Attendance at Fertility 2020 and Roadshow South Africa by Ralf Henkel was funded by LogixX Pharma Ltd. R.R.H. is also Editor in Chief of Andrologia and has been an employee of LogixX Pharma Ltd. since 2020. M.S.K. is an associate editor with Human Reproduction Open. K.Mc.E. received an honoraria for lectures from Bayer and Pharmasure in 2019 and payment for an ESHRE grant review in 2019. His attendance at ESHRE 2019 and AUA 2019 was sponsored by Pharmasure and Bayer, respectively. The remaining authors declare no competing interests. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative registration No: 1586. Available at www.comet-initiative.org/Studies/Details/1586. TRIAL REGISTRATION DATE N/A. DATE OF FIRST PATIENT’S ENROLMENT N/A
Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach
[EN] Fish sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for the quality of fish spermatozoa, and sperm motion parameters from more than 300 fish species have been reported in more than 1500 scientific articles covering a wide range of topics, from molecular biology to ecology. The most studied topics have been (i) the sperm storage (involving both the use of chilled¿storage protocols for short¿term periods and sperm cryopreservation techniques for long¿term storage), (ii) the sperm physiology (fathom in the spermatozoa activation process and the whole propulsion machinery of the sperm cells) and (iii) the broodstock management (covering aspects such as rearing conditions, dietary requirements or hormonal induction treatments). In addition, other aquaculture and ecological topics, such as (iv) the knowledge of the breeding cycle of the species, (v) the phenomenon of the sperm competition and (vi) ecotoxicological studies for the evaluation of aquatic environments, have also been approached from the evaluation of sperm motion performance. Therefore, fish sperm motility assessment can serve as a potential tool for aquaculture and ecological purposes, covering key topics of fundamental and applied research. This review gives an overview of the major research areas in which fish sperm motility has been applied successfully.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 642893 (IMPRESS). VG has a postdoc grant from the UPV (PAID-10-16).Gallego Albiach, V.; Asturiano Nemesio, JF. (2018). Fish sperm motility assessment as a tool for aquaculture research, a historical approach. Reviews in Aquaculture (Online). 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12253S12
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