7 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Panchavalkal Kwatha Dhawana followed by Panchavalkal Ghruta application in case of Dushta Vrana

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    Background: The Vrana is important topic in academic point of view, patient care and research of newer technique and drugs for easier and effective management. In ancient text a number of drugs and technique are talked about for Shodhana and Ropana of Vrana, one of them are medicated Ghruta preparation. In the present research work Panchawalkal Kwath Dhawana followed by Panchawalkal Ghruta application is used in the management of Dushta Vrana. Material & Method: On inspection wound was observed at thoroughly and case was diagnosed as Dushta Vrana and it was planned to be treated with application of Panchawalkal Kwatha Dhawana followed by Panchawalkal Ghruta application daily. Daily dressing in same manner was done upto the healing of Vrana. Internally medicine was provided as Triphala Guggula 500 mg twice a day and Gandhaka Rasayana twice a day for 30 days. The wound was assessed daily for pain, swelling, discharge, size, and shape. Conclusion: Panchwalkala Kwatha Dhawana eliminates the impurities wound which results in formation of healthy granulation tissue and its enhanced healing along with Panchavalkala Ghruta application acts for proper enhanced circulation to the wound which resulted in faster healing of wound

    Comparative study of efficacy of standard kshar sutra and udumber ksheer sutra in the management of Naadi Vrana (pilonidal sinus)

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    Background: The term Naadi Vrana is meaning sinus. Its classification and management including various local and systemic measures are the main objectives of the classical text. Sinus is a granulation tissue-lined blind channel that extends from an epithelial surface into the surrounding tissues. Sinus means “Hollow” or  “A bay”(Latin). There are 8 types of Naadi Vrana like Vaatik naadi, Paitik naadi, Kaphaj naai, Vaat-Pitaj naadi, Pit-Kaphaj naadi, Vaat-Kaphaj  naadi, Sannipatik naadi and Aagantuja naadi. The prevalence of pilonidal illness is estimated to be around 26 per 100,000 people. The incidence rate of pilonidal disease is approximately 0.7%. Objective: To study the efficacy of Standard Kshar Sutra & Udumber ksheer sutra in the management of Naadi Vrana (Pilonidal Sinus). Material & Method: The present study is designed as a Randomized clinical trial  in which 36 patients will be enrolled. Sutra will be applied in Naadi Vrana (Pilonidal Sinus). Assessment will be done 0th, 7th day, 14thday, 21st day and 28th day. Result:- The changes are expected to be observed in subjective parameters with objective parameters in the Healing of Naadi Vrana (Pilonidal Sinus)

    Efficacy of Novel Herbal Formulation in Efficacy of Novel Herbal Formulation in Conservative Management of Mutrashmari (Urolithiasis) - A Case Report

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    Introduction: Mutrashmari is a result of extensive processes that include a series of reactions that lead to the production of any urinary stone, i.e., a result of an unbalance of calculi producers and regulators in the kidney. The urinary calculi need surgical intervention and that may include side effects and recurrence. Aims and Objective: This study is having aim to find out the efficacy of herbal formulation in mutrashmari (urinary Calculi) Case Presentation: The patient of 26 years having  Udarashoola (pain in abdomen) with mutrakruchata since 2 months and Saraktamutrata (red color urine) since 15 days. Material and methods: Classical textbooks, articles, online journals were referred. The raw material was taken from Institute level. Observation and Results: Results were obtained by Subjective and Objective Criteria on basis of signs and symptoms of mutrashmari.  Discussion: The herbal formulation (Gokshura, Kulathha,Punarnava panchanga, Pashanabhed leaves) a unique combination was selected. This combination has Shoolagna (analgesic), Ashmari nashaka, Mutravardhaka (diuretics). In the case report, an attempt was taken to investigate the combined effects of herbal formulation, dietary modifications, and dietary regimen with regard to removal of urinary stone and prevention from any further complication. Results: This study shows effective result of herbal formulation in 8 mm urinary calculi within 1 month with no recurrence till one year.

    Bioremediation of textile wastewater and successive biodiesel production using microalgae

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    Abstracts of National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental Biotechnology

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental Biotechnology (NCB4EBT-2021) Organized by the Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Warangal, India held on 29–30 January 2021. This conference is the first of its kind organized by NIT-W which covered an array of interesting topics in biotechnology. This makes it a bit special as it brings together researchers from different disciplines of biotechnology, which in turn will also open new research and cooperation fields for them. Conference Title: National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental BiotechnologyConference Acronym: NCB4EBT-2021Conference Date: 29–30 January 2021Conference Location: Online (Virtual Mode)Conference Organizer: Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Warangal, Indi

    A review on the treatment of textile industry waste effluents towards the development of efficient mitigation strategy: An integrated system design approach

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    Microalgae-based biorefineries for sustainable resource recovery from wastewater

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