3,382 research outputs found

    Timing is Everything: PTTH Mediated DHR4 Nucleocytoplasmic Trafficking Sets the Tempo of Drosophila Steroid Production

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    During development, multicellular organisms must become sexually mature in order to reproduce. The developmental timing of this transition is controlled by pulses of steroid hormones, but how these pulses are generated have remained unclear? A recent paper shows that in Drosophila larvae, nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of DHR4, a nuclear receptor, in response to prothoracicotropic hormone signaling, is critical for producing the correct temporal pulses of steroid hormones that coordinate the juvenile–adult transition

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    Rural Health in Pharmacy Curricula

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    The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act proposes strategies to address the workforce shortages of primary care practitioners in rural America. This review addresses the question, “What specialized education and training are colleges and schools of pharmacy providing for graduates who wish to enter pharmacy practice in rural health?” All colleges and schools accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education or those in precandidate status as of December 2011 were included in an Internet-based review of Web sites. A wide scope of curricular offerings were found, ranging from no description of courses or experiences in a rural setting to formally developed programs in rural pharmacy. Although the number of pharmacy colleges and schools providing either elective or required courses in rural health is encouraging, more education and training with this focus are needed to help overcome the unmet need for quality pharmacy care for rural populations

    Study of interfacial stiffness ratio of a rough surface in contact using a spring model

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    This study proposes the use of a simple spring model that relates the interfacial stiffness with the complex reflection coefficient of ultrasound in a rough contact. The spring model cannot be directly related to the real area of contact as this depends on the amount, shape and distribution of contacting asperities. However, it is clear that the model provides a non-destructive tool to easily evaluate both longitudinal and shear interfacial stiffnesses and their ratio. Experimental findings indicate that the interfacial stiffness ratio K-tau/K-sigma determined during loading/unloading cycles is sensitive to the roughness level and load hysteresis. The results deviate from the theoretical available micromechanical models, indicating that actual contacting phenomenon is more complex and other variables needed are not accounted for by the models. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Estimation of the Relative Severity of Floods in Small Ungauged Catchments for Preliminary Observations on Flash Flood Preparedness: A Case Study in Korea

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    An increase in the occurrence of sudden local flooding of great volume and short duration has caused significant danger and loss of life and property in Korea as well as many other parts of the World. Since such floods usually accompanied by rapid runoff and debris flow rise quite quickly with little or no advance warning to prevent flood damage, this study presents a new flash flood indexing methodology to promptly provide preliminary observations regarding emergency preparedness and response to flash flood disasters in small ungauged catchments. Flood runoff hydrographs are generated from a rainfall-runoff model for the annual maximum rainfall series of long-term observed data in the two selected small ungauged catchments. The relative flood severity factors quantifying characteristics of flood runoff hydrographs are standardized by the highest recorded maximum value, and then averaged to obtain the flash flood index only for flash flood events in each study catchment. It is expected that the regression equations between the proposed flash flood index and rainfall characteristics can provide the basis database of the preliminary information for forecasting the local flood severity in order to facilitate flash flood preparedness in small ungauged catchments

    Optimisation of the enzyme-linked lectin assay for enhanced glycoprotein and glycoconjugate analysis

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    Lectin’s are proteins capable of recognising and binding to specific oligosaccharide tructures found on glycoproteins and other biomoloecules. As such they have found tility for glycoanalytical applications. One common difficulty encountered in the pplication of these proteins, particularly in multi-well plate assay formats known as Enzyme Linked Lectin Assays (ELLA’s), is in finding appropriate blocking solutions to prevent non-specific binding with plate surfaces. Many commonly used blocking agents contain carbohydrates and generate significant background signals in ELLA’s, limiting the utility of the assay. In this study we examined the suitability of a range of blocking reagents, including rotein based, synthetic and commercially available carbohydrate free blocking eagents, for ELLA applications. Each blocking reagent was assessed against a panel f 19 commercially available biotinylated lectins exhibiting diverse structures and arbohydrate specificities. We identified the synthetic polymer Polyvinyl Alcohol PVA) as the best global blocking agent for performing ELLA’s. We ultimately present n ELLA methodology facilitating broad spectrum lectin analysis of glycoconjugates nd extending the utility of the ELLA

    Cortisol levels and suicidal behavior: a meta-analysis

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    Suicide is a major cause of death worldwide, responsible for 1.5% of all mortality. The causes of suicidal behavior are not fully understood. Dysregulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, as measured by cortisol levels, is one potential risk factor. This meta-analytic review aimed i) to estimate the strength and variability of the association between naturally fluctuating cortisol levels and suicidal behavior and ii) to identify moderators of this relationship. A systematic literature search identified 27 studies (N = 2226; 779 suicide attempters & 1447 non-attempters) that met the study eligibility criteria from a total of 417 unique records initially examined. Estimates of effect sizes (r) obtained from these studies were analysed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. In these analyses, we compared participants identified as having a past history of suicide attempt(s) to those with no such history. Study quality, mean age of sample and percentage of male participants were examined as potential moderators. Overall, there was no significant effect of suicide group on cortisol. However, significant associations between cortisol and suicide attempts were observed as a function of age. In studies where the mean age of the sample was below 40 years the association was positive (i.e., higher cortisol was associated with suicide attempts; r = .234, p < .001), and where the mean age was 40 or above the association was negative (i.e., lower cortisol was associated with suicide attempts; r = - .129, p < .001). These findings confirm that HPA axis activity, as indicated by age-dependent variations in cortisol levels, is associated with suicidal behavior. The challenge for theory and clinical practice is to explain the complete reversal of the association with age and to identify its clinical implications

    A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data

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    Electoral prediction from Twitter data is an appealing research topic. It seems relatively straightforward and the prevailing view is overly optimistic. This is problematic because while simple approaches are assumed to be good enough, core problems are not addressed. Thus, this paper aims to (1) provide a balanced and critical review of the state of the art; (2) cast light on the presume predictive power of Twitter data; and (3) depict a roadmap to push forward the field. Hence, a scheme to characterize Twitter prediction methods is proposed. It covers every aspect from data collection to performance evaluation, through data processing and vote inference. Using that scheme, prior research is analyzed and organized to explain the main approaches taken up to date but also their weaknesses. This is the first meta-analysis of the whole body of research regarding electoral prediction from Twitter data. It reveals that its presumed predictive power regarding electoral prediction has been rather exaggerated: although social media may provide a glimpse on electoral outcomes current research does not provide strong evidence to support it can replace traditional polls. Finally, future lines of research along with a set of requirements they must fulfill are provided.Comment: 19 pages, 3 table

    Addressing Rural Health Disparities Through Pharmacy Curricula

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    Approximately 75% of the United States is rural.1 While 20% of the US population lives outside of urban areas, only 9% of physicians and 12% of pharmacists practice in rural areas.2,3 This lack of access to primary care is compounded by the significant need for primary care by citizens in rural areas. More than 1 in 3 adults living in rural America is in poor to fair health, with nearly half having at least 1 major chronic illness.4 Individuals in rural areas have higher rates of smoking as well as obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.5 In its 2005 report on rural health care, the Institute of Medicine asserted that many of the challenges faced by those living in rural areas can be attributed to the lack of access to basic health care services. Furthermore, this report described 5 strategies to address the lack of care in rural areas, and 1 strategy was to increase the supply of primary care health professionals in rural areas through improved education and training.4 Although the report did not specify types of providers, specially trained pharmacists may be able to address the health care disparities found in rural areas

    What is a hologenomic adaptation? Emergent individuality and inter-identity in multispecies systems

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    Contemporary biological research has suggested that some host–microbiome multispecies systems (referred to as “holobionts”) can in certain circumstances evolve as unique biological individual, thus being a unit of selection in evolution. If this is so, then it is arguably the case that some biological adaptations have evolved at the level of the multispecies system, what we call hologenomic adaptations. However, no research has yet been devoted to investigating their nature, or how these adaptations can be distinguished from adaptations at the species-level (genomic adaptations). In this paper, we cover this gap by investigating the nature of hologenomic adaptations. By drawing on the case of the evolution of sanguivory diet in vampire bats, we argue that a trait constitutes a hologenomic adaptation when its evolution can only be explained if the holobiont is considered the biological individual that manifests this adaptation, while the bacterial taxa that bear the trait are only opportunistic beneficiaries of it. We then use the philosophical notions of emergence and inter-identity to explain the nature of this form of individuality and argue why it is special of holobionts. Overall, our paper illustrates how the use of philosophical concepts can illuminate scientific discussions, in the trend of what has recently been called metaphysics of biology