294 research outputs found

    Anti-LGBT Backlash and the Shifting Public Opinion on LGBT Rights in Contemporary Russia: A Case Study

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    The wealth of literature which intends to explain various aspects of LGBT rights, politics, and activism in Eastern Europe has been well established (Swimelar, 2017, p. 912). There are currently two opposing theories on the effect of backlash on LGBT attitudes and activism. One theory, purported by O\u27Dwyer, suggests that backlash is beneficial to the visibility of LGBT issues and for attracting international attention and support. Rosenberg argues that right-wing backlash is detrimental to attitudes and activism (Rosenberg 2008, p. 344-347). These two arguments for and against the benefits to backlash approach are clearly defined and testable. With this paper, I will map out the history of anti-LGBT backlash in Russia, along with the development of the gay propaganda law, and how it supports or detracts from both theories

    Search for the Causative Organism of Waterfowl Deaths at Lake Onalaska

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    American coots (Fulica americana) and diving ducks, including lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and ring-necked ducks (Aythya collaris) have been dying in significant numbers on Lake Onalaska since 2001. Bird mortality is being attributed to parasitic infections from two intestinal trematodes, Cyathocotyle bushiensis and Sphaeridiotrema globulus. The birds begin dying in as little as two weeks of landing at this lake. Rapid mortality is not typically associated with trematode parasitism. Assuming these birds acquired their infections at Lake Onalaska, leads to the conclusion that our current understanding of the disease in this parasite-host system is lacking. Neorickettsiales are a group of pathogenic obligately-parasitic intracellular bacteria that are frequently linked to trematode infections involving invertebrate hosts. There is evidence of Neorickettsiales in Bithynia snails, which is also a necessary host to both trematode species, which suggests a possible link between Neorickettsiales and the unusual mortality in the system at Lake Onalaska. Any conservation management practices that can be applied towards curbing this wildlife epidemic will only start with a complete understanding of all the casual factors. Fluorescently-labeled antibodies were used to search out Neorickettsiales antigens. Prepared tissue sections from infected trematode-infected birds were analyzed with fluorescence microscopy for the presence of Neorickettsiales-like organisms. There was no evidence of Neorickettsiales-like organisms, and new research directions need to be explored to explain unusual system at Lake Onalaska

    The Status of Statistics in Ohio's Secondary Schools

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    Applying Early Existential Critiques to Contemporary Themes in American Culture

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    Charles Taylor, Carl Elliot, Alexis De Tocqueville, and Lionel Trilling have presented and critically analyzed a number of ideals that animate currents in contemporary American Culture, which include authenticity, sincerity, pluralism, subjectivism, and self-actualization, but these ideals do not harmoniously coexist; rather, they inevitably conflict. These notions have been realized in a way that is unique in their current understandings. Though there is the appearance of some homogeneity amongst these themes, they inevitably clash and contain internal tensions. The philosophers Kierkegaard and Nietzsche respond to many of the ideas that underlie these modern notions. Though differing in degrees, these critiques anticipate many of the problems that have arisen within discussion of contemporary culture. The themes that Taylor, Elliot, De Tocqueville, and Trilling outline are not limited to those notions that Kierkegaard and Nietzsche criticized. Rather, some cultural attitudes find their lineage in their respective philosophies. Both the historical tradition behind, and the contemporary definitions of these themes, need to be understood in order to explain the fragmented nature of contemporary culture. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche offer a historical perspective to the definitions given by Taylor, Elliot, and Trilling. Understanding the multifarious and contradictory foundations of contemporary culture is essential to demonstrating the potential paradox of realizing a consistent language of contemporary culture, and may include the inability to uphold these themes

    A Review of the Literature on End-of-life Care: Setting a Research Agenda for Maine

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    In 2002, Last Acts, a national campaign of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, issued a report assessing the states on access to end-of-life care and policies supporting its provision. Quite striking for the hospice providers and other stakeholders of Maine, the state ranked second to last in hospice use among persons over age 65 in their last year of life. Although anecdotal and unpublished data suggest that hospice use is on the rise in Maine, concerns about the low use rate remains a concern to those interested in end-of-life care in the State. In order to better understand the factors influencing the use of hospice in Maine, the Maine Hospice Council asked the Muskie School of Public Service to conduct a literature review synthesizing current knowledge on outcomes, use, cost, and barriers to end-of-life care. This review provides a foundation for setting an overall research agenda for the Council. At the end of the report, we have outlined a set of questions for further research regarding end-of-life care in Maine
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