2,509 research outputs found

    RMN y reconocimiento molecular. Interacciones carbohidrato-proteína

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    Molecular recognition by specific targets is at the heart of the life processes. In recent years, it has been shown that the interactions between proteins (lectins, enzymes, antibodies) and carbohydrates mediate a broad range of biological activities, from fertilization, embryogenesis, and tissue maturation, to pathological processes. The elucidation of the mechanisms that govern how sugars are accommodated in the binding sites of these receptors is currently a topic of interest. Thus, the determination of the structural and conformational factors and the physicochemical features which govern the molecular recognition of these molecules is of paramount importance. This presentation is focused on the application of standard and state-of-the-art NMR methods both from the ligand and receptor’s perspective (especially chemical shift perturbation analysis, Saturation Transfer Difference, and trNOESY experiments) to the study of molecular recognition processes between a variety of polypeptides of biomedical interest and carbohydrate-based molecules, drugs and inhibitors. Lectins, antibodies, and enzymes, both wild type and mutants, have been used as receptors with the final aim to know and to evaluate the relative importance of polar (hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions) and non polar (van der Waals, CH-π) forces in the molecular recognition process. As examples, structural and conformational details of glycan recognition by different domains will be shown, with special emphasis in the application of novel 19F- and paramagnetic-based NMR methodologiesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The effect of broadband on European Union trade: A regional spatial approach

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    The positive effect of information and communication technologies (ICT) on trade between countries has been widely studied in the literature, but how ICT impacts regional trade is limited due to the lack of regional trade data. In this paper, we test whether broadband, as a proxy for ICT, increases bilateral trade at the regional level in Europe. We use a novel regional trade database of European Union regions and estimate an origin–destination flow gravity model for 2007 and 2010, accounting for spatial dependence among trade flows. Our results indicate that broadband is positive and significant in explaining trade patterns between European regions during both time period

    El papel de la calidad institucional en la participación en las cadenas globales de valor

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    We explore the effect of institutional quality on participation in global value chains (GVCs) by distinguishing between backward and forward participation. Using a sample of 63 OECD and non-OECD countries during the period 2005-2015, the results obtained from a panel data estimation are twofold. First, we obtain a positive association between institutional quality and participation in GVCs, with slightly greater effects for backward than for forward participation. Second, we find that results are sensitive to the dimension of the institutions considered, with Voice and Accountability being associated with more backward participation, and Rule of Law and Political Stability with more forward participationSe analiza el efecto de la calidad institucional en la participación en las cadenas globales de valor (CGV) distinguiendo entre participación hacia atrás y hacia delante. Utilizando una muestra de 63 países miembros y no miembros de la OCDE a lo largo del período 2005–2015, los resultados obtenidos a partir de una estimación con datos de panel reflejan una doble evidencia. En primer lugar, se obtiene una relación positiva entre calidad institucional y participación en CGV, que registra efectos ligeramente mayores para la participación hacia atrás que para la participación hacia delante. En segundo lugar, se encuentra que los resultados son sensibles a la dimensión de las instituciones considerada, ya que Voz y Rendición de Cuentas está asociada positivamente con mayor participación hacia atrás, mientras que Estado de Derecho y Estabilidad Política se relacionan positivamente con la participación hacia delant

    Technological, institutional, and geographical peripheries: regional development and risk of poverty in the European regions

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    In this paper, we analyze the interrelation between technological, institutional, and geographical peripheries. By distinguishing between the quality and quantity of access to information and communication technologies, together with institutional and geographical factors, and using a sample of 229 European regions during the period 2007–2018, we find that the diffusion and quality of information and communication technologies foster economic development and decrease the risk of social exclusion. A similar effect is found for institutional and geographical factors, suggesting that the interplay of these three determinants may be crucial to set up place-based policie

    The Multiregional Core-periphery Model: The Role of the Spatial Topology

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11067-015-9285-7We use the multiregional core-periphery model of the new economic geography to analyze and compare the agglomeration and dispersion forces shaping the location of economic activity for a continuum of network topologies — spatial or geographic configuration — characterized by their degree of centrality, and comprised between two extremes represented by the homogenous (ring) and the heterogeneous (star) configurations. Resorting to graph theory, we systematically extend the analytical tools and graphical representations of the core-periphery model for alternative spatial configuration, and study the sustain and break points. We study new phenomena such as the infeasibility of the dispersed equilibrium in the heterogeneous space, resulting in the introduction of the concept pseudo flat-earth as a long-run equilibrium corresponding to an uneven distribution of economic activity between region

    Programación docente para la asignatura de Filosofía en 1º de Bachillerato

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    Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Filosofía (M207

    An accelerated MDM algorithm for SVM training

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 16th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2018In this work we will propose an acceleration procedure for the Mitchell–Demyanov–Malozemov (MDM) algorithm (a fast geometric algorithm for SVM construction) that may yield quite large training savings. While decomposition algorithms such as SVMLight or SMO are usually the SVM methods of choice, we shall show that there is a relationship between SMO and MDM that suggests that, at least in their simplest implementations, they should have similar training speeds. Thus, and although we will not discuss it here, the proposed MDM acceleration might be used as a starting point to new ways of accelerating SMO.With partial support of Spain’s TIN 2004–07676 and TIN 2007–66862 projects. The first author is kindly supported by FPU-MEC grant reference AP2006-02285

    Automatic mapping subsidence caused by changes in the water table using remote sensing on the Island of Tenerife (Spain)

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    The satellite Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar provides subcentimetre-precision ground displacement in line of sight in large areas with thousands of points. The correct identification of small spatial phenomena is not easy amongst so much data. This paper deals with the application of the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic to the calculated vertical velocities for automatic subsidence mapping on the island of Tenerife between 2004 and 2010. By clustering values of high statistical significance (<0.01), amongst 55,225 calculated velocity points, previously identified cases of subsidence have been delimited in the northwest (Chio and Guimar). Other unexplored, more local sites with similar sink rates, were also detected to the east (El Rosario, -14mm/year) and west (Guía de Isora and Adeje, between -8mm/year and -20mm/year). Most of them are in small areas associated with groundwater extraction constructions and local agriculture where the water table had decreased drastically in previous years