134 research outputs found

    Landscape woody features, local management and vegetation composition shape moth communities in extensively managed grasslands

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    1. Agricultural intensification has led to a dramatic impoverishment of biodiversity. Moths are not an exception: rapid declines of common and widespread species have been reported and it is still not clear which conservation measures should be applied to restore their populations. 2. We investigated how much of the variation in moth assemblages inhabiting extensively managed meadows in a region of high-intensity agriculture is explained by surrounding woody landscape features, meadow management and vegetation composition, and which specific variables are the most influential. 3. Results show that the percentage of forest and the length of hedgerows within a 250 m radius were especially important for forest macromoths, explaining 42% of variation in abundance and 23% of species richness, whereas meadow management played a relatively marginal role. The abundance of grassland macromoths was also positively influenced by the length of hedgerows in the landscape (combined with elevation it explained 10% of the variance), while it responded negatively to uncut refuge and to delayed mowing (7%). Regarding grassland macromoth species richness, the annual harvesting frequency was the main predictor (4%). In contrast, micromoth abundance was more influenced by meadow management, notably the date of the first cut (4%) and vegetation composition (8%, though not conclusive due to a single outlier), whereas landscape features explained nothing. 4. Altogether, these results demonstrate the importance of both woody features within farmed landscapes and biodiversity-friendly meadow management for the maintenance of integral moth communities

    Grassland intensification dramatically impacts grasshoppers: Experimental evidence for direct and indirect effects of fertilisation and irrigation

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    European mountain hay meadows are hosting an exceptionally rich biodiversity. They are currently threatened by both land abandonment and farming intensification via aerial irrigation and slurry application. The consequences of mountain grassland intensification on arthropods are still poorly documented, which is a serious handicap to proposing ecologically-friendly management guidance. Six experimental treatments mimicking a gradient of management intensity (including irrigation, fertilisation and various combinations thereof) were initiated in 2010 at twelve montane and subalpine Swiss meadow sites. In 2013, we sampled orthopterans to assess the influence of management practice on that taxonomic group. In parallel, the changes in vegetation height and ambient temperature (at 10 cm above ground level) induced by the intensification process were quantified in order to better appraise the underlying mechanisms. Intensification had a negative impact on Caelifera (grasshoppers), with decreases in densities and species richness reaching as much as 70% and 50%, respectively, in the most intensively managed treatment plots. Intensification furthermore led to a marked increase in mean vegetation height and a cooling of ambient temperature by up to 4.2 ◦C. Such microhabitat and microclimate alterations are likely to affect Caelifera development, in particular thermophilous species. In contrast, Ensifera (bushcrickets) densities and species richness showed no significant response to our experimental manipulations. Finally, the application of irrigation by sprinklers alone had limited impact on both orthopterans and meadow microclimate. We conclude that orthopterans, in particular Caelifera, are fairly sensitive to grassland management intensification: fertilisation should be avoided in focal areas for biodiversity conservation

    Transfer of invertebrates with hay during restoration operations of extensively managed grasslands in Switzerland

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    Introduction Hay transfer from a speciose donor meadow to a species-poor receiver grassland is an established method to restore species-rich grassland plant communities. However, it has rarely been investigated to which extent invertebrates can be transferred with hay during such operations, which was the aim of this study. Methods Sampling was conducted in eight sites of the Swiss lowlands with one donor meadow and two receiver sites each. On the receiver sites, three to four white bed sheets of one square meter each were deployed on the ground to receive a standard quantity of fresh hay just transferred from the donor meadow. All living invertebrates were collected from these sheets with an aspirator and subsequently identified to order level. Results On average (± SD), 9.2 ± 11.3 living invertebrates per square meter were transferred with the hay. Beetles were the most abundant species group, representing 46.9% of all transferred invertebrates, followed by true bugs (8.9%) and spiders (7.0%). More individuals were transferred when the donor meadow was mown with a hand motor bar mower than with a rotary disc mower. Similarly, more invertebrates were transferred when the hay was transported loosely with a forage wagon than compacted as bales. Discussion While this study demonstrates that living invertebrates can be transferred with the hay, their subsequent survival and establishment remains to be explored. Implications for insect conservation We recommend using a hand motor bar mower and a forage wagon for increasing the survival probability of invertebrates in hay transfer

    Experimental evidence for the immediate impact of fertilization and irrigation upon the plant and invertebrate communities of mountain grasslands

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    The response of montane and subalpine hay meadow plant and arthropod communities to the application of liquid manure and aerial irrigation – two novel, rapidly spreading management practices – remains poorly understood, which hampers the formulation of best practice management recommendations for both hay production and biodiversity preservation. In these nutrient-poor mountain grasslands, a moderate management regime could enhance overall conditions for biodiversity. This study experimentally assessed, at the site scale, among low-input montane and subalpine meadows, the short-term effects (1 year) of a moderate intensification (slurry fertilization: 26.7–53.3 kg N·ha−1·year−1; irrigation with sprinklers: 20 mm·week−1; singly or combined together) on plant species richness, vegetation structure, hay production, and arthropod abundance and biomass in the inner European Alps (Valais, SW Switzerland). Results show that (1) montane and subalpine hay meadow ecological communities respond very rapidly to an intensification of management practices; (2) on a short-term basis, a moderate intensification of very low-input hay meadows has positive effects on plant species richness, vegetation structure, hay production, and arthropod abundance and biomass; (3) vegetation structure is likely to be the key factor limiting arthropod abundance and biomass. Our ongoing experiments will in the longer term identify which level of management intensity achieves an optimal balance between biodiversity and hay production

    New and remarkable leafhoppers and planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) from Switzerland

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    Uploaded for Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft by Plaz

    Star formation triggered by non-head-on cloud-cloud collisions, and clouds with pre-collision sub-structure

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    In an earlier paper, we used smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to explore star formation triggered by head-on collisions between uniform-density 500 M clouds, and showed that there is a critical collision velocity, vCRIT. At collision velocities below vCRIT, a hub-and-spoke mode operates and delivers a monolithic cluster with a broad mass function, including massive stars (M 10 M) formed by competitive accretion. At collision velocities above vCRIT, a spider’s-web mode operates and delivers a loose distribution of small sub-clusters with a relatively narrow mass function and no massive stars. Here we show that,if the head-on assumption is relaxed, vCRIT is reduced. However, if the uniform-density assumption is also relaxed, the collision velocity becomes somewhat less critical: a low collision velocity is still needed to produce a global hub-and-spoke system and a monolithic cluster, but, even at high velocities, large cores – capable of supporting competitive accretion and thereby producing massive stars – can be produced. We conclude that cloud–cloud collisions may be a viable mechanism for forming massive stars – and we show that this might even be the major channel for forming massive stars in the Galaxy

    Direct and indirect effects of land use on bryophytes in grasslands

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    Land-use intensification is the major threat for biodiversity in agricultural grasslands, and fertilization has been suggested as the most important driver. A common explanation for the decline of bryophyte diversity with higher land-use intensity is an indirect negative effect via the increase in vascular plant productivity, which reduces light levels for bryophytes. However, direct negative effects of land-use intensification may also be important. Here, we disentangle direct and vascular plant biomass mediated indirect effects of land use on bryophytes. We analyzed two complementary datasets from agricultural grasslands, an observational study across 144 differently managed grasslands in Germany and an experimental fertilization and irrigation study of eleven grasslands in the Swiss Alps. We found that bryophyte richness and cover strongly declined with land-use intensity and in particular with fertilization. However, structural equation modelling revealed that although both direct and indirect effects were important, the direct negative effect of fertilization was even stronger than the indirect effect mediated by increased plant biomass. Thus, our results challenge the widespread view that the negative effects of fertilization are mostly indirect and mediated via increased light competition with vascular plants. Our study shows that land use intensification reduces bryophyte diversity through several different mechanisms. Therefore, only low-intensity management with limited fertilizer inputs will allow the maintenance of bryophyte-rich grasslands

    A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space

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    The use of functional information in the form of species traits plays an important role in explaining biodiversity patterns and responses to environmental changes. Although relationships between species composition, their traits, and the environment have been extensively studied on a case-by-case basis, results are variable, and it remains unclear how generalizable these relationships are across ecosystems, taxa and spatial scales. To address this gap, we collated 80 datasets from trait-based studies into a global database for metaCommunity Ecology: Species, Traits, Environment and Space; “CESTES”. Each dataset includes four matrices: species community abundances or presences/absences across multiple sites, species trait information, environmental variables and spatial coordinates of the sampling sites. The CESTES database is a live database: it will be maintained and expanded in the future as new datasets become available. By its harmonized structure, and the diversity of ecosystem types, taxonomic groups, and spatial scales it covers, the CESTES database provides an important opportunity for synthetic trait-based research in community ecology

    ARIA digital anamorphosis : Digital transformation of health and care in airway diseases from research to practice

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    Digital anamorphosis is used to define a distorted image of health and care that may be viewed correctly using digital tools and strategies. MASK digital anamorphosis represents the process used by MASK to develop the digital transformation of health and care in rhinitis. It strengthens the ARIA change management strategy in the prevention and management of airway disease. The MASK strategy is based on validated digital tools. Using the MASK digital tool and the CARAT online enhanced clinical framework, solutions for practical steps of digital enhancement of care are proposed.Peer reviewe