61 research outputs found

    Higher acid recovery efficiency of novel functionalized inorganic/organic composite anion exchange membranes from acidic wastewater

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    In this work, the synthesis of a series of the functionalized inorganic/organic composite anion exchange membranes (AEMs) was carried out by employing the varying amount of inorganic filler consist of N-(trimethoxysilylpropyl)-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (TMSP-TMA+Cl-) into the quaternized poly (2, 6-dimethyl-1, 4-phenylene oxide) (QPPO) matrix for acid recovery via diffusion dialysis (DD) process. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy clearly demonstrated the fabrication of the functionalized inorganic/organic composite AEMs and the subsequent membrane characteristic measurements such as ion exchange capacity (IEC), linear swelling ratio (LSR), and water uptake (WR) gave us the optimum loading condition of the filler without undesirable filler particle aggregation. These composite AEMs exhibited IEC of 2.18 to 2.29 meq/g, LSR of 13.33 to 18.52%, and WR of 46.11 to 81.66% with sufficient thermal, chemical, and mechanical stability. The diffusion dialysis (DD) test for acid recovery from artificial acid wastewater of HCl/FeCl2 showed high acid DD coefficient (UH +) (0.022 to 0.025 m/h) and high separation factor (S) (139-260) compared with the commercial membrane. Furthermore, the developed AEMs was acceptably stable (weight loss < 20%) in the acid wastewater at 60 C as an accelerated severe condition for 2 weeks. These results clearly indicated that the developed AEMs have sufficient potential for acid recovery application by DD process.Scopu

    Corrosion Inhibition on Mild Steel by Phosphonium Salts in 1M HNO3 Aqueous Medium

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    The corrosion inhibition on mild steel by phosphonium salts in 1 M HNO3 medium has been investigated by weight loss and polarization techniques. The result revealed that these derivatives are excellent inhibitors. Potentiostatic polarization, impedance and electrochemical noise studies showed mixed type inhibitors. Ellipsometer, quantum chemical and FTIR results indicated Phosphonium bromide derivatives exhibit excellent corrosion protective thin layer performance

    The use of nano/micro-layers, self-healing and slow release coatings to prevent corrosion and biofouling

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    The mitigation of corrosion and biofouling is a challenge. Through application of chemicals and special techniques can slow these undesired processes, an effective resolution requires a multidisciplinary approach involving scientists, engineers, and metallurgists. In order to understand the importance of the use of nano- and microlayers as well as self-healing coatings, the basic concepts of corrosion, corrosion mechanisms, corrosion inhibition and the microbiologically influenced corrosion will be summarised. The preparation, characterization and application of Langmuir-Blodgett and self assembled nanolayers in corrosive and microbial environment will be discussed. Preparation and characterization of microcapsules/ microspheres and their application in coatings will be demonstrated by a number of examples

    An overview of burst, buckling, durability and corrosion analysis of lightweight FRP composite pipes and their applicability

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The main aim of this review article was to address the performance of filament wound fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite pipes and their critical properties, such as burst, buckling, durability and corrosion. The importance of process parameters concerning merits and demerits of the manufacturing methods was discussed for the better-quality performance. Burst analysis revealed that the winding angle of ±55° was observed to be optimum with minimum failure mechanisms, such as matrix cracking, whitening, leakage and fracture. The reduction of buckling effect was reported in case of lower hoop stress value in the hoop to axial stress ratio against axial, compression and torsion. A significant improvement in energy absorption was observed in the hybrid composite pipes with the effect of thermal treatment. However, the varying winding angle in FRP pipe fabrication was reported as an influencing factor affecting all the aforementioned properties. Almost 90% of the reviewed studies was done using E-glass/epoxy materials for the composite pipe production. By overcoming associated limitations, such as replacing synthetic materials, designing new material combinations and cost-benefit analysis, the production cost of the lightweight FRP composite pipes can be decreased for the real-time applications.Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of corrosion of steels by self-assembled-monolayers of caprylate

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    The interaction of a sodium salt of octanoic acid, sodium caprylate (SC), with a carbon steel (CS) and stainless steel (SS) surface was investigated over a wide pH and temperature range, using a range of experimental techniques. The aim of the research was to investigate the possibility of using SC as a corrosion inhibitor, and to determine the mechanism of its corrosion inhibition.It was shown that SC acts as a good CS and SS general and pitting corrosion inhibitor, respectively, yielding a maximum corrosion inhibition efficiency of 97% at pH 2. This high inhibition efficiency is maintained even at higher temperatures. Kinetic measurements demonstrated that inhibition efficiency of ca. 93% is achieved within fifteen minutes after the immersion of the CS surface in the SC solution, while complete equilibrium, and thus maximum efficiency, is achieved after one hour. It was determined that SC inhibits both partial corrosion reactions, and can thus be considered to be a mixed-type inhibitor. The corrosion inhibition efficiency was shown to be directly proportional to the surface coverage by SC. The adsorption of SC on the CS surface at low pH was described by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was found that this process is spontaneous, irreversible and driven by the entropy gain.It was postulated that SC forms a self-assembled-monolayer (SAM) on the steel surface. In an aqueous solution, a bi-layer structure is formed. The inner SAM layer is irreversibly attached to the CS surface through the carboxylate head group, with the hydrophobic tail oriented towards the aqueous phase. The outer SAM is physiosorbed on top of the inner SAM, through hydrophobic interactions of the two SAM tails. In this configuration, the bi-layer structure represents an effective barrier for the diffusion of charged (corrosive) species and water molecules to the metal surface, thus protecting the metal from corrosion

    قاعدة الضرورة الشرعية وتطبيقها على الأقليات المسلمة في غير بلاد المسلمين :دراسة وصفية تحليلية موضوعية

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah berikut: Penjelasan tentang konsep Dasar Darurat syar’iyah dan penggunaannya sebagai argumentasi dalam melakukan hal-hal yang diharamkan, dan untuk mengetahui hukum bagi kaum muslimah minoritas serta pengaruh penggunaan dasar dhorurat dalam perlakuan hukum bagi kaum minoritas tersebut serta penerapan dasar dhorurat syar’iyah di era modern bagi kaum muslimah minoritas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pustaka yang mana dalam penelitiannya peneliti menggunakan perpustakaan serta mengambil pendapat-pendapat ulama yang berkaitan dengan tema dhorurat dan hukum kaum muslimah minoritas dari buku-buku ushul lama maupun kontemporer lalu kemudian menganalisisnya serta mensterilkannya agar peneliti dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dari penelitian ini. Adappun hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1). Dasar dhorurat syar’iyah adalah dasar-dasar untuk memudahkan manusia serta untuk mengangkat kesulitan darinya. Yang kemudian dengan disyari’atkannya beberapa hukum. Syari’ah Islam itu sendiri layak digunakan di setiap tempat dan waktu, dan selalu diperbaharui seiring dengan munculnya kejadian-kejadian baru dan demi kemaslahatan manusia. 2). Hukum Islam merupakan sebuah kewajiban bagi seluruh umat Islam di manapun dia berada. Halal di negara muslim tetaplah halal di negara non muslim, dan haram di negara muslim tetaplah haram di negara non muslim. 3). Terdapat penerapan kontemporer terkait dasar Darurat Syar’iyah bagi kaum muslimah minoritas seperti permasalahan transaksi dengan riba di negara non muslim dan permasalahan transaksi keuangan yang lain dengan orang non muslim, permasalahan pernikahan seorang muslim dengan wanita non muslimah atau dari ahli kitab, dan permasalahan suaka politik dan lain sebagainya. Saran peneliti adalah sebagai berikut: 1). Bagi muslim di manapun dia berada hendaknya selalu mengikuti Kitab Allah dan sunnah Rasul SAW karena keduanya merupakan kunci kemenangan di dunia dan akhirat. 2). Pusat-pusat Islam dan dewan fiqih hendaknya saling berkomunikasi agar tetap up to date untuk menghadapi perkara-perkara yang dihadapi oleh kaum muslimah minoritas. ABSTRACT This study aims to answer the following problem formulation: An explanation of the concept of Basic Emergency Syar'iyah and its use as arguments in doing things that are forbidden, and to know the law for the Muslimah minority as well as the effect of the use basic emergency in law for the treatment of the minorities as well as the application of basic emergency Syar'iyah in the modern era for the Muslimah minority. This study used a descriptive method and literatures where researcher uses the library and take the opinions of scholars associated with the theme emergency and the law of Muslimah minority from law books, old and contemporary jurisprudence and then analyze and sterilize it so that researcher can achieve the purpose of this research. The results of this study are as follows: 1). Basic emergency Syar'iyah are the basics to enable people and to raise the difficulty of it. Then it will require some laws. Islamic Syari’ah itself will be able to use in any place and time, and always updated in line with the emergence of new events and for the benefit of humans. 2). Islamic law is an obligation for all Muslims wherever they are. Kosher in Muslim countries remains kosher in non-Muslim countries and forbidden in Muslim countries remained forbidden in non-Muslim countries.3). There is a contemporary application of basic Emergency Syar'iyah related to the Muslimah minorities such as the problems with usury transactions in non-Muslim countries and the problems of other financial transactions with non-Muslims, the issue of the marriage between a Muslim and non-Muslim or from the scribes, and the problems of political asylum and etcetera. Researcher’s suggestions are as follows: 1). For Muslims, wherever they are should always follow the Qur’an and Sunnah of Rasul SAW because both of them are the way to get the world and the hereafter. 2). Islamic centers and fiqh council should communicate with each other in order to stay up to date to deal with the cases faced by the Muslimah minority. مستخلص البحث هدفت هذه الدراسة محاولة الإجابة عن الاسئلة التالية :- بيان مفهوم قاعدة الضرورة الشرعية وتوضيح مسألة الاحتجاج بها في فعل المحرمات ، ولمعرفة الاحكام الخاصة بالأقليات المسلمة وأثر الاخذ بقاعدة الضرورة في معالجة الاحكام الخاصة بتلك الاقليات و بيان التطبيقات المعاصرة لقاعدة الضرورة الخاصة بالأقليات المسلمة. واستخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي المكتبي الذي يرجع فيه الباحث الى استعمال المكتبة والأخذ من آراء العلماء واقوالهم فيما يتعلق بموضوع الضرورة وأحكام الاقليات المسلمة من بطون الكتب الاصولية القديمة والمعاصرة وتحليلها وتنقيتها حتى يصل الباحث الى الهدف المنشود من هذه الدراسة. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج منها :- 1-إن قواعد الضرورة الشرعية هي قواعد وتسهيل على الناس ورفع الحرج عنهم؛ لما قد يلحقهم من تشريع بعض الأحكام, فكانت الشريعة الإسلامية صالحة لكل زمان ومكان, تتجدد بتجدد الوقائع والأحداث, ومصالح الناس. 2-إن أحكام الشرع لازمة للمسلمين في أي مكان وجدوا فيه, فالحلال في بلاد الإسلام حلال في بلاد الكفر, والحرام في بلاد الإسلام حرام في بلاد الكفر ،فانتقال المسلم من بلد الإسلام إلى بلد الكفر لمن بطبق عليهم الاقليات المسلمة. 3- توجد تطبيقات معاصرة لقاعدة الضرورة الشرعية للأقليات المسلمة مثل مسائل التعامل بالربا في بلاد الكفر وغيرها من قضايا التعاملات المالية المختلفة مع غير المسلمين ومسائل زواج المسلم من غير المسلمة أي من الكتابية ومسائل اللجوء السياسي... ألخ. 1. وقد أوصى الباحث بأن على المسلم اتباع كتاب الله عز وجل وسنة نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم لأن بهما الفوز في الدنيا والآخرة أينما كان وحل . 2. على المراكز الإسلامية والمجامع الفقهي في الدول المسلمة التواصل فيما بينها وتفعيل البحث الفقهي لمواكبة المستجدات التي تتوالى لمواجهة القضايا التي تواجه الاقليات المسلمة

    Inhibition of carbon steel corrosion by 11-aminoundecanoic acid

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    The current study reports results on the investigation of the possibility of using 11-aminoundecanoic acid (AA) as an inhibitor of general corrosion of carbon steel (CS) in HCl under a range of experimental conditions: inhibitor concentration, exposure time, electrolyte temperature and pH and CS surface roughness. It was found that AA acts as a mixed-type inhibitor, yielding maximum inhibition efficiency of 97 %. The adsorption of AA onto the CS surface was described by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The corresponding apparent Gibbs free energy of AA adsorption on CS at 295 K was calculated to be −30.2 kJ mol–1. The adsorption process was found to be driven by a positive change in entropy of the system. PM-IRRAS measurements revealed that the adsorbed AA layer is amorphous, which can be attributed to the repulsion between the neighboring positively charged amine groups and a high heterogeneity of the CS surface. It was also found that the AA provides very good corrosion protection of CS of various surface roughness, and over a prolonged time

    Inhibition of carbon steel corrosion by 11-aminoundecanoic acid

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    <p class="PaperAbstract"><span lang="EN-US">The current study reports results on the investigation of the possibility of using 11-aminoundecanoic acid (AA) as an inhibitor of general corrosion of carbon steel (CS) in HCl under a range of experimental conditions: inhibitor concentration, exposure time, electrolyte temperature and pH and CS surface roughness. It was found that AA acts as a mixed-type inhibitor, yielding maximum inhibition efficiency of 97 %. The adsorption of AA onto the CS surface was described by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The corresponding apparent Gibbs free energy of AA adsorption on CS at 295 K was calculated to be −30.2 kJ mol<sup>–1</sup>. The adsorption process was found to be driven by a positive change in entropy of the system. PM-IRRAS measurements revealed that the adsorbed AA layer is amorphous, which can be attributed to the repulsion between the neighboring positively charged amine groups and a high heterogeneity of the CS surface. It was also found that the AA provides very good corrosion protection of CS of various surface roughness, and over a prolonged time.</span></p