2,777 research outputs found

    Creative Work: How Arts Education Promotes Career Opportunities Beyond the Arts

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    This study takes a closer look at those occupations that do not require a bachelor's degree, asking questions about what kinds of jobs they are and how they compare to jobs that do require at least a bachelor's degree. Specifically, How many job openings are there, and how well do they pay? What kinds of activities do those workers do on the job? What opportunities do they offer to learn on the job? How locally concentrated are those occupations? This report concludes with recommendations for how the K-12 education system could be improved to increase opportunities in LA's creative occupations, in ways that benefit the LA County economy as a whole

    Salaries in Nonprofit Arts Organizations in LA County

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    Analyzing data from the Cultural Data Project, we found that nonprofit arts organizations in Los Angeles County paid some 266.6millioninsalariestotheequivalentof4,650fulltimeemployeesin2011.Theaveragesalaryforafulltimeemployeeinanonprofitartsorganizationwas266.6 million in salaries to the equivalent of 4,650 full time employees in 2011. The average salary for a full time employee in a nonprofit arts organization was 57,345, up from 51,046in2007.Bycomparison,annualpercapitaincomeinLACountyinthesametimeperiodwas51,046 in 2007. By comparison, annual per capita income in LA County in the same time period was 27,900. Arts nonprofit salaries per full-time equivalent are higher in LA County than in California as a whole, but a larger share of arts nonprofits statewide have paid staff

    Reentry and Barriers to Employment: Lessons From Casey's Investments

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    The job market can be brutal for formerly incarcerated adults, as well as their children and families, as they contend with instability and stress while struggling to secure employment.This report covers the challenging terrains of incarceration, reentry and work. It draws on expert interviews, dozens of resources and two decades of strategic investments by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Readers will learn what employment barriers people commonly face after exiting prison or jail and how to help these individuals pursue -- and maintain -- family-supporting jobs.

    We Are in This Together: A Survey of Community Arts Partners in LA County Public Schools

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    The Los Angeles County Arts Commission surveyed teaching artists and arts organizations to find out who provided arts education services to LA County's 2,198 public schools in 2012. This survey found 139 arts organizations and 46 teaching artists providing arts education during the school day in 98 percent of all school districts and 53 percent of all schools in the County. While this is certainly an undercount of the total number of such arts organizations and teaching artists serving local public schools, it is a first step toward establishing a comprehensive list, and is the best data we have to date about this group of providers. Among the high level findings: 57 percent of all arts education provided by community arts partners was in visual art (32 percent) and music/opera (25 percent).More than 77 percent of arts education provided by community arts partners occured in elementary (K-8) grades. Arts education from community arts partners peaked in grades 3 through 5, and peak years varied by arts discipline.The four community arts pertners providing the greatest amount of arts educatio in LA County were the Autry Museum, Broad Stage, Music Center and Skirball Cultural Center.Nearly half of all community arts partners charge schools for their services at least some of the time

    Population Policies in the Sino-Soviet Bloc

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    On disjoint Borel uniformizations

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    Larman showed that any closed subset of the plane with uncountable vertical cross-sections has aleph_1 disjoint Borel uniformizing sets. Here we show that Larman's result is best possible: there exist closed sets with uncountable cross-sections which do not have more than aleph_1 disjoint Borel uniformizations, even if the continuum is much larger than aleph_1. This negatively answers some questions of Mauldin. The proof is based on a result of Stern, stating that certain Borel sets cannot be written as a small union of low-level Borel sets. The proof of the latter result uses Steel's method of forcing with tagged trees; a full presentation of this method, written in terms of Baire category rather than forcing, is given here

    A high voltage square wave generator for Stark modulation

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    M.S.J. Quitman William

    Public Engagement in the Arts: A Review of Recent Literature

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    In recent years, research has found that across the US, arts audiences are declining while arts participation is on the rise. How can both be true at the same time? This literature review on Public Engagement in the Arts that explores this question. It also delves intothe different ways in which "public engagement" can be defined and practiced,the purposes public engagement has been used for in the arts, andhow the terms "audience" and "participant" have evolved and blurred over time.This literature review also places public engagement in the context of one of the most urgent conversations taking place in the arts and culture field today, that of cultural equity and inclusion. How can we ensure that everyone in our community has access to the opportunities and benefits provided by the arts? As this review discusses, public engagement is one tool available to artists, arts organizations and arts educators to help them work toward that goal

    The Application of Perfluorocarbons as Impregnants for Plastic Film Capacitors

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    A liquid impregnated, plastic film (wet) capacitor was developed that is thought to be the most reliable and space efficient capacitor of any type ever produced for high voltage, pulse discharge service. The initial design stores five times the energy of a premium quality dry capacitor of equivalent energy and reliability. The technology, as well as a production capacitor design using this technology are described