276 research outputs found


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    Die vorliegende Arbeit nimmt bei der Beobachtung, dass Veza Canettis Texte durch das Vokabular visueller Wahrnehmung strukturiert sind, ihren Ausgang. Im Theorieteil der Arbeit werden drei Ansätze dargestellt: Georg Simmels "Soziologie der Sinne", Otto Fenichels "Schautrieb und Identifizierung" und Jean-Paul Sartres Kapitel "Der Blick", welches in "Das Sein und das Nichts" enthalten ist. Im Analyseteil der Arbeit werden die Erzählungen "Drei Viertel" und "Hellseher" mittels der zuvor herausgearbeiteten Methode auf ihre Blickordnung hin untersucht. Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung ist, dass das Blicken in den analysierten Texten eine gesellschaftliche Funktion einnimmt. Figuren, die jemanden anblicken, sind oft diejenigen, die eine bestimmte gesellschaftliche Position innehaben und damit auch zum Blicken – und damit zum Beurteilen – innerhalb der vorhandenen sozialen Ordnung "legitimiert" sind. So werden die sozialen Machtverhältnisse im Netz der Blicke widergespiegelt. Das bedeutet mitunter auch einen raschen Wechsel in der Rollenverteilung, wenn sich die Figurenkonstellation ändert. In den untersuchten Erzählungen Canettis werden Dichotomien, wie jene zwischen TäterIn und Opfer, zwischen Gesellschaft und Individuum, aufgezeigt – um daraufhin gebrochen zu werden. Aus Canettis Texten lässt sich keine klare Einteilung der Figuren in diejenigen, die blicken und diejenigen, die nicht blicken können, herauslesen. Die Figuren bewegen sich vielmehr in verschiedenen Bedeutungsrahmen und nehmen dadurch unterschiedliche Positionen und auch Perspektiven ein. Es finden "Blick-Wechsel" statt, die die Machtverteilung ständig ändern

    Determination of local material properties of OSB sample by coupling advanced imaging techniques and morphology-based FEM simulation

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    This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by Walter de Gruyter & Co. and can be found at: http://www.degruyter.com/.The goal was to determine local mechanical properties inside of oriented strand board (OSB) based on a realistic morphology-based finite element (FE) model and data acquired from a physical test performed on the same material. The spatial information and local grayscale intensity from CT-scans obtained from small OSB sample was transformed into a 2D regular morphology-based FE mesh with corresponding material properties. The model was then used to simulate the actual compression test performed on the specimen using simplified boundary conditions. The simulated strain fields from the model were compared with the actual strain field measured on the specimen surface during the compression test by means of a full-field optical method, named digital image correlation (DIC). Finally, the original set of material properties was adjusted by an iterative procedure to minimize the difference between the simulated and the measured strain data. The results show that the developed procedure is useful to find local material properties as well as for morphological modeling without the need of segmentation of the image data. The achieved results serve as a prerequisite for full 3D analyses of the complex materials

    Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und soziale Ungleichheit. Eine Untersuchung auf Basis des European Social Survey

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    Three dimensional multi-pass repair weld simulations

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    Full 3-dimensional (3-D) simulation of multi-pass weld repairs is now feasible and practical given the development of improved analysis tools and significantly greater computer power. This paper presents residual stress results from 3-D finite element (FE) analyses simulating a long (arc length of 62°) and a short (arc length of 20°) repair to a girth weld in a 19.6 mm thick, 432 mm outer diameter cylindrical test component. Sensitivity studies are used to illustrate the importance of weld bead inter-pass temperature assumptions and to show where model symmetry can be used to reduce the analysis size. The predicted residual stress results are compared with measured axial, hoop and radial through-wall profiles in the heat affected zone of the test component repairs. A good overall agreement is achieved between neutron diffraction and deep hole drilling measurements and the prediction at the mid-length position of the short repair. These results demonstrate that a coarse 3-D FE model, using a ‘block-dumped’ weld bead deposition approach (rather than progressively depositing weld metal), can accurately capture the important components of a short repair weld residual stress field. However, comparisons of measured with predicted residual stress at mid-length and stop-end positions in the long repair are less satisfactory implying some shortcomings in the FE modelling approach that warrant further investigation

    A finite element based formulation for sensitivity studies of piezoelectric systems

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    Sensitivity Analysis is a branch of numerical analysis which aims to quantify the affects that variability in the parameters of a numerical model have on the model output. A finite element based sensitivity analysis formulation for piezoelectric media is developed here and implemented to simulate the operational and sensitivity characteristics of a piezoelectric based distributed mode actuator (DMA). The work acts as a starting point for robustness analysis in the DMA technology

    Electrochemical Direct Determination of Catecholamines for the Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Smart (Nano) materials with biosensing functions posses enormous potential in development of new generation of stable biosensors, chemical sensors, and actuators. Recently, there is a considerable interest in using TiO2 nanostructured materials as a film-forming material since they have high surface area, optical transparency, high bio-compatibility, and relatively good conductivity. In this work, TiO2 nanostructured films were used as nanoporous electrodes to study the electron transfer mechanisms of dopamine. epinephrine and norepinephrine, in order to develop a new generation of chemical sensors. The interesting results obtained are described herein and the analytical characterization of these neurotransmitter sensors is reported

    Prolonged survival in patients with local chronic infection after high-grade glioma treatment: Two case reports

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    High-grade gliomas are primary brain tumors with poor prognosis, despite surgical treatment followed by radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy. We present two cases of long-term survival in patients treated for high-grade glioma and concomitant prolonged bacterial wound infection. The first patient treated for glioblastoma IDH-wildtype had been without disease progression for 61 months from the first resected recurrence. Despite incomplete chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression in the second patient with anaplastic astrocytoma IDH-mutant, she died without disease relapse after 14 years from the diagnosis due to other comorbidities. We assume that the documented prolonged survival could be related to the bacterial infection

    Utilizing FEM-Software to quantify pre- and post-interventional cardiac reconstruction data based on modelling data sets from surgical ventricular repair therapy (SVRT) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT)

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    BACKGROUND: Left ventricle (LV) 3D structural data can be easily obtained using standard transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) devices but quantitative pre- and intraoperative volumetry and geometry analysis of the LV is presently not feasible in the cardiac operation room (OR). Finite element method (FEM) modelling is necessary to carry out precise and individual volume analysis and in the future will form the basis for simulation of cardiac interventions. METHOD: A Philips/HP Sonos 5500 ultrasound device stores volume data as time-resolved 4D volume data sets. In this prospective study TomTec LV Analysis TEE(© )Software was used for semi-automatic endocardial border detection, reconstruction, and volume-rendering of the clinical 3D echocardiographic data. With the software FemCoGen(© )a quantification of partial volumes and surface directions of the LV was carried out for two patients data sets. One patient underwent surgical ventricular repair therapy (SVR) and the other a cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT). RESULTS: For both patients a detailed volume and surface direction analysis is provided. Partial volumes as well as normal directions to the LV surface are pre- and post-interventionally compared. CONCLUSION: The operation results for both patients are quantified. The quantification shows treatment details for both interventions (e.g. the elimination of the discontinuities for CRT intervention and the segments treated for SVR intervention). The LV quantification is feasible in the cardiac OR and it gives a detailed and immediate quantitative feedback of the quality of the intervention to the medical

    Mesh management methods in finite element simulations of orthodontic tooth movement

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    In finite element simulations of orthodontic tooth movement, one of the challenges is to represent long term tooth movement. Large deformation of the periodontal ligament and large tooth displacement due to bone remodelling lead to large distortions of the finite element mesh when a Lagrangian formalism is used. We propose in this work to use an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formalism to delay remeshing operations. A large tooth displacement is obtained including effect of remodelling without the need of remeshing steps but keeping a good-quality mesh. Very large deformations in soft tissues such as the periodontal ligament is obtained using a combination of the ALE formalism used continuously and a remeshing algorithm used when needed. This work demonstrates that the ALE formalism is a very efficient way to delay remeshing operations