25 research outputs found

    Data Integration Model for Air Quality: A Hierarchical Approach to the Global Estimation of Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. Available from arXiv via the URL in this record.Air pollution is a major risk factor for global health, with both ambient and household air pollution contributing substantial components of the overall global disease burden. One of the key drivers of adverse health effects is fine particulate matter ambient pollution (PM2:5) to which an estimated 3 million deaths can be attributed annually. The primary source of information for estimating exposures has been measurements from ground monitoring networks but, although coverage is increasing, there remain regions in which monitoring is limited. Ground monitoring data therefore needs to be supplemented with information from other sources, such as satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depth and chemical transport models. A hierarchical modelling approach for integrating data from multiple sources is proposed allowing spatially-varying relationships between ground measurements and other factors that estimate air quality. Set within a Bayesian framework, the resulting Data Integration Model for Air Quality (DIMAQ) is used to estimate exposures, together with associated measures of uncertainty, on a high resolution grid covering the entire world. Bayesian analysis on this scale can be computationally challenging and here approximate Bayesian inference is performed using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations. Model selection and assessment is performed by cross-validation with the final model offering substantial increases in predictive accuracy, particularly in regions where there is sparse ground monitoring, when compared to previous approaches: root mean square error (RMSE) reduced from 17.1 to 10.7, and population weighted RMSE from 23.1 to 12.1 gm3. Based on summaries of the posterior distributions for each grid cell, it is estimated that 92% of the world’s population reside in areas exceeding the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines.Matthew Lloyd Thomas is supported by a scholarship from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics at Bath (SAMBa), under the project EP/L015684/1. Amelia Jobling was supported for this work by WHO contracts APW 201255146 and 201255393

    A Biphasic and Brain-Region Selective Down-Regulation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Concentrations Supports Object Recognition in the Rat

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    Background: We aimed to further understand the relationship between cAMP concentration and mnesic performance. Methods and Findings: Rats were injected with milrinone (PDE3 inhibitor, 0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), rolipram (PDE4 inhibitor, 0.3 mg/ kg, i.p.) and/or the selective 5-HT4R agonist RS 67333 (1 mg/kg, i.p.) before testing in the object recognition paradigm. Cyclic AMP concentrations were measured in brain structures linked to episodic-like memory (i.e. hippocampus, prefrontal and perirhinal cortices) before or after either the sample or the testing phase. Except in the hippocampus of rolipram treated-rats, all treatment increased cAMP levels in each brain sub-region studied before the sample phase. After the sample phase, cAMP levels were significantly increased in hippocampus (1.8 fold), prefrontal (1.3 fold) and perirhinal (1.3 fold) cortices from controls rat while decreased in prefrontal cortex (,0.83 to 0.62 fold) from drug-treated rats (except for milrinone+RS 67333 treatment). After the testing phase, cAMP concentrations were still increased in both the hippocampus (2.76 fold) and the perirhinal cortex (2.1 fold) from controls animals. Minor increase were reported in hippocampus and perirhinal cortex from both rolipram (respectively, 1.44 fold and 1.70 fold) and milrinone (respectively 1.46 fold and 1.56 fold)-treated rat. Following the paradigm, cAMP levels were significantly lower in the hippocampus, prefrontal and perirhinal cortices from drug-treated rat when compared to controls animals, however, only drug-treated rats spent longer time exploring the novel object during the testing phase (inter-phase interval of 4 h)

    Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 provides a rules-based synthesis of the available evidence on levels and trends in health outcomes, a diverse set of risk factors, and health system responses. GBD 2019 covered 204 countries and territories, as well as first administrative level disaggregations for 22 countries, from 1990 to 2019. Because GBD is highly standardised and comprehensive, spanning both fatal and non-fatal outcomes, and uses a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of hierarchical disease and injury causes, the study provides a powerful basis for detailed and broad insights on global health trends and emerging challenges. GBD 2019 incorporates data from 281 586 sources and provides more than 3.5 billion estimates of health outcome and health system measures of interest for global, national, and subnational policy dialogue. All GBD estimates are publicly available and adhere to the Guidelines on Accurate and Transparent Health Estimate Reporting. From this vast amount of information, five key insights that are important for health, social, and economic development strategies have been distilled. These insights are subject to the many limitations outlined in each of the component GBD capstone papers.Peer reviewe

    Neural Correlates of Motor Vigour and Motor Urgency During Exercise

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    Satellite-based PM concentrations and their application to COPD in Cleveland, OH

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    A hybrid approach is proposed to estimate exposure to fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) at a given location and time. This approach builds on satellite-based aerosol optical depth (AOD), air pollution data from sparsely distributed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sites and local time–space Kriging, an optimal interpolation technique. Given the daily global coverage of AOD data, we can develop daily estimate of air quality at any given location and time. This can assure unprecedented spatial coverage, needed for air quality surveillance and management and epidemiological studies. In this paper, we developed an empirical relationship between the 2 km AOD and PM(2.5) data from EPA sites. Extrapolating this relationship to the study domain resulted in 2.3 million predictions of PM(2.5) between 2000 and 2009 in Cleveland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). We have developed local time–space Kriging to compute exposure at a given location and time using the predicted PM(2.5). Daily estimates of PM(2.5) were developed for Cleveland MSA between 2000 and 2009 at 2.5 km spatial resolution; 1.7 million (~79.8%) of 2.13 million predictions required for multiyear and geographic domain were robust. In the epidemiological application of the hybrid approach, admissions for an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) was examined with respect to time–space lagged PM(2.5) exposure. Our analysis suggests that the risk of AECOPD increases 2.3% with a unit increase in PM(2.5) exposure within 9 days and 0.05° (~5 km) distance lags. In the aggregated analysis, the exposed groups (who experienced exposure to PM(2.5) >15.4 μg/m(3)) were 54% more likely to be admitted for AECOPD than the reference group. The hybrid approach offers greater spatiotemporal coverage and reliable characterization of ambient concentration than conventional in situ monitoring-based approaches. Thus, this approach can potentially reduce exposure misclassification errors in the conventional air pollution epidemiology studies


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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on palvelutuotteen hinnoittelun kehittäminen. Tutkimuksen kohteena on Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky. Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky on Vaasassa toimiva tili- ja isännöintitoimisto, joka tarjoaa taloushallinto- ja isännöintipalveluita yrityksille. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky:n isännöitsijän palvelutuotteiden hinnoittelua. Hinnoittelumenetelmäksi valittiin toimintoperusteinen hinnoittelu, jonka lähtökohtana on selvittää asiakaskohtaisia välillisiä kustannuksia. Kysymys oli suorite-kohtaisten kustannusten laskemisesta, eli toimintoperusteisesta prosessilaskennasta. Toimintoperusteinen prosessilaskenta tukee hinnoittelun päätöstä. Toiminto-analyysin jälkeen selvitettiin resurssien kohdistumista yrityksen eri toiminnoille. Aluksi selvitettiin yrityksen kustannusajuri, jonka perusteella kustannukset on kohdistettu eri toiminnoille. Seuraavaksi selvitettiin toimintoajurin avulla toimintoihin liittyvät yksikkökustannukset. Tuotteiden hinnoittelussa myyntihinnan on tarkoituksena sisältää kaikkien kustannusten lisäksi voittotavoite. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuden keskeisiä asioita ovat toimintoperusteisen kustannuslaskennan, sekä hinnoittelun perusteiden esittely. Niiden avulla voidaan perustella hinnoittelupäätöstä tukeva toimintolaskenta. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään lisäksi kustannusperusteista hinnoittelua sekä isännöintiä ja tilitoimistoa yleisesti. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuuteen käytettiin toimintolaskennan, taloushallinnon alan sekä hinnoittelun teoriaan liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Aineistonkeruussa havainnoitiin yrityksen tilinpäätöstä vuodelta 2016 ja yrityksen toimintaa liittyviä ohjelmia sekä tietokantoja. Lisäksi haastateltiin Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky:n omistajaa ja työntekijöitä.This research was designed to develop the used pricing method for the case firm Tili- ja isännöitsijätoimisto Ky. The main area of this research focused on the main service products in property management. The case firm offers financial accounting and management services to house companies and other customer companies. Activity based costing was selected as the new pricing method in order to identify the customer-specific indirect costs. The aim of activity-based costing was to support pricing decisions for the case firm. In the implementation steps, activities must be identified first, and then the process continues with an activity analysis. Once the costs of activity and its drivers have been identified and its costs have been determined, then the costs of activity is allocated to the service product. In the allocation process, when the activity driver has been determined, the cost per unit can then be determined. Once the product cost per unit has been determined then the case firm considers the generated value of its service product, so the pricing of all the service product sales cover the fixed expenses with any remaining contribution margin providing profits. The theoretical study of this thesis introduced activity based costing and pricing to support activity based cost implementation and pricing decisions. In addition, it introduced cost based pricing and property management business and accounting firms in general. This research was implemented using the qualitative research method. The research material consists of related activity based costing, financial management, management accounting and pricing literature. The theoretical information was gathered from scientific research, academic books and some material was collect-ed from the Internet. The empirical data in this research was gathered by observing the case company’s financial statement from the year 2016 together with some business activities related programs and databases. In addition, was collected by interviewing the case company owner and the other employers of the company