144 research outputs found

    Correlation Study of Physicochemical, Rheological, and Tribological Parameters of Engine Oils

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    The physicochemical and tribological studies of mineral and synthetic commercial engine oils have been carried out to investigate their performance variability and to propose generalized relationship among different physicochemical and performance parameters. Physicochemical parameters have been determined using standard test procedures proposed in ASTM and Indian Standards (BIS). The rheological parameters of these lubricants have been investigated to identify the flow behavior. The tribological performance in terms of their antifriction and antiwear properties has been studied using four-ball tribotester. Correlation and regression analysis has been performed to ascertain relationship among physicochemical and tribological parameters and the causes of performance variability are highlighted. An empirical relation to calculate coefficient of friction as a function of physicochemical properties has been established using regression analysis. The developed relation has fair degree of reliability, as percentage of deviation is less than 20%

    A Parallel Fuzzy C-Mean algorithm for Image Segmentation

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    This paper proposes a parallel Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) algorithm for image segmentation. The sequential FCM algorithm is computationally intensive and has significant memory requirements. For many applications such as medical image segmentation and geographical image analysis that deal with large size images, sequential FCM is very slow. In our parallel FCM algorithm, dividing the computations among the processors and minimizing the need for accessing secondary storage, enhance the performance and efficiency of image segmentation task as compared to the sequential algorithm. such as medical image segmentation and geographical image analysis that deal with large size images, sequenrial FCM is very slow. In our parallel FCM algorithm, dividing the computations among the processors and minimizing the need for accessing secondary storage, enhance the performance and efficiency of image segmentation task as compared to the sequential algorith

    Reactive Extraction of Citric Acid Using Different Extractants: Equilibrium, Kinetics and Modeling

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    Recovery of citric acid from biotechnologically produced low concentration aqueous solution has attracted several separation techniques for the downstream processing. Amongst them, reactive extraction is a convenient, cheap, and effective method. Three different extractants are used in this study, namely tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP), tri-n-octylamine (TOA), and Aliquat 336 (A336), all diluted in methyl-iso-butyl ketone (MIBK). The isothermal batch experiments were performed for the equilibrium and kinetic studies at T = 300.15±1 K. Around 92 % extraction efficiency (E %) was obtained using 20 % (v/v) TOA in MIBK. Based on the overloading of amine (Z > 0.5), (2:1) acid:extractant complex in TOA+MIBK phase was proposed. Kinetics of extraction of citric acid (0.2–0.8 kmol m–3) was also performed in a Lewis-type stirred cell, using TOA in MIBK. The extraction reaction was occurring in the diffusion film. The second order rate constant was calculated as k2 = 0.0351 m3 kmol–1 s–1. The extraction parameters were estimated by differential evolution optimization technique. Optimal value of equilibrium constant, KE, was found to be 3.6 · 10–3 (m3 kmol–1)2, for the reactive extraction of citric acid using 20 % TOA in MIBK, and was found in close agreement with experimental values. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Design and Analysis of Two Spindle Amber Charkha- A Review

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    The Charkha is a small device which can be used to spin fiber, such as cotton, into yarn. Fabric from this yarn can be used to make all sorts of clothing. Increasing demands of the cotton fabrics, now a days, has made it necessary to increase the production of cotton fabrics. To increase the production it is necessary to study the factors affecting the performance of the women workers working on Amber charkha. Most of the Amber charkha in rural areas are hand operated (i.e. they run with the help of human energy input). This paper highlights some of the factors which are responsible for their performance. The various factors that are affecting the productivity are technical factor, their weight and cost of the two spindle amber charkha. Each of these factors plays an important role in the overall performance of the workers. The detailed study is carried out to design and analysis of two spindle of Amber charkha. The basic necessity of this study is to minimize its weight and price which would help the workers for achieving better productivity with work satisfaction

    Mitiq: A software package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers

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    We introduce Mitiq, a Python package for error mitigation on noisy quantum computers. Error mitigation techniques can reduce the impact of noise on near-term quantum computers with minimal overhead in quantum resources by relying on a mixture of quantum sampling and classical post-processing techniques. Mitiq is an extensible toolkit of different error mitigation methods, including zero-noise extrapolation, probabilistic error cancellation, and Clifford data regression. The library is designed to be compatible with generic backends and interfaces with different quantum software frameworks. We describe Mitiq using code snippets to demonstrate usage and discuss features and contribution guidelines. We present several examples demonstrating error mitigation on IBM and Rigetti superconducting quantum processors as well as on noisy simulators

    Development of soil and terrain digital database for major food-growing regions of India for resource planning

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    Soil information system in SOTER (soil and terrain digital database) framework is developed for the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) and black soil regions (BSR) of India with the help of information from 842 georeferenced soil profiles including morphological, physical and chemical properties of soils in addition to the site characteristics and climatic information. The database has information from 82 climatic stations that can be linked with the other datasets. The information from this organized database can be easily retrieved for use and is compatible with the global database. The database can be updated with recent and relevant data as and when they are available. The database has many applications such as inputs for refinement of agro-ecological regions and sub-regions, studies on carbon sequestration, land evaluation and land (crop) planning, soil erosion, soil quality, carbon and crop modelling and other climate change related research. This warehouse of information in a structured framework can be used as a data bank for posterity

    Insect pathogens as biological control agents: back to the future

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    The development and use of entomopathogens as classical, conservation and augmentative biological control agents have included a number of successes and some setbacks in the past 15 years. In this forum paper we present current information on development, use and future directions of insect-specific viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes as components of integrated pest management strategies for control of arthropod pests of crops, forests, urban habitats, and insects of medical and veterinary importance. Insect pathogenic viruses are a fruitful source of MCAs, particularly for the control of lepidopteran pests. Most research is focused on the baculoviruses, important pathogens of some globally important pests for which control has become difficult due to either pesticide resistance or pressure to reduce pesticide residues. Baculoviruses are accepted as safe, readily mass produced, highly pathogenic and easily formulated and applied control agents. New baculovirus products are appearing in many countries and gaining an increased market share. However, the absence of a practical in vitro mass production system, generally higher production costs, limited post application persistence, slow rate of kill and high host specificity currently contribute to restricted use in pest control. Overcoming these limitations are key research areas for which progress could open up use of insect viruses to much larger markets. A small number of entomopathogenic bacteria have been commercially developed for control of insect pests. These include several Bacillus thuringiensis sub-species, Lysinibacillus (Bacillus) sphaericus, Paenibacillus spp. and Serratia entomophila. B. thuringiensis sub-species kurstaki is the most widely used for control of pest insects of crops and forests, and B. thuringiensis sub-species israelensis and L. sphaericus are the primary pathogens used for medically important pests including dipteran vectors,. These pathogens combine the advantages of chemical pesticides and microbial control agents (MCAs): they are fast acting, easy to produce at a relatively low cost, easy to formulate, have a long shelf life and allow delivery using conventional application equipment and systemics (i.e. in transgenic plants). Unlike broad spectrum chemical pesticides, B. thuringiensis toxins are selective and negative environmental impact is very limited. Of the several commercially produced MCAs, B. thuringiensis (Bt) has more than 50% of market share. Extensive research, particularly on the molecular mode of action of Bt toxins, has been conducted over the past two decades. The Bt genes used in insect-resistant transgenic crops belong to the Cry and vegetative insecticidal protein families of toxins. Bt has been highly efficacious in pest management of corn and cotton, drastically reducing the amount of broad spectrum chemical insecticides used while being safe for consumers and non-target organisms. Despite successes, the adoption of Bt crops has not been without controversy. Although there is a lack of scientific evidence regarding their detrimental effects, this controversy has created the widespread perception in some quarters that Bt crops are dangerous for the environment. In addition to discovery of more efficacious isolates and toxins, an increase in the use of Bt products and transgenes will rely on innovations in formulation, better delivery systems and ultimately, wider public acceptance of transgenic plants expressing insect-specific Bt toxins. Fungi are ubiquitous natural entomopathogens that often cause epizootics in host insects and possess many desirable traits that favor their development as MCAs. Presently, commercialized microbial pesticides based on entomopathogenic fungi largely occupy niche markets. A variety of molecular tools and technologies have recently allowed reclassification of numerous species based on phylogeny, as well as matching anamorphs (asexual forms) and teleomorphs (sexual forms) of several entomopathogenic taxa in the Phylum Ascomycota. Although these fungi have been traditionally regarded exclusively as pathogens of arthropods, recent studies have demonstrated that they occupy a great diversity of ecological niches. Entomopathogenic fungi are now known to be plant endophytes, plant disease antagonists, rhizosphere colonizers, and plant growth promoters. These newly understood attributes provide possibilities to use fungi in multiple roles. In addition to arthropod pest control, some fungal species could simultaneously suppress plant pathogens and plant parasitic nematodes as well as promote plant growth. A greater understanding of fungal ecology is needed to define their roles in nature and evaluate their limitations in biological control. More efficient mass production, formulation and delivery systems must be devised to supply an ever increasing market. More testing under field conditions is required to identify effects of biotic and abiotic factors on efficacy and persistence. Lastly, greater attention must be paid to their use within integrated pest management programs; in particular, strategies that incorporate fungi in combination with arthropod predators and parasitoids need to be defined to ensure compatibility and maximize efficacy. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis are potent MCAs. Substantial progress in research and application of EPNs has been made in the past decade. The number of target pests shown to be susceptible to EPNs has continued to increase. Advancements in this regard primarily have been made in soil habitats where EPNs are shielded from environmental extremes, but progress has also been made in use of nematodes in above-ground habitats owing to the development of improved protective formulations. Progress has also resulted from advancements in nematode production technology using both in vivo and in vitro systems; novel application methods such as distribution of infected host cadavers; and nematode strain improvement via enhancement and stabilization of beneficial traits. Innovative research has also yielded insights into the fundamentals of EPN biology including major advances in genomics, nematode-bacterial symbiont interactions, ecological relationships, and foraging behavior. Additional research is needed to leverage these basic findings toward direct improvements in microbial control
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