6,206 research outputs found

    Youth-Police Relations in Multi-Ethnic Cities : A study of police encounters and attitudes toward the police in Germany and France

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    In recent history, various European countries, such as France, have been the scene of recurring violent youth riots targeting the police. Not all countries have, however, been equally affected by the phenomenon. Some countries, such as Germany, have been spared by such large-scale youth riots. Why do some countries witness greater tensions between young people and the police than others? This book aims to understand this discrepancy by shedding light on how young people perceive, experience and relate to the police. Based on an original data set, it investigates the relationship between young people and the police in four cities in Germany and France that present similar structural characteristics, such as their size and ethno-cultural diversity. The relationship is examined in more detail by means of three aspects: young people’s frequency and type of police encounters, their attitudes toward and their willingness to cooperate with the police. The book addresses two main questions: 1. Across countries, are there any common predictors for positive relations between young people and the police? 2. Within countries, is there evidence for profiling practices targeting ethnic and disadvantaged minority juveniles? Which consequences do experiences with institutional discrimination have on young people’s perceptions of and their propensity to cooperate with the police? The book tests the influence of a variety of predictors on the type and frequency of young people’s encounters with as well as their attitudes toward the police. In addition to ethnicity and gender, the analyses consider the possible influence of social and behavioral variables, such as social status and experiences with delinquency, but also prior encounters with the police and neighborhood deprivation. From a theoretical perspective, the book is mainly based on work examining the preconditions of police legitimacy and the consequences of a lack thereof on the citizens’ willingness to act in abidance with the law. The findings suggest that, overall, in both Germany and France, similar predictors shape the relationships between young people and the police. Social status, religious values and norms, identification with the host society as well as prior experiences with crime and the criminal milieu play important roles. There are, however, striking differences between the two countries, too. In Germany, on average, young people with a migration background are checked by the police about as often as those of German descent. Attitudes toward the police are, with few exceptions, consistently positive across gender, age and ethnic backgrounds. In France, the results indicate systematic discrimination of young people of a North African origin by the police. Compared to young people of French descent, the chance of experiencing a “stop-and-search” police encounter is more than twice as high. Finally, the attitudes of young people of North African origin toward the police are significantly worse than those of other young people in France

    Zur Mordtat des Täufers Schugger in St. Gallen

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    Zu den St. Galler Täufern

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    An historical document. Botanical observations on the Penny Highlands of Baffin Island

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    This book (Schwarzenbach 2011) has a strange and remarkable history, which explains the fact that it has now been published in 2011, 58 years after the fieldwork on the project that was undertaken in the summer of 195

    Revegetation of an Airstrip and Dirt Roads in Central East Greenland

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    Revegetation of an airstrip and associated dirt roads on Pingo Pass, central East Greenland (71 48 N, 24 15 W), was studied in 1991, 34 years after their construction and abandonment. Sixty-two of the 103 species occurring on the Pass were found on the study sites. This relatively fast rate of recolonization might be partially explained by the fact that the ecological conditions of the surrounding area with windswept and rather stony terraces are similar to the dry and compressed soil on the airstrip and on the dirt roads. Therefore, the species of the dry barren grounds and of the dry heath could reach the airstrip easily and start the process of recolonization as pioneer plants. For most species, two phases of colonization can be recognized: the initial establishment of pioneer individuals followed by the establishment around them of their progeny.En 1991, on a étudié la régénération de la végétation d'une piste d'atterrissage et de deux chemins de terre connexes au col Pingo - centre du Groenland oriental (71° 48' de latit. N., 24° 15' de longit. O.) -, 34 ans après leur construction et leur abandon. On y a trouvé 62 des 103 espèces présentes au col. Cette reconstitution relativement rapide peut être en partie expliquée par le fait que les conditions écologiques de la région avoisinant le site (terrasses plutôt pierreuses balayées par le vent), sont semblables à celles du sol sec et comprimé de la piste d'atterrissage et des chemins de terre. Les espèces de la toundra claire et de la lande aride pouvaient donc atteindre facilement la piste et commencer le processus de reconstitution en tant que plantes pionnières. Pour la majorité des espèces, on peut distinguer deux phases de reconstitution: l'implantation initiale d'individus pionniers, puis l'établissement, dans le périmètre immédiat, de leurs descendants

    Postpartaler Betreuungsbedarf von an Schizophrenie erkrankten MĂĽttern : ein interprofessioneller Ansatz zwischen Pflegefachpersonen und Hebammen

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    Darstellung des Themas: Die Geburt eines Kindes ist eine grundlegende Veränderung im Leben und führt daher bei schizophrenen Müttern häufig zu Überforderung und zu einer Verschlimmerung oder einem Wiederausbruch der Krankheit. Für Hebammen und Pflegefachpersonen, welche die Mutter und den Säugling postpartum begleiten, können solche Situationen herausfordernd sein und die Interprofessionalität auf die Probe stellen. Fragestellung: Anhand welcher durch Pflegefachpersonen und Hebammen verrichtbaren Interventionen kann auf den Betreuungsbedarf von an Schizophrenie erkrankten Müttern im Verlauf des ersten Jahres nach der Entbindung eingegangen werden und welche Themenfelder profitieren dabei von einer interprofessionellen Zusammenarbeit? Methode: Anhand von sechs Studien, davon vier mit quantitativem und zwei mit qualitativem Ansatz, aus den Datenbanken CINAHL und MEDLINE wurde der Betreuungsbedarf von schizophrenen Müttern analysiert. Mit Pflegekonzepten wurde der Theorie-Praxis-Transfer in Form von Factsheets verdeutlicht. Ergebnisse: Schizophrene Mütter zeigen im Vergleich zu psychisch gesunden Müttern mehr Betreuungsbedarf auf. Die Interaktion und Kommunikation mit den Säuglingen sowie unterschiedliche Ängste kristallisierten sich als Hauptproblemfelder dieser Arbeit heraus und indizierten den Betreuungsbedarf. Schlussfolgerung: Der Betreuungsbedarf von schizophrenen Müttern kann stark variieren, profitiert jedoch von der Erarbeitung von Pflegediagnosen, Interventionen und Outcomes sowie der Interprofessionalität. Forschungsbedarf hinsichtlich postpartaler Phase im Zusammenhang mit Schizophrenie ist weiterhin indiziert

    Set the Stage: Using Primary Sources to Bring Picture Books and Novels to Life

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    Want to bring picture book biographies and historical fiction novels to life for readers? Librarians can set the stage for readers by using primary sources to contextualize stories and create an immersive experience for patrons. Primary sources, the raw materials of history include photographs, newspapers, and sound and video clips as well as documents. Pairing these primary sources with children\u27s literature can help to bring the characters, stories, and time periods to life for readers of all ages. At the same time, readers are building information literacy, visual literacy, and historical literacy. Find primary sources from the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, and other sources. Primary sources can be paired using ideas from the Library of Congress and the TPSTeachers Network as well as programs such as KidCitizen. Public, school, and academic librarians can then incorporate these primary sources into programs and classes to bring stories, events, and historical figures to life and build empathy in readers

    Science on the Move – A National School Classes Competition

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    SimplyScience.ch, the foundation and platform for the promotion of young talent in Natural Sciences and Technology with the generous support of Roche, is moving into the second round of the National School Classes Competition 'Science on the Move'. High school classes from all over Switzerland will battle it out in the lab and on stage for a top prize of a Science Week in San Francisco, California. The program promotes and requires the skills of a full class of high school students. May the best school class with the most scientific curiosity and enthusiasm and the most creative ideas win
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