41 research outputs found


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    Streptococcus pyogenes or group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is a bacterium that produces diseases of great medical importance due to the high rates of disability and mortality worldwide. EBHGA produces autoimmune reactions that affect a number of organs and tissues of patients, which is related to molecular mimicry between the cells of the host and molecules found in the bacteria. This review focused on the autoimmune diseases triggered by S. pyogenes. Information is offered on the clinical manifestations and the immune reaction triggered in patients, in addition to the epidemiology of the diseases.Streptococcus pyogenes o estreptococo beta-hemolítico del grupo A (EBHGA) es una bacteria que produce enfermedades de gran importancia médica debido a las altas tasas de incapacidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial. EBHGA produce reacciones autoinmunes que afectan a un sin número de órganos y tejidos de los pacientes, lo que está relacionado con mimetismos moleculares entre las células del hospedero y moléculas que se hallan en la bacteria. Esta revisión estuvo enfocada en las enfermedades autoinmunes desencadenadas por S. pyogenes. Se ofrece información sobre las manifestaciones clínicas y la reacción inmune desencadenada en los pacientes, además de la epidemiología de las enfermedades

    Diseño de un Método de Evaluación del Potencial Turístico de Playas desde un Enfoque de Gestión Integrada: Caso del Departamento de Magdalena, Colombia

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    On the Colombian Caribbean coast, the department of  Magdalena has a significant number of beaches for tourist  use; however, its potential is unknown, so that strategies  can be used to allow its integrated management according to the case particular of each beach. This work seeks  to contribute to this management need, through the de sign and application of a tool to qualitatively and quan titatively assess the specific tourist potential on beaches.  The assessment model was developed from the analysis of  four integrated methodologies as an instrument adapted  to the conditions of the study area and the principles of  integrated management. The application of the method  was carried out with support of remote sensors, geographic information systems, on-site surveys and post-process  corrections. As a result, characteristics of 21 beaches in the department of Magdalena for the development of tourist activity in a framework of sustainability are identified.  According to the quantitative method, most of the beaches obtained a medium tourist potential (77.3%), while 22.7%  obtained a low tourist potential and none with a high potential; the beaches with the highest scores were El Rodadero  (0.66) and La Bahía (0.70). On the other hand, the qualitative method was more flexible to define the potential, so that  27.3% of the beaches got range of high potential and 72.7% range of medium potential. Finally, strategies and proce  dures were defined for the integrated management of the beaches in the study area, and an input for the exercise of the  activities of public and private entities who work on sun and beach tourism was offered. En la costa Caribe de Colombia, el departamento del Magdalena cuenta con un importante número de playas de usoturístico; sin embargo, no se conoce cuál es su potencial turístico, de manera que se puedan diseñar estrategias quepermitan su gestión integrada según sea el caso particular de cada playa. Este trabajo busca aportar a esta necesidad degestión, a través del diseño y aplicación de una herramienta para evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el potencialturístico específicamente en playas. El modelo de evaluación fue desarrollado a partir del análisis de cuatro metodologíasintegradas como un instrumento adaptado a las condiciones del área de estudio y a los principios de la gestión integrada. La aplicación del método se realizó con el apoyo de sensores remotos, sistemas de información geográfica, levantamientos in situ y correcciones en post-proceso. Como resultado, se identificaron las características que poseen 21 playas del departamento del Magdalena para el desarrollo de la actividad turística en un marco de sostenibilidad. De acuerdocon el método cuantitativo, la mayoría de las playas obtuvieron un potencial turístico medio (77,3%), mientras que el22,7% obtuvieron un potencial turístico bajo y ninguna con potencial alto; las playas con mayor puntuación fueron ElRodadero (0,66) y La Bahía (0,70). Por otra parte, el método cualitativo fue más flexible para definir el potencial, de manera que el 27,3% de las playas estuvieron rango de potencial alto y el 72,7% rango de potencial medio. Finalmente, se definieron estrategias y procedimientos para la gestión integrada de las playas del área de estudio, ofreciendo un insumo para el ejercicio de las actividades de las entidades públicas y privadas que tienen incidencia sobre el turismo de sol y playa

    Design of a Method of Evaluation of the Beach Tourist Potential from an Integrated Management Approach: Case of The Magdalena Department, Colombia

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    En la costa Caribe de Colombia, el departamento del Magdalena cuenta con un importante número de playas de uso turístico; sin embargo, no se conoce cuál es su potencial turístico, de manera que se puedan diseñar estrategias que permitan su gestión integrada según sea el caso particular de cada playa. Este trabajo busca aportar a esta necesidad de gestión, a través del diseño y aplicación de una herramienta para evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el potencial turístico específicamente en playas. El modelo de evaluación fue desarrollado a partir del análisis de cuatro metodologías integradas como un instrumento adaptado a las condiciones del área de estudio y a los principios de la gestión integrada. La aplicación del método se realizó con el apoyo de sensores remotos, sistemas de información geográfica, levantamientos in situ y correcciones en post-proceso. Como resultado, se identificaron las características que poseen 21 playas del departamento del Magdalena para el desarrollo de la actividad turística en un marco de sostenibilidad. De acuerdo con el método cuantitativo, la mayoría de las playas obtuvieron un potencial turístico medio (77,3%), mientras que el 22,7% obtuvieron un potencial turístico bajo y ninguna con potencial alto; las playas con mayor puntuación fueron El Rodadero (0,66) y La Bahía (0,70). Por otra parte, el método cualitativo fue más flexible para definir el potencial, de manera que el 27,3% de las playas estuvieron rango de potencial alto y el 72,7% rango de potencial medio. Finalmente, se definieron estrategias y procedimientos para la gestión integrada de las playas del área de estudio, ofreciendo un insumo para el ejercicio de las actividades de las entidades públicas y privadas que tienen incidencia sobre el turismo de sol y playa.On the Colombian Caribbean coast, the department of Magdalena has a significant number of beaches for tourist use; however, its potential is unknown, so that strategies can be used to allow its integrated management accord- ing to the case particular of each beach. This work seeks to contribute to this management need, through the design and application of a tool to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the specific tourist potential on beaches. The assessment model was developed from the analysis of four integrated methodologies as an instrument adapted to the conditions of the study area and the principles of integrated management. The application of the method was carried out with support of remote sensors, geographic information systems, on-site surveys and post-process corrections. As a result, characteristics of 21 beaches in the department of Magdalena for the development of tourist activity in a framework of sustainability are identified. According to the quantitative method, most of the beaches obtained a medium tourist potential (77.3%), while 22.7% obtained a low tourist potential and none with a high potential; the beaches with the highest scores were El Rodadero (0.66) and La Bahía (0.70). On the other hand, the qualitative method was more flexible to define the potential, so that 27.3% of the beaches got range of high potential and 72.7% range of medium potential. Finally, strategies and procedures were defined for the integrated management of the beaches in the study area, and an input for the exercise of the activities of public and private entities who work on sun and beach tourism was offered

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Bogotá, D.C., Zipaquirá, Facatativá, Cundinamarca

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    En el siguiente trabajo, se analiza mediante estudio de relatos en diferentes contextos de violencia, donde se realizan actividades a través de un enfoque narrativo, con el propósito de crear estrategias psicosociales para abordar los casos de violencia y sus consecuencias en las victimas dejadas por conflicto armado. Se presenta la historia de Ana Ligia Higinio López quien a su vez nos cuenta cómo este conflicto armado la marcó a ella, quien fue exiliada dos veces de su propia tierra junto a sus hijos, esta situación ha tenido un impacto emocional, psicológico y social al ser desplazada, y no poder continuar con sus proyectos, todas estas experiencias han causado una pérdida en el tejido social, pero a pesar de las adversidades que ha tenido que enfrentar ha salido adelante, a través de la resiliencia cada experiencia vivida le ha servido como inspiración para componer poemas, a partir de la experiencia de Ana ligia se plantearon 9 preguntas, tres de tipo circulares, estratégicas, y reflexivas. Se trabajó el caso de Peñas Coloradas se trata de una población que fue víctima del conflicto armado, y de qué manera sus tierras fueron destruidas, al punto de dejarlas en total abandono, además no cuentan con el apoyo del gobierno, lo que conlleva a proponer estrategias psicosociales para fortalecer el tejido social. Finalmente, se expone en el informe analítico y reflexivo que trato de 5 presentaciones de foto voz, donde se cuenta la experiencia en cada comunidad, según el escenario de violencia en que han estado inmersos.In the following work, it is analyzed through the study of stories in different contexts of violence, where activities are carried out through a narrative approach, with the purpose of creating psychosocial strategies to address cases of violence and its consequences on victims left behind by conflict. armed. The story of Ana Ligia Higinio López is presented, who in turn tells us how this armed conflict marked her, who was exiled twice from her own land along with her children, this situation has had an emotional, psychological and social impact on being displaced, and not being able to continue with her projects, all these experiences have caused a loss in the social fabric, but despite the adversities she has had to face, she has come out ahead, through resilience each lived experience has served as a inspiration to compose poems, from the experience of Ana ligia, 9 questions were raised, three of a circular, strategic, and reflective type. The case of Peñas Coloradas was worked on, it is about a population that was a victim of the armed conflict, and how their lands were destroyed, to the point of leaving them in total abandonment, in addition they do not have the support of the government, which leads to proposing psychosocial strategies to strengthen the social fabric. Finally, it is exposed in the analytical and reflective report that I deal with 5 photo voice presentations, where the experience in each community is told, according to the scenario of violence in which they have been immersed

    First Colombian Multicentric Newborn Screening for Congenital Toxoplasmosis

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    Congenital toxoplasmosis can result in permanent sequel as blindness or neurological damage in children and it seems to be more severe in South America than in other continents. There is a lack of information about this frequency in Colombia, where no control program is established, although it is a recognized cause of potentially preventable congenital blindness. We propose the first Colombian multicentric study to determine the frequency and impact of congenital toxoplasmosis. More than 15,000 newborns in seven cities were studied. Newborns were tested at birth by doing a cord blood test for toxoplasmosis. Additionally, children from mothers with history of toxoplasmosis acquired during pregnancy were recalled for a follow-up. The program identified fifteen children otherwise undiagnosed; three of these children died as consequence of congenital toxoplasmosis. The frequency of the congenital infection varied significantly between cities, being higher in Armenia and Florencia, intermediate in Bogota, Bucaramanga and Barranquilla and very low in western cities such as Cucuta and Riohacha. For the first time a significant correlation was found between mean rainfall at the city and the incidence of this congenital infection

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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